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Funny Flames you gave

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Lord Rostam, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. Philly Homer

    Philly Homer What you call elephant cum I call mouthwash

    Aug 16, 2007
    Look at the name, it should be obvious.
    Hey look everyone we got a tough guy on our hands.

    This should be at least be amusing

    *reaches for the popcorn*
  2. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I am now rich. You know that salesman handing you popcorn? He is a mindless automation belonging to the conglomerate I rule an iron fist over.

    Scionofkpubes, you know the guy that cleans up elephant shit at the zoo? Don't worry, that's not you.

    You're the guy that sucks his dick for money.

    My prime objection to the Narutard is that he made the post, making his expectations for "Lawls!" blatantly clear. When this backfired, he attempted to salvage whatever he can.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2008
  3. Swimdraconian

    Swimdraconian Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 10, 2006
    Wow, the insults are shit and so is the intelligence level. Now I remember why I left. How the hell could I have forgotten?

    I don't give a flying fuck who has been here longer - take your e-peen standoff to private messages. This thread is for funny flames, not whether that eight of a centimeter really counts.
  4. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Neil Swaab has a genius for insults.
  5. Void Sorcerer

    Void Sorcerer Groundskeeper

    Oct 31, 2005
    The Endless Void
    You know Scionofhomosexuality

    I find it most entertaining that you seem to be able to do nothing but insult people with your sexual preferences.

    Need more evidence of this, check your previous posts.

    Either that or you are trying to make others sound stupid, and yourself intelligent. Which might I add, is a complete contradiction to what you said earlier.

    Ah, sad day, you are "attempting" to finish it. The sad part is, with your "re-emphasizing" and contradictions, you'll never win anything. Plainly get the fuck out before you embarrass yourself further.

    Andromalius: Dude, you are just sounding like a moron. Get out before you to embarrass yourself further.

    Swimdraconian: Ah, what a pity, someone missed you?

    Ah, are you jealous you have been gone so long you no longer have one. Get over yourself, your post is stupider then even Andromalius'.

    Hmm, funny flames you say? I don't know about you, but from the looks of it I'm entertaining quite a few people. (Myself included)

    You're telling me that you're so small you have to take your own size in centimeters? (Correction, 8ths of centimeters.)
  6. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    This thread truly brings out the stupid in us (with the notable exception of Tinn Tam).

    I propose we keep going, and enjoy what lolz might ensue. Ahem: I know someone that has two dads! He must be the luckiest boy in the world! And so, and so forth.

    Unless anyone wants to go back on topic... ;)
  7. Gullible

    Gullible Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2006
    Sitting in front of a broken compooter, lolololol

    I like to think that my contribution to the thread has been useful, thank you very much.
  8. Void Sorcerer

    Void Sorcerer Groundskeeper

    Oct 31, 2005
    The Endless Void
    I don't know how you to it Tinny my dear. But you seem to have these fools wrapped around your finger; you're just so sweet. Hell with these fools around, I wonder how long it will be till we change the name to DLT (Dark Lady Tinn).

    Hell, you say you want to get the thread back on track, but what do you do? You and a few other stupid ass members turn this thread into a Tinn worshipping circle. Andromalius, fuck you.
  9. scionofkyuubi

    scionofkyuubi First Year

    Aug 8, 2006
    See, this is why I never post. Everyone decides to start cock-fencing. You know what? Fuck it. Void, Using big words doesn't make you sound smart, it makes you sound like a pretentious asshole. Andromalius, you're an idiot. Shut the fuck up. Swimdraconian, thank you for not being an utter asshole about this, and thanks for reminding me of the thread's point. And yes Void.

    Tinn has us :whipped: .

    Have a nice day.
  10. Neo2b

    Neo2b First Year

    Aug 16, 2007
    Am I the only one who has heard these 'insults' before?

    I think it heard them while I was letting the dog out and walked by a kids playground. Yes, that's it.

    Now perhaps somebody can actually post a flame that's at least a bit entertaining? Unfortunately I've been banned from reviewing at ff.net for over a year. That, and I'm bored.
  11. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    I love all the sucking up to Tinn. It's amusing really.

    What really gets me off are all the "scionofxxxxxx" You call him out on originality, then go and do that. lol snap you guys.
  12. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    What does originality have to do with it? His flame plain sucked. No need to call it out on anything fanciful like originality.
  13. Void Sorcerer

    Void Sorcerer Groundskeeper

    Oct 31, 2005
    The Endless Void
    Sree is simply jealous he didn't get to partake of any of the action before the moron backed down. Even after his "I never said I wouldn't finish it!" comment.

    Hell, Sree is probably the number 1 Tinn Fangirl on the site. :p
  14. Tarnished Blade

    Tarnished Blade Professor

    Dec 28, 2006
    :eek: For the love of all that is holy DON'T GIVE THEM ANY IDEAS!!!
  15. Gabrinth

    Gabrinth Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Feb 24, 2007
    Cary, NC
    Lol, I found that review (from three pages ago now) pretty amusing.

    You're allowed to bump if you have something to add. Especially in a thread like this. Get the fuck over it.

    And Void Sorcerer, what crawled up your ass and died? This is a thread about FUNNY FLAMES. It's not a flame review thread. Who cares if his flame wasn't original and artistic and uber? This 'scionofkyuubi' did nothing wrong when he wrote that post. Stop being such a floppy cunt. Same with you Andromalius.

    I swear, half of you bitches get off IRC, have an e-peen war, and then no one sees you until the next battle of testosterone. Stay on IRC, or just lurking, if you have nothing to add to the forums but whining.
  16. Void Sorcerer

    Void Sorcerer Groundskeeper

    Oct 31, 2005
    The Endless Void
    How does it go again? Pot...Kettle...black

    Or in other words, in case you don't understand, "hypocrite".
  17. TripticWriter

    TripticWriter Groundskeeper

    Nov 28, 2006
    I did like his review format, it'was quite original IMO.

    So just drop it Void, you wanted to be cool by mocking someone, you get owned. Shit happened, now just forget it.

    And Andromalius go tend to your pet roadrunner or even better write some chapters of your stories. ^^
  18. Gabrinth

    Gabrinth Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Feb 24, 2007
    Cary, NC
    Lol, for one I don't go on IRC. Secondly, I don't lurk. Thirdly, I didn't bitch at someone who did nothing wrong just because my 15 inch internet battle standard wasn't getting enough action.

    There was no reason for either you or Andromalius to act the way you did. Especially as you both treated him like some huge newb when I NEVER see you on the forums, and Andromalius is rarely on as well.
  19. Gullible

    Gullible Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2006
    Sitting in front of a broken compooter, lolololol
    Andromalius is on more than you give him credit for and I have seen Void around but the other points you made still stand.
  20. Tinn Tam

    Tinn Tam Review Goddess Retired Staff

    Aug 11, 2006
    Paris, France.
    Void is more active in some parts of the forums that aren't as popular as General Discussion or Real Life. And yes, like most of us, he has something usually called a life and can disappear for a few weeks before coming back.

    That's not the problem, though. It's not about who was here before whom or who has the most posts under their belt. In fact I'd like to take a few minutes to marvel at those last two pages of the thread. Because, yes, as incredible as it sounds, I assure you that this lame-ass, shitty, Neandertalic-spirited flame-war has been lasting for two full pages. I can't believe it. One would think you'd realise someday that you are getting excited over nothing, just a flame that had a few flaws (and I've seen way worse since the beginning of the thread, just go back and read the tripe that was sometimes posted).

    Anyway, nothing worth ganging up on scionofkyuubi -- and for God's sake get his fucking name right once and for all, unless you're too mentally deficient to be able to read a name and copy it out. Or unless you actually think calling him scionofshit or another oh-so-witty-nickname makes you sound smart. I've seen seven-year-olds coming up with better insults. Kyuu, by the way, you also need to learn when to let go or take it to PMs. Since you sound like you don't give a shit, then act it too, and stop responding -- and let the flamewar die when those idiots will have made complete and utter fools of themselves arguing against a wall.

    I'd like to address Andromalius again. You said his flame sucked? Fine, your opinion. Find a shitty story and flame it, please. Post the flame. We'll read, smile or nod or shrug, and go our separate ways -- if it's good, you'll get told, if it's bad, you'll also get told. I'd really like you to write that flame; hell, in fact, if you could dig into the "awesomely bad fanfictions" thread for a fic and actually flame it, that would be great.

    Thus we'll have an example of what you think is a good flame. Because so far, I'm all but convinced about your flaming abilities. You're bashing Kyuubi in three posts or so; each of them suggests you have the IQ of a Parmesan cheese. It wasn't even funny, it was fucking sad.

    "You're the guy sucking the dick of the guy that cleans up elephant shit in the zoo"? "Narutard"? "Scionofkpubes"? "Oh shit, oh shit. I'm so sorry sonofkyuubi! I'll... I'll suck your dick"? Jesus, you actually posted that? You think that is good flaming? You think you're entitled to give anyone advice about flaming when you can't do better than that? Fucking hell. Prove me wrong here, please, before I become pro-euthanasia.

    (By the way, I couldn't help but notice that the one time you tried to get his name right, "sonofkyuubi", you actually got it wrong. Wow.)

    HBP: please don't talk of what you don't know. IRC has not a fucking thing to do with this clusterfuck. It's not a subject interesting enough for IRC, and that's saying a hell of a lot.

    In fact, you want to have a flamewar about something so pointless? Be my guest. But at least make it entertaining and somewhat smart; an oyster would feel like a Nobel prize after reading the last two pages.

    So yes, that actually takes us back on topic. A flame is somewhat original. It's entertaining. It's biting. All those criteria aren't always easy to achieve, I'll give you that. But a good flame also makes us think that the author actually has more than half a brain functioning, and that shouldn't be so much of a stretch.

    And yes, in case you were wondering, about 80% of this post was flame material. T'is the flame thread after all.