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The Most Significant Leap in Personal Computing ?!

Discussion in 'PC Discussion' started by Blaise, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. ForsakenOne

    ForsakenOne Groundskeeper

    Sep 22, 2007
    Hi guys, I heard you liked Flas- Oh wait. :awesome
  2. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    People seem to be going towards HTML 5 now, anyway.

    So hey, won't be a problem for too long.
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    Adobe needs to die in a fire - especially flash, and anything that helps towards that process is okay by me. Companies couldn't tailor their sites to work on Blackberries and iPhones fast enough, and the same process has started once again with the iPad. Videos are whatever (thanks to YouTube), the fancier content in sites are also whatever, and a shit-ton of advertisements are replaced by that blue Lego brick (fine by me) - which basically leaves Flash's remaining card against the Anti-Flash movement as games. Which is fucking ridiculous.

    Nobody should side with Flash-utilizing products just because fags can't let go of their Snood addiction.
  4. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Thisthisthis. So much this. I hope to fucking God Canvas blows flash out of the fucking water. <_<
  5. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Double post, but this has really changed my opinion of the iPad. :awesome
  6. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Except they use the H.264 codec, which isn't supported by Firefox and Opera, because it's no open codec. So really, fuck Youtube too. Otherwise agreed with Adobe-"Let's make each new version of our products more cluttered and slower than the one before"-Flash. When the solution to browsing at a decent speed is turning off Flash altogether, you're fucking doing it wrong, Adobe.
  7. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    True enough, but that's a moot point in this case. Any manufacturer putting out a tablet (or even smartphone) device that doesn't have a dedicated YouTube app is retarded. iPad (and iPhone/iTouch) has one, and it's sexy; NotionINk's Adam tablet runs Android, so it'll have one - and it's sexy; the Windows 7 Phone will have one, and it's damned sexy; the Courier will have one, and it'll be damned sexy as well; even that gay Indian device has one.

    Lawl. It took that nerdy kid to convince you, even though he said pretty much everything I did ?


    While I've thought about a tablet's use from the design side of real estate development, I'd never thought about how realtors could use it; definitely makes sense. I could even see potential buyers walking through the empty home at first, and then having the realtor go into the app and have the buyers pick from a group of standard furniture/home furnishings/electronics "stickers" (in relation to the furniture they have at their current home, or what they plan to buy), and virtually arrange how and where they would want their stuff placed if they move in. They could even have the realtor save it, and forward the diagram to the moving company on the day of the actual move, giving them an idea of the truck size, crew, cushioning, and time needed to get it done.

    @Pers: The ability to use a Bluetooth keyboard is another plus (at least, until someone sets up a stylus/handwriting recognition c-c-c-combo), although any keyboard larger than Apple's would defeat the purpose IMO. It's definitely another tick in the iPad's favor, though I still maintain that waiting for v.2 is the way to go.
  8. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    You missed my point completely Blaise! D8

    Hadn't heard of the Adam tablet though. Looks pretty cool, and Android is <3. I'd love to make a chess app for it. o:
  9. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    Lenovo X200 Tablet
    Intel C2D 1.83GHz SL9400
    12.1" 1280x800 Multitouch + Stylus Input
    4GB DDR3 1066MHz
    500GB 7200RPM HDD
    Bluetooth/Wireless N/Gigabit LAN
    8 Cell Battery
    3 Year International Warranty

    For three times the price of the iPad, a shit tonne more features, uses and history. I do believe this is a far better purchase than an iPod Touch on steroids.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    Nah, did nawt D8

    Lol no it's not. It's 3x more expensive than an iPad, more prone to damage, and less portable.
  11. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    Also, it runs windows. i got an iPad, and I love my iPad so much.
  12. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    Windows has flash. Windows can multitask. Windows can do anything an iPad cannot. It also has a 3 year warranty, onsite next business day. Also my screen can be folded down, not exposed 100% of the time without the need of a sleeve.

    Also, heard of Project OSx86?

    Bitche's don't even know...
  13. reggin

    reggin Filthy Half-Breed DLP Supporter

    Mar 17, 2008
    Southern California
    Project OSx86? I think not. Why buy apple hardware that ridiculously expensive when Linux does it for cheap?

    Sorry a little bit off topic.
  14. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Apple uses terrible graphics cards. Surely higher end models have better ones? o_o
  15. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    Surely not. They all use the same GPU, only have a choice for more memory. 256MB or 512MB.

    Macfags annoy me greatly.
  16. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    OSfags who hate on Apple and their products "just because" annoy me equally greatly. The option you presented costs three times as much, weighs over twice as much, and has maybe a half of the battery life. It would make zero sense to purchase such a thing if the iPad does what you need (unless you have an irrational hatred of things Apple, that is).

    Fuck, man. It's a computer, not a religious experience. It's just a tool. If the tool does what you want for the price you want, great. If not, go buy something that works for you.

    Tablets have been around for a long time, but accounted for around zero percent of the market prior to the iPad. Why? Part of it is a successful marketing blitz on Apple's part, but most of the reason, as I can say having used both the shitty tablets of the past and the iPad, is that in the past apps for the tablet weren't designed with the interface in mind. Apple realized that tablets would never amount to anything until one turns the interface into something that isn't just a clunkier, 100x less convenient version of what you already do with your laptop. In this, they were mostly successful (but like Blaise said, expect v2 will be cleaner and even more streamlined).

    As an aside, I swear, the next person who throws out a meaningless processor clock number gets kicked in the cunt. Nearly every app you run is going to be memory bandwidth starved, so properties of the chip's memory subsystem and the quality of the memory/cache programming in the apps is 90%+ of app speed, not the chip clock speed. (You're basically saying that how high you can make the tach go when the car is in neutral defines how fast the car can go).
  17. Beonid

    Beonid Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Jul 12, 2008
    That list of cards is a bit out of date - the most expensive Mac Pro has the 4870 as an option.

    I didn't realise that Apple was quite so far behind, though. I suppose Mac users aren't serious gamers, and have no use for anything other than the most basic GPU. Still, it's no wonder it's only Valve and Blizzard that are actually releasing (or will be releasing) games for OSX.

    Perspicacity does make a fair point that the iPad is the first of it’s kind, but this doesn't make up for the lack of useful features. Like many of Apple’s products, the iPad is lackluster in the features department, while relying on its looks and name to sell itself.

    To me, it doesn't seem that great, even after watching the video a few posts back, which raised a couple of valid points. The interface is nice, sure, and it looks ok (personally, I think my Zune HD has far better looks, but that's something else entirely), but the usability is suspect. No multitasking, no sensitivity levels like on a Wacom tablet, and you're limited by Apple's software. The video does make a good point: that realtors could find uses for the iPad, as well as other presentation-related areas. This is where I see it ending.

    Apparently the on-screen keyboard is better than on the iPod Touch - and I sure hope it is, because the iTouch's is terrible - however, the keyboard is still less usable than a netbook's. Usage as an an art tablet is limited by the sensitivity of the capacitive screen, and drawing on the screen is similar to the experience of fingerpainting enjoyed in kindergarten. The iPad aims to be a lot of things, and doesn't do too well at meeting my expectations; kinda like Spore (which coincidentally came out on OSX).

    tl;dr: The people who plan to do shit-all on it will like it, while the people who actually want to use it for a serious purpose will most likely be disappointed.
  18. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    @off-topic spec-dropping faggots: Read what Pers said. Then GTFO.

    Also: Hackintosh LOL. I'm not even touching that noise.

    @Beonid:it's been said, repeatedly here and in the video Oz linked, that the 1st gen is not the way to go and that the 2nd gen will have the goods. That the iPad would have multitasking was inevitable, though people are understandably scratching their heads at why they didn't release the thing with the feature from the onset.

    But at least they've released one, unlike everyone else in the game.

    (From a business point of view, one could see this seemingly gimped iPad as a large method of product testing. But instead of paying test groups, they decided to make a profit. /shrug bad for us, good for business, but that's not what the thread's about)

    And why shouldn't it rely on looks/name? That's how Amazon sold the Kindle: it's basically a one-trick pony (e-ink), while its form-factor/size and Amazon backing made up for the fact that one can carry a severely limited number of (Amazon-approved) books on the thing, with no notational capabilities or ability to upgrade storage space, a slow screen, etc. The thing still sells like wildfire.

    Drawing on an iPad is nothing like fingerpainting - I won't say it's a breeze, or as detailed as a Wacom tablet, but I could definitely put out high-level work with the given array of available apps. Don't say shit like that if you haven't even tried it yet lol, c'mon man.
  19. El Scorcho

    El Scorcho First Year

    Mar 30, 2010
    Ehhh, I gotta disagree. maybe it's because I'm already used to the iPod Touch's keyboard, but the iPad's keyboard feels rather unwieldy. The thing about the Touch that I liked was that all you really needed you use to type was your thumbs. On the other hand, the iPad's on-screen keyboard is much too large to be used like the Touch, yet much too small to be used like a conventional keyboard.

    I guess I could just get the keyboard dock thingy, but I doubt I'll be needing the iPad for any heavy duty typing.


    I've only spent a few hours with mine, and I'm already warming up to it. Apps and Movies look fucking gorgeous on the iPad. For most the apps I've tried, the iPod/iPhone versions work well enough on the iPad, with compatibility issues on only a few of them (NOVA, etc.).

    imo, the best thing about it would be the sheer potential it has for on the go browsing. To me, the iPad seems like the perfect size for reading fanfic when you're out. All in all, it's pretty damn good.

    The only thing I didn't like was the keyboard, and how they took out coverflow. The music section is looks more like iTunes now.
  20. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    Yet the single thing which destroys that arguement is that people want more than the iPad gives. People want flash. People want to run normal applications. People want stylus input. Think of how amazing a MacBook Tablet would be. How amazing a Apple Mac Cinema Touch Screen with a Wacom Panel. Apple's have a large array of design applications like Logic 9. They missed the target everyone was hoping for them to hit.

    The option I presented is also easily three times more powerful, has three times the uses and actually has comparable battery performance. Understandably it is more expensive, you get what you pay for, yet when an option is presented which so happens to be more expensive than the Apple product, the exact same points are used to say why the Apple product is better. It's more expensive, blah blah blah, look at the price of MacBooks, MacBook pros, Mac Pros and then compare it to the competition. Premium product at a premium price one might say, that does not make the iPad exempt from this comparison.

    You can get a tablet netbook which will have comparable performance to the iPad for around the same money but with more features, compatibility and uses. And they have already been out for much longer. Gigabyte TouchNote for example.

    It's not an irrational hatred. It's a rational dislike for a company who artificially inflates the price of their product just because people will pay it. I actually like a lot of Apple products but their marketing stratergy really doesn't make much sense in terms of getting more people to buy their products by positioning themselves so high. OSX is user friendly, many OSX applications solve many of the problems faced by Windows implementation such as terrible handling of high quality audio. Yet the premium to pay for exactly the same hardware is a bit too much. It has gotten better lately but their history was pretty terrible in that regards.

    I agree. I am an informed consumer. I know all the options out there before I part with my hard earned cash on a product to suit my needs. the iPad does not really fill a need. it is a want. The things a common person could want to do on an iPad are far beyond the iPad.

    Also, had a look at the blind devotion of Apple customers lately? The mentality of 'if they put it out, I will buy it no matter what.' The people who upgrade their MacBook every time a new refresh comes along. Who buy the next iPhone when it comes out. Who lines the streets at the Macshop at 6 in the morning waiting for the release even though what they have already gets the job done and they probably won't even make use of any performance increases.

    I am over hype of products.

    I am over propaganda.

    Which is all Apple spew. Every single person I know who has bought a mac has had exactly as many problems with software and hardware as anyone else. It's like people believe that just because they pay a premium for hardware and software it will magically be any better when in reality it is not.

    The iPad is still a long away from having tablets gaining a greater market share. The iPad is little more than a more powerful and bigger iPod Touch. One might call it great marketing, I still call it propaganda. So much hype over something I really expected more from. Once they make a convertible MacBook Tablet, then things will really get interesting. I don't believe this is the step people all think it is. I truly hoped it was, I would've paid for it if it was. I do however think it will introduce competition in a market many people didn't know existed, the gap around kindles, netbooks, media players and tablets. Portable connected devices capable of multimedia and such. The flow on development of the full blown tablet market is sure to increase as people are exposed to the notion of touchscreen computing. I'm still waiting for that moment when it happens though.

    You see, the fact you are actually having problems with not having enough memory in the first place is a joke. Fast hardware is cheap as all shit nowdays. We are beyond the days of memory management in application development being such a major issue that it used to be.

    Yeah, I do believe they need to work harder in keeping up with technology. Core i5's and i7's took far too long to come into the Macbook lineup. The new 5 series of video cards are nowhere to be seen in the mac pro, nor the Core series of CPU's Xeon editions.

    [/quote]Perspicacity does make a fair point that the iPad is the first of it’s kind, but this doesn't make up for the lack of useful features. Like many of Apple’s products, the iPad is lackluster in the features department, while relying on its looks and name to sell itself.[/quote]

    It fits in a gap beteen netbooks, ebook readers and tablets yet people still think it encompasses all three areas.


    Which is why I am so disappointed. I wanted to do stuff with it. I wanted a tablet MacBook. Not a glorified iPod Touch.

    Yeah it takes some actual knowledge of OSX to get it to work and research to find all the required knowledge. Still, the results are possible. Also, I will not let people circle jerk over shit without giving an opinion. If that opinion doesn't sit with you, then it is you who should GTFO.

    It's a damn right shame that this is the case when we know Apple are capable of releasing the device everyone expected. Times are not like when the first iPod came out. The technology to include all the features people wished for aren't that hard to incorporate. Politics is a fucking bitch. Marketing too. Just give me what I want and be happy that I got it from you.

    Because the kindle served a purpose people wanted filled. That is an easy method of storing and reading ebooks on the go.

    There are already tablets out there with a Wacom Panel which have pressure sensitivity. The technology is available. You obviously would use it if it was there. It's a damn shame it isn't.

    TL;DR: Apple should've released a MacBook Touch convertible tablet or an iPad which wasn't gimped, then I wouldn't be whinging.
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