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Fanfiction's Worst Summaries v2.0

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Master Slytherin, Feb 3, 2007.

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  1. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    * wince *
    Please don't mention those horrors again - tripping over them once was enough...
  2. Bratling

    Bratling Professor

    Jan 4, 2008
    middle of no where, Georgia
    Sorry... :devil:
  3. The Doctor

    The Doctor Unspeakable

    Dec 14, 2007
    Heh. My sister is a HUGE Miley Cyrus fan, so I had to check this one out.

    And that's as far as I got.:puke:

    The idiot's also written a High School Musical crossover. I don't get it. If you change everything about the characters, including their fucking names, then how can it possibly be a crossover? It's just an OC that used to be named Harry Potter.
  4. fuubar

    fuubar Headmaster

    Nov 17, 2007
    A lot of us have been trying to answer that very question for quite a long time.

    Personally I find that rather disturbing. Anything that is inspired by that is insta-fail.

    Yes he has a sister 11 years older than him, that of course makes total sense considering his parents would have been about 12 years old. Preteen pregnancy anyone?
  5. The Doctor

    The Doctor Unspeakable

    Dec 14, 2007
    And unbelievably amusing.:lol:

    Chapter One (Lyrics removed to protect the innocent):

    Just goes to show you: Lav-Lav's a really classy woman.
  6. Verminard

    Verminard Seventh Year

    Aug 28, 2007
    I think I will write a Harry Potter/GI Joe crossover. I'm announcing it in this particular thread to preempt anyone else from doing so.
  7. Bratling

    Bratling Professor

    Jan 4, 2008
    middle of no where, Georgia
    LOL Knock yourself out. Just don't expect me to volunteer to read it! :mrgreen:
  8. The Doctor

    The Doctor Unspeakable

    Dec 14, 2007
    Bratling, I think you hit the fucking motherload. This is quickly becoming my love-to-hate fic.

    The Wonders of Chapter Two:

    Rags to riches? Yeah, I think most of us would.

    Writing my book? 10 bucks says we never hear of it again. Can anyone guess who it is?

    Phones. Yeah, um, Wizards have this thing called a floo to communicate.

    I was right! Because, who other than Hermione Granger reads/writes books? Or has a study?

    *breaks a rib* Pounds? This is the Wizarding World, lady. Why would a pureblood witch enter a Muggle Lottery?

    RomanticWriterInTheMaking (I'm not kidding, that's her name:rolleyes:) gets one point for not using netspeak in this fic. Unfortunately, her author profile does not live up to that standard.

    New Mansion
    ? That girl spends her money fast.

    Alcohol: the rich person's drink!

    *Giggle giggle* I'm so rich you guys! Don't you love how I'm rubbing it in your face?

    Even 60 million pounds won't get rid of Gin's big stiffy for Harry Potter.


    So are you two dating or not?

    I could, but then again I'm a better writer.

    Harry and Hermione: wet blankets. They're perfect for each other!

    Surprise, surprise.

    Harmonian thought seems to be: "Oh no! Since Harry will be mating with Hermione, who will Ron mate with, other than himself? I know! What about Luna? I mean, it's not as if we have the time to create on OC, or just change Luna to Sarah or Emma or Jen if it's just a passing reference, right?"

    No comment.:)

    Alcohol has other effects, shit for brains. Can anyone else see the foreshadowing?

    :eek: An in-character portrayal of Ginny?!

    She must be pretty good in the sack, then.:whipped:

    "Come on guys! Ginevra's dumped another beau! Who wants her sloppy forty-seconds?

    Hen Party: 1. A girl's night out, especially one laid on for the bride getting married the next day.


    :lol: What a fucking idiot.

    Still got that raging clue, I see.

    Oh, so you're not dating, then?

    When all you have to talk to are your parents and a cat, I think it's time to step back and reevaluate your life.

    :eek: That... actually makes a lot of sense. Kudos.

    Of course not.:fap

    Er, then wouldn't you be trying to do something about it? She is one of your best friends, after all.

    Cuddled? Held would have been better - and more romantic, if you ask me.

    Due to the story rating, the author obviously wasn't able to write the explicit scene where Harry throws Hermione over his shoulder and fucks her on the breakfast table.

    o_O Then why exactly are you fucking each other if it's not love? Other than that, I can't find much fault with this passage.;)

    Well, he's married now. He can't take the "You Mudblood bitch! How dare you betray me with the Boy-Who-Lived! I hate both of you!" route.

    Did Ron fall out of the Cliché tree and hit every branch on the way down?


    Sorry, had a bit of a fangirl moment there. It's starting to get to me.

    Ginny's a mean drunk. Why am I not surprised?

    Still not surprised. "You Mudblood bitch!"

    "Me, visit a dirty pleb? Oh, if I must."


    Blah Blah Blah Mudblood Bitch Blah Blah Blah.

    Hit the nail right on the ginger's head.:p

    Harry: I'm so sorry for defending you, Hermione.

    Hermione: o_O

    So, in cutting off contact with Ginny, you also cut off contact with the Weasleys?

    Whee! The bitch is dead!:banana:

    I told you!:D

    *ribcage explodes*

    There's a name for you... it's called a "review whore"... hint, hint...
  9. Bratling

    Bratling Professor

    Jan 4, 2008
    middle of no where, Georgia
    You actually read it, Doc? Man, you're crazier than I am. The summary alone was proof that it was bad. Next thing you know, you'll be reading DebstheSlytherinSnapeFan's stuff for fun!

    Edit: I didn't remember posting the summary to that one, and I was right! Fuubar deserves the blam, um, credit for that one! And I found *gasp* more!

    Oh, Jerry boy » by amandaxx reviews Ahmonduh is mclovin Jerry. Only Jerry likes someone totally unexpected....Scandalous beware! Nothing to do with HP. Sorry.Fiction Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 11 - Words: 5,090 - Reviews: 28 - Updated: 3-18-08 - Published: 12-24-07

    If it's nothing to do with HP, why the hell is it in the Harry Potter section?

    Taking Off the Rose Colored Glasses » by cosmopolitan reviews “No, what’s not fair is that it’s never mine. It’s always been Ron, and now—now Ginny. When are you finally going to trust me, choose me? I need you Harry,” she told him weakly, wiping away all the stray tears streaming down her face.Fiction Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 26,056 - Reviews: 90 - Updated: 3-18-08 - Published: 1-24-08


    Tragédie » by Spongyllama reviews AU - What if Harry Potter had a sister 11 yrs older than him, but he'd never met her? Rating for future chapters, full summary inside, first fanfic, R&R plz don't forget it's AU!Fiction Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,340 - Reviews: 3 - Updated: 3-18-08 - Published: 3-17-08

    Letssee, where to begin? The contrived spelling, the screw up of early canon, or the obvious Mary Sue?

    . Break Me by Ember.P.Slayer I barely remember her face..but i will always remember her voice..i know she is always watching over me..like the angel she looks like..dispite how far she has fallen...she will protect me from our father and everyone else. i only wish i could do the sameFiction Rated: T - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 143 - Reviews: 0 - Updated: 3-18-08 - Published: 3-18-08

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2008
  10. fuubar

    fuubar Headmaster

    Nov 17, 2007
    Well if your going to pass it off on me at least spell blame right. :p

    Hmmm, well the title is incomprehensible, and it sounds retarded as fuck anyway. Intrusted anyone?

    How could this person who has never been in the books possibly have anything to do with his fate? The stupidity of some 'writers' astounds me.
  11. Viper

    Viper Fourth Year

    Nov 30, 2007
    Well, here you go.

  12. Bratling

    Bratling Professor

    Jan 4, 2008
    middle of no where, Georgia
    ;) Considering the late hour, I'm lucky to spell "was" and "am" right. On a side note, have you ever looked at a small, simple word after hours of writing and decide that it just has to be spelled wrong?

    Edit: Blaze, thanks, but no. :puke:
  13. Lokesin

    Lokesin Slug Club Member

    Jan 22, 2008
    In front of a glowing monitor
    I've had that happen to me more than a couple times. I'll randomly think about something, then be convinced its spelled wrong, until I look it up in a dictionary. Its rather unnerving. The latest incident was the word desk.

    My contribution to the thread:

    Foolish Gryffindor » by DEATHmuse reviews
    Snape has Tourette's. Harry is aroused. Snarry ensues. Fiction Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,994 - Reviews: 10 - Updated: 3-19-08 - Published: 3-10-08

    :wall: I just don't wanna think about it.
  14. Viper

    Viper Fourth Year

    Nov 30, 2007
    I seriously don't want to know that unless it's Narcissa and Bellatrix torturing and murdering Lucius.

    Snape? A florist? Yeah sure.

    ara? This is the first time I've seen a three lettered word being spelt wrong.
  15. fuubar

    fuubar Headmaster

    Nov 17, 2007
    On far to many of those damnable English papers. :( I remember one time I spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out how I managed to misspell the word 'blue' only to find out that it just looks kinda funny when it's spelled right.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2008
  16. Bratling

    Bratling Professor

    Jan 4, 2008
    middle of no where, Georgia
    LOL. I've done the same. I remember one night at two in the morning where I decided that I'd spelled "was" wrong. It took me over an hour to realize that it was spelled right and it just looked funny at that hour of the morning.
  17. MysterioX

    MysterioX Professor

    Dec 15, 2005
    off the record
    Roses and daggers reviews by Diamonte88
    In the middle of the summer a tatto appears on mione. she finds misssing family members and most importantly she fiinds herself. New charcaters with sum romance, drama, and a lil humor all mixed into one story, min so read please and review. i could use c
    Harry Potter - Fiction Rated: K - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,627 - Reviews: 5 - Updated: 4-19-03 - Published: 4-19-03
  18. The Doctor

    The Doctor Unspeakable

    Dec 14, 2007
    Conclusions: Hermione is actually a pureblood.

    Do not want.

    Edit: Read the wonderful story. Posted here in full. Excuse me while I slash my wrists.

    Wonderful. It's absolute, complete fail, but it also has one of my worst pet peeves: Hermione turning from a teenage girl into a fucking porn star.

    If it wasn't five years old, then I'd probably flame the author. Eh. Might do it anyway.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2008
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    Thank you, Doctor, for shattering my glasses. I appreciate it.

    No seriously - the shards of glass in my eyes are a welcome change from the pure garbage I just read.
  20. Verminard

    Verminard Seventh Year

    Aug 28, 2007
    Why must Hermionie always become the long lost scion of purebloods who ends up fucking Draco, Blaise, or both and betraying her friends (who are portrayed as being assholes)?

    Couldn't she be the long lost sister of Crabb or Goyle?
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