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Doctor Who

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Heleor, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    As I said before I suspect that the woman in white was Romana, one of the forth Doctors companions and also former president of Galifray (I think.) I was quite suprised that they didnt confirm it either way though, but it did say she voted against the act implying that she had some sort of power to do so.

    That was a utterly amazing episode, I simultaneously don't want Tennent to go and am madly curious on what the new production team are going to come up with since this is Russell T Davies's last season. But the guy taking over wrote the 'Don't look away, don't blink' episode and the 'Donna...Stay out of the shadows...' episode, so perhaps we will return to the good old days when Doctor Who scared little kiddies shitless.
  2. Bucks

    Bucks Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 10, 2008
    Just watched it. It was awesome for the most part, a stroke of genius bringing a former James Bond as the villain.

    We also got to see a bit of the 11th doctor at the end.

    Maybe it is just me and comparing him to Tennant, who is probably the best actor in British entertainment right now, but he wasn't as strong as I'd like him to be. When the Doctor regenerates a whole new personality pops up, so far I haven't seen it.

    Meh, too early to tell I suppose. Have to wait till spring now.

    As for part 2 of "The End of Time" episode.

    The Master took a back seat towards the end, which was a pitty. We got to see why the old guy kept reappearing. It was an unexpected twist not quite sure how I feel about. I'd prefer if the Doctor went out doing something more epic than what he'd done. Maybe, just maybe, both The Master and the other Time Lords may appear again.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
  3. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    I thought it was awesome, for the most part. Quality acting all round, especially when the Doctor realised Wilf was trapped. The drawn out farewell section was good, much better than it could have been, under the circumstances. It could have been a Deathly Hallows epilogue style love-fest, but I thought this worked quite well. Seeing Joan Redfern's grand-daughter was a lovely touch.

    Some of the plot points were a little weak though - the Time-Lords being banished by destroying a computer console reeked of the writers not knowing how to get themselves out of the corner they'd written themselves into (not that I currently have anything better to suggest...) And what happened to the Master? It looked like he was in the big ball of light that enveloped the Time-Lords, but he wasn't mentioned again. Shame that.

    Matt Smith looks intriguing. Quite a similar entrance to David Tennant's first time, but potential, I think. And here's a trailer for the next series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tPte4rQMpI
  4. Jjf88

    Jjf88 Auror

    Oct 15, 2007
    I admit, that somewhat lessened my disbelief at Matt Smith being uncapable of being as good as Tennant, as I believe the shades was a totally Tennant move (always a good thing) without being a copycat. I enjoyed him uppercutting somebody and then looking shocked in a "OMG, I just done that?"

    0:15 shows us a Dalek, I think its grey (i'm partially colour blind so it may not be!) so perhaps a good ol' Dalek fight should show us what he's made of but him firing a gun, although it shows character progression (from DT's finally unease at using one) I don't like it. I only enjoyed DT using the gun because of the hopelessness of his situation and that he didn't want to die. His swagger at 0:32 is somewhat earned (he beat The Time Lords..again) so its alright, but I don't like his word (it seems likely to be his word) being "Geronimo" DT's Alonsy was slightly silly, but in a tolerable way, "Geronimo" to me is just annoying although it may grow on me.

    I reckon it could also be Romana because, like you said, she was Lady President of the Time Lords and his 3rd and 4th (Might be 5th) Incarnations companion.

    The TARDIS has changed which looks cool, but I prefer the old one.

    The new way of filming (or it may just be specific parts) looks cool and I think I somewhat prefer it to the older one.
  5. Water Mage

    Water Mage Denarii Host

    Nov 21, 2007
    I just caught it. I thought it was an awesome episode. Some of the best parts was the Doctor name dropping the big bad's of the time war, the Nightmare Child, The King that Never Was. Wilf was phenomenal with every scene he was in. The most powerful moments came when he shared the screen with Tennant.

    The drums that drove the Master insane being something Rassilon and the Time Lord council created to lead themselves from the time lock was amazing. Sort of how Rose became the Bad Wolf and scattered clues throughout time to create a link to herself and her moment of badassness.

    It was sad that Donna didn't have much to do, but the Doctor putting in a self defense protocol within his best friend was unexpected and cool. The farewell with the other Children of Time was nice and touching. Martha/Mickey was out of nowhere but I'll go with it.

    When Wilf asked who was that woman and the Doctor doesn't answer, but instead looks off to Donna. I took that to hint the woman was Susan. The Doctor's granddaughter.

    The regeneration into 11 was nice and mimicked Tennant's showing that there's still a bit of 10 in him. Which is fine by me. The trailer was alright and I look forward to what Matt Smith brings to the show. He's got some big shoes to fill.

    I still can't help but laugh that the Doctor's still not ginger.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2010
  6. Jjf88

    Jjf88 Auror

    Oct 15, 2007
    Could be Susan, I forgot about her.^_^

    Thanks for clearing that up because I never really understood wtf they were on about but now it makes sense. Scary though that they can still interact with the world even when they're Time Locked.

    I swear to fuck, and you can bloody well quote me on this, I'm going to be The Doctor, and I will dye my hair ginger..for the lulz.


    I still want to see what "The Moment" is however and how its used.>.>

    Also, do you believe that since they are Time Locked, The Time Lords and Ladies replay the Time War with their memories intact?
  7. Water Mage

    Water Mage Denarii Host

    Nov 21, 2007
    I want to see the Moment being used too. It was pretty awesome enough to destroy all the Time Lords and Daleks so it'll be some amazing visuals for sure.

    That one council lady said that time found ways of reviving them over and over, finding new ways for them to die. And Time Lords are pretty intimate with time so I say yes, they know what's going on for sure.

    The council at least seemed to know they were time locked and in the last days of the war.
  8. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    The trailer savage linked:

    Dont. Blink.
  9. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    ..I saw a gun.

  10. Jjf88

    Jjf88 Auror

    Oct 15, 2007
    It really irked me that he had a gun, but what was more annoying that he didn't seem to be upset at using one..>.>

    12th Doctor will be a Black gangbanger from 'da hood and his companion will be two ghetto ass bitches. His TARDIS will also have low riding capabilities..-.-
  11. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    I'm pretty sure they got rid of Susan in the original series by having her fall in love with someone on a future earth and he locks her out of the TADIS so she doesn't feel obliged to go with him. though since then he keeps hinting that all his family died so prehaps she was brought back to Gallifray to fight like he was.

    Edit: Wilki says:
    So who knows..

    Edit Edit:

    Looking around there are theories from it being future!Donna (because he looked at her or something and the connection with Wilf) to it being his mother (mainly because of this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/...re-Bloom-to-star-as-mother-of-Doctor-Who.html although I don't see any actual evidence that anyone confirmed this in the article)

    An argument for Romana though is apparently Claire Bloom was listed on IMDB as 'President Romana' up until about 3 weeks ago, after which it was changed to 'The Woman'. Timothy Daltons character name was changed from 'Time Lord' to 'Narrator' before that, so I assume the change was to eliminate any reference to Time Lords other than DW and Master.

    Leaving it ambiguous does leave the chance that she will be in the next season though.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2010
  12. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    Or he could have been firing at another plot device/piece of machinery. Just because he was firing a gun doesn't necessarily mean he was shooting someone. Hell, he could have been kicking off a sprint race (unlikely, I'll concede).

    But yes - Weeping Angels, vampires, sword-fighting, Venice, and a cute companion. Assuming Smith lives up to his promise, next season could be awesome :D And with Moffat at the helm, there's always the chance that the Daleks might be scary again!

    As for the mysterious woman, I saw her as some relative of the Doctor, definitely. Susan possibly, although my first instinct his mother *shrugs* Maybe we'll find out one day. I've seen people on other forums swearing blind that it was supposed to be Donna, although as yet they haven't explained how in the hell that's supposed to work.
  13. Inquisition

    Inquisition Canadian Ambassador to Japan DLP Supporter

    Oct 9, 2006
    That was a beautiful ending to a brill Doctor. And fuck Matt Smith with a pair of dildos.

    Sadly, this is the only episode in which Catherine Tate's character has been used to almost perfection. When she was introduced, she was a useless cunt who was getting married, and in this episode, after a season's worth of plot development, she's a useless cunt who was getting marr - hey, wait a minute...

    Another little plot hole... why didn't the Masters from the next fucking
    street over come by and kill her when she was out cold? OR WHY DIDN'T SHE DIE WHEN SHE STARTED TO REMEMBER LIKE SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO. More Davies bullshit about harmlessly knocking out not!Masters with special mental energies.

    The bit where the Master sort of redeems himself by attacking "Rassilon" (he's fucking dead/trapped in the Eye of Harmony/in the Divergent universe, arsefucks) was terrible, but that's more plot than acting. I, as always, blame Russell T. Davies.

    Also, the "evil" of the Time Lords was not really explained or thought through all that well, yet another of Russell T. Davies' numerous omissions in favour of drama. Oh, and the woman is probably Chancellor Flavia. Look her up.

    The not quite the ending culminated in an outburst of heartfelt emotion as the Doctor furiously shouts at Cribbins about the unfairness of his death, a scene which truly captures the masterful acting talent of David Tennant, far more than being the Time Lord Victorious (which was complete pants).

    The visits with the former companions at the end of the episode was mostly well done; the Martha/Mickey bit really didn't have to be there - it was a doorway that really shouldn't have been opened, it was there just to stir up the semen in the pot of fandom wank. And one would think a genius like Luke Smith would remember to look both ways when crossing a street. I wish Sarah Jane had come back, I really do.

    Despite me hating Rose's character with a passion, the way they revisited her in the episode was truly perfect, and that's the way you bring anyone back in a show involving fucking time travel. None of this fucking nonsense about being a soldier from an alternate reality bullshit AFTER YOU HAD PERMANENTLY SEPARATED THE TWO UNIVERSES - she was useless then too, anyway. That was just a cheap ploy by bloody Russell T. Davies to have her useless arse on the damn show again (by the way... Russell T., Rose Tyler).

    The crash scene at the end was forced; it didn't need to be there. It was just an opportunity for the producers hurry the introduction of Matt Smith along so they could get the viewers used to his role on the show. Much of the same sort of dialogue ideas were spit out by Smith in his appearance as was in the introduction of Tennant (including fucking crashing on Earth). The only amusing thing I could think of in his dialogue is when he believes he's a girl. He then goes on to try to win over some Tennant fans with a comment on not being ginger, so fuck him.

    Edit: Also, who the fuck is Karen Gillian? I wanted Alex Kingston, because she seems to be made of awesome.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2010
  14. h2o

    h2o Professor

    Dec 13, 2007
    Not too sure about the new Doc... looks like a bit of a twat tbh. Its probably the hair...

    Anyway, Wilfred is possibly one of my favorite characters and played to perfection by Bernard Cribbins. And ever since I saw Timothy Dalton in Hot Fuzz I've been a huge fan of his. He just makes one hell of a villain :D

    Having seen the trailer... Weeping Angels. Can't wait for that episode... "Don't blink, don't even blink. Blink and you are dead" soo epic!
  15. Gullible

    Gullible Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2006
    Sitting in front of a broken compooter, lolololol
    Blink was by far the best standalone episode ever. I want more of that. (by ever I mean new series, although "are you my mommy" was pretty chilling as well)
  16. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
  17. Anya

    Anya Harley Quinn DLP Supporter

    Feb 26, 2008
    Arkham City
    Naw, I'm giving him a chance. From what I've seen he seems pretty decent.

    And for that plot whole; I was thinking the exact same thing.

    With the whole The Master Is Everybody... would they really confer to the original? I would think all of them would want to be the leader, instead of them just doing everything the original says.

    But at the end there The Master really was amazing.
  18. Water Mage

    Water Mage Denarii Host

    Nov 21, 2007
    Hoping to God that something slipped through during the Time Lords almost escape. Something of the time war's horrors needs to be in the next series asap.

    Hell on Gallifrey seemed awesome.
  19. Invader.Azula

    Invader.Azula Seventh Year

    Sep 18, 2008
    Laurel, MD
    That was so awesome! I loved every bit of it.

    But the ending nearly killed me. I started tearing up when he was talking with Wilf and then at the very end when he realized that he didn't want to go I just started bawling.

    Smith has some very huge shoes to fill. Seriously. I would be like someone trying to play the Joker in next Batman movie.

    HELL YES!!! Seriously, I would love a miniseries or movie about that. I have no idea what any of that stuff was but damn it sounded great!

    Holy crap! He wrote all of the best episodes!
  20. Oneiros

    Oneiros Groundskeeper

    May 2, 2009
    I have no clue why David left. He had an absolutely amazing writer coming on board, and he is widely considered to be the best doctor...The only comfort I take from this is that he is in one of the best positions to be the Doctor again what with that supposedly half-human version of himself mucking about.

    I don't buy the idea that the other Doctor isn't a full time lord because Donna was human with all of the knowledge of a time lord, and she was unable to cope with it yet the other Doctor seemed perfectly fine with having all of that knowledge in his brain.

    On a completely unrelated (but infinitely more important) note the new assistant is ridiculously hot.