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Harry/Fleur Community

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Methene, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. Grubdubdub

    Grubdubdub Supreme Mugwump

    Feb 22, 2008
    The wife is the first thing to go. Then everything else with it.
  2. Helltanz98

    Helltanz98 Professor

    Jul 28, 2007
    Terac Shri
    Especially if wife is red head skank named ginny.
    Concerning the story idea posted on page thirty one, its really just trying to cram to much in there.
    And if Mr Delacour is the head of the Knights, which is unlikely given that france kinda offed a good bit of their nobility and such traditions, should he not be able to hold his own against a magical gang that his forces are raiding?
    The idea is a little half baked.
  3. Akuma-san

    Akuma-san First Year

    Feb 18, 2008
    Some of the plot devises in this thread are simply brilliant. My personal Favorite was the pen-pal idea. I had a pen-pal back in middle school (age 12-13) and found it changed both of us for the better. I found Harry potter because of her.

    @Methene: I want to thank you for starting this thread. I have found many more quality (key word being quality) Harry / Fleur works. There are hundreds of crappy works out there. It seems the idea of quality over quantity never caught on in the fanfiction world. For your work in bring quality Harry / Fleur to the masses I salute you!

    @scaryisntit: After reading “Sixth Year: Steps Towards the End” I was blown away. The interactions were not only realistic, but the reader could insert themselves into the characters. *bows at waist and exposes neck*

    @ Perspicacity: “Dagger and Rose” was great. Some areas I was a bit caught of guard, but altogether you pulled the whole thing of brilliantly.
  4. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    Thanks for the shout-out, Akuma-san. *nods in thanks--as a gaijin, he's incapable of bowing properly*

    I agree completely with your take on Methene's tireless championing of this ship. And on the quality of scary's story--it started out very good and just keeps getting better.
  5. Akuma-san

    Akuma-san First Year

    Feb 18, 2008
    @ Perspicacity: I thought bowing at the waist was a European bow. I was under the impression people in Japan were the ones who dropped to their knees and placed their foreheads to the ground. My goal was a middle age peasant bowing to a knight who fights for quality over the sick perversion some call Fan fiction. I know knights did the single knee. Peasants (I consider my ranking as a peasant) always averted their eyes and bowed at the waist. Showing neck was a sign of trust. I think I got Japanese and Medieval mixed up. Damn I hate that.

    My views on Gabrielle / Harry depend on how the author portrays her. Make her out to be strong and independent then I am all for it. I can’t remember the story, but I know someone made Gabrielle seem like a blonde fan girl. That pisses me off to no end. I asked him where he got off calling a ditzy air head Gabrielle canon. His answer was that was how she came off in the books. She was what 8-9 in the books?
  6. Rin

    Rin Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    Bowing in Japan is done at about a 45-degree angle for most situations or about 15 degrees if you're the superior of the two of you. A bow in gratitude may dip deeper, and an informal bow between people might be only 5 to 10 degrees each. A lot of people here in Japan just dip their heads when they're in a hurry.

    Men keep their hands to their sides, whilst women over-lap their hands in front of them.

    Oh, and I'm happy you liked my idea with the Pen Pals.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  7. spamshu

    spamshu Muggle

    Apr 1, 2008
    I was wondering does anyone else think that the story where the Wizarding world is completely oppressed is kinda like Equilibrium? Where Harry is like Christian Bale and Shacklebolt is like the Voice for the Prophet and Harry uses occlumency to hold his emotions to himself? I think its by Methane.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  8. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    Welcome to DLP, now post in the intro thread.
  9. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    No. <filler>
  10. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    I think I started it, it sounds fairly familiar anyway.

    or am I thinking of the one where Diagon is in ashes and there's an emotionless SS equivilant scaring the hell outta everyone in the alternate areas set up for shopping...
  11. jjack1003

    jjack1003 Second Year

    Jul 1, 2008
    I know that there may be many problems with the logic of the whole story, but thats wht it is a story, and a fan fiction. not anything by JKR,,.

    I really really loved the story and the portrayal of Harry as a cold bastard made it even better.
    Unfortunately, the entire story was taken off from the fanfiction.net for some reason. So I guess I wont be able to read it

    I know that there may be many problems with the logic of the whole story, but thats wht it is a story, and a fan fiction. not anything by JKR,,.

    I really really loved the story and the portrayal of Harry as a cold bastard made it even better.
    Unfortunately, the entire story was taken off from the fanfiction.net for some reason. So I guess I wont be able to read it
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  12. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Bump, and a good one, too. Well, at least better than some of the posts before.

    A story I vaguely remember reading has been updated: His Destiny, by Darker Destiny.

    It's been ages since I read it (which is why I'm not posting it For Review, have to read it once again before I decide if I do that), but from what I remember, it was in some ways like Jack's Harry Potter and the Hero's Path, if anyone still remembers that. Harry runs away from the Dursley's and years later goes to Hogwarts. He hooks up with Fleur during the Tri-Wiz, if I remember that right.

    If you don't mind the time away from Hogwarts, and some OC's, this could be decent read, I think (although I'm really good at supressing bad memories, so ... ;))
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2008
  13. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I thought I had heard of this before. After a quick skim I realized that yes I had read it before and no it isn't very good. Cliches abound in there. Also they make atrocious mistakes. First chapter is a good example of this. They used u instead of you at least 2 times... I quit after that.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2008
  14. Freelancer

    Freelancer Fourth Year

    Mar 4, 2008
    I think I read this once, but can't remember why I never finish it so I read it again and can only make it to chapter 10 before I need to stop.

    Cliches is everywhere with Katana and Pistol that is charmed to always have bullets. Romance is poorly execute and this Harry is trying too hard to be cool that it is getting lame. Spelling and grammar is really bad that even ESL like me couldn't stand it.

    Conclusion, think of this as Knowledge is Power without the cool sarcastic Harry, interesting joke, and interestingly written romance, but with worse spelling and grammar, Harry that is really lame, and cliches like Katana and Baretta.
  15. Mirkwood

    Mirkwood Seventh Year

    Mar 20, 2008
    Wow, the first Harry/Fleur fic that I ever read has been updated! it's so terrible now that I look back at it.
  16. fash

    fash Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2007
    Is that the story where he knocks up some muggle before Dumbledore comes and gets him? Some muggle thats like 24 while hes 14ish?

    If so I couldnt stand that story...
  17. Samuel Black

    Samuel Black Chief Warlock

    Feb 22, 2007
    Nah... This is the one where Harry gets adopted by some bartender or something, there's another magical alley, he has a hot older step-sister... Of course, since he was adopted at six or something, he's had a horrible life, which makes him a total badass who doesn't bat an eye at executing someone point blank with a pistol.

    I think.

    I'm actually really disappointed in myself after realizing that I can recall all of that.
  18. Mirkwood

    Mirkwood Seventh Year

    Mar 20, 2008
    Shake_Me is what you're talking about, it wasn't bad when I first read it, except the kid part, I wish I had a hot little vampire.
  19. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sorry for newb interrupting a good discussion, but here's my 2c, as well as a small introduction, of where this particular noob came from.

    I have only been reading fanfic of HP, for a month or two and I am, completely fascinated by the phenomenon. I've yet to see a single book or whatever, generate more interest, authors and all round good reading, then J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.

    I don't yet know all the nuances of hp fic communities, and only have a very fleeting understanding of the terminology... but feel free to flame anyway, if that's your thing.

    I have only today, googled for harry/fleur and immediately become engrossed in this single thread (props to the OP), and read the fics of some of the links... I have also read some of the suggestions for stories, and feel compelled to add my bit. So here goes:-

    I believe that it is possible, to retain 99% canon, in a harry/fleur fic, if it's started during GoF. Allow me to explain.

    Firstly, when Harry's name is drawn from the GoF, he goes into the back room and is called a 'leetle boy' by fleur... and also during the selection of dragons, and finally after Harry "saves" gabrielle, special attention by the author, could be given to the developing story, in a Fleur POV that was not in the originals... naturally in order to change Fleur's Yule Ball choice, from Cedric (her first choice, when Ron copped an "accidental blast" of her powers, cept Cedric ended up going with Cho), to Harry, as she slowly realises he is much more then a 'leetle boy', and becomes smitten.
    - Seems perfectly reasonable to me...if poorly explained.

    It is here, if I was writing, that it would cease to be canon though... I'm a bit of a dry/black humour fan...and a lover of all things Weasley-bashing.

    I'd write it, as Fleur actually saying "yes" to Ron, in order to manipulate her way closer to Harry, and of course earning herself her prize.

    Naturally Ron would be livid, punch harry da fark out, and be written out of the story due to detentions, except for his payback activities, with Ginny.

    Ginny? you ask... Well naturally Hermione and Ginny, suspect that the half-veela has hoodwinked Harry with her alluring powers, and will resort to the very cliche' love potion, to try and bring him to his senses. Naturally Ginny deems it suitable for herself to be the target of the love potion.
    The love potion fails, because Hermione is a true freind of harry, and can't go through with it.

    The Trio is broken up when Ron and Ginny team up.. as the objects of their affections both need a little payback...and if the weasley duo, end up with their dream-lovers..so much the better right?

    Anyway...while the potential new trio of Fleur, Harry and Hermione become familiar with each other, Ginny brews up some polyjuice potion, with Ron's sparing help (stealing invisibility cloak and potion supplies etc), and they formulate a wealseyesque plan, where they each polyjuice into Hermione and Harry. Ginny as Hermione to sleep with Harry, alienate Fleur and have herself a good shag in the meantime. Ron as Harry, just to shag the real Hermione. Bloody hell!

    Naturally it backfires spectacularly, with heads up from Luna(who is freinds with Ginny and has a crush on Ron), and a little help from Fleur and her Veela powers...When the weasley duo unfortunately, wake up sticky, sweaty and publically, next to each other...in the rose garden Skeeter busts Hagrid and Olympie for being half-giants, causing hilarity and a clear path for the new trio, to become...well..the new trio.

    Hmm maybe that could still be canon...ish

    I hate the Weasleys. Can you tell?

    Ok, I rambled.

    Bye bye and forgive the rambling newb this one time ok?
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008
  20. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    What is it with people posting Intro's in random threads? Monkey, expand that shit and put it into the Introduction-Forum in a new thread; if you really want to do an Intro.

    DLP, the Harry/Fleur base? I like that.

    To the rest ... In my eyes, your idea works only as Humor/Parody. E.g. I don't want to see Ginny using a Love Potion anywhere outside of one. For fun, it works, as a real plot device it's as shitty as it's overdone.

    As pure Humor-Stories are not really my cup of tea, I can't really comment; however,
    Somehow, I find that exceptionally funny. Of course, the question would be, why take a circut over Ron? Why not go straight for Harry?

    But if you can get those questions answered, it's nice away to break up Harry & Ron, one I haven't seen before, and I like what it means in regards to Fleur's character, because I haven't seen her that way before, either.

    She's in it for the fame of dating Harry Potter, Harry in turn realises that but says what the hell, nothing's better than doing a Veela. Besides that, keep the Harry/Fleur aspect as a side story, whip up a real plot, and I'd be more than just interested in reading it.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2008