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Eco Warrior Harry (think Greta Thunberg)

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by RandomUser, Jun 1, 2023.

  1. RandomUser

    RandomUser Banned

    Aug 23, 2020
    Personally witnessing the effects of Global Warming like, flash floods, unusual heat, crop failure and untimely rain and cold which has affected my livelihood.

    I keep escaping to the magical realm of HP Universe.

    So I kept wondering if how a nagging Hermione (cough! cough! Greta Thunberg) kept harping about would coming to end and even wizards wont be able to capture carbon out of atmosphere and so on

    I thought of so many scenarios where Druid!Harry goes on afforestation drive aided by magic. Think of the magic seeds of Astrix and Oblix, put single seed in and overnight you will find 100 year old oak.

    or Terrorist!Harry sneaking in to the worlds worst polluting factories and blowing them up irreparably.

    or Escapist!Harry already finding a new star for humans to settle (this trope has been attempted) or creating a totally hidden behind wards a prefect climate controlled worlds where everything is ok and greenery is abound.

    what would be your magical solution to solve current crisis?
  2. caparot

    caparot First Year

    Nov 4, 2016
    High Score:
    You can just go full thanos and kill most muggles. That will solve the problem.
  3. RandomUser

    RandomUser Banned

    Aug 23, 2020
    Well that would make Harry a Voldemort and efforts it takes to exterminate all 9 billion muggles is quite pain staking you see

    1. He could apparate to nuclear base and detonate new thermonuclear but that would make entire world radio active wasteland
    2. Plague but then either muggles are so ingenious so they will develop cure, or darwin's natural selection kick in and there would be someone immune or other wizards will step in either purely for muggle loving reason or because they are related and stuff
    3. AK-ing each and everyone is nigh impossible

    so since Harry doesn't, fuck even Voldemort doesn't have Thanos's power, how can one kill all muggles?
  4. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Enchant clouds to rain Muggle-killing water.

    Highly transmissible curse that only affects Muggles, has an incubation period of one month and has 100% lethality.

    Use the charm to bring magical paintings to life on various computers and let the AI apocalypse begin.

    Modify the Taboo to hit the speaker with lightning, Tabbo a number of words Muggles use a lot, make sure wizards know not to use them.

    Basilisk venom into water treatment plants.

    Curse the country so that all toilets have alligators hiding in them, ready to bite the Muggles who sit on them.
  5. Goten Askil

    Goten Askil Groundskeeper

    Feb 27, 2015
    Just convince the giants, Dementors, and other niceties to do the work for you.

    Or Imperius some government leaders so they go to war against each other. Even if some traitorous muggle-lover frees them, once it's started the chain of revenge makes it basically self-sustaining.

    In a less bloody eco warrior move, you could probably make these same government leader focus on eco-friendly research, but honestly that's so much less efficient.
  6. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Death Eater

    Sep 3, 2010
    A more interesting story to read about would be terrorists Harry going after polluters, the companies, and leaders, but does so in a way that wizarding world doesn't care.
    An increasingly frantic Hermione sees him wrecking middle society willy nilly while Harry meets nice with the Wizamgot
  7. Alistair

    Alistair Seventh Year

    Oct 28, 2014
    Assuming wizards are in any way worried about climate change, which I can't really see why they would be, the simplest solve is probably just to artificially induce 'peak oil' by employing 30 or so wizards to go put 'notice me not' or muggle repelling charms on all the known oil fields.

    The muggles would find more, but you could just taboo 'new oil discovery', 'new oil field', 'new well' etc in a couple of office buildings and your team of wizards would 'notice me not' them long before they can get a production well in place. I suppose a quiet bit of imperio usage could speed that along with major oil execs and national leaders.

    The muggles might know that something odd is going on, but it's hardly likely that they'd work out that it was magic, let alone who was responsible in time to do anything about it, so who cares. Blame it on aliens or faulty readings or just dose 'em up with forgetfulness potions or something.

    If you care about the muggles, you could do it slowly over a decade or so in order to allow society to recognize this, accept that the oil reserves are dwindling and innovate solves to move away from an oil dependent society. I'd expect a few 100s of millions of deaths, some resource scarcity and quite a few wars, but nothing 'extinction level', at least so long as you memory charm the folks with the nuclear codes first.

    If you don't care about muggles, do it over a long weekend and sit back with your popcorn whilst they nuke themselves into oblivion then starve to death in a dark ages hell scape. It's not like it'd be an enormous chore for the wizarding world to tidy up afterwards and you're just killing two birds with one stone.

    In the mean time, maybe look into vanishing some CO2 and conjuring some 02 and some carbonates to avoid completely wrecking the carbon cycle. Or just leave it alone and let the plants do their thing. The first option probably isn't an 'off the shelf' set of spells in the wizarding world, at least not on any major scale, but it hardly seems an impossible undertaking. A carefully modified air freshening charm, a modified bubble head charm or a wide scale targeted vanishing charm might do the trick for one half, and some basic conjuration of limestone on the other.

    Need is the mother of all invention and an undeniable pressing need to develop and implement other energy sources right this very minute would certainly lead to solutions pretty quickly. If it didn't, then who cares? They're only Muggles.
  8. Harpo the Fool

    Harpo the Fool Fifth Year

    Oct 30, 2022
    This is a plot point in Saviour of Magic, which was pretty good in a guilty pleasure sort of way.
  9. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    I had an idea for something like this as a post epilogue/Hogwarts fic. It would take place in the 2030s. Harry is considering retirement. But all is not well. For the last decade or so there has been a movement in the wizarding world from Britain to America to Japan screaming about the danger of muggle made climate change. Unlike the blood supremacy movements of the past this one is being lead by muggleborns and half bloods.

    As they spent a good portion of their childhood in the muggleworld they’ve seen all of the reporting from the news, governments, and activists. It was taught to them in their primary schools. When they get to the wizarding world they are baffled how magic isn’t being used to reverse air pollution, deforestation, and other ecological damage. In response the “Green Magic” movement arrived.

    The movement is large and spread over multiple countries, and it has factions. One faction wants to continue forward as they always have and fix the problem from the shadows. Another faction thinks it’s time to do away with the Statute of Secrecy and combine magic with muggle technology to let magic replace dirty energy, and another movement think Grindelwald was right. Muggles should no longer be in charge and wizards install a Magocracy that muggles live under (no technology, just magic).

    Then there’s Harry. The most famous wizard in the world. Everyone wants to know his opinion, and all he wants is to retire and watch quidditch.
  10. RandomUser

    RandomUser Banned

    Aug 23, 2020
    so the Green Movements looks more interested in politics then actually doing something meaningful

    but alas that the tragedy of life and bitter truth too.