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Complete The Lie I've Lived by jbern - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by jbern, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    As Lie gets closer to completion, I will most likely put TML on hold, just as I put Darkness on hold to finish Bungle and the others on hold to finish Darkness.
  2. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    That doesn't fully answer the question. Instead that leads to more questions, like: How many more chapters do you plan on writing for Lie? and How close is close to completion?
  3. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    That's a real difficult question. It depends on when I feel the momentum building for a conclusion. Back around chapter 12 I said I thought the story was about half done. I'll probably try to end out this year somewhere around chapter 24 and set the stage for a sequel. It's likely that by chapter 20 I'll be putting TML on hold to finish this, but then again I might just keep them both going.

    I know where each story is going. What I don't know is how many chapters it's going to take to get me there.

    Clear as mud right?
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  4. Torak

    Torak Death Eater

    Jul 21, 2008
    I hope so for my sanity anyway
  5. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    Actually, that's pretty clear for me. Thanks, and no further questions.
  6. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    TML 8 just came back from 1st edits. It should be ready by Monday at the latest. In the meantime, here's a tease consisting of the first two sections of Lie 15.

    Chapter 15 – Code of the Marauders

    Aimee finds me in the corridor a few hours later after dinner finished. "You realize Fleur is quite angry at your stunt."

    I put on my "confused" face and lean back against the masonry. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

    "Of course you don't. We both know you were going to ask her. Don't bother denying it."

    "I changed my mind. Fortunately, I don't fall to pieces around her and have that luxury."

    "Yes, but why? Because your friend?"

    Ron was rather embarrassed when he came back to his senses. "Partly yes, but mostly I realized that, although she isn't as cold towards me in private as she used to be, we'd be out in public together. Call me selfish, but I would prefer to enjoy my night out with an attractive witch who possesses a pleasant disposition than one who hates the spotlight and attention probably as much as I do."

    My words have Miss Beaucourt thinking. "You do know that I have a boyfriend?"

    "No, I didn't." With her always around Fleur I had assumed she was unattached. "So, I guess your answer is no."

    "Stephan is an apprentice to an enchanter in the Azores. He graduated from Beauxbatons last year."

    "Well, I look forward to meeting him then." I start to leave, but her hand stops me.

    "Stephan's master is very strict. He is not allowed to leave for the first two years, even to vacation with his parents."

    I whistle, "Even to see his girlfriend compete in the first Triwizard Tournament in over four hundred years? Tell me, does he write you often or called you on the Floo?"

    "That's none of your business!" she snaps back, quickly – perhaps a bit too quickly.

    "Oh dear, I seem to have touched a nerve. Perhaps a picture of you and I having a lovely evening will encourage him to pick up a quill or a pinch of Floo powder."

    Aimee gives me a rather sour look. "And what makes you think he would be jealous of you?"

    I grin, "The shortest answer is four words – I am Harry Potter. The photograph I mentioned would also be attached to an issue of Teen Witch Weekly written by my dear friend Penelope Clearwater and likely include another picture of me receiving an Order of Merlin as well, or if you prefer, you could send him any of the other slanderous rags, which will doubtless be overflowing with speculation by this time tomorrow, no less, since everyone knows I asked you. I'll wager a galleon that it makes the Prophet tomorrow."

    She laughs, "I believe you are becoming more dangerous with each passing second, Harry."

    "You'll find that I am full of surprises. So, are you going to be my date for this occasion or do I need to ask someone else?"

    "Most will suspect that I am trying to take advantage of you, but I am worried that I need to stay on guard from your schemes. Very well, I accept your invitation, Harry, though Fleur will likely stop speaking to me for several days."

    "Is she that angry?"

    "It's been years since she's used my middle name and I have heard it three times this afternoon!"

    "What is it?" I ask out of curiosity while enjoying the mental image of the enraged Fleur Delacour.


    "It's a very pretty name."

    "Thank you. Well, I must be going. I have to get to my laboratory. There are things that must be done; I suspect you know that all too well."

    I think I know what she's referring to. "Heard about the explosions, did you? It was only a minor setback, I promise. There's still a bit of light left. A walk by the lake would certainly get those rumors simmering…"

    She rolls her eyes, but fails to hide the smile on her face, "I will pass this time, Harry, but thank you for the offer."

    I watch her walk away with an amused smile on my face while weighing my chances with Aimee. She looks back right before turning the corner and heading for the staircase probably wondering what she's gotten herself into.

    My dear, you have no idea.


    Oliver Wood smiles at me twirling a staff with a gleeful expression on his face. "Your size and speed do give you a couple of advantages, HJ."

    Twenty minutes of getting my arse handed to me by my sparring partner hasn't improved my sense of humor. "What's that?"

    "You're short, so you don't have very far to fall and you're fast, so it'll be over quickly." He laughs and launches another assault as I try to dredge up JP's rather limited skills with the blasted things. Before people could just kip on over to Ollivander's they either made their own wands or many settled for staves. Many pureblood families to this day use them to try to sniff out magical ability in toddlers. JP's parents put the staves away shortly after he started showing his talents.

    Long ago, Hermione seemed to be under the impression that a staff would be mighty and powerful. Crude and inefficient would be more like it. The difference between the wand and a staff are not the difference between a pistol and a rifle; it is more like a pistol and an early musket. This four foot hunk of holly in my hands is damn near useless. Honestly, something this long should have bristles at the end and someone riding it!

    Yeah, I'm pretty screwed in this event. At least no one can cheat and hurt my score here. I'm going to lose fair and square.

    The Hat lends its own brand of cheerfulness, "Good one, HJ! Blocking with your head is a winning tactic for certain! Wood! Hit him in the crotch and see if that gives him any incentive to do better."

    "I'll get my wand, Ollie!" I warn.

    I'd called on Ollie, because he tried to get a staff dueling club here at Hogwarts. He's one of those rare spell casters that like athletics. Puddlemere's training facilities include, among other things, a racquetball court there. Ollie dominates that as well, so, I figured he'd be good with a staff.

    I stand corrected. He's not only good; he's great and way too much for me. I might as well have called out Hagrid. Alright, let's see if I can channel some magic through this wretched thing! I hop backwards to give myself some space, there's only about twenty crude spells that can be cast with a staff. I choose a disarming spell.

    "Exarmoare!" The feeble yellow beam sputters on Ollie's "Declino." He didn't have to cast it; he was just looking for an excuse to use that rudimentary shield.

    "Maybe your best strategy is to dodge and take blows until their arms tire!" Hat cackles. When Ollie joins him, I send an angry, wandless banisher his way and watch the Keeper dive out of the way.

    Wood gawks at my casual display of impressive force. "Wow, you're getting better. Still, temper, temper there HJ. None of that during the competition, or you'll get a disqualification. Now what's this I hear about you and the seventh year French Champion?"

    "She's nice. Her boyfriend isn't going to be in town." Hat starts laughing about the money I'll owe it.

    Wood launches a quick series of feints that I barely parry. "Playing the other man, I see. Well it'd be tempting to see if I could take this pretty bird away from you as well, but one's my limit."

    "More like Penny already owns your stones!" I move in and try to sweep his feet, only to be turned away as easily as my spell. He answers with a quick Fumeous and sprays a small jet of smoke into my face. I back away hacking and coughing. This whole episode has been one long, painful lesson in my limitations.

    "Nah, but she does handle them rather nicely. By the way, learn that one, HJ. Watch for a person to take a deep breath before they do it. If you use it, follow up quickly and try to drive them off the platform. You'll need every trick you can get in this one."

    "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

    Ollie calls for a break. The Hat immediately calls both of us "Pussies."

    Both of us have gotten pretty adept at ignoring the thing. Ollie says, "Considering some people already think you're the next Merlin, I wouldn't waste much time worrying about losing a few archaic staff duels."

    I scuff my shoes on the mats we've been practicing on, "I don't like to lose."

    He shrugs his shoulders. "Show me someone who does. Think your date likes being in last place in the competition? Yeah, didn't think so. My advice is, laugh the whole thing off. All of them are at least three years older than that body of yours. Just focus on giving a good show and maybe even ham it up a bit even when you're getting the snot beaten out of you up there. I don't think anyone's going to forget you going toe to toe with those dementors anytime soon."

    "Yeah, I should just play it off like whenever the Marauders got caught in a prank. They'd just have a good chuckle and brag about who failed with the most style."

    "That's the spirit – victory in defeat! Here why don't you put some salve on that cheek? That looks pretty nasty. Let's call it a day."

    "Scared, I'll injure you?"

    He smiles, "Nope, I'm going to take Penny out to a nice restaurant and a few hours later, I'm going to shag her rotten. What's on your schedule for tonight?"

    Amidst the laughter of a certain magical artifact, I reply, "You're a bastard, Ollie."

    He tries, but fails to look hurt. "I know. It's part of my charm. I'll come back for one more session, but in the meantime try and practice with someone else to get a feel for different styles."

    "Yeah, I'll do that. See you later, mate. Hope Penny gives you blueballs."

  7. Scat-Muncher

    Scat-Muncher Card Captored and buttsecksed

    Aug 3, 2008
    Jbern, gotta tell you that I enjoy this story. It's always refreshing to read stories where Harry is mature, and not a complete tongue-tied pansy around girls. Plus, the concept of James being stuck inside Harry is one I have not seen, as opposed to the concept of Voldemort and/or Lily which has been done a few times.
    Seriously though, Harry needs to get laid. Multiple times. With Penny. Just to shut Oliver and the Hat up. Then give him Fleur, Aimee and the rest.
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    Shorter: I'm Harry Potter.

    Nice teaser overall, although the HJ/Aimee dialogue seemed a bit too back-and-forth. It was similar to the rapidfire dialogue in Gilmore Girls, if that makes sense.
  9. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    I'm sorry, but could you reference a show that needs balls to watch?
  10. Tarnished Blade

    Tarnished Blade Professor

    Dec 28, 2006
    Or one that doesn't require castration?
  11. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    Oh! Oh! I've got one.

    Walker, Texas Ranger.

    In the eyes of a ranger,
    The unsuspecting stranger,
    Had better know the truth of wrong from right,

    'Cause the eyes of a ranger are upon you,
    Any wrong you do, he's gonna see,

    When you're in Texas, look behind you,

    'Cause that's where the rangers gonna be

    This show has so much balls that it teabaggs my eyes just watching it. I still love it.
  12. TimeLord

    TimeLord Fourth Year

    Apr 15, 2008
    4th level of Hell
    There I fixed it for you. I'll wait until the new chapter comes out before I comment so far it promises to be an interesting chapter.
  13. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    I referenced a show that was pertinent to the story, tool. I'm not gonna name something else to satisfy your fragile sensitivities.

    My balls can survive all forms of television - good, bad, or otherwise. I'm sorry yours aren't as...durable.
  14. Voice of the Nephilim

    Voice of the Nephilim Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Feb 10, 2008
    Good to see Harry isn't automatically going to mop-up in every single competition. I predict a fourth place finish in this one, but as always, we shall see.

    Very nice start to the chapter.
  15. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Looking forward to TML as always. I enjoy reading it for a variety of reasons, but that's for another thread, another time.

    Very nice teaser. Harry/Aimee interaction was good and I'm interested if she'll take up the offer.. probably, but then there's a certain Ravenclaw who comes to mind too.. Oh well!

    Good ol' Hat & Ollie though, teasing Harry for all he's worth. Nice to see HJ lose naturally for once I guess, but who knows, maybe he'll pull a win out here or there. Then again, there's probably a bigger chance of Ollie getting blue-balls thanks to Penny after their date than Harry winning in this next event, I think.
  16. Janus

    Janus Groundskeeper

    Jun 15, 2008
    Sin City
    Jbern, Nicolette from TML and now Aimee Nicolette? =P Are you leaving hidden extras for people who read both your stories?

    If so, that's ten pounds of win in a five pound bag.

    Primo spoiler.
  17. jbern

    jbern Alba Mater

    Jan 28, 2006
    Well spotted. I didn't want to be overt about it, but I thought people who pay attention like yourself would enjoy the "easter egg."
  18. Militis

    Militis Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2008

    If I were to be brutally honest, I like Lie better than TML. It has more "lulz" factor than TML (what with Hat, being the sexiest character, missing from TML).

    In any case, I do enjoy both stories, and I cannot wait for this chapter to be finished.
  19. Voice of the Nephilim

    Voice of the Nephilim Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Feb 10, 2008
    jbern, does the new avatar (nicely done) mean the Dead Eye website is close to being up?
  20. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    jbern, I know you have to promote your book and everything, but on a simple lulz level, i liked your old avatar better than this new one.

    Just read TML 8, and I love it. It really would be a bitch if Svetlana turned out to be Baba Yaga. It would be even more of a bitch if Harry found that fact out after he had an up close and highly personal experience with her.

    Keep writing!