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Harry/Fleur Community

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Methene, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I'm only sixteen, so I don't know either. I don't know, maybe Harry prefers quarter-blooded Veela over full-blooded Veela?
  2. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    Thanks for the interest in my story.

    Actually, I had hints of Dumbledore acting that way tracing back to the start of the story, where he steered Hermione into a relationship with Ron and where he manipulated Harry into the apprenticeship bond. What I did in chap. 15 was merely illuminate some of what made him tick. I toyed with leaving it out--something Vlad suggested when he beta-read--and it's likely one of those rookie mistakes I mentioned in your story's thread.

    Discounting folks under the Imperius, Dumbledore was the most OOC character in the story; he was modeled after my real-life Ph.D. advisor (and first postdoc advisor), the most manipulative person I've had the displeasure to work for. For what it's worth, I never intended for him to be evil, just highly manipulative, a control freak. (Perhaps I messed that bit up in the telling too).

    I'm missing the nine thousand reference.

    I plan to sit on it until it's ready for prime-time--readers deserve my best effort and this way I can ensure things are tied together properly. And thanks for the well-wishing re: the GB. I too hope we win. :) (Serious bragging rights and a not-insignificant cash prize are at stake).
  3. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    Andromalius : How exactly would THAT preference work? Give me a reason why someone would want a quarter of the absolute babe pie when he could have several whole ones at the same time, without actually knowing Fleur intimately first.

    I'm not trying to discourage you, just trying to find something that makes sense so Scribble can run with it. You brainstorm, while I go run to the store for another twelve pack.

    Perspicacity : I didn't mean evil, but I meant that the way you described his thinking, all 'Oh, Harry can't be with that extremely fucking hot chick, it's not a good enviroment for me to manipulate him when he's that much of a lucky bastard', just automatically made you want to hate him. It was great. And MOST DEFINITELY not a mistake. Perish the thought.

    Godspeed to you on acquiring the rights to grind your prize into all the other losers faces at the Whatever-The-Gordon-Prize-Is-Given-For convention. And acquiring some serious green. Something about computers is all I remember. Tell us when you rape them all, will you? And take pictures.

    I will wait with baited breath until the sacred Prime Time is upon us, when the fic that is Dagger and Rose Reloaded/2/II descends upon us in a shower of pwnage, epic win and angels singing in immaculate chorus.

    One thing, have you thought up a title yet? And if you have, can you wait a few minutes while I gather up a few other people so we can grovel at your feet for it?
  4. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    The 1/4 over 1 thing was a joke. Okay okay okay okay okay, Fleur has that unattainable air about her which made an impact on Harry from since the Triwizard Tournament. All he has to do to bed 100% veela is shell out a sum of gold, which cheapens the experience. Word...

    Alright, that sucked, even to me. How about this, Harry strategically visits the Belarus veela for purposes of gratification first, and then goes after Fleur for the triumph of hitting off an actual romance with woman-with-unattainable-air-about-her. That way, he has the experience of an orgy with the veela before he's bound by fidelity to Fleur.

    Or the other way around. By the wording of Has never had a veela before it sounds like Harry just wants to sate his lust for veela than look for a meaningful commitment.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2008
  5. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    Sorry to do this, but...'draws the Sword of Idea-Piercing'

    You'd have to make Harry be some sort of sex god to survive a Veela orgy...and that always cheapens a story somewhat. And making him go after a woman just for the challenge makes him sound like a philanderer/womanizer.

    I think we should set this post-Deathly Hallows, minus the crappalogue and H/G-osity, sort of like Potter Yojimbo, where they erase the whole 5th-7th Book, and replace it with guerilla warfare, magical war and lots of minor character deaths.

    Now, Harry's in some high position. Head Auror is a crowd favorite. Living-High-On-Potter-Fortune is always an amusing one to pull off, a sort of Bruce Wayne playboy without the pointless angst and bat fetish.

    Now. He's getting a lot of pressure from Minister/Public/Dumbledore/Someone-That-Could-Actually-Pressure-Harry, to get a wife/make an heir...

    ...wait. Wandering into cliche zone. WEEEoooooEEEEOoooOEEEEOoooOEEE. ABORT. ABORT. ABORT.

    ...Bugger, we're both coming up with blanks, aren't we? I blame it on the time (2:00 AM), and me being deprived of Coke for too long (five minutes and thirty seven seconds).

    Anyone else want to chip in? Chip in on making a HARRY/FLEUR idea in the HARRY/FLEUR COMMUNITY THREAD?

    ...oh no. The capitalizations are pulling me in...must resist!
  6. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    Am I the only one who wondered if there were any stories that had a subplot of Harry getting busted by the magical equivalent of vice squad? (I do realize that your summary Sesc in no way can be construed as Harry looking for magical hookers)

    @PB. I love your avatar.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2008
  7. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    Meny thanks, Kesington. See me the face of an Aiel upon your avatar?

    EGADS! A HP/WoT crossover! (drools, before clicking link with the force of all the force of fucking Callandor)

    BTW, which part of my sig specifically did you like?

    Oh, a Vice!Harry would definitely be lulzy to read.
  8. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Lol. You guys think up more ways for Harry and Fleur to hook up (that's one of the purposes of the thread, after all), and I write the story all the while?

    Ding-dong! And there we are. ;) No twu luv in this story, I'm afraid; at least not between Harry and Fleur. Blame it on too many badly written fanfics, but I'm on a crusade; with this and BTLCL (and my H/Daphne, should it ever see the light of day). And I assure you, the story doesn't need it. I'm not writing romance, I have a plot.

    The story centres around Harry and Fleur, but it's not about them. Especially not about them falling in love. It's an affair (no really?)

    There is more, but in general you never ever need a reason to want a Veela. It's a law of nature. Just ask Gary. And you also never need a reason to steal a Weasley his hot girlfriend/fiancée (that's not bashing. Really not!)

    ... okay, so it is, but I won't use that argument in the story, either.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2008
  9. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    Pretty much! Because we are the Lazy Bastard Brothers! (Highs five!)

    I wasn't talking about true love. I just think you kind of need a reason more than lust to go after a woman like that.

    Heated affair? Lots of passion? Okay. No sappy bullshit. Fine with me. Honestly, I'm pretty sick of most those fluffy crap stories.

    'Oh, that's so sweet, instead of on the cheek, she kissed him on the lips when he saved her sister from certain death!'

    Fuck that! I want some action, damn it! I am a horny teenager and I want to read some steaming, sweaty sex! Just as long as there is a reason for said sex!

    Because in general, it IS more interesting if you have a reason for wanting a Veela. I don't think Harry would take too kindly to being led around by the nose of her Veela-charm. He doesn't seem like the kind to like being controlled by anyone/thing ( Prime examples : Dumbledore, prophecy, Voldemort, thousand others I are too lazy to name or think up ).

    And A-Fucking-Men, Scribble. You DO NOT need any reason whatsoever to steal Bill's so-hot-you-can-feel-the-global-temperature-rising fiance, Fleur. Because it is not stealing then, but rescue from the sad fate of being forced to create yet more members of their incestuous little clan (Thank you Methene, for this scathing insult)

    But like I said, there are plenty of reasons for Fleur to leave Bill.

    Disgruntlement with him taking her for granted while he goes on long trips to Merlin-knows-where. I bet they don't have much time for foreplay or romance when he gets back, he just lifts her skirt and sticks it in her, before he's off to break another Curse.

    Secondly, how many girls actually get interested in a guy just tutoring them in English? Effin' A, Rowling, you've written some bad explanations and reasons, but that's just astoundingly horrifying.

    And, the amusing one that would make us chuckle inside, even though we won't admit it, that Bill is horrible under the sheets. You might call it bashing, but there are a good percentage of men who really can't preform the horizontal hokey-pokey with an acceptable level of skill to the woman he's bedding. And with Fleur being part-Veela and all, I bet her standards are even higher.

    And if you string those reasons together, Fleur being irritated at him just coming home, trying but failing woe-fully to satisfy her without even bothering to romance her, and her interest in him starting to wane, you've got just about all the reasons you need for some good old-fashioned adultery!

    If you have some more reasons, feel free to add them. Adding more ingredients will only make this particular cake even sweeter when it comes out of the oven.
  10. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    Actually, this was entirely plausible to me. When I was a TA in grad school and later when I was a professor, I got hit on a lot by students of both sexes (and trust me--I'm no great shakes). From what I observed, this was quite common; the "forbidden love" thing with the student/teacher dynamic is irresistible to some.
  11. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    I think a few touched on this, but Harry realizing he'd never plugged a Veela and deciding he wants one means right away, you're dealing with a man-whore Harry. And not a truly whorish manwhore either. Because if he was a player mack-daddy type, banging Veela is always on the mind (and a goal from the early teen years).

    Now the way I see some potential is not that this manwhore Harry decides he wants to bang Fleur, a somewhat friend of his with whom a one-night stand would be complicated. But perhaps, Harry goes to his somewhat friend Fleur and asks her help in setting him up with a proper come-dumpster Veela.

    Here's where you could instead turn it around and make Fleur want to be Harry's come-dumpster. Maybe sabotaging the setups she makes, or going herself incognito. It has more of the makings of a humor and romance style but when your bunny at the start is a manwhore wanting to add a Veela notch to the bedpost, you're not exactly scraping the angst/drama well.

    And I'm with Pers. Any man in a sort of mentor role (tutoring or teaching) to younger hot females will get plenty of lustful looks from those usually out of their reach. If the ladies look up to them it's often lustful or in a father/older brother guidance manner.
  12. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    Throwin' that 'L' word around a lot, aren't we?

    Right, Professor, so exactly how long did those little crushes last? This isn't 'Smart People', if you've seen it. I find it unlikely that Fleur would be drawn in just by that, though that may just be my inner fanboy shining through.

    ...But if those student/teacher crushes were strong on any consistency, wouldn't you be married several times over, great shakes or no?

    I will...admit that it is a possibility. Not a particularly large one, but not absolutely miniscule.

    But what about the sex!!?? 'Waggles eyebrows wildly' The horrifying ginger sex!? Shield your children's eyes, O brothers!

    But in all seriousness, how about those other two reasons? Curse-Breaker could bring in a lot of dough, sure, but life's not all about money. I may have said this before, but I doubt our former Tri-Wizard Champion would have any trouble with money, if she was that good.

    The Cup didn't pick weak people, after all. Krum was a Dark Arts/Quidditch prodigy already, Cedric kicked an acceptable amount of ass before he pushed up daisies, Harry...well, I don't need to talk to you about Harry.

    If I had to guess, Fleur was very skilled as well. Certainly skilled enough to land a good profession.

    ...dear God, man, you aren't suggesting she's one of those 'born mother' freaks? The ones that want nothing more than to marry a good man and raise a respectable family? That would be so boring, and clinical, and...and...her Mary Sue levels would be OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!(Sorry, had to get that in, lol)

    I think Fleur's a flavorful character we just need to explore and exploit. We can't just write her off as another Mary Sue. After all, if we always did that, DLP wouldn't exist, no?
  13. Tinn Tam

    Tinn Tam Review Goddess Retired Staff

    Aug 11, 2006
    Paris, France.
    For Fleur to have standards, she would have had to have known other guys beside Bill -- and if so, I doubt she would've refrained from shagging him before they got married. And then, if it mattered so much to her, I'm not sure she would have married him if he was so bad.

    That, and I don't get the Weasley-hatred... Weasley-bashing is old and lacks in finesse IMO. But let's not go there, because we'd be in for half a dozen pages of pointless and off-topic arguing.
  14. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    Agreed. I was just proposing a possible idea. We're trying to make ideas for a Harry/Fleur fic. While it may not be graceful or original reason, in is nonetheless a reason. It would not work as a main reason, but it could work as a minor supporting one.
  15. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    *shrugs* I'll see how it is. The first chapter works either way, and if I feel after that, that Harry simply wanting to do Fleur isn't good enough for a reason, I take a back-up plan. But so far, I don't see it not working. In regards to what I've planned, you're taking it way too seriously. It's honestly not that important for the story, just a tiny plot device to get the real story going.

    Harry meets her, she looks hot, and after a thought process of whatever nature (that may or may not include the never-had-a-Veela-point), he decides to go for it. Bill's away in Egypt for a few months while Fleur is quite angry about that, so she's not averse to his advances, and off we go.

    As I said, plot device. It works for that. Trust me :)

    Nonjon's idea, however, sounds not bad at all. It would make for a nice little fic, a few chapters or a longish oneshot, if someone decided to write it. I'd read it.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2008
  16. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    Now you're speakin' my language. Remember, whatever we say, they are just suggestions. If you have something you already got stuck in your head, you run with it. That's what I do, and I...well (coughs nervously)...that's a bad reason. Just trust your gut instinct.

    I'll be glad if I contributed even a little to your fic. Take your writing, keep it exactly as it is, if you like what we say, add it on in. We're here to support you, not to control you.

    And ditto, I'd definitely read a manwhore Harry. It worked in Gentleman Usher of the Scarlet Rod, and that thing kicks ass.
  17. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    Bill and Fleur both work in Gringotts, and as potter-black heir apparent, young Harry could and should go visit often enough to develop some sort of bond with Fleur.

    He can improve her English and she can improve his French *wink wink*.
    Gringotts Vault/Office/Ragnok's desk should probably all see some sort of h/f action methinx.

    Throw in a little suspected "what happens in Egypt, stays in Egypt" infidelity, and it's got all sorts of possible win.
  18. PhantasmagoricBlade

    PhantasmagoricBlade Backtraced

    Aug 30, 2008
    Saldaea, bitches! Got to love them Saldaean farmg
    Hooray for office sex! Harry and Fleur cheating on Ginny and Bill FOR THE WIN!

    After all, there isn't a DLP-er alive that can't predict that Ginny will swell up like a balloon the instant the ring slips on her finger. If you need proof, well...(points at Molly Weasley, before shooting meaningful look at Ginny)
  19. Boo

    Boo Auror

    May 29, 2007
    Well after DH Ginny joined the Harpies. So she could be away for training, or she could be having a team-mate encounter just like Bill is having an Egypt encounter.
  20. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Oh totally. Unless Ginny's working really hard at those quidditch practices, Harry had better hope he can figure out how to pull that Marge Dursley spell in reverse.