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Complete The Lie I've Lived by jbern - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by jbern, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. CGB

    CGB Auror

    May 7, 2006
    As I understand it, with killing a person you temporally weaken and fracture your soul enough, that you're able to split of a part of your own soul and store it. I don't think this would be possible to do to other persons.

    Even if Voldemorts soul were to be weakened in the midst of battle, I think it would be strong enough to resist foreign magic in tearing it apart. And just hitting him with a killing course would be much more effective.

    As to the Horcruxes. I think they just anchor the soul (through the bond between the soul fractures) to the living plane so that the rest of his soul (the part that died) doesn't pass on. So it doesn't matter if the Horcrux is a diary or a bedpan.

    The only advantage a usable object has is, that it apparently has the ability to posses weaker minded humans.
    Of course this could all be completely false^^

    [/Edit]Added quote and line breaks
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2008
  2. Garret P.I.

    Garret P.I. Backtraced

    May 30, 2007
    Seattle, WA.
    Just off the top of my head... Sixth year:The steps towards the end by scaryisntit.
    Mind you, I'm just saying, handedness seems to be a bit of a "meh" option for something hyphenated like "The-power-he-knows-not'

    Oooo that just gave me an idea for a possible power there. Okay, check me on this. Voldemort... pretty powerful Legimens. Maybe one of the things that makes him so formidible in battle is an instinctive ability to read his opponents moves from their minds before they do them, and therefore respond in ways that always turns the tide of the battle in his favor. If he's up against an Occlumens... the worst he'll get is nothing. But getting CONFLICTING messages... that would be a real issue... because noone else (besides potter) can even do that.

    What would he do if he's fighting someone who is able to think of two different lines of attack at once? He reads HJ in battle, and gets the impression that he's going to do one thing... Voldemort responds expecting that to happen, but instead Harry does something completely different that takes advantage of Toms failed counter..

    Suddenly Tom would be left off balanced and confused as he is swamped with conflicting messages. Now THAT might work for an equalizer. If Tom has used it so much that it's instinctive... he might not be able to just shut it off. He'd have to unlearn it.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2008
  3. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    :banana: Especially if he doesn't actually realise that he's doing it! Tom Riddle, bastard orphan and infant-psycho, was probably the target of LOTS of bullying when he was little, so he learns to read the people around him (just like any abused child.) He watches, he studies expressions and body language, and his Talent responds by ALSO starting to pay attention to the signals being sent within the brains of his enemies. This would tend to warp his personality further, because he's focused on the people who hurt him. He doesn't pay attention to happy harmless people - he's teaching himself that only the powerful, dominant people matter. His world is full of predators and sheep.

    As he gets better at it, his nascent abilities allow him to influence people, intimidating them and getting them to obey him, even against their better judgement. Trained Occlumens like Snape would be able to resist, and a high level of arrogance or self-confidence would minimize its effects.

    Garrett, P.I.
    ** Maybe we should start a new thread - Tom's talents and how he gained/used them (or something like that.) It's your original idea - you start the thread if you think it's a good idea for discussion. **
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2008
  4. CGB

    CGB Auror

    May 7, 2006
    I agree, that's a pretty good idea. But I get the impression that the two personalities in Harry merged. Sure, at one time Harry dominates and on another James, but I'm not sure there are two different thought processes. It's not like he has MPD or something, meaning only one personality at a time is in control.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    Truth. And in the heat of battle, which personality do you think is gonna dominate: the accidental TriWizKid, or the duelling master?
  6. Garret P.I.

    Garret P.I. Backtraced

    May 30, 2007
    Seattle, WA.
    That's just the thing though isn't it?
    1. Lacks occlumency skills
    2. Wouldn't be able to capitalize on voldemort making a mistake.

    While James
    1. Does have occlumency skills
    2. Would know how to capitalize on voldemort's mistakes.

    Maybe HJ could figure out how to let the "Harry" part broadcast like hell that he's going to do one thing, while the James in him hides his actions and blindsides Tom by doing the unexpected.

    Now, as to them being split personalities... Well honestly who knows? The fact is that it was pointed out that he's acting more Harry-ish recently. It could be an indication that while merged... there is still some distinctness between the personalities. Also the map DID flicker back and forth between them before settling on Harry James. It could indicate that both of them really are in there.

    It's interesting to theorize though.
  7. CGB

    CGB Auror

    May 7, 2006
    Agreed. But I trust that JBern will continue this story as good as it already is even if he doesn't use your idea to defeat Voldemort. And that's all that matters for me right now^^
  8. Aerin

    Aerin Seventh Year

    Dec 15, 2007
    The Void

    Power he knows not is probably borderline insanity coupled with a freaky insane elf, rude hat and an annoying bitch-princess (fleur) flouncing her way around.

  9. BartucTheBloody

    BartucTheBloody Third Year

    Jul 7, 2006
    I read the new chapter and liked it for the most part. Karkaroff's speech, however, only annoyed me. I know that he's the headmaster at a foreign school, but he has lived in England for most of his life (at least I think so). He doesn't talk like that in Dumbledore's pensieve memory of his trial, or during any of his other scenes in GoF. In fact, I'm pretty sure that he went to Hogwarts for school. I'm a little fuzzy, but I think he said that it was good to be back at Hogwarts when they arrived on their ship.
  10. Garret P.I.

    Garret P.I. Backtraced

    May 30, 2007
    Seattle, WA.
    Meh.... God I hope he doesn't use any idea I come up with... He's better at it than I am. I was just throwing the theory out there... I'm sure that whatever goes on...Jim's got all sorts of better stuff in store for us than anything I could come up with.

    Personally I seriously doubt that Harry is inhabited by a chunk of his dad's soul. It's likely that Occam's razor is in effect. His day died where this whole haze of magic that lily kicked up was going on... and somehow his memories got plunked into Harry as a result of all the wild magic floating around.

    It's simple and easy.

    No horcrux mixup or anything.

    Personally I doubt there really is any "power he knows not" in this story... Jim tends to avoid crap like that and have Harry just become competent and fight with the tools that he himself makes.
  11. Aerin

    Aerin Seventh Year

    Dec 15, 2007
    The Void
    "Power he knows not" is love?


    When I first read that, my exact thought was,

    "What, Harry's gonna bone Voldemort up the ass by making "love" to him until Volde begs for death?"

    The whole concept of love being able to defeat evil just made me ill.

    There was no huge duel with pain, agony, shattered bones and fractured minds.

    And what the hell was J.K thinking having him use non-lethal spells?

    Jim's version is much better. Harry has no compunction against using deadly spells to achieve his own ends.

    On that note, I really do wonder what was in the letter Dumbles left with the Dursleys?

    Petunia must have heard of Dumbles via Petunia and so she must know how powerful he is. Therefore, why would she abuse Harry emotionally if she risked the wrath of someone that could level their house and destroy their lives in ten seconds?

    Quite suspicous.

  12. liansk

    liansk Second Year

    Jan 1, 2007

    Yes, but judging by Jberns other stories he tend to go for an intelligent Voldemort, and an intelligent Voldemort should figure out that his old trick isn't working and just stop using it before HJ gets to lend a hit.

    Oh, and how exactly would using two wands benefit harry? It's not like he could cast two different spells at the same time (hell, even casting the same spell with two wands would take some major motor skill).

    Heh, i just realized what this skill reminded me of... Sharingan!Voldemort !!! :banana:
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2008
  13. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    Yes, it was a weak concept. The "power he knows not" was eliminated in 4th and 5th year though; it basically amounted to (a) Harry can burn Voldemort and (b) Posessing Harry is a no-no. Luck, not love, had nothing to do with his defeat in the end.

    I'm assuming you meant Dumbles via Lily. And why does anyone abuse someone? She was a stupid, useless ho-bag who couldn't do magic like her sister, and was reminded of her sister every day when (you guessed it) she looked into little Harry's eyes. And Dumbledore wouldn't do shit; he obviously didn't check, Mrs. Figg is useless as a watcher, and he's so forgiving that the worst he's ever done to them is yell. And give icy glares.

  14. KlavoHunter

    KlavoHunter Second Year

    Jan 18, 2008
    I could see Harry switching to his left hand to cast spells in mid-battle, whether it to be to gain some form of tactical advantage from surprise (Whyever it would surprise his opponent or otherwise put them off-balance), or in the event that his right hand was disabled, he could swap wand hands and keep going uninhibited. I doubt that it is "The Power He Knows Not", however.
  15. Aerin

    Aerin Seventh Year

    Dec 15, 2007
    The Void
    Maybe the power he knows not is jealousy.

    That being, Voldemort is jealous that Harry get's to screw a half-veela and Voldemort is left with his right hand and a box of tissues?



    PS: Somehow, I just know Hat would suggest that >.>
  16. KlavoHunter

    KlavoHunter Second Year

    Jan 18, 2008
    I suspect that, much like his nose, Voldemort lost that, too, in some of his dark rituals of power. :D
  17. Helltanz98

    Helltanz98 Professor

    Jul 28, 2007
    Terac Shri
    If so it explains why he is such a bastard.
  18. KlavoHunter

    KlavoHunter Second Year

    Jan 18, 2008
    Voldemort's Avada Kedavra struck Harry in the forehead and rebounded, leaving a scar there.

    I wonder where that curse struck the Dark Lord when it rebounded onto him, and what side effect THAT had? :D
  19. fuubar

    fuubar Headmaster

    Nov 17, 2007
    LOL I'd kinda thought the same thing ... although if he didn't no wonder Harry was so messed up after the graveyard :eek:
  20. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Disturbing people dwell in this forum. Distrubing indeed.

    < Going Dresden>

    Mab: SOOO, you want power? What will you give in return?

    Voldemort: My dingleling

    Mab: Excellent, you can now have that Malfoy brat kill Dumbledore