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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Naga's Shadow

    Naga's Shadow Seventh Year

    May 24, 2006
    Here's one that's been stewing a while.

    "Good" Peter. No he's no less evil than in canon, but much smarter. Sometime around the Halloween attack when scabers goes missing Harry encounters Peter Petigrew. Rather than being a coward and running off Peter feeds Harry a story about what happened. This is before he's overheard the full account from Hagrid. End result is that Harry sides with Peter in the shack at the end of the year against Peter, Sirius is either kissed or gets away and Peter ends up as one of the "good" guys. He still beholden to Voldemort but without the sudden need to go find him Peter won't be part of the resurrection. Obviously the story can branch off in many ways after the end of third year.
  2. psihary

    psihary Groundskeeper

    Feb 24, 2008
    ... I've got a polar bear for a neighbour...
    This idea just came to me while watching another boring movie using the plot of "the confused young man who gets an advice from the school cleaner, and suddenly knows what to do with his life".

    I though, what about Harry's 5th year when he needs help and guidance of a sort, but instead he is being ignored by Dumbledore and gets Snape for "therapy" sessions.
    So how about Harry, who meets Filch after another lesson from Snape, and gets the one-line advice that gets him to fight on his own. O_0
  3. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    Oh my god, Taure, your Borg!Harry is a sexy idea. I wants if you don't use it some day :awesome

    On to contributing my own (and no promises they won't get used locally).

    Future add to Grimm: Decided I'm going to use this as is for Grimm, but the Broader Idea I'd not mind seeing used. As it is here, probably a good outline either way.
    I call this one the London Underground snip. Works off the broader premise that you don't see all of magical Britain or anywhere else for that matter. There are renegade elements to just about every society, and they aren't always good or evil - sometimes they just don't agree with the norms.
    While Harry is muddling about one of his summers, he takes a subway or tube with the Dursleys and sees, while in the Underground, what looks like to him like something out of Diagon. He manages to backtrack down the way and finds a small enclave of magicals, doing their business and the like.
    The feel I'd want for it all is a kind of Grant Morrison / Invisibles vibe, with the "Grounders" being anti-Ministry, anti-much-of-anything-like-government, and essentially resenting any kind of attempt to contol what people do with their talents and skills. Planned on there being a lot of anti-pureblood sentiment, using that as a seperating point. Wanted to include post-Obliviation families, Squib cast-offs, Halfbloods who got shafted over nepositm and went postal... I want them to feel "Militant Gray".
    Spirals out to Harry finding the misfit nature of the Grounder society rather more comfortable, and taking up the cause, giving them a pretty damn visible figurehead.

    One shot premise: This one has a title nature in Totall Recall and Matrix lore. "Red Pill" is a little idea that had Harry meeting someone who took a keen interest in his life, and thought he could use a different perspective.
    "If you could walk away, give it all up and become someone completely different. Would you?" Harry agrees and loses his identity and magic, and is then put in the mostly seamless life of a random muggle.
    Complication begins as things 'leak'. He recognizes people, but not why. He has flashbacks that don't mean anything. Eventually he tries to piece it all together and runs afoul what is essentially a black market on magical cores. the "Red Pill" is a potion that transfers your ability to do magic to another, essentially pulling a brainswap - with the benefit of background etc. to make it work. Who Harry was is now dead - being the Boy Who Lived got him killed, but now Harry has to reconcile his now to his past, and find a way to come out of it all on top - without really knowing who he is anymore.
    Could be alternated chapterwise with a "Blue Pill" as some random Joe who paid the buku bucks to be a famous wizard gets essentially shafted by the deal.

    Cliche hilarity: "35mm" Harry gets the bight idea that the 'Power he Knows Not' is hollywood. So he spends a summer watching every two-bit and wild movie he can, while taking notes and finding the bits that work.
    When the fall arrives, Harry spends all his time in the Room of Requirement, practicing Jedi Mind Tricks, and every other wierd ass cliche bit of hollywood hoodoo he can, as long as it looked cool and seemed interesting.
    Harry must practice dramatic monologue. Calling Ron Padawan may also be necessary, as well as taunting Dumbledore with some 'Master' thing that unnerves and makes the man all uncomfortable. Probably done somewhere, but I haven't seen it yet.

    Amusing one-shot: "The Power of Acme". Crackfic. Harry uses portable holes to defeat LV. Does not need more summary as this much threatens the need for mindbleach already.

    I have more, but most are just ultraviolent snippets that involve creative ways to kill people with hatchets or Harry trying to sneak a chainsaw into Hogwarts. Hey! It's not electric. Well, other than the spark plug.

    Huh. Magic powered chainsaws...
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  4. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    Here's an idea I had for a really creepy murder. Picture a Azkaban!Harry who is insanely enraged. Harry targets someone who really hurt and betrayed him, someone who deliberately did irreparable damage to him:
    Find a man-sized transparent box, spelled for fresh air, a continual supply of clean water, and to prevent sound from escaping. Cast Fidelius on it.
    Put the betrayer inside, and affix it up above head height on a wall in a high traffic area (the muggle area of King's Cross, or a busy street.) Enjoy his death by starvation, as tens of thousands of people walk by, not noticing him.

    Edited to add:
    I've been assuming all these ideas are here for anyone's use.
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  5. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    I'd at least ask the originator, to be polite.
  6. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    This came to me while I was walking towards a restaurant tonight, so feel free to poke holes:

    European Vacation: Post-DH, Harry is hanging out with a bunch of DA members and sympathizers (they weren't in the DA during OotP, but they helped Neville during DH). Someone - I'm leaning towards Hannah - declares that she wants a vacation and proposes something her muggle-born father did back in the early 70's...a road trip throughout Europe. Harry quickly latches on to this idea - he's never left England and quite frankly at this point he more than wants to get away for a bit.

    I'm thinking of rounding out the other members of the trip as Justin Finch-Fletchly (he'll be the muggleborn guide for the muggle areas) and Daphne Greengrass (the Slytherin pureblood who is great for the magical areas - but completely lost in the muggle areas).

    This will be primarily a humor-fic, with a little adventure thrown in. The biggest challenge will to make the story funny outside of my head.
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  7. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    Sounds kinda like a mainstream'd Nat'l Lampoons, depending on the amount of/ grade of humor you put in. I could see it being a really nice fic. I've never been one for the post-DH epilogue rewrites, and this has a lot of potential to open up some real-world, normal interactions between the characters involved. Less school, less zomg-dark-lord, and more just kids being kids - and maybe not to much kids anymore.

    Whoo. Maybe overthinking it. Wonder why my first thought was American Werewolf in Paris though.
  8. Memory King

    Memory King Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2007
    Suggestion for Road Trip: No Make A Wish humour please.

    The Fidelius Imprisonment Murder can fit in any kind of story that is sufficiently dark.
  9. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    Bellaradh: The goal is to keep the fare light-hearted. While a character at the beginning may angst about the war - the purpose of the trip is to go out and have fun. As for the humor, I'm angling more for circumstantial humor than slapstick.

    Memory King: What is Make a Wish humor? I've never read the story.
  10. Memory King

    Memory King Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2007
    Harry's Alter Ego becoming famous for a lot of things, many of which are related to events that happened before his birth. Harry's actions analysed and blown out of precaution, people therefore reaching a conclusion that's way off base. Add some ridiculous situations, make Harry a very lucky person all around, and you've got the story in a nutshell.

    Came out a lot better in the narrative.

    I've seen a few stories that rip this Alter Ego off, that would do this idea a disservice.
    Last edited: May 1, 2009
  11. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Great. Now I want to see a Harry Potter/Neverwhere crossover...
  12. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Amusing Felix Felicis idea, stealing from Asterix:

    Harry was dropped in a cauldron of Felix Felicis as a baby by a potions-loving Lily Potter.

    The Power He Knows Not really does become that Harry is ridiculously lucky. When the Killing Curse rebounded, all it was was luck.

    Humour story following Harry stumbling mindlessly through many dangerous situations and always coming out on top by not just dumb luck, but the most unlikely set of circumstances possible.
  13. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    This would make a good humor/crossover story with Star Wars. Harry, during the summer, watches Star Wars on a whim. He becomes an instant nerd/fan and begins to believe he's a Jedi. It couldn't be more than a one-shot though.

    That Master bit is hilarious. But who's Han? Ron?
  14. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    He might manage to convince himself that wandless magic (which we only see doing minor stuff) is actually the Force being used by non-Jedi. I'm having a wonderful time picturing him buying a high-quality toy lightsaber and using it as some sort of focus for a light or "plasma" spell.
  15. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    Would be an interesting progression mirror if he found a heavy interest in artifice and enchanting. Like making magical doodads. He'd essentially be pulling an Anakin wizard-style to make the gadgets he'd wanted, and could be hooked into the Darth-Harry idea.

    Maybe I'm actually overthinking this... heh.
  16. ZeroTheDestroyer

    ZeroTheDestroyer Auror

    Nov 2, 2008
    I am getting there
    The suicidal Harry seems like the funniest, and oddly the most realistic plot.

    Felix idea is probably the next in line. I still say someone write a bum Harry Potter, always drunk and smells like feces, defeating the bad guys and sleeping with Draco's mum, cause she has a poor, greasy hobo fetish.

    That sounds so wrong.
  17. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    This is the polar opposite of a plot idea I posted on the unmentionable site:

    Dark Twilight of the Soul

    (Inspired by a readcon posting by Taure and the "rain god" character in Douglas Adams's The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul).

    In St. Mungos, infant Harry is accidentally given a blood transfusion of unicorn blood. In an adult, this would lead to a cursed existence, however the curse can't work on one so pure as baby Harry. Instead it manifests as a bad juju field that surrounds him throughout the rest of his life. Those near Harry are themselves subject to episodes of insanely poor luck.

    This is the prophesized "Power He Knows Not" and is why his parents and Voldemort died that night on Haloween and it's why Sirius got arrested and imprisoned, etc. Think "Die Hard" Harry, sent to infiltrate the Death Eaters and try to spend as much time as possible around Voldemort and let Fate handle the rest.
  18. InfernoCannon

    InfernoCannon Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2007
    I had an idea for what I thought would make a pretty funny fic if taken up by the right author.

    Harry as a comic fan. When he discovers magic, he becomes convinced that he must use his powers like any super hero and save people. He eventually starts seeing supervillains everywhere (for some examples Neville as a Posion Ivy like figure, Fred and George as Joker like ones and Lucius Malfoy as Lex Luthor). He also tries to convert various other people to his way of thinking, making comparions between them and various comic book characters(Dumbledore as Professor Xaivier and Hagrid as Thing).
  19. lulu42

    lulu42 Second Year

    Oct 16, 2008
    In your mind
    You thought the same thing too?
    It would be fun to have Hermione rattle on about something super intelligent and boring, only to be undermined by Door when she creates a portal and shuts the door in Hermione's face.

    Actually, the whole story could be the characters of Harry Potter in the world of Neverwhere and how they would be unable to survive London Underground. And in every chapter, the plot continues and someone dies.
    Dumbledore is outsmarted by Islington.
    Hagrid tries out for the bodyguard post only to be beaten by Hunter.
    Plus Ron could be lost on their way to the Floating Market. :p

    Damn you plot bunnies.

    I'm wrestling with a few of my own right now. I keep writing scenes for two stories that I'm not supposed to be working on.

    Memento: A three part story that is inspired by the movie of the same name. In which the main character's memory loss is renewed every few days, and remembers nothing from before the accident that gave him the memory loss. The story is told backwards. And the character with memory loss? Voldemort

    Doctor Who Crossover: I have only a few scenes in my head, and I have no idea how exactly it would end. I've figured out the magic vs alien vs scince thing, so that sticky part isn't an issue. Dementors are aliens and Harry Potter and random wizards are working on holding back an infestation in Romania. It takes place in season four because Donna is awesome.
  20. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    Possible leperous bunny out of it's cage... warning.

    Is it wrong of me to want to write some fashion of a.. god is this even a genre?

    futuristic-darker-Harry gets ripped into another dimension to run into his young, impressionable, female counterpart. Hilarity ensues. OR, swap the genders and have the older female post-war (Potter) come back.

    I'll be honest. The not-quite-sibling-squick amuses the shit out of me. I'd attempt this seriously just to make people squirm. I mean, how much worse is it than all those twinfics with the Weasleys or Patils? If we're gonna be unrealistic, may as well do it noisily, messily, and have fun with it.
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