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Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun by Vanir - NC17

Discussion in 'Trash Bin' started by boghi8462, Dec 14, 2007.

  1. boghi8462

    boghi8462 Backtraced

    Jan 7, 2007
    Title: Harry Potter and the Midnight Sun
    Author: Vanir
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Harry/Gabrielle Delacour/OC/OC/OC
    Status: WIP
    Summary: Harry escapes Britain, and learns the truth about the weirdest heritage ever. He learns stuff and gets some girls, too. There is much to experience in the land of the Midnight Sun.

    Link: http://www.ficwad.com/story/76962

    The guy who writes this is a major perv with a Bachelor's degree in Norse mythology. Acording to him, "Part of the point of this fic is an attempt to explain my thesis in a way that makes sense. I'm mostly trying to make something here that might entertain me, and maybe you for a while." All in the HP Fanverse. Did I mention he was a major perv? Writing Harry in a relationship with non-human females lets him get away with a lot of things.

    On top of that, what he means through 'the weirdest heritage ever', he means the weirdest heritage ever. I for one am yet to find something to top it.
  2. deathinapinkboa

    deathinapinkboa Minister of Magic

    Aug 24, 2006
    Democratic Republic of The Congo
    Bitch, don't waste my time with this shit.
  3. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    This fic gets Dubya's kindergarten grade: 1/5.
  4. Drajjen

    Drajjen First Year

    Oct 2, 2005
    I actually enjoyed this fic for the first 5 or 6 chapters. The smut was decently written at the very least. However, the last few chapters posted are full of epic fail.

    I am not saying that the first 5 or 6 chapters were actually good, I just thought the smut of those chapters were decent.

    Now however, even the smut is stupid. In one scene, Harry, somehow, makes Gabby's tits grow to baloon like proportions or some such. A little later he loans out one of his "wives" for Neville to fuck silly.

    Bet your ass, that if I ever somehow got a Harem, I wouldn't start loaning my bitches out to people, and if for some reason I could be talked into it, Neville Longbottom wouldn't be on top of the list.

  5. boghi8462

    boghi8462 Backtraced

    Jan 7, 2007
    Challange to insult.


    Another member who can't read. It said NC-17 in the thread's title. And then started bitching about time by waisting more of it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Though it could read and process "Bachelor's degree in Norse mythology", now she would not have her dignity running for the hills. Not my problem she's a prude that can't stand to read a little boinking on the side of a fic.

    Though... Hmm.

    Challange: Find me other fics that incorporate Norse mythology. For that matter any mythology besides the Greek, Roman and Christian ones. No Summer and Winter Court shit either. No Angels and Demons. These are overused and usually used badly. Actual gods or sentient mythological creatures that involve themselts in the HP Fanverse for a reason that has to do with their purpose in their pantheon.
  6. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Holy fuck, it galls me every time a flaming retard somehow lasts this long. I have a challenge for you. Find me a decent fic that incorporates Norse mythology, bitch.

    And for the record, the Roadrunner is far superior to your chicken.
  7. boghi8462

    boghi8462 Backtraced

    Jan 7, 2007
    Decent? Can't! The Aesir were the gods of the Vikings, and, as such, rape was always on the menu. Oden had a tendency to get high as a house and rape everything in sight and was the first character in writen history that was a drug addict. The Valkyries are renown for their beauty, but it seems the only way they could reproduce is if they came by a man strong enough to force himself on one.

    The other side of the coin, the Vanir were at their base dieties of fertility.

    What has decency to do with godhood? I'm still not sure if it was God the Father or The Holy Spirit who fucked Mary. Why was Hera so mad at Heracles? Because Zeus was a horny bastard! And he wasn't the only one. Europa was fucked by a bull! Take that for a symbol!

    I would go on and on but the Dark Lords and Ladies of this forum seem to be Prude, not Dark. :rolleyes: Woe me! :rolleyes:

    Just to amuse myself, I'll respond to the last bit: Is Roadrunner a Super Saiyan?
  8. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Why are you intentionally trying, and succeeding, at portraying yourself as an idiot? I said a decent fic, not a fic containing a decent mythology. I've nothing against Norse mythology, but the writing of the story itself is shit. Thus, it is unenjoyable.

    No matter what you say, this still won't make it into the library. It won't even make it into the recycling bin.

    The Roadrunner isn't Super Saiyan. More importantly, it doesn't need to be. A Super-Saiyan chicken is, in the end, still a chicken. The Roadrunner doesn't cross roads. It transcends them. Bitch.
  9. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    You've got your symbolism wrong for a start. The Holy Spirit "impregnated" Mary. The theme can be found in many Christian religious symbols, such as the Annunciation. The Holy Spirit is generally represented by a white dove, with a ray of sunlight pointing towards Mary's womb.

    Hera was not mad at Heracles because Zeus was a horny bastard. Please note Zeus had many other children, and while she was not inordinately pleased about that she did not hunt any with the same passion as Heracles. Rather Zeus preferred Heracles over his children by Hera, and had many plans concerning him. Heracles was going to play a massive role in a war between the Olympians and other spawn of Gheea (forgot their name, big fellows with a hundred arms). Said spawn was instigated in a plot to overthrow Zeus at one point. Part of which was Hera, Poseidon and other such lovely fellows.

    Saying that Zeus wasn't the only horny bastard and giving the bull as evidence is staggeringly lacking. Zeus was the bull, in animal form, and as such he impregnated Europa.

    Seeing as you are Romanian, I would recommend you read "Legendele Olimpului" de Alexandru Mitru. While somewhat simplistic, it creates a solid base to expand from.

    The matter with Norse mythology, or Japanese mythology, or Incan mythology, or whatever other obscure reference you may find is that they are done for one of three reasons.

    1. Either the author is a Norse!Fanboy, Japanese!Fanboy and they are imagining that their story is some form of tribute.
    2. They are from that culture.
    3. They are doing it for the shock factor. Much like Madonna started spouting off Cabala nonsense. Hey my ancestors have done things like that for thousands of years, but because I can and I want to be unique I am going to dig up some obscure shit.

    These reasons create another problem. The mainstream person cares about Harry Potter and are familiar with Catholic, Greek and Roman mythology (although the two are similar, there are subtle differences). They would like to read a story that combines the HP world with the mythological world, but they don't want to dig through the internet or books to figure out some obscure reference.

    As to angels and demons, there are recently two very good examples of properly used. If you don't know what I am speaking about, a search is in order.

    Last point, seeing where you are from, I hope you are not part of that idiotic new generation of adopting every single crap that comes out new from the west, drugs are kewl, lol, and other such faggotry.

    EDIT: forgot the original reason to post. Hated story, 1/5. On another point, I could have realized this from just reading the summary. If that sad excuse of a summary did not raise the flags, the story certainly did.
  10. boghi8462

    boghi8462 Backtraced

    Jan 7, 2007
    No, you said a decent fic, not a decent fic. And for a un-beta-ed fic written by someone that has English as 2nd language, it's better than most. Are you offering your services as beta? I enjoy reading Jbern's work, but he's got... 4? 5? 6 betas?

    I've seen some fics in the recycling bin that exceed the quality of what's in the library, simply cuz the author isn't liked around here. And I ain't talking about Kinsfire when I'm saying this.

    The chicken is actually a canary. For choosing a Loony Toons character, you certainly seem ignorant. I mean to say, my 3 year old cousin can recognize Tweety. Thanks for the transcending comment. I haven't laught loud enough to wake the neighbors in a few years.

    Last, but not least, please note that none of my insults were direct, I haven't called you an idiot, nor Bitch. I am yet to see anything else but brute force. Care to properly respond to the earlier challenge? I would certainly be impressed if you exhibit enough determination and force of mind required for a bit of research.

    Edit: Methene on the other hand can do quite well with research. I admit that I haven't read the Legends of Olympus recently and that bit was used for shock value. Though the reason why Zeus couldn't sire offsprigs with Hera to win his wars escapes me. The direct role of the heraclids in the battle for Troy, which decided the outcome of the strafe between the gods, was minor.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2007
  11. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    Ugh, pick me, pick me...

    Since you insist with your challenge, I out of boredom and temporary insanity, have decided to answer it.

    There you go, a "lovely" Norse mythology Harry Potter fic. Has slash too-what can I say, it is a dream come true...

    The Shadow Walker » by AbeoUmbra reviewsOdin is his father. Loki is his protector. His birth name is Harry Potter, but he goes by Midori Yoru. Will be crossed with many myths ...and the Ronin Warriors.

    And because I am in a good mood, here is another:

    Night Divine by TASHAx. reviewsOdin! The old magic. . .the deep magic, that we ourselves base our very existence on is only there through the power of true love, and souls connecting these two were. . .very old souls indeed. Has Ginny forever lost her Draco?

    Hard to decide really, but both stories are substandard. Now, Andromalius' challenge. Find us some good stories with Norse mythology in them...
  12. SomeDude

    SomeDude Squib

    Aug 4, 2006
    The Earth
    I didn't want to read the story after that bit.
  13. Mechanicalchrist

    Mechanicalchrist Groundskeeper

    Oct 24, 2007
    The Internet
    Skimmed through some random parts and found:

  14. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I'm still not certain what your point is. I bolded the word because you responded to the story being criticized by emphasizing it's Norse parts. It's like the Church responding to Luther's criticism of indulgences by defending it on the basis that the pope approved of it.

    Incorporating Norse mythology, no matter how accurate, counts for little when the story doesn't have the writing to make it enjoyable.

    I haven't reached the appearance of Aesir - but that isn't a point in this story's favor. What I've seen is more than enough to negate any enjoyment I can derive from accurate Norse stuff, unless I'm severely underestimating the author.

    I'm not convinced that English not being the author's first language is responsible for the quality of the fic, or the lack thereof. The grammar could certainly be worse, but tne conceptual aspect isn't hampered in any way by language. Sure, the expression could be mangled a bit, but that's not what I saw. Gabrielle becoming Harry's consort was painfully contrived.

    The only one I've read that mentions Norse at all is "Harry the Rune Master" by Runic Warrior. Note that that one wasn't well-written too.

    Perhaps I shouldn't have taken you at face value. You seemed so enthusiastic in your defense of the story, and there was so little defensible about it. In general, people have a skin many times thicker on the internetz than in real life. For what it's worth, sorry for calling you those terms.

    Could you tell which chapters contain the Norse elements? I would be interested in reading it, ideally in an enjoyable context. What the author did in the first chapters isn't too encouraging. I'd prefer that harems not be involved at all, but you're right in that it'd be interesting to see how a writer finangles the purpose of a god into Harry Potter.

    The only fic I've read in which Norse appears is "Harry the Rune Master". Good idea of the runic system,
    but bad writing. I've not read too far into it, so I don't know if Norse was a throwaway term.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2007
  15. The Sinner

    The Sinner Looked into the void

    Mar 28, 2006
    Somewhere between the heretic and Un'aria
    Bottom line Tweety, this story sucks and is far beyond the standards of what is excepted here, even on the worse of days.

    As to your comment about english being the author's second language and being better then most with his handicap, as it were: There a quite a few stories out there where english is their second language, and still they manage to produce quality fiction in more then passable english. For some, their english is better then those of us who english is our first language.

    1/5, just because I spent the time to skim through it.
  16. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    Pfft, it's not about the smut, there is all sorts of decently written smut in the NC-17 section.
    It's all about the writing quality of this story, which can only be described as horrible.


    Note that I mean no personal offence against you, I just don't like this story.
  17. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    This shit is banana's.

    And hilarious. See Mechanicalchrist's post for proof.
  18. Vir

    Vir Centauri Ambassador ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    May 21, 2006
    High Score:
    This is crazy. Absolutly crazy. And not the "good in bed" crazy. This is the rip your eyes out crazy.

  19. Krull

    Krull Denarii Host

    Aug 2, 2006
    Now why did you have to go and mention that book?

    Now I want to read it again. :p
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2007
  20. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    I adored that book when I was a kid. I read it so much that the covers came off it.

    I preferred the gods one more than the heroes one, though.