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The DLP Spell List

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Yarrgh!, Jan 3, 2007.

  1. craigery9700

    craigery9700 First Year DLP Supporter

    Jan 30, 2008
    Name:bed enlarger
    Incantation: ryman leger (old english)
    Class: transfigurations
    Effect: to transfigure a smaller bed into a larger one.
    Appearance: none
    Notes: creater unknown, basic spell.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2008
  2. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    Name: St. Elmo's Fire
    Incantation: canwyll yr ysbryd glân or corpo santo
    Class: Arcane; Elemental Magic
    Effect: Conjures holy fire
    Appearance: Pale green ghostly fire.
    Notes: It is the opposite of Fiendfyre in that while it is nigh unstoppable, it is a holy flame. It is especially effective against Dark and Cursed things, but completely ineffective against a blessed or Holy object. St. Elmo's Fire was a spell whose secret was known only by members of the Catholic clergy until The Reformation, where it's secret became more widely known. Despite this it is rarely used, because many believe that it can only be used by an ordained member of the church. This is an incorrect belief because the strength of the spell depends on the purity of the caster's soul. The strongest known casting of the spell occured when the Pope cast it with the support of 7 cardinals chanting the Our Father in Latin 21 times.
  3. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Name: cannonfire
    Incantation: Bateare ignus
    Appearance: A ball of purple magical energy emits from the wandtip. Once it is in mid-flight it transforms into an iron ball covered in bright flames.
    Classification: Battle spell

    Notes: Depending on the power of the spell and the emotion fuelling it, it can maim or kill. Pure hatred will result in darker flames while Pure intentions result in a slightly less powerful version with brighter flames.
  4. Aerin

    Aerin Seventh Year

    Dec 15, 2007
    The Void
    Name: Velocity Drain Shield
    Class: Defence
    Spell type: Shield
    Incantation: Volatus Adficio Contego
    Wand Movement: Two diagonal slashes that intersect each other at the middle with a circle encompassing both slashes.

    This creates a shield with the express purpose of draining the velocity of any incoming solid objects.

    History: First invented during World War I, it's inception was for singular purpose of stopping bullets and other physical objects from harming the wizard. Since then, it has fallen into disuse due to the lack of any significant muggle involvement in Wizarding Wars and since most Wizard's lean towards pure spell-casting and foregoing the banishment of objects as projectiles.

    Whilst the shield may be easy to cast, the base velocity of any incoming object taxes the wizard to a degree. A bullet would have the same drain on the wizard's magical core as a powerful stunner being cast.

    The shield however, offers no protection from even the most basic spells. The most famous example of this would be the time Dimitri Vladis was slammed into the roof of his house via a Wingardium Leviosa
  5. Aries the Dog

    Aries the Dog First Year DLP Supporter

    Feb 29, 2008
    I was thinking about using this spell in a story I'm writing, but "Ward Hammer" just doesn't sound too bad ass. I was searching for the magical equivalent of a battering ram, to knock down some Potter wards. The scene I'm writing is where Riddle and his Inner Circle find the Potter House in Godric's Hollow, they creep up the Inner Circle throws up an Anti-Apparation chant and Voldemort starts shattering the door with brute force, I assume the actual house is heavily warded also. The Anti-Apparation will work both ways keeping everyone out till Dumbles brings down the house with the Order, but by that point I would of already started killing shit.

    Anyway yeah just a battering ram type spell for wards which is basically what i got (see above) but can the-caitiff make up a more bad ass title?

    Or does anyone think there might be a better suited spell for this?
  6. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    The ultra-mega-explodion ward destructifyer
  7. Viper

    Viper Fourth Year

    Nov 30, 2007
    Spell Incantation : Cruoria Posituso Convocus; before I tweaked the words it meant "Convert blood into poison"

    Classification : Dark Magic

    Wand Movements : A short outward crescent curve followed by a jab.

    Appearance : A flash of dark blue light followed by snake-like tendrils erupting out of the wand.

    Additional Information : Even though the effects of the curse are fast and lethal and no counter curse is known, the spell itself moves very slow from the caster to the victim. Also, it can be shielded with a simple magical shield. Hence, not much use in a duel. Mostly used for slow murders by Dark Wizards.
  8. Jenkins

    Jenkins Forum Bike DLP Supporter

    Nov 24, 2006
    Name: Stomach Burner
    Class: Dark offensive magic
    Incantation: Auferoven Terparietis
    Wand Movement: Circular motion followed by two horizontal slashes, aimed at the mid-section.
    Effect: Removes the stomach wall lining, allowing the powerful acids inside to eat their way into the body.

    Other notes: Amount of lining removed depends on power of spell cast and the range. If weak, will cause a small amount of lining to vanish, inflicting great pain and a possible, if slow death.
  9. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    Spell Incantation: Nigomesa Towema
    Spell Meaning: (roughly) To drown in blood.
    Etymology: Highly altered Greek.

    Spell Effects: Seals the pulmonary veins while magically inducing the heart to continue beating, thus forcing blood into the lungs to the point of drowning.

    Spell Classification: Curse, Dark Arts

    The wand movement is a short jab forward, which must be performed simultaneously with a quarter twist clockwise. In 1832, this curse was widely published in a grimoire of Greco-Roman curses entitled "Katara," but was listed as involving a counterclockwise twist. Nearly the entire fifth year class at Durmstrang - where the tome had quickly been adopted for textbook use - simultaneously discovered that inverting the wand movement does, in this instance, cause the curse to backfire.
  10. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    That one's a keeper, Rex.
  11. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    Thank you; anyone is free to use it, as it's rather doubtful that I ever will. I have an obscene mental list of 'painful ways to die' (don't we all? :devil: ), so its just a matter of putting them in spell form.

    On that note:

    Spell Incantation: Sihalipso
    Spell Meaning: to drizzle
    Etymology: from Greek 'psihalizo', to drizzle; altered because I can't stand 'z's in spells.

    Spell effects: Takes liquid from a nearby vessel and disperses it from the wand tip in droplets. The speed with which the vessel is drained is a function of how much power the caster puts into the spell.

    Spell Classification: Transfiguration, an ancient variant of the Switching spell. Misclassified by many modern ministries as Dark Arts.

    Originally developed sometime in the Greek dark ages for, presumably, agricultural purposes. Remained in use as such until the later rise of Herpo the Foul, who saw an alternate use. Herpo discovered that this spell is not, in fact, limited to use with water, but is effective with any liquid. In true Dark Lord fashion, he began keeping large stocks of highly corrosive potions in his dungeons. A wizard of Herpo's calibre - one, obviously, with excellent control of his power - should be able to drain a vessel literally drop by drop, as Herpo was. In the ministerial archive of spells, a muggleborn researcher recently noted that the documented effects are "what one would imagine from Chinese water torture using hydrochloric acid."
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2008
  12. ArseNick

    ArseNick Fourth Year

    Mar 3, 2007
    New Delhi, India
    Name: Execution Spell
    Incantation: Decollo Et Exussum
    Classification: Unclassified.
    Appearance: Grey, slow-moving blade-like arc.
    Technique: Circular wand motion flowing into an upward swish, concluded by sharply jabbing wand toward target while saying "Exussum"
    Outlawed spell. Punishment is a 1500 galleon fine, and tracking and monitoring charms on the wand for 8 weeks.
    Effects: The Execution Spell was meant to cleanly and effectively deal with captured criminals. It beheads the target and immediately cauterizes the wound, resulting in instant, painless death, and almost no blood and gore. It was made to be a non-duelling spell, and as such has a ridiculously short range of upto 3 feet. Anything significantly more than that renders the spell useless.
    Notes: The spell was put forth during the Ist bi-annual session of the ICW in the year 1619 as standard execution procedure. It was accepted for a short while in England, France, Germany, Austria, and Russia, until it was outlawed following mass protests against the death sentence.
  13. ArseNick

    ArseNick Fourth Year

    Mar 3, 2007
    New Delhi, India
    I think I'll put forth some unorthodox stuff. Different from the usual offensive stuff.

    Name: Communication Charm
    Incantation: Ventuvehovox (roughly, "wind carry voice")
    Classification: Auror-level Charm
    Appearance: None
    Technique: None. Trained Aurors are expected to use it wandlessly.
    Legal spell, usually zealously guarded in the famed Auror-training manuals.
    Requires moderate levels of magic, but extremely high concentration to use wandlessly. Repeated and excessive use can lead to nausea and headaches.
    Effects: The Communication Spell is a commonly used during field missions. It is used to whisper to another person in sight of the caster. The spell works only one way, however. If the receiver wishes to answer, he/she must cast the same spell at the original caster.
    Notes: This spell was invented in the early years of the Rise of Grindelwald. Large scale (relatively speaking) magical skirmishes were becoming frequent, and the Ministry needed effective communication amongst its troops. Aurors, Unspeakables, Hit-Wizards, were all extensively drilled in this spell, in the hope that they would be able to cast it silently, wandlessly, and reflexively. It still remains one of the first spells taught in the current Auror syllabus.

    Name: Deflector Shield
    Incantation: Declino
    Classification: Defensive Conjuration
    Appearance: Curving, translucent white sheet.
    Technique: Slashing the wand in a straight line to set the starting line of the curve. The caster must be able to completely visualize the entire curve to make it form, and the effectiveness depends on the shape of the curve more than the power applied.
    Energy requirement depends upon incoming spell.
    Effects: The Deflector Shield is for those few wizards who not only have a good amount of magical power, but also ingenuity. The Shield is very different from most other magical shields, in that it merely deviates the path of a curse rather than trying to stop it. If the caster can create a proper shield curve, the spell will be easily nudged away. Of course, this isn't applicable everywhere, and it is usually not easy to know how best to deviate a curse. Spells of the piercing and bludgeoning variety are harder to deflect, whereas Slashing curses, Stunners, basic offensive spells, are easier. Though, any spell can get through the shield curve if the caster has put enough intent and power behind it.
    Notes: This rather tricky spell was invented by Supreme Mugwump Albus Dumbledore. His first recorded use of it was in an honorary duel with Filius Flitwick, winner of the 1956 European Duelling Championship. Flitwick, Professor of Charms at Hogwarts, merrily called "the old goat" to a bit of sparring. The Supreme Mugwump agreed with good humor, and duelled Flitwick to a standstill in some twenty minutes.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2008
  14. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    Spell Incantation: Laxocrea Lactuca
    Spell Meaning: to un-create lettuce
    Etymology: (bastardized) Latin

    Spell effects: Instantly and irreversibly degenerates leafy vegetables back into component nutrients

    Spell Classification: Undecided, but periodically debated by ministerial officials with nothing better to do.

    This spell represents the only known foray into the Dark Arts by Uric the Oddball, although the technical classification of the spell is still debated. For reasons unknown, the wizarding world's mad genius took it upon himself to alter the runic basis of a common Killing Curse into standardized arithmancy, a form developed by early Roman sorcerers. In the process, legend has it, his servant accidentally included lettuce - a particularly detestable vegetable - in Uric's evening meal, prompting the mad wizard to further alter the curse to specifically destroy the aforementioned food. In casting, one must have a true and deep hatred of the leafy vegetable for an effective spell to result; one must wish to completely destroy it. Like its (convoluted) ancestor, no shield is effective against this spell, and no known counter exists, although that is likely more a function of no one caring enough to find one.
    No other wizard has successfully altered the killing curse, much less in such a manner as to tailor it to a specific target. Uric (and the occasionally toddler's accidental magic) aside, no successful casting has ever been recorded.

    This one loses something being in Latin, and Greek would've been equally bad. My kingdom for a decent English/Aramaic translator. :wall:

  15. Jenkins

    Jenkins Forum Bike DLP Supporter

    Nov 24, 2006
    Anubis, I'm totally using the 'Nigomesa Towema' spell. You'll get a mention though, dont worry.
  16. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    Eh, have at it; painful death in fanfiction should always be encouraged. Extra points if it's used on a Weasley.

    Spell Incantation: Seastrokoloi
    Spell Meaning: (roughly) to twist bones
    Etymology: (bastardized) Greek

    Spell effects: Physically inverts every joint in the body while simultaneously instituting localized shielding on vital areas in the back and neck.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts

    While obviously somewhat unpleasant when used on its own, the bone twisting spell is best used in conjunction with one of several other spells. The Cruciatus Curse, while immensely painful, ensures the victim remains conscious until they are literally driven mad by the pain. Simultaneous casting of 'crucio' and 'seastrokoloi' (by two wizards) ensures the victim remains conscious for the ordeal. If a petrification curse is cast upon the victim prior to this, the stress of the conflicting spells has a tendency to shatter smaller bones and send particularly nasty spiral fractures down the long bones. The curse is reversible in its base form, but, when used in conjunction with a petrification spell, can only be cured by a massive and nearly immediate dose of Skele-Grow.
  17. ArseNick

    ArseNick Fourth Year

    Mar 3, 2007
    New Delhi, India
    @Anubis Rex
    Man you're creative... That curse is fairly impressive and very unique when compared to the regular Bone-Breakers. Mind linking me to the Greek translator you use (if you use one)?
  18. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    Whoever can get the lettuce disintegration curse into a decent piece of fan fiction deserves a medal... Its genius
  19. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Well, I don't know if I'd call it decent, but I think I can fit that in Diadem somewhere...
  20. Marsupial

    Marsupial Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    Sorry ArseNick, but I don't use a translator; I have a Greek/English dictionary lying around, and know (barely) enough to tweak it into a phonetic English spelling. AltaVista Babelfish translates English/Greek, although not into Anglicized phonetic Greek like what I've been using for spells. Also - and if there's a native Greek speaker on the board I'd love a confirmation - the Babelfish translations seem pretty poor, more so than usual even.

    While I like the lettuce spell in theory, I'm not sure how it could be worked into anything but a major Crack!Fic. To anyone who wants to use that one: use it with caution, and please, please don't fuck up a perfectly good fic in doing so.

    Edit: I suppose it could be done in a theoretical discussion - History of Magic class or something - but I'm at a loss as to how it could actually be used in a serious fic. Kudos if someone can pull it off well though.

    Edit 2:

    Spell Incantation: Pavtiakno Derma
    Spell Meaning: (roughly) To cease to make skin
    Etymology: (a whole new level of bastardized) Greek

    Spell effects: Prevents new skin cells from forming, but does not alter the natural shedding thereof.

    Spell Classification: Dark Arts

    This spell was originally developed by the renowned healer Asclepius for the renewal of the skin and the healing of various dermatological ailments. Unfortunately, the spell did not work as planned; while the creation of diseased skin ceased, so to did the creation of healthy skin. In modern practice, the spell is primarily used as a method of torture for prisoners, as the rate at which skin is naturally lost is such that it makes for an ineffective battle spell. If the curse is removed after a short duration, no harm is done, but, if left for a sufficient time, each successive layer of skin is gradually removed via natural shedding until the victim begins bleeding from every pore. Used in conjunction with common table salt at the later stages, this curse is highly effective at information gathering. Several Dark Lords over the last millennium have been rumored to use itching hexes to further the speed - and entertainment value - of the curse.

    Last edited: Apr 12, 2008