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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Scott

    Scott Professor DLP Supporter

    Apr 25, 2008
    You know, he could just make Dumbledore say only 7th years are aloud to put their name into the GOF. Overlooking over Harry, Dumbledore is a great wizard sure but everyone makes mistakes.
  2. Falcoren

    Falcoren Squib

    Sep 9, 2009
    This story is an AU so its possible the author chooses to wait until year 6 with the TWT.
  3. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Weasley Twins are usually very loud too and they are 6th years when Nathan and his brother are in their 4th.

    As for the GoF: it doesn't matter what Dumbledore - or anyone else - says. Once it chooses the champion, chosen person has no choice but to compete. As Howdy said, all Harry has to do is enter the parchment with his name on it, because after what we've seen so far, there is no way the goblet would choose anyone but Harry.
  4. Kthr

    Kthr Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2008
    São Paulo, Brazil
    Really, did you even bother clicking on the link to the 1st chapter or are you just plain stupid?

  5. ulkser

    ulkser Groundskeeper

    May 2, 2005

    First, about time turner thing. I agree that it is very risky. Whenever a timeturner is used the authors loose themselves in the details of Harry's training during that time. It is boring and cliche.

    Second, yes, Nathan won't be able to burn Quirrel and I am also curious about how things will turn up. If Harry finds out that his once mentor/teacher was Voldemort then the fic will go down as the main plot here is how Harry turns out a dark wizard with Voldemort's somewhat influence. So i would just make it like Quirrel escapes when Dumbledore comes to the room to help Nathan.

    Third, I also want Ginny to die but it is ok if she lives. However, the point is Nathan should experience things that will toughen him up. I would like to see a more skilled and knowledgeable Nathan in TWT than a canon Harry like one.

    Fourth, why should Harry gain that skill? What is the point except for making him look like cool like most of the retarded, stupid and childish people do in their fucking fics?

    Fifth, the author should come up something for POA. I agree that it would be kinda retarded to put Peter with Weasleys when everybody is alive and alert.
  6. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    You missed what he meant. How did that happen? In canon, Harry survived because Lily sacrificed her life for Harry's. But that did not happen here. So the question remains, how did Nathan survive the Killing Curse?
  7. Jigokuno

    Jigokuno Seventh Year

    Dec 2, 2008
    Parseltongue always seemed to be something that made Harry who he is. He was the only one besides Voldemort who had it. It seems strange him not having it. Although about becoming the "Heir to Merlin" I hate stories that do that. I understand your making a joke but it brought up a good point. Why the hell do people use some blood test at Gringotts so friggin often and have him be the heir to the founders and Merlin? Where the h'll did that cliche come from? It's friggin annoying.

    Also would be nice if Parseltongue was actually useful for something other then opening the chamber of secrets in this story. Not saying he should have all this super cool magic that he stumbles on that Voldemort doesn't know that is all in Parseltongue. I am just saying it was something in canon that was a part of who Harry was yet it was very friggin useless.

    About the Time Turner. I know that is what I am saying. I have never seen a author use a Time Turner properly in a story. It always goes into this massive training binge and Harry becomes the reincarnation of Merlin. I want ONE author to actually use a Time Turner in his story and actually make it useful and not a hinderance to the story like all other stories with Time Turners seem to be.

    I wonder what would happen if Tom Riddle diary actually sucked all the life out of Ginny and somehow manages to escape. I saw a story that tried to show what would happen if Tom Riddle actually made it fully out of the diary and the story was god awful. Yet it had potential to be good. Bah I am ramble again.

    I also wonder how Nathan survived the killing curse. The only answer I could come up with was that their was a one in a million chance of it backfiring. I think they said that in the first chapter when Lily explained it to the kids that the reason it backfired was simply a fluke.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009
  8. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey

    Remember, Dumbledore put an age line up. If Harry has permission he should be able to cross the age line without having to resort to magic to break it. I believe the author said that Harry won't be approaching Dumbledore or Voldemort level (at least at that age) so he shouldn't be able to bypass the age line. He needs to do this legally.

    He could have someone put his name in for him, but who would do that for him? Plus, Crouch Jr had to use some heavy magic to fix the Goblet to spit Harry's name out.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  9. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    I am not understanding how having a permission slip will get Harry through the Age line. It stops people too young from going forward, a permission slip is not going to make Harry older.

    However, the Age line is there because they don't want someone too inexperienced in magic to enter. If Harry skips enough years I don't see why Karloffe would not put Harry's entry into the Goblet himself with no trickness required from Harry at all. Surely there is going to be several more capable Durmstrang students there that don't meet the age requirement neither.
  10. wolf550e

    wolf550e High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Nov 9, 2006
    I think the BWL survived because the prophecy wanted to be fulfilled and him not surviving would make that impossible. The mother's sacrifice thing is crap, it wasn't that in canon either.

    There is no need to invent anything for the third school year. The author can describe what the protagonist does at Durmstrang and just say "nothing happened at Hogwarts".
  11. wolf550e

    wolf550e High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Nov 9, 2006
    Cedric Diggory was a sixth year. And Karkaroff entering his promising underage students (with their permission) is plausible.
  12. Kthr

    Kthr Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2008
    São Paulo, Brazil
    Couldn't Harry just levitate a slip of paper with his name on it? I mean, if he wanted to compete just to show just how awesome he is, crappy age-lines are not going to stop him. Personally, I would like to see him breaking every defence around the goblet just so he can participate on the TWT. Karkarov wouldn't say shit about it(after all, Krum is just a seeker, Harry would be way more famous, if not better skilled at magic) and the rest of the headmasters can't say anything since he does not belong to their school.

    The fact comes down to whether or not the goblet cares about age, and if anyone would try to go against a "powerful magic object"
  13. Kthr

    Kthr Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2008
    São Paulo, Brazil
    That was what I always thought. Sure, his mother sacrifice was really useful for protecting him later on, but not exactly prophecy related, just a sacrifice of her own life, to make his a safe one.

    Besides, "And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal" I always saw that as they why his killing curse/ horcrux attempt failed.

    Are you kidding me? Dementors must be feed! Give them one of Nathan's sidekicks just for the laughs.
  14. The Santi

    The Santi Professor

    Aug 15, 2009
    Damn! How did you get a copy of my outline KrzaQ? The only thing you forgot to mention was Harry's golden Patronus, which not only kills dementors but also magically enlarges his penis 8 inches.

    The first tagline of chapter 1 is "Manifestation of Destiny" I would have thought that would have given away how Nathan survived Voldemort's attack. It was destiny, the prophecy, whatever you want to call it.

    Edit: I should have the next few scenes out soon. I'll probably post them tomorrow.
  15. wolf550e

    wolf550e High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Nov 9, 2006
    In this story, Harry Potter is almost a nobody. He's the bookworm brother of the Boy Who Lived. At his Sorting, people were surprised to find out he existed. Another reason why the author should have kept the first name Harry for the character of the Gryffindor Jock Boy Who Lived and made a new name for the Ravenclaw OC.

    edit: typo
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  16. bobtheslycat

    bobtheslycat Backtraced

    Aug 24, 2009
    No. That is not enough explanation. It is illogical, irrational. Even in canon, the prophecy had a foundation of logic. Voldemort "marked" Harry but this was only possible because of the powerful blood magic that Lily had bestowed upon her son with her ultimate sacrifice. It says something to this line in book 4, in the graveyard scene. Here in this story there is no logical explanation for why Nathan would survive. No magic was used. They were in a muggle setting. So why him? And why now? It could be twenty years in the future that a child was born when the seventh month dies...
  17. The Santi

    The Santi Professor

    Aug 15, 2009
    Okay, how about this explanation, I think JKR dropped the ball and Canon doesn't properly explain shit about that night.

    Supposedly, the magic Lily used was ancient and rare. Does that mean that no one has ever sacrificed themselves for anyone else in a thousand years of recent wizarding history? Why didn't James' death protect Lily? After all he tells her to take Harry and run, and that he would hold off Voldemort for her. He knew he was going to die, so wasn't that self-sacrificing?

    Was it just because Lily didn't try to fight Voldemort? How many people has he, or his followers, probably killed when they were defenseless? It can't be that Lily fucking Potter is the only mother in the wizarding world who would offer to die in place of her child!

    Also, I am strongly against the idea that Lily cast some super powerful bloodmagic, regardless of the fact that it's canon. Every bit of canon magic involves wand magic or potions (Remember Runes are a fucking language not a ubber way to make wards, and Arithmancy is just a fancy way of doing Divination).

    We hear Lily's last moment's alive, so we know that she wasn't casting magic. Hell, JKR tells us that Lily and James were caught off-guard, and they didn't even have their wands on them. So how the fuck did Lily cast a spell? Not to mention, if she did cast a powerful blood magic spell, wouldn't Voldemort have noticed?

    Dumbledore can apparently 'spot' the traces of Voldemort's magic when he is looking for the Horcrux in the Cave. Since Voldemort is just as talented, wouldn't he have noticed a powerful Bloodmagic spell? Obviously not, but there are just too many inconsistencies for me.

    As far as I'm concerned, all parts of the Prophecy were met when Voldemort sought out a child, who was born at the end of July, and tried to kill him.
  18. Othalan

    Othalan Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 4, 2007
    @ bobtheslycat: I distinctly remember the phrase "Fluke of magic" being uttered at some point in the fic (chapter 2, iirc). For the sake of the story, I can accept that bit of fudging on the author's part. After all, it's the plot that counts, not making sure every tiny detail is compatible with canon. If you want to bitch about it anyway, do it through PMs or something instead of irritating the rest of us.

    In short, STFU and stop making me think that it's been updated, noob!
  19. Kthr

    Kthr Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2008
    São Paulo, Brazil
    By people you mean the children at hogwartz? I can totally buy that some of the population don't know him either, but don't dismiss the fact that the higher up probably know everything about the potter family. Also, now everyone at hogwarts will know if he leaves to karkarov school, and will be telling their parents about it. Rita will soon find out, and she could very well discover/hint at Harry's magical strength to juice up her articles at the prophet.
  20. Kthr

    Kthr Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2008
    São Paulo, Brazil
    Voldemort had no knowledge about the full prophecy to back that statement. And can you copy that speech? It's been a while since I've read book 4, but I only remember him saying that ignoring the power of her sacrifice fucked him over, not making that the sole reason why he "marked" the boy.

    Besides, how many witches sacrificed themselves for their family? True, Lily was a extraordinary one, but not the only kick-ass witch alive. The prophecy must not be ignored.

    edit: Shit, Santi beat me to it.

    Dumbledore did lost a arm to a horcrux, wouldn't he have noticed that curse there as well? He's not all powerful.

    Oh, and just to argue the point, the "bloodmagic" could've been pre-made, and the sacrifice "activated" it.

    And I feel affronted by the runes comment. They are awesome, don't disregard then!
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
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