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Abandoned Harry Potter and the World that Waits by dellacouer - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Raggerd, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    Harry's advantage isn't power, though he does have quite a bit of that. It's how robust his talents are. He knows some mental arts, but compared to Xavier, he's a novice. He knows how to Charm objects into moving around, but some mutants are probably still better at telekinesis than him.

    However, can you imagine just 1 mutant with the ability to transfigure, teleport, portkey, turn invisible, and heal people, just only to start? Harry isn't a master of 1 ability, but he's a jack of all trades. That's a pretty significant advantage.

    Besides, he blew up Voldemort and killed all his death eaters in one day. There's something to think about there.
  2. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse

    But if put to it, could Harry really repeat that feat? If so then fine, but if not then he's really not going to realistically take on the heavy hitters of the mutant world with invisibility and some transfiguration.

    You'd really have to dumb down the other side for that to happen.
  3. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I think you're underestimating HP magic a fair amount.
  4. Grubdubdub

    Grubdubdub Supreme Mugwump

    Feb 22, 2008
    I agree. Harry should be able to beat any single mutant [with the possible exception of Charles.] Defeating Magneto and his allies should be easier than defeating Voldemort. To change the governments opinions of mutants, however, should be tough and I understand why you say it's harder than killing Voldemort - though I'm not sure it's Harry's goal.
  5. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Maybe I am, but the fact is that this Harry is still very young and hasn't been shown to be able to do very advanced magic, aside from accidentally annihilating Voldemort and his followers.

    After all, when infiltrating the detention center in a recent chapter Harry only really worked in a supporting role, and while sneaking around and stunning people is good, it's not the sort of fire and brimstone magic that would be needed to throw down with the big time characters.

    I guess we'll have to wait and see, but unless Harry can start pulling some real moves out I don't see him being anything over the top spectacular, especially once his enemies realize that he has a very wide range of powers but real limitations as well.
  6. Hasty

    Hasty Fourth Year

    Apr 3, 2006
    We can't know what kind of magic Harry knows given that its been said that...
  7. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    The fact that Harry knows how to make Portkeys casually I think shows that he's got a pretty advanced knowledge of magic, plus the line about tutoring.
  8. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    So far, he's just been keeping a relatively low profile. He's already standing out, but he really hasn't been pushed to do anything truly advanced, so everyone continues to assume he's a powerful mutant.

    I'll definitely be more interesting now that Magneto has escaped and is probably aware of Harry.
  9. Samuel Black

    Samuel Black Chief Warlock

    Feb 22, 2007
    This confused me.

    When you're infiltrating a secure building, what are you going to do? You're going to sneak around and stun people so they don't sound an alarm. You're trying to keep a low profile, not draw attention to the fact that you're there. Naturally, I'd assume that 'fire and brimstone magic' would draw attention to yourself.
  10. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Well frankly that's not what the uber!mutants would do, because they don't need to sneak.

    That's all I'm saying.
  11. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    Yeah, but the uber!mutants also get their asses kicked and sent to jail too. So maybe there's something wrong with their approach.

    They were sneaking in the SAVE people, not destroy the place. Alarms and guns shooting kinda screws up the point.

    Otherwise, why don't we always save people by storming fortifcations with RPGs and high caliber guns?
  12. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Laser eyes?
  13. AntiChrist

    AntiChrist Professor

    Sep 17, 2008
    From what I read, I thought the uber!mutants were for the most part sneaking in as well. It's only that they weren't good enough not to get caught. If you've already been discovered you might as well pull out the big guns as long as they help your goal. Also, the X-men's powers are basically geared towards one thing. For example, if it's not laser eyes, than Scott really doesn't have all that much over a non-mutant.
  14. LuxDragon

    LuxDragon Fourth Year

    Aug 22, 2007
    Desperation. And exactly how we he hoping to get drugged, injured, and generally young mutants out of the facillity? There like 30 of them and he brought the army down on top of them. If Harry hadn't portkeyed them out, that mission would probably fail.
  15. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    I just spotted della posted a little spin-off one shot for this fic:

    Title: Sirius Black and the Disasters that Wait
    Author: dellacouer
    Rating: T
    Status: Oneshot (with an option for more)
    Summary: Harry Potter and the World that Waits' Offshoot. Sirius Black's epic adventure to get back to the godson he left behind.
    Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5028130/1/Sirius_Black_and_the_Disasters_that_Wait

    A little back story for Sirius in the main fic. This first and perhaps only chapter deals with the happy world and fem!Sirius he mentioned to Harry. Feel free to read this but it doesn't seem necessary at all. And there's really not enough of the new world to get much of an opinion or care strongly. It's fine, there's nothing wrong with it. But without much humor, action, or "wow" factor it just kind of is what it is.
  16. aaltwal

    aaltwal Auror

    Apr 3, 2009
    It's a very good story, and i like a weird spaced out Harry. His interactions with Logan is quite amusing, and the reactions of the other Xmen were very convincing. I noticed though that the author is basing his plot along with the Xmen movies, and not the comic books. It's still entertaining, overall a good crossover a 5/5
  17. Ame River

    Ame River First Year

    May 17, 2009
    SF Bay Area, California
    A really nicely written story, fun to read and interesting. It seems to strike a good balance between character development and silliness (quality time with the kids at Mutant High) and plot development/action scenes (breaking into the British compound and rescuing a bunch of mutants). Yes there are flaws, like the lack of breadth in Harry's magic use so far. I could see it being a deliberate choice, so people don't have even more cause to wonder if he's truly a mutant, but something like that ought to be stated explicitly. However, and this is important, these don't detract from the overall sense of the story which is that it's fun, interesting, and best of all I actually enjoy reading it.

    Not sure what exactly I think about the latest development with Sirius. I love him as a character, generally, but I'm not too thrilled with the talk of jumping to other worlds. Hopefully that's not where dellacouer is going with this.

    Only other thing to complain about are the fairly slow updates. I'm looking forward to seeing how this story continues. 4/5
  18. sincostan

    sincostan High Inquisitor

    Jan 7, 2008
    Personally the story started out with a pretty interesting concept but was getting rather dull towards the end. I'll spare you guys my spiel on why I think HP/mutants blows. The best thing going for it is Sirius and the promise of new adventure. I would like to see more of the second arc before rating, but a tentative 4/5.
  19. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    Interesting new update. I like the direction this chapter took, and it looks like there will be some action in the next chapters. Possibly with Magneto involved.
  20. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    It was an okay chapter, but like many of the chapters in this story, nothing much happened <_<

    I'm really hoping that Harry ends up with Magneto and kicks ass, if only for a short time.

    Also, as Magneto has escaped, we're now in X-2 timeline... which means the school should be under attack any day now. Maybe that'll push Harry to join Magneto.

    The whole Sirius being ill from travelling through the veil thing is a bit unsatisfying. It was clearly created for the sole reason to keep them in that reality so Sirius can get health care.