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Abandoned The Stranger Trilogy by serpant sorcerer - M

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Rahkesh Asmodaeus, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. Jaba

    Jaba Backtraced

    Aug 3, 2008
    The redneck infested area of Fl. Panhandle
    He should just post the chap. the way it is now, and stop putting his moronic followers into pissy moods.(Directed at those freaks in his yahoo group.)
  2. IBG

    IBG Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2007
    I agree with the general sentiment of this thread. Grindelwald has had 50 years extra in this world. Dumbledore defeated him in 1945 in canon, and its 1995 in PL. Also, he had already taken over most of continental Europe, if it took Voldemort 3 years to take Britain, Grindelwald, with most of the continent at his back, and around 70 - 80 years more experience, should of been able to take it easily. Also, Grindelwald should be much more powerful that any figure so far seen. Even Dumbledore did not search out battle magic or fights as he has for the last half century.
  3. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    I'm not sure how much stronger or smarter Grinde is. Jono's copping out by have him make the same mistakes as Voldemort. You'd think that this guy with half an extra century behind him would do something new. But no, it's lure Katie to the prophecy, then send the same deatheaters, then screw up killing Katie because of Harry.

    Either Voldemort was so damn progressive that a decade of terror he is worse than Grindelwald could do in 50 yrs. or Grindelwald is a freakin' retard. You'd think that with different dark lords, there'd be some variation or some kind of difference.
  4. Boo

    Boo Auror

    May 29, 2007
    The thing is, the plan was good. Its just he didnt expect his best Deatheaters to get their ass handed to them by schoolkids.
  5. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    I'm sure Voldemort thought the same exact thing.
  6. Samuel Black

    Samuel Black Chief Warlock

    Feb 22, 2007
    This series bothers me. On the one hand, I loved the first story. It was great. I found myself eagerly checking for updates every week or so. On the other, the second one sucks. It has it's moments of brilliance, like the DoM fight. But, on the whole level, I can't but feel that it's going to suck major donkey balls.

    I'm also spotting errors in the chapters. Grammar, wrong word usage, things like that. Not very many, not enough to bitch about, but if you're going to take upwards of four months or whatever the count is at now, it better be damn near spotless.
  7. dyslexicfaser

    dyslexicfaser First Year

    Jul 29, 2008
    I'm not loving Promised Land as much as I'd hoped I would.

    Katie's a bit of a whiner, and the way parts of the story are written just isn't believable, even for HP fanfiction. I mean... for one, Sirius Black is somehow Katie's godfather, when they'd never met - or had any reason to meet - in the canon-verse? It comes off as totally arbitrary and pointless.

    That aside - Samuel Black, can I ask what story/author that quote is from? Sounds interesting.
  8. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
  9. Jaba

    Jaba Backtraced

    Aug 3, 2008
    The redneck infested area of Fl. Panhandle
    Not saying that your completely wrong in your assessment, but let's see you do half of what Jono has done with this fic.
  10. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Thats hardly of any relevance really.

    Sure, jono has put a LOT of work into his fics, but right now promised land is still in its initial stages, which means, that its gonna feel kinda meh.

    I have no doubt the story will start falling into place with the next chapters.
  11. dyslexicfaser

    dyslexicfaser First Year

    Jul 29, 2008
    I can't, of course. That's why I read Harry Potter fanfiction, rather than writing it.
  12. The Sour Kraut

    The Sour Kraut Seventh Year

    Jan 26, 2008
    Where the beer flows
    You are all waiting for the new chapter.
    The thing is, I know there are two more I haven't read but I'm awaiting approval to join jonos group for four fucking days now. *grumble*

    Don't know how good the newest two are, obviously, but I can agree with most of what has been said. Until now the second part seems rather pointless and it would've been better to go back to Harry's original dimension directly.
    Harry is a bit underpowered as well, yes.
    But all in all it's still a story I can enjoy immensely and am just waiting to see Harry being back in full force again...
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  13. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Yup.. I'm part of the Yahoo Group & we're eagerly awaiting Chapter 7..

    If you've not managed to read Chapters 5 & 6, you're missing out, but i'm sure that'll be corrected soon enough.

    As most have said, Promised starts out slow, but it gets better - Stranger started out the same way, admittedly with more action scenes, but I feel that Promised will be just as good as Unholy.
  14. Jaba

    Jaba Backtraced

    Aug 3, 2008
    The redneck infested area of Fl. Panhandle
    Ouch, please tell me your not one of those pansy's that yell at everyone when someone gets the balls to tell Jono to hurry the fuck up, because 7 going on 8 months is to long for an update in-progress fic.
  15. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    If you go back a few pages (not sure which). You'll find that some one was kind enough to post those two chapters right here in this thread.

    Actually, it's probably better to run a search using my name since I was the one that requested it.
  16. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I wouldn't call them pansies, more... fools. I don't care if an Update takes anywhere between a month & 2 years, as long as the fic isn't abandoned.

    I've read Unholy 8 times now, nearing 9 & it just keeps reminding me that Promised will be worth the wait. Plus Jono hasa life like most of us so you'd expect some people to have the patience & brains to understand that.. clearly i'm wrong looking at the Yahoo Group messages most days =(.
  17. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    What? The long wait is all Jono's fault because of poor planning. And also because of his ridiculously long chapters. 50K is way too big for one chapter, if he would cut it down to 10K words, he could easily be getting out a chapter or more a month. It takes him a while to write so much, and then the beta process takes even longer.

    This chapter has been finished for quite a while now, but the problem was that Jono sent it to the beta, got it back, but didn't look it over because he was busy with tests. After exams, he still didn't look it over and then was without computer for a few months because he was moving or something. He just finished looking it over a week or two ago, and sent it back to the beta... who's on vacation. Joy.

    This wait is retarded. It wouldn't be so retarded if we didn't know that the chapter was completed already and just sitting in his beta's email all lonely and unread.
  18. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    At the very least, consider getting another beta.

    Right now, it'd suck that the beta gets back, butchers the chapter and Jono has to rework the bits only to send it back to the beta again. Oi...
  19. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    He uses like 4 Beta's on the side i'm pretty sure, then sticks to his most trusted one for the rest & generally over-viewing the chapter.

    If people don't like the wait then that's their problem. Not Jono's fault he lieks to get outside & enjoy life, or that unexpected moves can happen, it's part of life.

    It's just the way things happen. He decides how long he wants the chapters to be as he writies them & I admire him for doing larger chapters. Sure it's more stress etc etc, but if that's how he chooses to do it then so be it.

    Besides, if the story wasn't worth waiting for, those of you bitching about the update time would've given in by now & just left the fic alone, so clearly it's gotta be good.. or you're just waiting for the mistakes to unload into Jono.

    *Shrugs* All i'm say is 'Patience is a virtue'
  20. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    There's nothing wrong with pointing out that an author's taking longer than necessary to put out a chapter. Even Jeconais, huge woman that he is, dropped 65k chapters in a timely fashion. The lack of access to a computer excuse is so tired and bothersome that it defies reasoning. I remember having every single computer in my house catch the same virus; I was pissed for about 2 minutes, before I remembered that I could go to the library. Or borrow a friend's computer - and this was 8 years ago, before flash drives were cheaper than Skittles.

    I dont care if Jono "has a life"; that argument simply holds no weight for someone putting out monster chaptered trilogies. Frankly, if I'm spending time to crank out 50k-word chapters, I want that shit read, revised, and out there ASAP. This wait period is indicative of someone withOUT a beta, not someone with four at his disposal.

    That being said, I have no problems re-reading Jono's shit over and over - it's that good IMO. Too bad creating cgi/animation isn't as easy a process as writing, because this story would be epic on the big-screen.

    /me sends email to creator of Haloid...