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The DLP Spell List

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Yarrgh!, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. Kenshkrix

    Kenshkrix DA Member DLP Supporter

    Feb 5, 2007
    Nowhere, California
    Name: Karmic Sacrifice/Shield
    Incantation: Compellorependofacina -Oris (This spell can be cast in stages, so it can be activated by a trigger)
    Translation: Compello - Force, Rependo - Pay Back, Facina -Oris - Bad Deed/Crime/Villainy
    Classification: Light Ritual/Shield
    Appearance: N/A
    Wand Movement: N/A
    Legality: This spell is practically unknown to the wizarding world, only Albus Dumbledore knows about this spell.
    Effects: This 'shield' will reflect a spell immediately upon an aggressor. It has been debated that it isn't actually a shield, as the recipient is still hit by the spell cast at them.
    Notes: Albus Dumbledore believes that Lily Potter managed to modify this spell to allow it to be charged against a specific person by linking it among several people. An example would be linking it between James, Lily, and Harry, having Harry as the focus of the shield. If somebody were to kill James or Lily, it would charge the shield on Harry against that person. Albus theorizes that the Killing Curse reflected because the shield was charged with 2 souls, one reflected the Killing Curse, the other protected Harry from death, he also believes that the shield was modified to be charged by blood (likely familial) and positive emotions.
    A spell reflected by this shield is impossible to avoid, as it comes into effect instantaneously.
    This spell is called the Karmic Sacrifice, because you can cast this spell and reflect a lethal curse (excluding soul magic such as Avada Kedavra) back onto an opponent, at the cost of your own life.

    Post Script: I wrote this at approximately 4:45 AM, so any (large) mistakes are caused by sleep deprivation, and if pointed out will be fixed when I wake up.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2007
  2. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    Some more Egyptian spells. I'm going to have to find some indexes for other languages soon...

    Name: Fire controlling charm
    Incantation: Sha sedjet
    Legality: Unlisted in European/Asian Governments, Depends upon use in African governments
    Class: Charm, Ancient
    Effect: Allows the caster to control fire for an amount of time. The amount of time depends on the power of the caster.
    Appearance: None
    Notes: Was created by Dark Pharaoh Arimesis to destroy the armies of Ramses II so that his army could sweep through Egypt. The plan failed, and he was executed.

    Name: Osiris’s Shield
    Incantation: Wisir Nekh (Name) – Osiris Defend (Name)
    Legality: Unlisted in European/Asian/Oceanian Governments, legal in African governments
    Class: Charm, Ancient
    Effect: Protects the person named for an hour as long as they are within a mile around the caster. The shield fails if cast upon the caster.
    Appearance: A slight black haze that envelopes the person being defended, and then no shield is apparent until a spell hits it. The shield is a mixture of black and blue.
  3. Dragonrider

    Dragonrider Guest

    Name: Unknown
    Incantation: Doleo Dementis Cariosus
    School: Dark Arts
    Classification: Curse
    Legality: An Ancient Unforgivable. The person to use this ancient spell would automaticly reacieve death as punishment
    Area: One single target.
    Spell Effect: The effect of this spell is a tricky one. First you suffer pain worse than the cruciatus curse then you will start to suffer nightmares of unimaginable horrors while under the pain part of the curse then you start to slowly rot away
    Notes: This Dark Arts curse is an ancient Egyptian curse thought lost for millenia
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2007
  4. Dragonrider

    Dragonrider Guest

    Sorry Was in a hurry made a few spelling errors
  5. Zoken

    Zoken Card Captored and buttsecksed

    Mar 25, 2007
    Name: Rebellion Charm
    Incantation: Illegitimate Noncarborundum
    School: Dark Arts
    Classification: Charm
    Legality: Punishible by up to two months incarceration
    Area: One single person/animal/self-regulation object
    Spell Effect: It causes rebellious attitudes in the target. This leads them to immediately act in defiance of whatever authority they sense.
    Notes: Completely inneffective against teenagers.

    Name: Corrupting Flower Summoning
    Incantation: Aku Aki
    School: Dark Japanese conjuration
    Classification: conjuration/transfiguration
    Legality: Legal due to old laws
    Area: depends on the power of the caster
    Spell Effect: conjurse black and red flowers whose pollen generates evil in people. The spell is legal as it takes many of the flowers to actually cause someone to act against character. the spell conjures different numbers of flowers depending on the strength put into it.
    Notes: The flowers are immune to fire.
  6. Kenshkrix

    Kenshkrix DA Member DLP Supporter

    Feb 5, 2007
    Nowhere, California
    Name: Spear of a Thousand Deaths
    Incantation: Quiris Consisto Dolormiliamors Mortis
    Translation: Quiris - A spear, Consisto - To be formed of, Dolor - Pain, Misery, Suffering, Milia - Thousands, Mors Mortis - Death.
    Classification: Ancient Unforgivable, Pure Black Arts
    Appearance: A solid black spear that seems to emit pure evil, which taints the light of the area.
    Wand Movement: A sharp stab forward at Quiris, a fast tight circle around the stab at Consisto, five perfect circles pointing above ones wand shoulder during Dolormilamors, flowing into a throwing gesture at Mortis, as if throwing a spear.
    Legality: Caster becomes Kill On Sight in every country, Magical and Muggle.
    Effects: Throws a Dark spear of pure evil, which taints the light of the area and makes everybody that is not evil nauseated. If the Spear hits somebody, they will feel the pain of a(several) thousand(s of) cruciatus curses, normally causing death, as the mind is too shattered for the body to remain functioning.
    Notes: This spell is incredibly hard to cast, as it requires a large amount of power, as well as the caster being purely evil, having no positive emotions at all. The Nauseating feeling passes as soon as the Spear hits something/body for those behind or to the side of the caster, it will last for several minutes to anybody in front of the caster.
  7. ArseNick

    ArseNick Fourth Year

    Mar 3, 2007
    New Delhi, India
    Name: Earthen Spike
    Incantation: Terra Spiculum
    Classification: Elemental transmutation
    Appearance: -no visible wandfire-
    Technique: point wand at the ground near the target, followed by a sharp swish upwards.
    Effects: The Earthen Spike is quite literally that, thrusting from the ground in front of the target to impale him/her. The spell hardens the earth and causes it to jut out like a spear. The strength of the spike depend on the caster's magical strength.
    Notes: Said to have been invented during the days of Merlin himself, by the Woad Druids. It lost popularity later as more lethal curses were developed. Now it remains as an obscure spell at best. Most don't even know of its existence. However, that doesn't dampen the spell's usefulness at the hands of a clever witch or wizard.

    Name: Fire Cutter
    Incantation: Flammasectum
    Classification: Offensive curse
    Appearance: a flaming arc lancing toward the target.
    Technique: swinging the wand in an arc on way, and then in reverse.
    Legal in life-threatening situations, and certain duels and tournaments. Use not under any of these conditions results in minimum of a thousand galleon fine. Requires high levels of magic.
    Effects: The Fire Cutter is a deadly cutting curse enhanced by elemental fire, making it harder to repel and longer-lasting and stronger in its operation. It is a highly advanced duelling spell, known to the best the wizarding world has to offer.
    Notes: The curse was invented Harvy Stemroot, a noted pioneer of Herbology, and an explorer of some caliber. He invented it specifically to fight the more massive clumps of Devil's Snare he encountered in his travels.
  8. Dark Magic

    Dark Magic Denarii Host

    Jan 23, 2007
    Name: Forever Silent
    Incantation: igneus silentium
    Translation: igneus- burning, silentium- silence
    Classification: Dark Arts/ Charms
    Appearance: Looks the same as a "Silencio"
    Legality- Illegal
    Effect- This is a darker version of the charm "Silencio". Not only does it cause the target to become mute, but it also makes the victim feel an intense burning sensation in their larynx (voice box) whenever they try to speak. The more they try to speak, the more intense the burning becomes. If the victim tries to scream, they receive that much more pain. Exposure to this charm can make the victim mute.
    Notes- Used by the more sadistic DEs. It isn't very difficult to cast; NEWT level students could successfully do it.

    -Just a small spell that I thought up when I looked through this thread. Seeing so many "powerful" and "complex" spells made me want to create a basic one.
  9. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    Name: Topping Up charm
    Incantation: (Substance)-gcwalisa
    Legality: Legal
    Class: Charm
    Wand movement: Point at target
    Effect: Fills the target with the named substance
    Appearance: N/A
    Notes: The target fills up instantaneously, but can be done gradually by a powerful wizard. In 1961, a wizard named Tom Marvolo Riddle appealed to the Wizengamot of Britain for a license to experiment with the spell on living beings. His appeal was refused. After the Third Blood War it was revealed that Tom Marvolo Riddle was Lord Voldemort.

    Name: The Smoking Wall Illusion
    Incantation: Moshi Ukuta
    Legality: Legal
    Class: Conjuration
    Wand movement: Two discreet flicks, and the a wide arc where the wall will appear
    Effect: Creates a wall of smoke which reflects most spells sent though it.
    Appearance: A wall of black smoke
    Notes: Despite the incantation is in Swahili, it was actually created in the 12th century by the German professor Hildegard. It is believed he used the spell to prevent spells disturbing his experiments. Unfortunately, the lately developed tickling charm had an adverse effect, causing the smoke walls to disintegrate, became normal smoke which suffocated him.

    Name: Delusional Power
    Incantation: Haud verus vox
    Legality: Legal
    Class: Mind Magic
    Wand movement: N/A
    Effect: Gives the victim an apparent boost of magical power which is fake.
    Appearance: None
    Notes: Despite the apparent powers the victim receives, the spell actually prohibits magic at the same time. To cast it, it requires an exceptional amount of real power.
  10. Kenshkrix

    Kenshkrix DA Member DLP Supporter

    Feb 5, 2007
    Nowhere, California
    How do you pronounce 'gcwalisa'?

    Name: Spinner
    Incantation: Neocursim
    Translation: Neo - To spin, Cursim - quickly, rapidly
    Classification: Charm
    Appearance: N/A
    Wand Movement: Flick the wand towards the target while saying the incantation, then twirl your wand in circles, spell ends when you stop your wand.
    Legality: Legal
    Effect: Spins the target around in circles quickly.
    Notes: This spell is very hard to cast on a strong-willed individual unless they are caught off-guard. This spell is commonly used for Muggle-baiting by non-malicious wizards and witches.
  11. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    I'm not sure, but I guess it's gic-wal-isa.

    Just a random guess though (anybody who has any idea on how to speak zulu, correct me)
  12. Fulgar

    Fulgar Second Year

    Aug 1, 2006
    Name: Living Silver
    Incantation: Ago Argentum Operor Meus Opus
    Translation: Orior - To Be Born, Argentum - Silver, Operor -To Work, Labor, Meus - My, Opus - Deed, Labor
    Legality: Perfectly legal in most countries but only for Silversmiths or Silverworkers (name depends in where you are), the use of the spell without a license is punishable by a fine or even prison (depending on the country).
    Class: Charm
    Appearance: Silver rises up from it's previous occupied space and floats in front of the caster, waiting for their command. It can also appear from nowhere.
    Wand Movements: N/A (Closely guarded secret of the Silversmith's/Silverworker's)
    Effect: Makes the silver literally rise up, usually in a amorphous or blob shape until directed by the caster. All it requires is a strong will to shape the silver or word commands. If there is no inanimate silver around it will literally start to form out of nothing taking a heavy toll on the wizard's or witch's power until they cancel the connection or die. Silver raised from nothing is usually more magically attuned and therefore more readily to take orders from the caster and resistant to magical forces. The commands are usually in Latin but wordless commands work just as well, though, the user must be exceptionally well disciplined and have a strong willpower as any stray thought will disrupt the silver.
    Notes: The only limit to this spell is how much imagination the castor has (that and their magic), as it is recorded that it was used in battle at ancient times and Silver Duels (a contest between 2 Silversmith's/Silverworker's to show their skill in the art of silver-making) of long times past. It is not known when this spell was created, but it's most notable use was when it was used to create the enchanted/mystical blade called Excalibur. It came to be from a Silver Duel in which the challenger won but also died from the heavy strain it took on his magic from creating such a powerful object.
  13. Richard

    Richard Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 5, 2006
    Name: Call Lightning
    Incantation: Voco Levitas
    Translation: To call Lightning
    Lagality: Illegal in all countries
    Class: Dark Arts
    Appearance: A lightning bolt from the sky
    Wand Movements: Hold your wait downwards in a straight line (preferably wrist bent down), while driving the wand in a downward motion.
    Effect: Depends on power of said user and by how many objects user wants struck by a lightning bolt.

    Note: This spell is said to be created by a Dark Lord in midevil times, a Dark Lord named "Lord Voco Gelu" (which translates from Latin To Call Cold). He used this spell to strike down his enemies with bolts of Lightning. It was his most favored spell during skirmishes or wars. Lord Voco Gelu lived to be 130 years old, until someone from the light side struck him down with a fire spell.

    Edit: I hope the Latin phrases/words turn out to be right. I used a website translater (Although I'm not sure how accurate most of them are).
    Last edited: May 20, 2007
  14. Hadoren

    Hadoren High Inquisitor

    Aug 21, 2006
    First, a warning. Some may think that this idea is stupid. But it's been bugging me forever.

    When I first read OotP, there was this scene:
    -OotP American Version, Pg. 803

    And I thought to myself, what if their wands were actually swords? Like lightsabers. I've never seen anybody use a wand as a lightsaber for dueling. It's a really cool idea.

    Now for some magical theory on how it works.
    Name: Dueling Wand

    Incantation: Idej

    Translation: Power

    Legality: Legal everywhere.

    Class: General

    Appearance: The wand turns into a sword the color of one's magic.

    Wand Movements: Do whatever you like. Just make it look cool. It must look cool.

    Effect: A wizard concentrates his magic in his wand for spells - this is done as early as a 1st year. Therefore a wand with a suitable spell on itself can transform the magic inside the wand into energy; what happens is that the wand is turned into a sword of energy: an Sabrer. The magic, being in a form of a line, usually expands itself along the shape of a wand - that is, it extends the wand's length.

    Now this energy is pure magic. According to the 1st Law of Inoljt, Magic Repels Magic. Thus any magical spells or effects can be deflected by this spell. Inevitably, a spell loses some of its power coming out of the wand. Because the magic in the wand is far purer, it has a greater repelling force. The Sabrer preferably should touch the magic to reflect it, but this is not always necessary; one must merely use more energy to repel magic close to the sword. A second effect is that if the Sabrer touches a person, all the magic is repelled from him. As every living being has a certain amount of magic inside him that assists his vital functions, to be touched by this sword would cause great pain as the magical cores of two people fight each other. However, since inherent magic is far stronger than spell magic, it is nigh impossible to repel magic in a person outside of the sword's touch.

    One's Sabrer length and shape can be changed using one's will, if one is powerful enough. Transfiguration spells have given this power to the masses, whereas before only the Lords of Magic had the ability. In addition, the thickness of the Sabrer varies depending on the power that is put into it. The more magically inclined a person, the less thick his Sabrer, as he will have the control to use the least amount of energy possible while still causing the same amount of damage.

    Notes: This spell is often used for official duels. It has very little usage outside of battle.

    This spell is the reason the field of Transfiguration exists. The wish to easily change one's Sabrer led to the creation of shape-changing spells, which then were applied outside the spell.

    Opinions vary widely over the effectiveness of the spell in an actual fighting. Wizards from Europe generally regard spell magic as - although somewhat weaker - far more useful because of the ease of manipulation and the wide variety of effects that spell magic has. On the other hand, wizards from Japan use this spell almost exclusively and argue that the Sabrer can undo all spell effects easily enough to justify this use.
  15. Snarf

    Snarf Squanchin' Party Bro! ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2007
    Forty-Six & 2
    High Score:
    name: Combusting Tempest
    Incantation: Sakta Sinbrinna
    Translation: Sakta-slow sinne-mind brinna-burn
    Legality: Illegal in all countries besides Australia, where it is only legal against P.O.W.
    class: Dark Mind Magic
    Appearance: A white flash of the casters eyes right before the spell begins it's transfer to the victim.
    Wand Movement: None needed. Only an eye connection and knowledge of the victim's full name
    Effect: Slowly begins to burn the victim's mind shields from the inside, causing the victim to become
    less conscious of what they say and allow the caster-if proficient in legilimency-to access their mind with
    no resistance.

    Note: The creator of the spell was a Lieutenant of a French resistance - oxymoron that - force which tried to
    hold out against Hitler's and Grindlewald's troops during WWII along the western flank in Paris. Gilles
    Fambois, after using this curse on his prisoners of war, found that it created an almost complete disregard
    for conscious thought from it's victim. The problem was, it also deteriorated the mind rather quickly as well,
    giving the cast only two to three minutes before the victim was completely unconscious, and most likely insane.
    Even so, Gilles found the dark magic from this curse so addicting that he used it on almost every prisoner of
    war he came into contact to. That was, of course, until he was captured by the enemy force and his mind was
    shattered by the Cruciatus curse before he was burned alive on the stake.

    Sorry if it's crap, but my creativity is lacking.
  16. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    I did that more than a year ago, Freak Parade chapter four about half way through, a combo reflecting shield and cutting charm. It constantly draws power from the wielder (so it's not advisable for weaklings) but it does reflect a wide variety of spells if you can "catch" them with the "blade". Incantation of "luxaber" and a different grip.
  17. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    Name: Eternity Wine
    Incantation: Saecula saeculorum Vinum
    Wand Movement: Slow, clockwise stirring motion, steadily increased in speed for repetitions required to fulfill spell effects.
    Reagents: Cup of any combination of grapes.
    Class: Legal Low Level Alchemy (Combination of Transfiguration and Potions)

    Effect: Transforms grapes into a wine whose age depends on the skill of the caster. The wine formed from Saecula saeculorum Vinum will never go bad, nor will it ferment or age beyond what it is created as.

    Origin: Created by French magical vineyard owners in the late 1600's in an attempt to please the tyrannical Louise XIV.

    (This is my first attempt at an alchemic spell. This type of alchemy will be what I'll be using in a fic soon. I'd appreciate it if you contact me if you want to use the idea for alchemy in general. No contact is necessary if you want to use one of these spells on it's own.)
  18. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    Title: The Silent Strike OR The Sniping Hex
    Incantation: Dawedog Bell Bwra
    Wand Movements: A perfectly still arm, holding ones wand tightly. The arm is slowly drawn back towards the body by retracting the shoulder blade and bending the elbow whilst holding ones wand perfectly on the target (no wrist movement), then quickly and forcefully jabbing forward.
    Reagents: None.
    Class: Ancient Welsh Assassination Hex/Dark Magic

    Effect: Sends a small, 'bullet' of magic around the size of a marble over a great distance in a perfectly straight line/ It will not stop until it impacts on a surface. Can be lethal when aimed at the head, neck, or heart. Takes much set up to cast, and is usually used from a distance. Cannot pierce most basic shield charms.

    Origin: Developed by ancient Welsh archers and a magical means of taking out high level targets for a great distance.
  19. The-Hyphenated-One

    The-Hyphenated-One Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Sep 5, 2006
    Try not to double post, I am not quite sure of the time limit, but you can edit your original post. Just a heads up.

    Now onto the spells. The wine one is very ingenious, what with the age depending on that of the caster. Does the power of the caster affect it at all?

    I always wondered when someone would have a spell that mimicked a bullet. If these are the kind of spells to expect in your upcoming story, then I can't wait to read it.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2007
  20. LogrusMage

    LogrusMage Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 25, 2007
    Huntington Sta., NY
    First of all, I gotta say sorry again for the double post, I keep forgetting about that. I'm used to a different forum where they don't particularly care about things like double posting :wall:. I think I've got it now, though.

    As for the wine spell, it's going to be some of the first alchemy Harry will be seeing, and will be used by my French/Italian Dark Wizard. the age of the wine depends on skill of the caster, meaning the caster can age the wine to perfection, or ruin it by sending it far past it's prime. As the spell requires very little power, I'm using the word skill to mean 'holding power back'. The amount of power put into the spell determines it's age/taste.

    And the bullet spell will be quite important for my assassin. That's the kind of spell he favors. Long distance, no confrontation, hit-em-an-run spell fighting.

    I like making spells :) I've done spell writing (flavor texts and lore as well as creation) for an old free MMORPG. I'm drawing a bit from that (which is why some of my spells will be in welsh, it was the language I used when making spells for the MMO). As the MMO never left the coding stages, I'm pretty sure I can use my work (as in, I don't think they copyrighted my stuff...). Making up new alchemic stuff is the hardest. I need things that both potions and transfiguration can't do already, but still fits in the mold of alchemy. I'll probably end up making a bunch of basic spells that imitate transfiguration to a point, noting they're now obsolete. It'll be the upper-level alchemic spells that Harry will be very interested in. I'm thinking of including the art of wand-making as an ancient alchemic practice as well.