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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Haven't seen many SoulSilver or HeartGold playthroughs, so I chose to play the former.

    Pokemon Soulsilver

    After finding a quality emulator (DesMune) and ROM that had defeated the anti-piracy, my first starter was Chikorita. Penetrated all the way to Whitney without suffering a single casualty. Then I had a terrifying revelation.

    Warning for HG&SS players: Phone numbers cannot be deleted. So Joey will constantly harass you and spew verbal diarrhea about his goddamn Rattata, for the duration of the entire game. ​

    So after the restart, I chose Cyndaquil. I nearly lost on the second battle against a Sentret trying to get him to level 6 before reaching the Cherrygrove pokemon center.

    Violet City - Caught Ekans on Route 32 to the south of Violet City. I'm fairly happy with this, since she has the Intimidate ability, which reduces the opponent's attack.

    The downside is that this ends my hopes of getting a Mareep, found on the same route, and who is the earliest possible electric-type Pokemon. I narrowly avoided getting a Hoppip (second encounter), which would have been unlucky indeed.

    I've refrained from entering the Sprout Tower so far, and am currently waiting for nightfall to hopefully obtain a Gastly in the Sprout Towers.

    "Captain" Cyndaquil - level 10
    "Saladin" Ekans - level 5

    Strategy - I overlevel at least by 2 levels so that wild pokemon cannot prevent me from escaping. If I run into a pokemon capable of poisoning mine, I run. If I see a Weedle I get the fuck out of there. I'm spending quite freely with potions and antidotes, something you never have to do when not undertaking this challenge. If I'm unfortunate enough to get hit by a crit, a potion (at this early stage) counteracts it. I give X-Accuracy to my lead Pokemon. I always cut it too close, with my Pokemon in the red-line, so this minimizes chances of it missing and getting killed.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010
  2. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Oh noes! I died! But now I'm an awesome Pidgeotto, so I'm happy :).

    Gonna set my own run away on Emerald, this time a legit one.

    Basic rules apply + no antidotes, no berries, no healing in combat.

    I ain't good enough to do the limited pokemon centre rule, since my last few practice runs have failed epically despite power levelling. Let's begin!

    Name: Aekiel
    Starter: Poytin the Mudkip (Level 7)
    Other Captures: Irene the Poochyena (Level 3)
    Giovanni the other Poochyena (Level 3)

    Let's see if Poytin can last longer than 10 minutes this time :).
  3. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Wait, what? You restarted solely because you hated Joey?
  4. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Yeah. I had only invested a few days of off-and-on play, so I went ahead with it.
  5. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Only one of them annoys me enough to wish I hadn't registered them: Ralph the fisherman. Ralph is the single creepiest mofo you shall ever meet in the game. After you beat him he tells you that he's "glad to have made a younger friend" and then will constantly call you to remind you to talk to your mother.
  6. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    That guy made me frown a little. I wonder if Nintendo/Game Freak intended for him to be vaguely pedophilic? But yeah, now I'm going to cut all non-essential trainers from the list. Just the guys that hand out the four evolutionary stones. Speaking of which, in the original Silver, they all stopped giving them out after the first three or so. Does that hold true for SoulSilver?

    Very specific advice: ​

    Pre-Zephyr Badge Training:

    -Route 32, Hoppip is wonderful to train on. While bringing up Ekans up to level 9 (Whereupon he obtains bite) I'm fighting this guy exclusively.

    He should be ideal for anyone with Leer or Tail Whip. Just do it six times in a row to flatten his defense stat and then 1-hit KO him and bypass the Synthesis healing he does.

    -Sprout Tower, the other Gastly is great for fighting with your own Gastly, since Lick is super-effective.
  7. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    Pausing for the night with an update:

    -the combination of Aekiel and Daphne curbstomped Gary, and Nugget Bridge along with it
    -I had the extraordinary luck of first finding an Abra on Route 24, and with Taure at the lead, I had Sleep Powder available. And thus Silent joined my team, and soon evolved into a powerful Kadabra, easily replacing Taure
    -after easily crushing the Rocket for Dig, I had a terrifying moment as a trainer with Butterfree and Poisonpowder nearly killed Irene. A fortunate switch and a beautiful crit from Daphne saved the team
    -and a second gym leader fell to Tinn's righteous wrath as she slaughtered Misty

    Current team in Vermilion City is:
    Xipho, the Gyarados - lvl 20
    Tinn Tam, the Ivysaur - lvl 22
    Aekiel, the Pidgeotto - lvl 20
    Daphne, the Zubat - lvl 20
    Silent, the Kadabra - lvl 20
    Irene, the Mankey - lvl 20

    The game will continue after I get some work done.
  8. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Starting my own stream. http://www.livestream.com/ozlocke

    I was doing it on my netbook but it crashed a few minutes in :<


    And GLERNAJ the Bulbasaur is killed in his first battle. Well done, retard. D:


    EDIT 2:

    And because my hardware sucks, no more stream. I will post here in story format. :3
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010
  9. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Okay... full disclosure of my Nuzlocke so far then.

    Started with Cyndaquil. Named him Mindless. Don't remember details.

    Got to Goldenrod. Played Voltorb flip for 10 minutes then bought Jon(Dratini). Went north and trained. Caught Nidoran female named Vira. Caught Beedrill in Bug Contest named it Shezza. Caught Sunkern outside of contest. Named it Silent. Fought Whitney. Almost lost to the bitch with her damn Stomp's and it's ability to cause flinching. Caught Sudowoodo and named him Xiph0. Caught a Growlithe and named it Mourne. Went into Burnt Tower and made my rival my bitch. After a bit of save switching caught a Magmar and named it Vash.

    I make liberal use of the pokewalker and how cheap it is while doing Nuzlocke.

    Current Team:
    Mindless Lvl 22 (Quilava)
    Raven Lvl 23 (Murkrow)
    Typa Lvl 22 (Quagsire)
    Jon Lvl 23 (Dratini)
    Havoc Lvl 27 (Haunter)
    Vladbat2.0 Lvl 23 (Crobat)

    In Box:
    Anon Lvl 7 (Unown)
    SnarfVir lvl 10 (Doduo)
    Schro lvl 9 (Ponyta)
    Silens lvl 10 (Staryu)
    SreePeed lvl 12 (Pidgey)
    Mknote lvl 1 (Togepi)
    Sorrows Lvl 10 (Butterfree)
    Kalantha Lvl 7 (Rattata)
    Tula Lvl 6 (Sandshrew)
    H.Sinclair Lvl 6 (Slowpoke)
    Irene Lvl 6 (Hoppip)
    Aekiel Lvl 10 (Drowzee)
    Vira Lvl 12 (Nidoran female)
    Shezza Lvl 14 (Beedrill)
    Silent Lvl 12 (Sunkern)
    Xiph0 Lvl 20 (Sudowoodo)
    Mourne Lvl 14 (Growlithe)
    Pers Lvl 20 (Noctowl)
    Calz Lvl 16 (Koffing)
    Vash Lvl 16 (Magmar)

    Dead pokemon:

    Fun fact: I didn't catch the Koffing. It joined me in my pokewalker. I lol'd hard.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010
  10. goldenwolfeye

    goldenwolfeye Seventh Year

    Aug 7, 2007
    A tree, not a closet
    I started my own run through on Fire-red. So far I've had two casualties, a pidgy and a rattata. The pidgy was at the time my second best pokemon. My tean now is

    Charmeleon-lv 31
    Golbat-lv 29
    Butterfree-lv 21
    Mankey-lv 22
    Ekans-lv 6 (I dislike snakes.)
    Magikarp-lv 19

    Im about to enter the S.S. Anne.

    Also, It turns out that I can't evolve my Golbat into a Crobat until I have the national Pokedex. That means I have to beat the Elite Four AND catch 60 different types of pokemon. Its gonna be impossible to catch 60 pokemon doing the nuzlocke challenge.

    Im so mad.
  11. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    I started my Fire Red Nuzlocke Run today and stopped after reaching Celadon. So far I have proven to be a complete asshole to my pokmemon. I have purpose sacrifice two of them to get me a switch that wouldn't cost me a turn and have personally killed one who wasn't performing up to task.

    My Current Team:
    Venus the Venusaur is level 32.
    Gio the Ratticate is level 22 and trolls the Rival's Pidgeotto everytime.
    Torak the Digtrio is level 28 and is one shots everything, and trolled the Rival's Kadabra and Charmeleon.
    Calz the Pidgeotto is level 25.
    Vlad the Mankey is my newest permanent pokemon and is level 22.
    Shezza the Voltorb is level 22.

    In the box I have:
    1 Ekans
    2 pidgey
    2 Meowth
    1 Eevee
    and a Magikarp with the level raising guy

    Dead I have:
    A Zubat I was disappointed in.
    Sorrows the Jigglypuff who died to a crit because she killed an oddish I was trying to catch with a crit.
    Shezza the Beedrill who was "accidentally" killed by me outside of battle.
    A Farfetch'd was used to switch during the battle with Lt. Surge.
    A Meowth that just got unlucky and was used for a switch.

    EDIT: Shezza the Voltorb is doing much better and is not looking at a a future death.
    EDIT2: Calz the Pidgeotto just soloed the entire grass gym starting at lvl 26 and after beating the Gym Leader having a level of 31.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010
  12. Militis

    Militis Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2008
    Question...If you lose your very first battle to your rival, does that mean you lost the challenge too? No matter what I do, I can't freaking beat him (except, I haven't tried taking Failizard as my starter...maybe I need to do that).

    Anyway, I suck at the challenge, but will keep playing just because it's fun.
  13. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005

    Hell my DS card has this, the M3i zero, why the hell doesnt the emu?
  14. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    Yeah. At least in Kanto, I don't consider the challenge to official start until you've returned for the pokedex and have the five pokeballs. (Plus, it's retarded to fight the first battle, to restart to fight... the first battle)
  15. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    I decided to continue on today and all was going well, until Silph co. that is. I lost many of my pokemon and gained two more.

    Updated List:
    Sorrows-Lapris-Level 34
    Shezza-Electrode-Level 36
    Calz-Pidgeot-Level 36
    Gio-Raticate-Level 34
    Venus-Venusaur-Level 38
    Vash-Hitmonchan-Level 26

    2 Pidgey
    Snorlax-Molly-Level 30
    Tinn-Horesa-Level 20
    Torak-Venonat-Level 26
    Vash(inevitable backup)-Oddish-Level 22

    Everything from before
    Two Meowth (one named mknote just for this purpose)
    Dugtrio which was the only death of these I cared about

    All in all, I only have one thing to say... Fuck you, Silph Co. and your massive amounts of exploding pokemon.

    EDIT: Skipped Sabrina, stopped just before Koga having wiped out his gym.
  16. Torak

    Torak Death Eater

    Jul 21, 2008

    R.I.P Torak the Dugtrio you was a bro.
  17. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Just finished up a session. I walked around killing shit for about 30 minutes trying to figure out what to do. Messed around in the Marsh zone for a bit, but didn't manage to catch anything but an evolved Merill (can't remember name). When I left the zone i noticed a Galactic member there, followed him over the map until he got to fight him. Got the secretpotion of some chick which allowed me to clear some psyducks off a path.

    Picked up murkrow from the daycare, which gained 6 levels. Taught it fly and swapped it in for haunter. made my way through a fog zone which was very annoying since I didnt teach defog to anything. made my way into Celestic town, did stuff there, defeated trainers to the west, checked out the cave, etc.

    Mucked about for another 15 minutes trying to figure out where to go next, and figured out that Heartholme gym was now functional.

    Gyardos pretty much destroyed the gym (#5) which was mostly ghost types. It gained about 5 levels in there and knows dragonrage, surf, ice fang, and bite. I didnt opt to learn aqua tail, and I overwrote twister. IDK if that was a good decision or not, but the moves he does know are pretty powerful. I defeated all 9 trainers in the gym, but the balloon pokemon were very annoying as they did damage after they died. Leader Fatina's last pokermon was lvl 36 and nearly took out Gyarados, but I finished it off with Kadabra. Confusion is great.

    My team:
    Gyarados -35
    Kadaba -30
    Monferno -29
    Bibarel -33
    Luxray -31
    Murkrow -27

    Onix is in high 20's but is at the daycare still.
    Haunter is 29
    nothing else of note
  18. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    Got everyone to level 30, trolled the Grass Gym (though FU status effects missing for me but not for Erika, FU) and then decided to take out the Fighting Gym. Encountered no (further) problem, received Griphook the Hitmonchan. Gotta gather my wits before Silph.
  19. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Don't worry Torak, you were reborn as a Venonat which means you became a poison type. Oh wait Sabrina...
  20. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    I've started a stream, but won't be back on it for 2-2.5 hours from this post. Gotta' go out.


    - Raised Gyarados to Lv 40 (so it had caught up) and then finished the Aqua Hideout, which was a breeze. Started the stream while doing Aqua Hideout, to test it out. Don't know how it went sound wise, as I had some of the music on, but my friend said the stream came through all well and good.
    - Didn't find any wild Pokemon on my way to Mossdeep.
    - Tate and Liza's gym layout was weirdly different. Had a near miss with a Wobbuffet again, but Destiny Bond failed this time. The Gym Leaders presented a bit of a challenge. Two new Pokemon, Xatu and Claydol, were pains. Xatu using Confuse Ray on both Gyarados and Swampert worried me for a couple of turns, but they snapped out of confusion on the same turn and finished the match with a pair of Surfs.
    - Team Magma was easy up until a double battle against their leader and an admin, with Steven on my side. Both my Swampert and his Metang got Swagger'd, Swampert got Mean Look'd and Metang got Roar'd with Skarmory replacing it. Swampert hurt itself in confusion three times, but we managed to pull through thanks to Ice Beam and Skarmory's Steel Wing finishing off a Mightyena from half-ish HP.
    - Caught a Spheal in Shoal Cave. It comes into the team to replace Electrode.
    - Found four Wingulls and a Tentacool I accidentally killed on the sea routes I've been through so far. Caught a Clampearl while Underwater. Nearly lost Flygon to a Spheal's critical hit Aurora Beam, being x4 effective.
    - Breezed through Seafloor Cavern. Same for Archie (0-12min on the 52min vid). Finished the "story" without any dramas. Caught a Tentacool along the way. Got one water route left to find/catch a Pokemon, and then only Victory Road left.
    - Fought Juan, the final gym leader (42min mark on the 52min vid). Luvdisc was a piece of cake, while Whiscash was a pain. It's typing meant I had nothing super effective against it. Flygon eventually won. Kingdra was a bigger pain. It kept using Double Team and Rest. A critical hit Water Pulse on Banette worried me enough to switch, but Walrein eventually hit enough to kill it. Sealeo and Crawdaunt were easy.

    Team at end of play for the day.

    Mudkip -> Marshtomp -> Swampert Lv 47
    Poochyena Lv 4 - Fainted
    Zizagoon -> Linoone Lv 20
    Poochyena the 2nd Lv 15
    Wurmple -> Cascoon -> Dustox Lv 28
    Taillow Lv 21 - Fainted
    Whismur -> Loudred Lv 29
    Makuhita -> Hariyama Lv 33
    Oddish -> Gloom Lv 29 Fainted
    Koffing Lv 15
    Numel Lv 24 - Fainted
    Skarmory Lv 34
    Swablu Lv 17
    Zubat Lv 15
    Numel the 2nd -> Camerupt Lv 43 - Fainted
    Trapinch -> Vibrava -> Flygon Lv 48
    Voltorb -> Electrode Lv 41 - Fainted
    Wingull Lv 24
    Heracross Lv 46
    Shuppet -> Banette Lv 39 - Fainted
    Shuppet v2.0 -> Banette v2.0 Lv 50
    Magikarp -> Gyarados Lv 48
    Wailmer Lv 24
    Electrode #2 Lv 30
    Spheal -> Sealeo -> Walrein Lv 45
    Clampearl Lv 26
    Tentacool Lv 6
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010