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Why is Ginny Weasley so hated?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dark Lady Pryor, Nov 25, 2007.

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  1. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    Ginger pubes.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  2. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    I'm one of the people who have hated Ginny from the start.

    I often remember puzzling as to why Hermione wasn't going to be Harry's girlfriend. She was the logical choice - she's muggleborn (and in touch with the nonmagic side, like Harry is), smart, cares for Harry, and apparently not bad looking if her appearance at the Yule Ball is to be believed.

    In a way, I guess, I dislike Ginny because she took the position I thought was reserved for Hermione.

    That and the fact that Rowling doesn't make me care for her. She just is. Making such a unimportant character (for the reader) important like she did is just annoying.
  3. Raijin

    Raijin Slug Club Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    Didn't actually hate her until somewhere between OoTP and HBP. Somewhere during fanon times. Coincentallly I was intodruced to DLP at that time, wonder if its a coincedence.

    When I was younger, i.e. stupid I was going with the OBHWF thing, but I eventually thought that no one would write something so stupidly idealistic....

    Anyhow I agree with Amerison up there and hadn't even notcied Ginny until I hit fanfiction.net
  4. Gabrinth

    Gabrinth Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Feb 24, 2007
    Cary, NC
    To be honest I didn't hate Ginny until after the seventh book. Ginny was, to me, just someone for Harry to try to get away from it all with. He was supposed to make out with her, do a bit of dry humping, and try to be the normal teen that most of the world expected. But he was supposed to see, in the end, that he wasn't a normal teen and that Ginny was just a fantasy of a normal teen life in which you have the time to flirt and date and go out with someone just because they are hot and good at quidditch.

    Ginny's lack of any character depth didn't really bother me so much in HBP because I thought that was what JKR was shooting for. I thought that she was supposed to be the superficial piece of ass that Harry was supposed to grow up a bit and see the real world a bit more by being with.

    Sadly, I found in the seventh book that this character who lacked any personality what so ever was supposed to be the lover of Harry fucking Potter, the hero of our story. In the end I began to hate her, and I now firmly agree with all of your anti-Ginny sentiments.
  5. Lunarian

    Lunarian Third Year

    Aug 11, 2005
    Sittin In A Chair
    I liked her at first, when I was originally reading fanfiction H/G was my favorite pairing. I used to read all those mega sappy stories over at sugarquill and just suck it all up greedily. That was when I had read up to the fourth book, good old GoF, the last one to not suck majorly for most parts.

    Then OOTP came out and suddenly she started getting all these random jumps in character points, then HBP came and I really started to get sick of her antics. That bat-bogey hex and the legendary status all those wizards give it pisses me off to no end. Not to mention her wham outta nowhere super quidditch skills, promiscuity, and the pointless monster in Harry's chest.

    And of course DH completely sealed the coffin on that. Now I thrive for stories where Ginny casts her hex and is laughed at or ridiculed, where she gets turned down by Potter humiliatingly, where her quick to hit attitude gets her in hot water.
  6. Illnill

    Illnill First Year

    Nov 19, 2007
    Unlike most here, I hardly care about this Ginny-issue.

    Ginny for me was just a little annoying girl at the beginning. And she stayed an annoying little girl.

    Until suddenly, OoTP comes up and she's all 'gutsy'.

    I get the picture that JKR wasn't really sure who she was pairing Harry with. And then suddenly the image of Ginny and Harry snogging on a tree pops in her head, from go knows where. And then she made Ginny 'cool' so that we could like her.

    Wrong move.

    If she had decided on the pairing from the very beginning, then fleshed out Ginny from after the events of the second year, showed us how she changed from a stupid fangirl into a character with flaws then maybe we would have some affection for Ginny.

    I'm talking about canon here, of course.

    I could read a fanon!Ginny that is written good. What I would do, if I was an H/G shipper, is first show her as still a fangirl and evolve her into something better, like I suggested above. In other words, fix the canon mistakes. Until I can come across a fic that can actually do that instead of popping her up looking like canon!Ginny and suddenly being Harry's soul mate.

    And I already said she had to be well-written as well.

    Meaning a character who isn't bitchy and acting like an airhead all the fucking time. Make a good personality.

    Until that actually happens, I don't give a fuck about Ginny.
  7. Jolersoer

    Jolersoer Third Year

    Nov 26, 2007
    Bordeaux, France
    I do not like Ginny because she took what was for Luna. Since I have discovered Luna Lovegood in OoTP, I loved the character and there was some discussion between Luna and Harry and I get the impression he was the only one to give her some attention, to listen to her.
    And then in HPB, no more Luna, she nearly disappear when I thought there would be some opposition between her end Hermione to gain Harry affection ( Order vs Chaos), each one being at least a very good friend and ditching Ron in the process, I hadn't even thought of Ginny...
  8. rededison

    rededison Second Year

    Aug 25, 2007
    I didn't hate Ginny before OotP. In fact, I read a bit of H/G before OotP. Why? Because as far as I was concerned she didn't really exist before OotP. Not with any depth anyway - what did we know? That she had a crush on Harry and that she was dumb enough to write in a cursed diary (granted, she was 11. I did stupid shit when I was eleven too, but that's a story for another time). Oh, and that she went with Neville to the Yule Ball. That was about it. She wasn't a main character through Goblet of Fire - none of the other characters spared her a second glance, and neither did JKR.

    Pre-OotP, H/G fanfiction wasn't that different from many other pairings now - a writer was free to develop whatever personality he wanted for Ginny, since JKR hadn't. That changed with OotP.

    Not only did we have Ginny and eventually a canon Harry/Ginny pairing, but a number of readers didn't like JKR's Ginny. And (for good or for bad) the fandom does tend to follow canon, so most fanfiction now contains the Ginny that JKR developed.

    That's why I don't really read H/G now, unless it diverges from canon so much that Ginny isn't Ginny, if that makes any sense.

    On the plus side, with OotP we all got Luna.
  9. Demonic Chair Stealer

    Demonic Chair Stealer Second Year

    Nov 3, 2007
    The reason I dislike her is that she brings nothing to the chemistry of their little group of friends. With, of course, the exception of the infamous and unseen/undescribed Bat Bogey

    (Sorry accidentally hit post without realizing it, please delete this)
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2007
  10. Demonic Chair Stealer

    Demonic Chair Stealer Second Year

    Nov 3, 2007
    The reason I dislike her is that she brings nothing to the chemistry of their little group of friends. With, of course, the exception of the infamous and unseen/never described Bat Bogey Hex.

    Look at Hermione's character, she is the intelligent aspect that occasionally teaches the other characters something.

    Ron's is the lovable dumb ass sidekick, who doesn't really help but is for the most part loyal. He is also the connection to the Weasley's, which as Randeemy said are what the majority of the plot lines are based around.

    What significant aspect does Ginny bring that can't be fulfilled by another character?

    Like people said before me you don't know anything about her, so you can't answer that question.
  11. Niffler Lord

    Niffler Lord Headmaster

    Feb 19, 2006
    Sri Lanka
    Hate Ginny? I don't really. I just prefer it if she stayed a non-entity like in the other books. Plus I agree about her been a Mary-sue who sprung out of nowhere.

    Harry Potter is not perfect. So how is the Ginny-sue the ideal match for him?
  12. yhelo

    yhelo Sixth Year

    Oct 30, 2007
    Texas...the land of y'all
    I think Ginny is good enough for Harry in the way that she is a redhead, and I for one have never seen an ugly redhead in real life. She is described in the books as a looker too. Other than that she is an under developed character that has no business hooking up with the hero for anything more than a one night stand or used for a place holder to write smut.

    I rate Harry/Ginny the same as Harry/Fem!Blaise, Harry/Tonks, Harry/OC and Harry/Daphne. Harry/Hermione and Slash are on a higher level of fail.
  13. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    A picture is the best reply...

  14. Dark Lady Pryor

    Dark Lady Pryor Fourth Year

    Nov 7, 2007

    Well Methene, that's one way to prove yhelo wrong.

    Not a great sight for any of us, though.
  15. Saint Alia

    Saint Alia First Year

    Dec 2, 2007
    Without the makeup and wahtever touching up done on the picture she's hideous.
    Methene you've just proven there's such thing as an ugly red head, and you've scarred me for it. Great job by the way.

    Ginny's highly disliked by most people due to her almost Mary-sue status. She came out of nowhere in the last three books, suddenly becoming popular, powerful, and always the "Life of the Quiditch team". And that pissed a lot of people off.

    There wasn't any balance to these traits, J.K. just rushed a secondadry character into a primary one without any buildup. She went from a few lines here and there in book five and suddenly Harry was snogging her in book six. Also when her brothers (ie. Fred, George, Ron) confronted her about a flaw (going through boyfriends like candy) they always came out looking like jerks while Ginny was in the right.

    Ginny skills were also put into too good a light, the Quiditch queen being better than other characters who'd been playing longer, her tell and no show bat bogey hex. After all people like Slughorn and her brothers would go on about how great it was, but it was never directly shown.

    Her character was ridculous, and that's why I hate her from my little black heart.

    Okay, I'll end my rant now.
  16. Rawrixmoo

    Rawrixmoo Second Year

    Jul 8, 2007
    New York City
    I stopped reading after OoTP and have never touched an H/G :p Does that make 3?
  17. Goofykilledher

    Goofykilledher First Year

    Nov 16, 2007
    I just read something that made me laugh my ass off.

    A Ginny Rant

    It's good to see people explode. They make my day. :cheers:
  18. Kick810

    Kick810 Squib

    Dec 8, 2007
    wow... thats one hell of a rant... good find...haha...
  19. yhelo

    yhelo Sixth Year

    Oct 30, 2007
    Texas...the land of y'all
    In real life, guy. Get dressed, walk out to your car, drive to the nearest club, and look for ugly redheads. In the picture she looks retarded, but I bet someone with dress sense and a smaller paintbrush of makeup could make her look doable.
  20. yhelo

    yhelo Sixth Year

    Oct 30, 2007
    Texas...the land of y'all
    She had two boyfriends, ever, before Harry. One when she was 14, one when she was 15. That just doesn't seem that slutty to me.

    Other than that, ya, I don't know what the hell JKR was thinking not giving her much of a build up to reach her main role.
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