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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:

    It's reasonable to assume that former Death Eaters who ran in the same social circles still meet from time to time. Not to talk about anything in specific, but I'm sure they had good memories of the time when Voldemort was thumping shit.

    They're Death Eaters for a few reasons. They believe in ideals, they're psychopaths and they're ambitious. Ambition doesn't go away. If a former Death Eater saw a young student with prodigious talent rise through the years in Durmstrang, he'd most likely get to know the student in question. If the student in question was older twin brother of the child who had defeated their master... I'm sure you can draw your own conclusions.

    Rosier elder could easily be thinking "Let's get him to stuff my daughter" but I really doubt Calypso is. The Santi has had some questionable fics in the past, but I doubt he'd fall into that trap.
  2. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    This thread bounces into more directions than a ball in a pinball machine. That said, there is, of course, no problem if Calypso was thinking of marriage.
  3. Sooner90

    Sooner90 Groundskeeper

    Aug 24, 2009
    Oklahoma, USA
    OK. I'll take a stab at it. Animagi, metamorph's, etc...are all old, innate talents that pass through the bloodline. Keeping track of the talents in the Potter bloodline might well be a way to discover how the BWL managed to survive a killing curse. Maybe some latent power of the combination of powers, not to mention that they might want to know just how powerful Harry could be. No doubt they would discount anything that his muggle mother might have done.

    Also, as previously posted, DE's are DE's, regardless. Voldemort's supposed destruction didn't stop Bella from believing in him, nor Wormtail from seeking out his spectre. These folks are zealots and their beliefs, goals and habits would not dry up just because Riddle was gone.
  4. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    What I like about the Santi's portrayal of Calypso is that she's still 12 for the most part. Is marriage a distant plan? Yes, she's keeping her eyes open for potential, but a lot of the girls I knew around that age liked to think about marriage even if it wasn't necessarily realistic or serious. She's believably naive, at the very least, about the sinister aspects of her character, like she really did spend a lot of time just listening to the shit her father said. In the same vein of thought, however, is the idea that her father could very easily manipulate her by using her friendship with Harry. She seems to think she's plotting with her father, in the naive way that children seek to feel that they're "helping" or impressing their parents by emulating them, which will inevitably lead to bad juju not just between her and Harry, but between her and her father when she begins to understand that her father, who is undoubtedly using her, is not as nice of a dude as she thought (and she already knows he's pretty much evil).
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2010
  5. CleanRag

    CleanRag Professor

    Dec 26, 2009
    --> ? <--
    For shame Seratin. You quote me, highlight a specific portion of my argument (which included facts and examples.) Then all you have to say about the quote is
    If it weren't for the fact that you insist that 13 year old girls don't think about marriage or boys, I would believe you were a 5th grader. So please STFU unless you have an point that isn't centered around your thoughts on teenage girl's hormones or your belief that "Santi wouldn't fall into that trap." Whatever that means.

    No death eaters don't all have those traits in common. The only 100% fact about death eaters is that they are Voldemorts bitches. Without him they are nothing. They haven't done anything as a group until the quiditch world cup and they were most likely drunk at the time. They in fact try as hard as they can to disassociate themselves from being death eaters and do not even want to think about Lord Voldemort still being alive.

    OK I said sensible reason. What would having grandfathers who could turn into animals have to do with surviving a killing curse? So their theory is that Nathan inherited an Animiagus gift, a Seer gift, and is a metamorphmagus so all those combined equates to surviving a killing curse? If you do like to shovel that bullshit over a much more substantial she is looking for a good husband theory I wouldn't want to fog up your mind with actual facts. (thats a lie, I enjoy confusing morons) On top of all of the above, you failed to provide a motive. This is Calypso's plan not her fathers. She was afraid of Harry getting hurt and hasn't asked a single question about his brother. The family tree also had just his name at the bottom. Why would she want to hurt his brother? Why would her father go through all of that trouble to hurt Nathan? Nathan is hardly a threat to anyone. It certainly wouldn't be worth betraying his daughter over.
  6. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    Not true. The attack on the Longbottoms happened without Voldemort for starters. And even though many death eaters couldn't do anything because they were stuck in both Azkaban and Rowling's decision that evil was incompetent, there are subtle signs that they were still an active force, even if not going by the same old name and so obvious about it.

    Malfoy's position of power in government, the arrangement (or at least recognition of what their families were) amongst the Slytherin death-eater children, just how fucking quickly Voldemort was able to pull a full-scale coup once he actually put his goddamn mind to it... these all suggest a highly organized group, and while they lacked the raw power to do anything overt until Voldemort returned, their biggest handicap remains the author knowing ahead of time that in the end, a teenage boy with mediocre talents and no desire to improve them had to emerge victorious.
  7. Catman

    Catman DA Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    On the topic of Death Eaters without Voldemort, I agree with Vlad that they are by and large a very competent group. The efficiency they had in taking over the Ministry being the key example. But they did need Voldemort's leadership more than anything to pull this off.

    And as to whether they would try to harm Nathan while Voldemort is presumably dead, I think we need to remember the two types of DEs we have seen. Bellatrix, her husband and his brother presumably, and Crouch JR, all fanatical loyalists that were willing to rot away in Azkaban for a dead master. They would without a doubt try to kill Nathan and his family on principle, along with hatching more plans to resurrect Voldemort. Then we have people like Malfoy, Macnair (I assume), and apparently Rosier. They have all successfully reintegrated into civilian life, living their lives with respectable jobs and practices (in the public eye).

    Long and short, Death Eaters aren't retards, and as such those that have lived their lives for 11 years aren't going to through it away for a lifestyle they've abandoned.
  8. CleanRag

    CleanRag Professor

    Dec 26, 2009
    --> ? <--
    Fair enough Vlad. They could be an active group, if you count pushing pureblood politics and shooting the breeze about the good old days as death eater activity. There is however a huge leap from that to actively conspiring against the potters and therefore challenging Albus Dumbledore. They would have to be a special kind of stupid to make overt movements without Voldemort leading them. Besides in this story Santi is always mentioning death eaters in the past tense. Rosier was one of Voldemort's death eaters, is how they have been referred to. To me, without Voldemort they are just a bunch of Pureblood Advocates who are too scared or unable to do shit beyond the law.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2010
  9. Sooner90

    Sooner90 Groundskeeper

    Aug 24, 2009
    Oklahoma, USA
    You seem to be making alot of presumptions here, based on minimal evidence. I would say that you are displaying a rare gift of deductive reasoning, if you weren't failing to read the comments you are arguing whinily against.

    1. Nobody, but Dumbledore, is likely to know how Nathan survived the killing curse. It seems reasonable that the Blood uber alles crowd might believe that the answer lay in the family tree and the much vaunted abilities that preside within. The answer could lie in the hereditary gifts in the family, rare lore handed down from obscure Orders', forgotten blood rites, or lavender bath soaps. NO ONE KNOWS. Previously, it was thought impossible. Mayhap some intrepid DE might wish to uncover this mystery and might even take steps to make a chart. hmmm.

    2. Motive. Former DE. Nuff said. But, if more is needed, maybe he wants this power for himself. Maybe he is just naturally curious and has nothing better to do. Maybe he is going to try to marry off Calypso. We just don't know.

    3. I never said that they were trying to hurt Nathan, although to say they have no motive is erroneous. I merely said that they wanted to understand the power. Don't be such a douche.

    4. Nathan is not a threat? Hello. BWL. If he is no threat then I guess canon!Harry is no threat either?

    True, but that says nothing about covert actions, which thus far, is what they are doing.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2010
  10. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    First of all, you don't know, do you?

    Based on the canon evidence including; the Longbottom attack, the quidditch world cup, how qui- Oh wait, I'm just rehashing Vlad's post that smacked you down for assuming you know better than canon.

    Could Calypso be a little girl dreaming of marriage in the future at some point? Yes. Could she be an evil mastermind who is orchestrating something dastardly? Yes... but not likely.

    Oh wait. That point has been rehashed too.

    So Cleanrag, in your first few posts on the forum you've repeated the same argument that happened a few pages before and told me to shut the fuck up. Even having this argument makes me want to tell myself to shut the fuck up. The difference is, I can do that. Vlad can do that. Many people on this site can do that because they are not uppity little cocks trying to make a name for themselves.

    @The Santi.

    Please throw us an update to end this shit. -_-
  11. cataclysim

    cataclysim Second Year

    Dec 12, 2009

    Can you speed up the process. I would really like to read your take on the Goblet of Fire. MOAR!
  12. Never(never)Where

    Never(never)Where First Year

    Jul 4, 2010
    Ankh Morpork
    I'm still not quite sure how the reviewing is supposed to work here, but I enjoyed your fic enough that I feel I should be allowed to comment on it.

    First of all, your fic is a pleasant change from the usual 'Brother/Sister to the Boy-Who-Lived' fics, in that Harry isn't abused/undermined/ignored by his parents, leading him to hate them, and inevitably go dark because of it. While that's all well in good in some cases, I much prefer your version, where Harry's choices weren't dictated by an irrational/overemphasized hatred of his family.

    That Harry still gets along with Nathan and loves his brother despite his hatred for his schoolmates is very telling, I think; while Harry could, of course, still turn dark, I believe this proves that no matter what Rosien/Voldemort/Bad Guys are planning, Harry will never truly 'turn to the Dark Side'. At least, that's my take on it.

    One thing that... sort of confused me: since the general consensus is that Durmstrang trains its students to be mini-dark lords, how come Krum and a few others (I can't recall who exactly at the moment) look down on Calypso for being the daughter of a known Voldemort supporter?

    Possibly I'm reading the situation wrong, and the belief that Durmstrang students go dark is just a rumor that generally circulates amongst the 'lightside'. In any case, that aspect of your fic left me a tad puzzled.

    Oh, and Harry thinking Durmstrang was in Germany?? Really? This part did make me wonder.

    I mean, I thought it was perfectly obvious that the only reason they would be so insistent that students learn German was to give the impression that the school was in Germany. Wouldn't Harry have realized that? I know that Harry did guess that it was in Siberia or something from the thick coats he was meant to buy, but he was still so surprised when he found out that it wasn't in Germany.
    I thought Harry of all people would have figured that out from the get-go. Or did he?
    Okay, time to re-read that chapter. Somehow I get the feeling that I stuck both feet in my mouth just now...

    Something Hermione said in the last chapter strongly amused me:

    ["Oh, there is no way that you go to school in Siberia," Hermione said exasperatedly.

    "How do you know?" Harry challenged.

    "Because it's not possible," she argued right back.]

    Riiiight. Because, you know, magic is totally not possible too, in the logical, muggle sense. Honestly, you'd think Hermione would understood by now that magic = almost nothing is impossible.

    Then again, it is only her first year, so perhaps she'll need a couple more years to wrap her mind around the concept. I always did find it irritating how easily she dismissed Luna's ramblings as nonsense.

    I'm probably just going around in circles, making no sense whatsoever, so me is gonna shut up now.

    Oh yes, forgot to mention - I absolutely love this fic. You've done a great job so far, and I plan on following this until it's finished.

    Good luck writing future chapters! This Fic = :awesome
  13. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    You should feel comfortable reviewing whatever you like so long as you have something relevant to say about it. No one should jump on you for that.
  14. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Yeah just for future reference for you as long as your saying something beyond "Awesome, update more, kthnxbai" your free to read and review any story you like.
  15. Random Shinobi

    Random Shinobi Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    Actually, Harry will become a Dark wizard. We know that much from the summary. Of course, the "Dark Side" isn't any unified force and Harry isn't very likely to join Voldemort (unless, like Snape, he does it to infiltrate the Death Eaters).

    I can easily see Harry become a supporter for Calypso's "purity of blood doesn't matter, but bloodlines do" creed, and from there is only a short jump to support the rest of pureblood agenda. Especially because Harry is already pretty elitist due his talent and work ethic.
  16. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    1. They're not Voldemort's bitches. Draco was a Death Eater, Snape was a Death Eater. Yet they actively comprised his activities or resisted in the end.
    2. They were drunk? So where did they get the robes, the masks and everything? Just magic'd them up while drunk?
    3. False. Peter went looking for him. As did Barty Crouch. They disassociated from him for reasons of survival, and claim flocking back in numbers when he called.

    He provided examples of bloodlines, you arrogant jackass. Don't act like you know shit.

    Prove it. Oh wait, you can't.

    Afraid of him getting hurt? She's done enough hurting as is. Makes one wonder about her inclinations... :awesome

    1. What the fuck are you talking about concerning the family tree?
    2. Why wouldn't he? Assuming he was loyal or at least has issues over his leaving Britain, he could harbor anger, resentment, even hatred.
    3. Nathan is hardly a threat to anyone? Are we talking about one of the biggest symbols of British wizardly freedom? A child to a prestigious pureblood family? Has been protected to a degree by powerful family members and what is for all intents and purposes a principal, UN Secretary General, lawyer and master of the Deathstick? He's got plenty of reasons to appearing threatening.

  17. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    I could see him being elitist in regards to general competence, going by what we've seen of his attitude so far. But I'd rather not see him become somewhat of a Voldemort clone as a result of Calypso's influence.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2010
  18. silverlasso

    silverlasso Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Dec 7, 2007
    San Francisco
    Like everyone else, I'm eagerly awaiting the Triwizard Tournament...given what we know about Durmstrang so far, it's not unreasonable to think that Karkaroff would push for no age restriction. In canon, Karkaroff takes a liking to Krum, but here, it would make sense for him to advocate for Harry. Harry is a decent wizard, now, but in two years he will be truly kickass.

    I seriously can't believe you're the same pureb99 who wrote all those other stories. I'm not saying that those were horrible or anything, but this is so much better.
  19. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Another good update. Also it seems to me that in almost every fic I read right now there is some mentions of Grindelwald one way or another. Harry beating Gellert's record would be great achievement for him, but I've feeling that this time around he will only have five Mastery awards.
  20. Matian

    Matian Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 27, 2009
    I've been following the story since its conception, so maybe it's time for review:

    The story - Is slow paced, or maybe it feels that way because no significant moments occur (for Harry). I don't mind though, because the Durmstrang you've made is quite interesting. Likewise is Harry's magical development interesting. The buildup is getting quite high, so when the moment where Harry actually falls or when his family finally realizes just what exactly he can do, will have to be perfect scene. I can't help but feel that particular chapter will make or break this story.

    Calypso - I admit that I didn't like her to begin with. Her name felt grating and she wasn't fleshed out that well and she felt like just another OFC Slytherin, but she's starting to grow on me. I wonder though if her name is a reference to her namesake in Greek mythology?

    Viktor - Is quite an interesting character, however I would love to see some of his home life and perhaps a few Harry/Viktor moments where we can actually see their friendship, instead of just studying, like the two of them just hanging out.

    Nathan - Like Viktor, I would also like to see Harry having a few one on one moments with Nathan. Considering they're brothers, I don't really think we know all that much about him. Of course this could be part of your plot of separating the two, thus insuring Harry's path to Dark magic. So far, the only proof that the two are really close, is what you wrote about their childhoods in the first chapter.

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