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Ginny Weasley

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by FallenDruid, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. FallenDruid

    FallenDruid First Year

    Jul 5, 2007

    There seems to be a great deal of hate towards Ginny Weasley - ie, Ginslut, dieginnydie, and various other examples. I'm not entire clear on why there is suc hatred, or what grounds anyone has to call Ginny a slut.

    So far as I am aware, in canon, she has dated three people - Michael Corner, Dean Thomas, and Harry Potter.

    A lot of the rage seems directed towards Ginny under the belief that she has been feeding Harry Potter mood altering drugs - love potions - throughout book 6. This I strongly doubt - She seems too together to want that kind of love. I do, however, believe that Harry was in fact on mood altering drugs throughout the school year - drugs supplied by Severus Snape, in the form of a curious plant that was mentioned precisely once in the book, early on, that heightened aggression and would typically make the user angry and unpredictable. This seems far more logical than Ginny dosing Harry with love potions, which is much more the scene of Romilda Vane.

    However, the mention of 'a monster inside his chest' seems very odd to me...this may be a side effect of the chemicals he was taking unaware - or, alternatively, could be something far more horrific. I believe that the fragments of Voldemorts soul contained in horcruxes have a form of attraction for other peices of the soul - this follows several principles of sympathetic magic, and also makes logical sense. Ginny Weasley was possessed - for an extended period of time - by one of these soul fragments. Harry himself contains at the very least an imprint of Voldemort's mind/soul. It makes a certain form of sense that that imprint would want to get closer to the feel of a fragment of its soul, at the very least subconsciously, which would give Harry the same subconscious impulse as well as some odd feelings from time to time. It could also be that Voldemort's soul is too weak to truly live on its own, and, in fact, the curse scar Harry bears has served as an anchor for his spirit for all these years, in much the same manner as Quirrel once did. Ginny would be a far more suitable candidate to act as a anchor than Harry - she has no prophecy binding them, no power beyond that of an ordinary witch, and has already been subsumed by one of his soul fragments once, possibly indicating a weakness in her will, a certain susceptibility to possession, or simply that Harry himself is extraordinarily resistant to magical control and possession, which in and of itself has canon based evidence - ie, Imperius, the possession of Harry by Voldemort in book 5.

    Writing in the book and communicating with the soul fragment inside would also serve as an invitation, consciously or not, which would again leave Ginny susceptible to mental influence by Voldemort later on.

    In short, not only was Snape dosing Harry with a drug that enhances aggression and anger, but Voldemort could well have been subconsciously nudging Harry to get close to Ginny, so that whatever fragment of Voldemort Harry bears would find a more equitable home...which may or may not work, I'm not sure.
  2. Nobody

    Nobody Backtraced

    Jul 25, 2006
    People hate Ginny partially because she was a nobody, a sidenote, then in HBP she was written as "the life of the Quidditch team" for one, and Harry notices her and falls in Twoo Wuv out of nowhere when he's basically ignored her for the last five years. Basically she's like a Mary Sue but in canon.
  3. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    And how many people have other canon characters dated?
    One, two at most (Cho).

    So, by JKR's standards, she's a slut.
  4. FallenDruid

    FallenDruid First Year

    Jul 5, 2007
    *blinks* That's a hell of a reach, IP.
  5. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005
    You're right. This is flamebait.

    People usually don't hate Ginny because of Canon (Although, with HBP and all that...well, you can't say that very often anymore) People hate Ginny because of fanon.

    Like Nobody said, the whole "twuu love" shit and "soul mates" and that sort of fluffy crap that makes Ginny suddenly the most important person in the world, because she can spur on the powerful-but-oh-so-pathetic!Harry. And she's always made into a bit of a Mary-Sue.

    I admit that when I first entered the FF.Net world, I used to like Harry/Ginny. But it took me about two weeks to realised my mistake. I think I first went 'Bah' on a story where both Dumbledore and Harry lose to Voldemort, then Ginny comes at him with the sword of Gryffindor, gives a tearful monologue and makes him retreat. That was my end-point right there.

  6. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
    No it's not. In the HP world, you get married after Hogwarts. Lily and James married young.

    To think you'll find your true love at age 16 shows it's a different world. How many people has Hermione dated. None. She went to a ball with someone, kissed someone but hasn't dated anyone. Ron? One person, maybe. Maybe no one.

    Harry? One person, maybe. Now two.

    So Ginny comes out of nowhere and dates 3 people?

    She's a slut by the book's standards.

    She's also a Mary Sue.
  7. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    I think a lot of animosity for Ginny came from fanon. Fanon made her into this larger than life character that Harry must have as his girlfriend, wife, soul mate, etc. It is something that irks a lot of people. Ginny was unimportant from book 1-5. In book 2 she played a important part, but that was it. She was around a little in book 5, but not anything huge. Then all of a sudden BAM, Harry is kissing her in book 6.

    Imagine it as a fanfiction where Harry virtually meets an OC and falls for her rather quickly.

    Edit: I would also like to add, I think we can all agree that we hate the very thought of the "famous Ginny Weasley red haired fiery temper that makes Harry cringe in fear" (Said with much sarcasm) that the fanon loves to emphasize.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2007
  8. Snarf

    Snarf Squanchin' Party Bro! ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2007
    Forty-Six & 2
    High Score:
    Tell me a time in the first four books where Ginny is in their for more then two paragraphs at a time(excluding of course the fight with Tom Riddle). She was nothing, her character wasn't developed at all by JKR, and suddenly she appears in book 5. I expected that, or course she'd be in the DA, but their was still no character developments. They mentioned her maybe twice until the end when she's suddenly an important character(doing the same with Luna and Neville even though she didn't use or characterize them in the next book) who fights evil Death Eaters like she's been doing it all her life.

    Come six book, she suddenly pops in every chapter, somehow getting in a word or two that finally starts developing a minute amount of character in her. Then, when the school year starts, Ginny Weasley disappears for a while then suddenly appears again in Harry's thoughts, 'a raging monster in his chest', and Harry can't help but fall completely and utterly for the girl he hasn't even made eye contact with for most of the other five books.

    I'm not sure about the love potion, but pulling that out at the beginning out of no where and his sudden feelings for her leaves most to believe that she took some from her brothers' store.

    In summary: the characterization of her was awful and wasn't even started until the end of book five and Harry falls madly in love with her and is more worried about his wittle wuv bug Ginny then anything else. It was a sad book, with a sad romance, and sad plots.

    /me thinks Ginny is Rowlings ultimate screw up.
  9. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Ginny is a minor character, who, without proper reasoning, other than it was expected, has been made into a major character. Hell, Romilda Vane has more depth to her character than Ginny.
  10. Lorelei of the Sea

    Lorelei of the Sea Unspeakable

    Aug 13, 2005
    Southern California
    I think EvilSpanker pretty much summed up why I don't like canon!Ginny. Shezza covered the fanon version. And what they both said has been said at least a 100 times on this site. This has all been covered before, and if you had looked for it even a little before you posted you would have found trolls with your exact opinions, and DLPers responses to them.
  11. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    I have to admit I've hated Ginny since the end of CoS. She's an idiot, a nobody, and a hanger-on. She's a Fangirl in every respect. Then suddenly in OotP she's one of Harry's "inner circle" that goes to the DoM? Hell f-ing no. She has no skills and is only once again putting Harry in danger. In HBP she's suddenly causing Harry to use horrible metaphors for jealousy (monster in my chest...BAH!).

    She is a waste of text and has been from the moment she said, "Mummy can I go see him?" in book 1 right down to the moment Harry breaks up with her in book 6.

    Fanon Ginny only adds fuel to the flames for the reasons already stated by others.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2007
  12. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    1. like many said she came outta no where to become a main character. So she went to DoM she was still a minor character. By the end of OotP Luna and Neville are more developed than Ginny. In HBP she becomes Harrys whole world.

    2. In Fanon its the same with everything else. Way too many fangirls who write shit stories that are under the barrel. When Harry has a soulmate who goes from being a average undeveloped character to his soulmate in the space of 5 minutes and add 1 million cliches it sucks.
    Same thing happened to Hermoine and now its happened to Tonks. People may say that Harry/Kate, Harry/Susan, Harry/Hannah, Harry/femblaise, Harry/any undeveloped character is the same as Harry/Ginny need to realize something. If its love at first site and soulmates in 5 minutes or pages then its crap, unrealistic, and above all retarded.
  13. Hadoren

    Hadoren High Inquisitor

    Aug 21, 2006
    Guys, let's make this discussion not about why Ginny sucks (everybody already knows why) but about FallenDruid's theory on how Harry fell in love with Ginny in HBP.

    I think it's pretty good. It's unique: something I've never seen in all of the fandom before. Great explanations; can't see anything wrong with it. That would be a great way to break up the relationship in a post-HBP fic once Harry finds out.
  14. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006

    Alright. I'll be serious about it.

    Ginny is the closest thing in Cannon to Lily Potter, and Harry has an [SIZE=-1]Oedipus Complex. -tips his hat to Vash.- [/SIZE][SIZE=-1] [/SIZE]
  15. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    Very true, I said this in my introduction post. I think the only reason that Harry/Ginny exists is because JKR wanted to recreate the James/Lily romance and the only reason she paired Harry with Ginny is becuase of the resemblence to Lily.
  16. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    I like to think Lily Potter and Ginny are only similar in that they had red hair. Ginny is an idiot, Lily was not. Ginny is a fangirl that has lusted after Harry since she could say Harry Potter, Lily hated James until he matured. Ginny is a slut, there is no evidence that Lily was. Ginny is a bitch most of the time, Lily was said to be a kind person unless annoyed.
  17. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Indeed, but We don;t know what Lily's personality is outside of a flashback, which tbh showed Lily in a Ginny-light. Atleast, as far as I can recall it did. I haven't read HBP since the first time, which was almost a year ago.
  18. Lorelei of the Sea

    Lorelei of the Sea Unspeakable

    Aug 13, 2005
    Southern California
    This makes me wonder something. Personality-wise, is Ginny similar to James? I mean, we are led to believe that James was promiscuous, and a bully. Plus, he asked Lily out a lot before she finally caved.
  19. FallenDruid

    FallenDruid First Year

    Jul 5, 2007
    Most of the responses I have seen on this subject from DLP seems to be kneejerk responses to trolls, which are hardly conducive to discourse. I appreciate the reasonable posts from everybody.

    Fanon Ginny, for the most part, you may have a point - but then, the same could be said about almost any character, major or minor. Somewhere, someone wote something that no matter your opinion that character just really rubbed you the wrong way.

    Canon wise, there is some point to your comments as well, but at the same time, the books are about Harry Potter - not about Harry&Ginny - for which, I'm sure, many of you are devoutly thankful. Not having her development show in the books is logical, unless JKR had intended to make it blatantly obvious that Ginny was going to be an important character. Luna Lovegood achieves almost the same level of lack of character development, and Blaise Zabini far less in that way.

    By the same token, we have almost no direct information about what Hermione gets up to 75% of the time - and yes, I know, half of you or more hate 'herman' too, and the same for Ron.

    *shrugs* I've found over the years that I view things with a lot more equanimity than most people. I find little point in hating a character for the writing of the author, and instead tend to delve into the possible whys and wherefores of actions in my head.
  20. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Ron, Hermoine, some of the teachers, and I personally think Tonks was more developed of a character than Ginny by the end of OotP. Ginny basicly appeared magically in Harry's life in HBP