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Favorite Character?

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by JohnThePyro, May 6, 2008.

  1. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Murphy is the single most annoying bitch in the Dresden Files.

    Marcone is what he is. He is a decent character. He is like the mortal verison of ol Nic.
  2. Xantam

    Xantam Denarii Host

    Jan 8, 2006
    My favorite character has to be Dresden just by principle, but I also like a few others. Michael, Bob, Thomas, and Cowl are enjoyable, but the most badass character in the books has to be Ferrovax. Just picturing him at Bianca's party in his Roman centurion costume was awesome. As was the smoke he was blowing with an unlit cigarette and how he could crush Dresden without even his full name.
  3. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    Yes, Ferrovax was teh awesome.
  4. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Yup. I sincerely hope we see more of him in the books to come (I'm fairly positive we will, actually), 'coz in the short few lines he had he was a kickass character.
  5. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    I haven't read all of them but I got a soft spot for Dresden, Murphy really irritates me
  6. Jamven

    Jamven Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Nov 2, 2006
    Hunting Bullwinkle's assassin
    Finally got a hold of book 1. Not too far into tbh, trying to make time to read it. Dresden seems decent enough at the moment.

    An interesting note is that the person who played Bob in the TV series (Terrence Mann) is a professor at an University that I use to attend. At the time, I didn't know anything about Dresden File's so I never made to connection with him and Bob. Actually, I don't think the TV series had ran yet...

    I got to talk to him for a few minutes, he seemed like a decent enough person. Great singer and stage performer, I remember someone later read off an impressive list of shows that was a member of the cast of...
  7. No Earthly Clue

    No Earthly Clue Third Year DLP Supporter

    May 15, 2008
    Middle of Texas
    After reading all the books. My favorite char has to be Rashid, that old desert fox. Even though, we don't have tons of info on him and he is very mysterious. I'm just waiting for him to do something badass.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  8. kmfrank

    kmfrank Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2008
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Hmmm, let me list out a few characters that I enjoy.

    Ferrovax was awesome, as it seemed like he was one of the few characters (along with Faerie Queens and Nick) who scared Harry shitless.

    Kincaid is pretty much an absolute badass, especially since he's a half-demon. I also love how he threatens Harry when he hires him to kill vamps. "But you'll have to contend with my Death Curse!" "Oh that's no problem, I'll just shoot you from a mile away and you'll die before you hear the gunshot." *Gulp...* He was also pretty insane when he was taking out the Fallen like a motherfucker in Small Favor. He pretty much just showed that he can reliably kick the ass of anyone we've really seen fight all out in the series.

    Dresden is, of course, awesome, and I think that the books are a lot better for his sarcastic humor. It's good that Butcher mixes it up a bit with that, otherwise the books would get pretty monotonous - kill shit, get ass kicked, hurt a lot, kill more shit...

    Murphy is a character who I really liked at first. She was hard, no nonsense, and didn't like Dresden. Which is weird because in too many books, the protagonist gets along with everyone good, and fights everyone evil. So having a "good guy" who doesn't like the protagonist and even arrests him is a cool thing. And despite the fact that her ass may be great, according to Kincaid, she has turned into kind of a slut - not always a bad thing - but also very annoying with her "promise to serve even through the hardship" bullshit. So she lost my respect.

    I also enjoyed Charity Carpenter for the same reason as above, though even she doesn't hate Dresden any more. I loved it when she found Molly in Dresden's hotel room and was like, "Get away from my daughter you rapist!"

    Molly Carpenter was a character that I initially despised. My opinion has not changed much. Since my initial reaction to seeing someone with cotton-candy hair and goth clothing would be to punch them in the throat, I never expected that I'd like her. At least she's ditched the hair, even if it does mean she's gone butch or whatever. She's also a disobedient little cunt, and if I were Dresden I'd hang her up with chains and let Bob play with her so that she couldn't sneak out and veil or some shit. But I guess she's a character that I enjoy hating, so there's something to be said for that. Of course, my favorite scene was probably where Dresden turned her down, as that is the most hysterical thing in my head. Typical Dresden sarcastic asshole badass, and good job turning down underage pussy. Everyone knows that virgins aren't any good anyway. Not worth the time for instructions, either, just bang Lara or Luccio, who I bet has learned a thing or two in as many centuries.

    Marcone was also a character that I used to like. I thought that he was a pretty well-done gangster, though he should have been more violent and left more threats to Harry. With the reveal of his daughter, though, I found myself losing interest in him. All in all, I think he's far too much of a pussy to be a real gangsta.

    I do love that Dresden gets VIP treatment at a brothel, though, that's a nice touch.

    Ebenezar McCoy is a pretty awesome character, too. I love the dichotomy that everyone thinks he's some hick, but he's actually a killing machine pulling satelites out of the sky whenever he wants. I do have some mixed opinions about whether he's a "goog guy" or not. It'd be amazing for him to be the villain mastermind, I think.

    Michael Carpenter is another great character. I love how calm he always is, and accepting of God's Will, while Harry is freaking out. Shiro was the same way, and I really enjoyed him while he was alive.

    Sanya is also good for some lulz, and I think that he and Murphy might hook up. Since he doesn't subscribe to the ban on sex before marriage, she might be interested.

    Ramirez being a virgin was also hysterical, with all of his bragging. I loved how Lara was like, "Ooh, toy! Shiny!" I hope we see more of both of them, hopefully together.

    Thomas is also a good character because of his whole fighting off the demon thing, it's pretty interesting. I hope he falls off the bandwagon and Harry has to confront him and beat his ass down a notch. I thought the job reveal was hysterical, great mental pictures from that.

    Wow, that was long and exhaustive. And that's what she said.
  9. smb

    smb Muggle

    Jul 11, 2008
    Columbus, Ohio
    I can't believe more people haven't at least mentioned Lasciel.

    Especially Kmfrank! How can you have thatr big-ass list and not even mention her!?

    ~ Smb
  10. XxEnvyxX

    XxEnvyxX Groundskeeper

    Apr 30, 2008
    Germany, Munich
    Okay, you are right, Lash (because we don't know Lasciel) is a great character, but to my defense, I'm just now through with all books.

    I need to add Lash, Nicodemus (he is great) and if I haven't mentioned her before, Ivy. Luccio is okay, too.
  11. kmfrank

    kmfrank Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2008
    Ann Arbor, MI
    How could I have that long post and not mention Lash? Or Ferrovax? Or Lara? Or Ivy? Or Maeve, Mab, Titania, the Crones of Winter and Summer, The guys in the Wild Hunt, Cowl, Merlin, the Gatekeeper? Or any of the other great characters?

    Well, that is an intrinsic problem with the Dresden Universe - it's too damn good! Yes, I enjoy all of those characters, too. I didn't include them mostly because I had nothing new to mention about them, unlike (some) of the characters I mentioned in my first post.

    But yeah, the amazing characters are one of the best parts about the Dresden series - makes it hard to list favorites.

    However, it's not a bad problem to have.
  12. Pyromaniac

    Pyromaniac Third Year

    Jul 7, 2008
    Washington State/California
    Hmmm, I'm partial towards Mister (reminds me of my cat Max), Thomas (reminds me of my cat Max), Maeve (because she's the perfect bitch and I can't get past her Dreads), Sanya (because he's an atheist who holds one of the Swords), and the Gatekeeper (because he's like "Fuck you, Merlin").

    Of course, who can forget Mac, Ebenezer, Nic, Deirdre, and the rest of the multitude of other characters?

    The problem with Dresden is that he's TOO chivalrous, to the point of suicide. He's a sucker for a pretty face when he is fighting it, or kicked its sorry arse earlier, and he turns down non-half-vampires who are perfectly hot and willing.
  13. Covil

    Covil Fourth Year

    Jun 26, 2008
    Surrey BC
    In no particular order:

    Dresden - Funny and kicks more kinds of ass than I knew existed.
    Ivy - Adorable and puts Dresden to shame is ass-kickery.
    Michael - I may be on a site called DLP but sometime I just like a nice guy who kicks ass.
    Ramirez - Self-proclaimed ladies man and a virgin. Hilarious. Quite strong too.
    Mouse - I just like dogs. And he's kickass.

    I'll cut this here, these are the big ones. And I'd need way more room to list my disliked characters unfortunately. I just don't get all the faery love here. (except Toot-Toot)
  14. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    Just finished the entire series in about two weeks, and love it. Then I hunted down his short stories (Something Borrowed, Restoration of Faith, etc.) and love them too. Now, favorite characters.

    Dresden: Awesome. Just Awesome.
    Lash: Shows that pure evil can change.
    Thomas: The White Court Vampire who pretends to be a french hairdresser idea makes me laugh.
    Ivy: Nuff Said
    Maeve: Probably because I read Sheeza's stuff first, but I like her actual character as well.

    Just for kicks: Eldest Gruff. Cause the doughnut scene was made of awesome.
  15. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Anyone got a link to the short stories?
  16. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    Two of em are on his website, and the rest I had to hunt down a Torrent to find.

    Sorry I couldn't be more help.
  17. fuubar

    fuubar Headmaster

    Nov 17, 2007
    Vash has them up on his site.
  18. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Anyone wanna PM me Vash's website?
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2008
  19. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    Before anyone posts the link, Mid already said no warez talk, so don't.
  20. celestialdemon

    celestialdemon Squib

    Sep 1, 2008

    Harry - one of the few main characters I really like. Still young and weak compared to some other wizards. Complete wise-ass.

    Mouse - loving and loyal Dogosaurus who is feared by every bad guy out there, including Nicodemus.

    Michael - wasn't sure I was going to like him, but he is a complete bad ass. He can take anyone in a fight and is the only known person to defeat a dragon.

    Lash - I miss her. She helped Harry out a lot and eventually found her independence from Lasciel.

    The Archive - talk about a beast. Little Ivy was able to school a bunch of Denarians and completely disintegrated one without moving.

    Elder Gruff - I hope we haven't seen the last of him. Another powerhouse with a decent head on his shoulders. Seems like he and Harry would be great friends if he wasn't under Titania's orders.

    Least Favorite:

    Murphy - started out great as a hard nose, no nonsense cop. She's loosened up a little, but she still gets easily upset about female jokes or male chivalrous attitude. She's also turned into a hypocrite, being hell-bent on upholding the law, yet she's banging and has feelings for a known assassin for hire, Kincaid.

    Mavra - I was so happy when she "died" and pissed off when she came back. To me, she's not a great villain. She's just very annoying.

    The Merlin - has it out for Harry just because he's more unconventional than traditional wizards. Plus, I hate how he seems to think he knows better than anyone else.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2008