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Abandoned Family Values by Ishtar - K

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by arkeus, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. madeyemoody

    madeyemoody High Inquisitor

    Dec 24, 2005
    United States

    "Lets do this Tom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"......crunch/scream...... "Oh, Yeah, Brother"
  2. thapagan

    thapagan High Inquisitor

    Jun 24, 2006
    I think the harry hulk hogan would work best as a series of scenes, sort like out takes, "Quick some light the Blot Signal"

    Family values updated, with a nice action scene.
  3. Anarual

    Anarual Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 25, 2005
    Public : YAY !!
    Public : BUUU !!! DE Public : YAY !!!!! LORD !!!!! LORD !!!!!
    hmm maybe post a challenge ? :D
  4. Paravon

    Paravon Seventh Year

    Aug 5, 2006
    The earth.
    I would kill to read that. Tom's response would just make my day.:rolleyes:
  5. Theophany

    Theophany First Year

    Dec 19, 2006
    Seattle, WA
    This made me cackle, giggle, and even break into a grin. Kinsfire is one of those authors who has a fanatical following, but outside of that and his friends over at FFA.net, he's not much of a writer.

    Ishtar, for the great writer she is, is influenced too much by her husband's writing, IMO. She wants the best for Harry, wants him to have the upper hand in all situations, and no matter what she (and more so her husband) wants a rich!incontrol!Harry. We can see that when Harry actually comes into the story and starts developing his character when he finally gets to England; he finds out there's some family alliance, he's really rich (not like he wasn't when he was adopted by the Addams), and everyone loves him.

    Up until they got to England, I was very interested in the story. Now...enh.
  6. Dark Minion

    Dark Minion Bright Henchman DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Sep 22, 2006
    I just read the last chapter (12) and lost much of my interest, too. The way Harry is gathering allies, the way he acts is just ... un-Addamsish. The Neville-scenes and the whole "Thank you" thingy at the end of the chapter don't fit.

    And every time I see an author using the remembrall-scene to make him even Slytherin Seeker, I can't avoid but [​IMG]

    If an author places Harry in Slytherin, he has left canon. If he or in this case she nevertheless tries to stick to canon no matter the results, the story becomes riddikulus.
  7. pure-lilly

    pure-lilly Muggle

    Jan 6, 2006
    under a rock
    well then that chappie was like errrmm not bad per say but Harry is starting to lose the addams character in which he is supposed to have like all the time. Plus ya the seeker thing... ya.. not really bad but wayyyyy over used.
  8. Theophany

    Theophany First Year

    Dec 19, 2006
    Seattle, WA
    I'd argue that the seeker cliché is actually bad. Most stories that are popular and successful are stories with a new twist to them; something that's not been seen and done a hundred thousand times over in fanfiction. I can't stand to see cliché in any story I read, to be honest; that's why I loathe reading Kinsfire's fanfics.

    (BTW, it's "per se," not "per say." :p It's Latin for "that is.")
  9. carvell

    carvell Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 10, 2006
    Well this has been updated with an excellent chapter with divisions opening in slytherin house between pureblood's and the Adams plus halfblood's, an excellent swordfight scene and the way gomez adams take's over the diagon ally trust is a must read with malfoy being put in his place.
  10. deathinapinkboa

    deathinapinkboa Minister of Magic

    Aug 24, 2006
    Democratic Republic of The Congo
    I think this story is not good. The Harry Potter aspect is good. It isn't a rewrite of Cannon. Actual new ideas are used and so on and so forth. This is why it is sad that her depiction of the Addams family sucks. She seems to forget just how excentric being an Addams is. She has turned them from a bazar and abnormal bunch to wealthy do-gooders with only the vaguest of excentrisities.
  11. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    I, too, really enjoyed the scene with Gomez outmaneuvering Lucius and Fudge.

    When he talks about all of the chaos and destruction that would occur if Diagon Alley started to burn... I could totally see the expression on his face, the reverence in his voice and the fervor in his eyes. His reaction here is 100% Gomez Addams, right down to his final words on the matter, “It would be glorious!”

    Yeah, some more focus on the Addams family's special eccentricities (not to mention their individual personalities) would be nice but for now I'm enjoying the ride.

    And we get to revel in the fact that Draco is still a little fop who can barely dish it out properly, let alone take it. Praise be, I loves me a Draco-getting-his-just-desserts scene.

    Maybe I'm just happy it's still getting updated...
  12. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    I agree with pink boa on the Addams aspect. That being said, I like this story. The latest chapter though...irritated me a lot.

    Ishtar just bashed the basic aspects of the Wizarding world in this chapter, and it's fucking bullshit. The Malfoy's don't know anything about finances? For fucks sake, they're one of the wealthiest families in Britain, I think they would know something about finances at the very least. Otherwise, I don't think they would keep their wealth for very long. Lucius Malfoy was incredibly out of character in the last chapter, keeping his retorts to the same sentence. "You can't do this!" and turning purple with rage. It's like he channeled Vernon or someshit.

    And, zomg, apparently none of the four houses in Hogwarts intermingle. IT'S PUTTING THE BRITISH WIZARDING WORLD BEHIND IN THE TIMES.


    Of course, the fucking cunt, Ishtar, nicely forgets the fact that Percy Weasley, a Gryffindor, dated Penelope Clearwater, a Ravenclaw. How is that not intermingling? And Ginny Weasley also dated that Ravenclaw, forgot his name. I'm sure there are various other examples, but I can't be fucked to think of them. It's like Ishtar wants something to bash in the books, and immediately goes for the house system, in which the students are separated according to their personalities, which in my opinion, isn't really a bad idea.

    I liked the Harry/Malfoy sword fight, I snorted when Harry challenged him to a duel by smacking him in the face with a quidditch gauntlet. Reminded me of that one Simpsons episode.

    All in all, I rate this chapter a 1.5/5.
  13. Mr. Merriman

    Mr. Merriman Groundskeeper

    Jun 9, 2006
    Hmn. I, too, feel that the essential "Addams-ness" out of the Addams Family has been blunted, which does a disservice to the characters, especially Wednesday. She seems to be the most OOC. Wednesday should be more along the lines of Mandy from Ruskbyte's "Something Grim This Way Comes." Gomez, however, was spot-on when he rhapsodized about Diagon Alley catching fire. I can totally see Lucius not knowing a great deal about manaing a trust such as the one described. I always got the feeling that the Malfoy's got their money through coercion, exploitation, and dirty tricks. Sort of like a Mafia family, without, well, the Mafia. It seems to be in character. I always enjoy seeing characters like Lucius being outmaneuvered, but I believe Sree is correct in that Lucius is much more smooth and intelligent than he was portrayed in this chapter. So while I greatly enjoyed reading it, I do admit that Ishtar is taking more than a few liberties.

    Really, Ishtar writes very bland stories that are entirely to wholesome. They're like Disney films or something. And she takes great pains to create some other school, culture, or family that she then uses shamelessly to shit all over the canon Potterverse. And while we all have our issues with canon Potterverse, usually starting post-OotP or -GoF, we don't spend all this time reading HP fanfic because we hate the universe it's set in and want to read about how much better Wizarding Society is in America.

    And what the hell is with American Wizarding Society in fanon being the utopia of egalitarian freedom and tolerance? While there would undoubtedly be differences, such as less discrimination, there would be just as many drawbacks.

    Just once, I'd like to see a fic involving American Wizarding Society where being convicted of discrimination against Lycanthropes is punished by being forcibly infected, or where pure-bloods have a much stronger hold over magical government and the Wizarding World is even more estranged from the Muggles due to having hundreds of entire wizarding towns scattered across the country that never have any contact with the non-magical world.

    *Steps down of soap-box*

    Anyway, while this fic is good to read for a bit if there's nothing else updated, it's not nearly as good as it could have been. Really, it's a typical Ishtar fic. I liked this one at first, but my interest has waned with each new chapter.
  14. Tenebrae

    Tenebrae Second Year

    Nov 13, 2006
    Out in the black...
    Well, it seems Ishtar has made it past her usual poor update rate, as there have been two new chapters for Family Values in the space of a week.

    Things are moving faster than in canon, and we get to see the first Quidditch game of the season from the Slytherin side.
  15. Tenebrae

    Tenebrae Second Year

    Nov 13, 2006
    Out in the black...
    Then we have a 4 1/2 month wait, before another new chapter...

    Well, better late than never, I suppose.

    I wonder if this years NaNoWriMo will prompt her to plough through a few chapters?
  16. thapagan

    thapagan High Inquisitor

    Jun 24, 2006
    Tenebrae, I think you hit the nail on the head with NaNoWriMo.

    I did a fast check of the DPL-ism list and did not find a DPL term like, Spacebattles.com use of "Curbstomp", or Alternative History Discussion Board
    "wank fest". Old testament!Harry just doesn't do it for me, and in this case does not apply (since it is the Addams family doing most of the stomping).

    A fine update for the story, with the same high and low points of the other chapters. Ishtar could make this story better by having the Addams lose some fights, or run into the problems that money can't solve (ex Pure Blood attitudes): but that would be betting on the dark horse, eh?

    But I could be wrong.
  17. redawgts

    redawgts First Year

    Jul 23, 2006
    Didn't she start this story as her NaNoWriMo entry last year? If there's one thing I've learned about her is that she just doesn't have the motivation to write anything longer than a one-shot.
  18. Chicklepea

    Chicklepea Third Year

    Jan 4, 2008
    Well, here is my first post. I originally wasn’t going to register, but then I’m utterly rubbish at not commenting. I really should review this fiction, but I’ve not yet registered at that fiction place, so I’ll do later.

    I registered mainly because this fiction irked me THAT much! I enjoyed the story at first, and aspects of the Addams family were delightful. I’ve been searching for an Addams family/Harry Potter crossover ever since HiBob on fanfiction.net wrote a bonus chapter at the end of one of his/her fictions, which had Wednesday going to Hogwarts, and I fell in love with the concept.

    At first I loved this story, but as time went on it started to bug me, and I mean really bug me. Certain phrases had me shaking my head in disbelief. I know it is fanfiction, and Ishtar is only talking about the British Wizarding world, but I am insanely protective of both real Britain and fanficion Britain!

    It’s as though he/she just decided that America is perfect and is the haven of wizarding society, implying that Britain is in the middle ages. And what is it with every school in every country other than Britain suddenly starting children at school earlier? I’m pretty sure that if it were possible wouldn’t Hogwarts do so? Then of course the children are just SO far ahead everything is easy for them. That’s bull.

    The Addams’ family also seemed really out of character in places. Wednesday especially; she didn’t try to kill Pugsly once! (Okay, I’m joking there, but the point has already been mentioned)

    The OOCness I can deal with. The over used character bits (like seeker) I can handle. The bashing of the entire British Wizarding world and the praising of the perfect American one, I can NOT handle. It is offending and utterly unbelievable.

    As a first post it might be a little opinionated, but hey, start as I mean to go on. I really like the set up here by the way. (The writing is in pink because 1 I like the colour, and 2 i couldn't find the same green to match the automatic one the forum gives, and I copy and paste from Word, which is black and doesn't show up.)

    There you go, removed the formatting for you
    -- Sree
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2008
  19. Bukay

    Bukay Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 8, 2006
    London, England


    ... why the pink colour?
  20. Cheyne

    Cheyne First Year

    Aug 8, 2006
    It says the reason at the bottom:

    "The writing is in pink because 1 I like the colour, and 2 i couldn't find the same green to match the automatic one the forum gives, and I copy and paste from Word, which is black and doesn't show up."