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HBP - A Better Movie Than Book?

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Silens Cursor, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. Dareycow

    Dareycow Fifth Year

    Oct 3, 2008
    I never was a real fan of the HP movies because they butchered the plot way to much, but I've got the say they can take the Deathly Hallows and shove it up J.K.'s ass and do whatever they want with it. Hopefully they will make the final battle a bit entertaining then Harry carking it and winning the day because he was willing to die.
  2. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    No matter what, movies 6-8 will be better than books 6 and 7.

    So i'm keen.
  3. Heleor

    Heleor EsperJones DLP Supporter

    Mar 3, 2006
    Seattle, WA
    Wow, it was a great movie. Annoying if you hate teen romance, I guess, but I found all the actors did well. I felt Lavender was horribly miscast, but I felt even Ron was great in this.
  4. Zarent

    Zarent Seventh Year

    Feb 16, 2008
    Wasn't great. There was far too much teen romance bullshit that's horrible to watch, and any time Ginny comes on screen it's like the writers say to themselves, "How can we make this as forced and cheesy as possible."

    That said, Hermoine, Luna, and Snape continue to play their parts quite well, and Slughorn did a great job. Draco did a good job, even if I didn't like his part in the movie.

    All in all - Decent job on poor source material.

    Too tired to continue the review, but it's a 'Meh', unless you actually LIKE Ginny.
  5. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Wow, really? Really? For me DH was more like the first two books and why I got into HP to begin with than any of the others. He wasn't dumb, even if he was fucking hopeless, and he wasn't a cowardly little shit. He pulled his head out of his ass (see: PoA, GoF, HBP) and screwed it on tight.
  6. Dareycow

    Dareycow Fifth Year

    Oct 3, 2008
    True, in all honestly I didn't mind the book to much. It's the final battle that pisses me off. I like meh fight scenes. There are seven books leading to this one climatic moment between Harry and Voldemort and BAM! What a shit moment. Sure it all fits in and good triumphs over evil so hurray for Panda bears. But come on, Harry doesn't actually fight Voldemort in the final battle, where is the fun in that?

    I did however quite enjoy the rest of the book, but since the ending left a sour taste it kinds of ruins the whole experience. I can still see there being a fight scene in the final battle between Harry and Voldemort in the Warner Bros. movies though. WB are all for changing the plot to make it look better so why not add in a fight scene?
  7. TheDefiantOne

    TheDefiantOne First Year

    Oct 16, 2008
    I thought the movie was done very well and actually surprised me how well it was done. It flowed....mostly well, was pretty broad on all the subjects it covered and the CG and scenes were done really well.

    Of course there are going to be some WTF is this shit, sort of moments, but overall, I thought it was done very well.
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    The book was better. Mein Gott, the book was sooo much better. Where to even begin:
    - Radcliffe can't act for shit. He had two stand-out moments with the library scene from the early trailer ("But, I am the Chosen One.") and when he used the Felix Felicis. The first was expected, and the second was basically just him transposing his character from the stage production 'Equus'. Otherwise, completely lacking in depth.

    - Grint was alright. Extra points for convincingly hooking up with Cave (bitch looked crazy enough irl; was definitely crazy in the movie), his quidditch showing was the most entertaining, and the love potion scene was close enough to the book that I laughed aloud.

    - Speaking of laughing: every scene with McClaggen was surprisingly entertaining. He was barely as portrayed in the book, but it still worked. There were scenes that had him blatantly perving on Hermione that were hilarious.

    There a few Bond movie-esque innuendos involving Watson...

    - Wright could've shined - and didn't. 'Nuff said.
    - Lynch was alright. She was overutilized in some areas, and underutilized in others. She had a few funny lines too, but she didn't really shine either.
    - Overall, the vast majority of changes were annoying. Not because they were bad ideas, but because they were badly executed. Spellcasting was stale; the Burrow burning scene was pretty much what you saw in previews; the apparation/attack that DE's used was boring; the pensieve memory scenes were all boring (Hero Fiennes was still a creepy fuck, though); too many Soap Opera-styled dramatic pauses, and way too many periods of no dialogue - it was like watching an Ang Lee movie. It was just disappointing.

    (I'd fuck Romilda Vane though)
  9. rocket_runner

    rocket_runner Seventh Year

    Jun 20, 2009
    Missouri, USA
    I thought the movie was pretty awesome! The attack on the Burrow surpassed my expectations, and I the only problem I had with it is the fact all the Weasleys made it out alive. :(

    Helena Bonham Carter once again played her part to perfection, making for a delightfully insane Bellatrix. She and the rest of the death eaters were absolutely awesome, and I was in awe as they stormed through Hogwarts after killing Dumbledore.

    The humor throughout the movie was quite entertaining - Harry on the Felix Felicis was quite funny - and I absolutely loved the Quidditch match. Ron under Romilda Vane's love potion was acted out flawlessly... In fact, it almost made me like Ron. It was close... ;)

    I have to say that I hated the casting for teenage Tom Riddle, though. He looked like a really really creepy lesbian. (And I'm sorry if that offends anyone, but honestly, it was creepy!) There was no mention of Snape being the one who overheard the prophecy and told Voldemort. They better put that and the rest of Snape's worst memory in DH. (To this day I am still mad about that. There wasn't any Lily! Are you freaking kidding me? :mad: )

    Even with all of the Harry/Ginny teenage love romance crap, I think the movie topped the book.
  10. Twisted

    Twisted Guest

    I haven't been following production of this really, so I was pleasently surprised to see the actress playing Lavender was the sister of a chap I went to school with; good to see she made something of her acting ambitions, which I remember from when I went to their house. Small world!

    I'm going to see the film this week, and I have pretty high hopes for it, really. I liked the book in a lot of respects, but it grated on me that Harry sat on his lazy arse rather than make something of himself now that he knew what he was going to have to do. Here's hoping the film surprises me.
  11. Agnostics Puppet

    Agnostics Puppet Professor

    Sep 28, 2008
    Denver, Colorado
    I am so glad I didnt spend my money on this.

    Went to the midnight showing with my stepmother and brother. Special effects were nice. I jumped with the rest of the theatre when the inferi grabbed Harry. Dumbledore kicked ass with his fire.

    But... Slughorn looked NOTHING like how I pictured him. Nothing! And Narcissa. She had skunk hair... D:

    Still, Im glad that the 'romance' between Harry and Ginny wasnt played up as much as in the books. 4/10 overall for me.
  12. Gullible

    Gullible Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2006
    Sitting in front of a broken compooter, lolololol
    I went to see it today and... well, I didnt enjoy it really, it was boring.

    Not to mention Radcliffe has the MOST monotone acting style I've ever seen, it was ridiculous how little emotion he got into any scene.

    Wright was cheesy and the Harry Ginny interactions were cringeworthy.

    Grint was good I thought however, and Watson seemed to be ok as well, though some of her acting was iffy.

    It seemed to manage to be far too long whilst at the same time managing to miss out enough of the plot to be confusing and disjointed.

    My Opinion: Meh, book was probably better.
  13. Snarf

    Snarf Squanchin' Party Bro! ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2007
    Forty-Six & 2
    High Score:
    I thought the movie was good for what it tried to do, but that really wasn't much. It over-emphasized the teen, melodramatic romance to the point that I was laughing during the Harry/Ginny scenes.

    The scene where Harry walked through the shallow water towards the Burrow, and Ginny was up in the window. /sigh

    The most memorable scene, though, is after Dumbledore's death. I stood up in the theater and raised my straw high right along with them.
  14. The Mysterious Nobody

    The Mysterious Nobody Auror

    Aug 7, 2007
    Awful movie. What bothered me the most was that the "war scenes", aside from having no depth or dramatic impact whatsoever, didn't even work well and didn't give an impression of a world at war.

    Where were the consequences at the Bridge's destruction, the Burrow burning down or Dumbledore's death? No taste or context whatsoever.

    If you haven't read the book you were bloody done; the movie, standing alone, doesn't make sense whatsoever, and when Snape is ranting about him being "the half-blood prince" you're looking at your watch and asking yourself "what does this have to do with the movie"?

    The best thing by far was Stoned!Harry, which, for a brief moment made me forget the pussyfication he's suffered at the hands of Yates (even worse than with Rowling herself).

    Oh, and LOL at Dumbledore's cockblocking at the start of the movie.

    P.D: I demand Ice-Cream girl smut nao!
  15. Zarent

    Zarent Seventh Year

    Feb 16, 2008
    This made me remember the scene where Dumbledore was like 'Hey Harry, I was just wondering about you and Hermoine...'

    'Oh no, Professor, we're just friends'.

  16. Fuegodefuerza

    Fuegodefuerza Minister of Magic

    May 6, 2006
    For a movie, it was pretty good. For a Harry Potter adaptation, it was pretty awful. There were a bunch of funny parts, mainly from Grint who I really like all of a sudden, and a few other interesting scenes scattered throughout the monotony. I thought Felton did an admirable job, he got progressively harried looking as the movie went on, which is right on with the books, and he has a good almost-crying-face. And, honestly, that's a note that needs to be pointed out. Most of the actors and actresses being attacked for bad acting were, truthfully, spot on with what happened in the book (Radcliffe excluded IMO). There was no depth to hardly any of the characters, no development and no insight whatsoever in the book. I think they did a good job with what they were given (the fault falls on Yates for not changing that aspect at all.)

    Anyways, the entire Felix Felicis scene was hilarious, from Stoned!Harry, to Drunk!Hagrid and Slughorn's illegal activities. Same with the Love Potion scene. Helena Bonham Carter was great, really insane. I only wish she was hotter to appease the fanboy in me. I guess nonjon/Shezza had it right all along with her saggy tits. :( I thought Snape was perfect up until the very end when he was supposed to finally lose his composure, but that whole scene was abbreviated and it would have seemed out of place. Fenrir Greyback was scary-looking, even though he didn't do much other than stand and scowl and show his nasty teeth. I would have liked to see him do something werewolf-y. Emma Watson was smoking hot at the Slug Club Christmas thing.

    Overall, there were good parts and bad parts, but most of the blame falls on JKR for the horrible content to work with and Yates for making nothing of it. Actors and actresses did fine IMO, except for Radcliffe, who's just terrible.
  17. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Saw it last night and enjoyed it. Radcliffe was terrible as always. His crying is basically him shaking his shoulders and grunting.

    The romance was cringeworthy. "Take my hand." "No."

    Watson was there to look pretty and not do much else, which should be her role for the entire of DH as it lessons my need to punch her.

    Grint was surprisingly brilliant and actually had me laughing.

    Lavender. Lavender Lavender. She's unhinged, but in a hot way as opposed to the IwanttostrangleLuna way.

    Disappointed at the lack of students fighting. Seeing Grint Felix his way through a few death eaters would no doubt have been lulzy.

    Dumbedore. It took him five movies to get to a scene where I could actually believe that's Dumbledore. He was flawless in the Horcrux bit.

    Felton was better than he usually is, but that could be down to im having a bigger part to play than calling Harry "scarhead".

    No deaths on the brockdale bridge? Disappoint.

    On a gigantic plus. The new Katie Bell actress is infinitely hotter than the old one and is now worthy of a starring role in many fanfics. Get writing.
  18. JoJo23

    JoJo23 Unspeakable

    Mar 22, 2008
    I read on Slate that Bellatrix is pregnant in the first scene she appears in.
  19. rocket_runner

    rocket_runner Seventh Year

    Jun 20, 2009
    Missouri, USA
    Harry is absolutely obsessed with Draco in Half-Blood. I knew he was, but I remembered just how bad while watching the movie. I cringed multiple times just knowing that the number of Harry/Draco slash fics is going to be increasing. Fucking hell.

    And I suppose this is just my immaturity shining through, but I couldn't help snickering at some of the Dumbledore/Harry interaction. Goddammit. Dumbledore's cockblocking was quite enjoyable, though. ;)
  20. summanus

    summanus Second Year

    Apr 23, 2009
    Fenrir shows up what... twice in the movie? That was disappointing seeing how cool he looked. In the 'behind the screens' they even mention how much effort they put into his appearance.

    All in all it's like nothing happened in this movie. Sure there are a few attacks but ... no fighting? Actually change that into: No Magic. I think I only saw a couple of stupify's an AK and some other small stuff. (appart from dumbledore's fire).

    The part with the inferi ... harry casts 2 stupify's and one sectum sempra... and then he stops. wth!!! Why the hell would u stop !! That was just bull.
    Harry the "hero" my ass.

    Oh and the harry vs snape scene.
    I didn't think it possible but that scene was actually wurs than in the book. Sad.

    I agree with others that the felix scenes were the best. Never thought i'd see radcliffe show anything other than 'constipation' on his face but there you have it.

    btw. Is it me is the AK in the movie not green... not green... NOT GREEN!!
    wth !? I realy hope i just missed the colour and am mistaken here because the AK not being green just feels so wrong.