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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    The Weasley's won seven hundred galleons in canon.
  2. Hoshiakari

    Hoshiakari Second Year

    Aug 17, 2008
    But that seems strange to me.

    For Nathan, I agree. He was probably spoonfed stories about powerful, almost all-knowing but firmly the leader of good Albus Dumbledore from birth.

    But canon Harry knows that DD has sent him to Dursleys (I think that Hagrid in hut or in Diagon told him), he could not protect Hermione, he could not protect Philosopher´s Stone (he even decided to go to Ministry in London on BROOM), he could not detect LV in Quirrell for year, he could not stop basilisk from petrifying students, he could not help Hagrid when Riddle released basilisk and then he could not clear him etc. So canon Harry should NOT trust DD with his safety, should he ?
  3. wolve

    wolve First Year

    Jul 11, 2009

    That doesn't make Harry anyway super, they were in different grades, if GG was academically advanced then he probably was in 6th or 7th year classes when he received his grades, Harry was in 2nd to 4th year classes. The only comparison here is to his current peers.

    Yes he is smart, but he won't be taking his newts tomorrow.

    The chapter was otherwise nice filler, and I don't mind having more of it, I'm guessing 4 chapters before we get to quad-wizard face-offs.

    You haven't touched on any other benefits of occlumency really than protecting your mind, hoping you won't go the road of sorting memories in trunks or shit like that or photographic memory or anything silly, maybe slightly increased recall, emotional control and you talked earlier about sensing magic, maybe occlumency could be great help there. Emotional control and improved recall you'd probably get from basic meditation so it should be believable.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  4. Speakers

    Speakers Backtraced

    Feb 7, 2010
    should be Patronus

    Great update though!
  5. wolf550e

    wolf550e High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Nov 9, 2006
    Enchanted Veela sex doll could be a great source of income.

    "The Arrow of course" - Arrows

    "breaking Grindelwald's academic for the most first place rankings" - you're missing the word "record"

    "There on the front of page five" - add comma after "there"

    I kinda expected the magazine to say "I, for one, welcome our new Potter overlord"

    "However, he would always remember that night." - I then expected Calypso to send him naked pictures, not an Occlumency manual

    I see the fist divergence between your BWL and canon's. The canon BWL would have taken the list of spells and went to Hermione to help him study. Or maybe that's only fourth year BWL and not second year BWL.

    Your protagonist should have told his parents about Dumbledore's casual use of passive legilemency on him. If they didn't even know what Occlumency _is_, then it is safe to say he has used it on them, many many times. That should begin to get the adult Potters' heads out of Dumbledore's ass.
  6. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Simple amazing. I loved article about Harry and can't wait to see Gellert's reaction.

    I also wonder why Harry didn't even thought about learning Legilimency. Even if he doesn't want to read people minds, it's still interesting magic ability so he should be all excited about possibility of learning this.
  7. zoxabels

    zoxabels First Year DLP Supporter

    May 30, 2010
    He probably already have his hands full, trying to learn Occlumency .
  8. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Uh, no.

    Dumbledore is not evil. He's not even aloof like he was in canon. He is a very close friend of the Potter family and Santi has made it clear that he has had a personal relationship with Harry since Harry was small.

    Why would Harry tattle on his surrogate grandfather when Dumbledore was very forthcoming after Harry called him on his legilimency? Hell, Harry was happy to be able to practice his occlumency against Dumbledore - there's no reason for any animosity between the two.

    Who says that Harry hasn't considered learning legilimency? There's simply no urgency here though. He is trying to meet the deadline of mastering occlumency before returning to school - that's his major focus. And for all we know Harry has asked about legilimency, but perhaps some grounding in occlumency is needed before it can be used?

    Harry can only focus on so much in one summer, and I think that Santi is doing a good job of making a believable super!Harry.
  9. Juggler

    Juggler Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Feb 10, 2008
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    I don't really want to reply to this, but I have to. Yes, thank you for pointing out one of the potential problems with canon!Harry. If only we were all so amazing at armchair psychology, the world would be a perfectly rational place where everything makes sense for obvious reasons.

    Anyway, good stuff, but I didn't like that article at all. At least half of it felt like filler, and while I don't read magazines, I know that at least in newspapers they try to order the information in most important -> least important, which that article does not.

    It wasn't shown that Nathan wasn't jealous of Harry; we saw very little of Nathan, and the only point he interacted with Harry was as a casual shrugging off of Harry's overbearing teaching. To say he was or wasn't jealous would be uninformed, and there's little for us to guess off of(Harry in canon wasn't jealous of Hermione's scores, for example).

    On a different note, it feels as if there will be a timeskip to going back to Durmstrang soon. Unless Calypso's mystery leads to a conflict/another mystery, I'm hoping that something new will pop up. One of the problems with most Super!Harry fics is that they have no conflict that challenges them, thus they're basically studying hard and learning lots because the world tells them too.

    I hope that elements along the line of magical drugs are brought up, although I don't particularly care when; in such a big world, I'd be surprised if none of Harry's aquaintances, Durmstrang-based or not, hasn't done any drugs at all. I remember an interesting take on smoking from an old, H/D(but not too horrible)-based Slytherin Harry fic that was the basis of a conflict between Harry and his parents.

    And now that I've typed up that paragraph, I feel that it is stupid and doesn't get my point across correctly. Oh well.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2010
  10. Galleon

    Galleon DA Member

    Jan 22, 2006
    United States
    I agree. Although, if Harry were to ever go down a darker path or just try to manipulate a situation to his advantage, it would be a great point to bring up later on in the plot line.

    It could also play out that the Grindelwald/Dumbledore relationship (platonic or romantic) could come up earlier and the legilimency is something Harry remembers that helps shift the way Harry looks at him.
  11. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Well, it is a rather rude invasion of privacy for Dumbledore to literally invade Harry's mind and try to read his personal thoughts/emotions. Can you honestly say that if there were mind readers in reality, you would not find it in any way offensive if someone looked into your head without permission?

    Also, don't forget that Harry is smart and would realise that if Dumbledore was so quick to read his mind just to see how he was dealing with Peter, he would most surely have done much the same to him before when he could NOT protect his mind. For all Harry knows, Dumbledore has been reading his mind and invading his privacy all throughout his life. And ofcourse he would realise that Dumbledore would be doing it to his brother too, who could not defend his mind.

    Obviously it would not make sense for Harry to suddenly go berserk and start calling Dumbledore an evil mind-rapist or anything extreme like that. But at the same time for him not to be even a little disturbed and wonder how much Dumbledore might have been in his mind before he learned occlumency is perhaps a bit strange.

    I certainly agree that it would be too much for one summer, but I rather expected to either see Harry wondering about it, or asking Snape during their session to teach him legilimency aswell, and having Snape tell him to ask him again next summer once he has mastered occlumency or something. The way it is written now comes off as though Harry is showing no interest in learning such a potentially usefull field of magic despite seeing Snape and now Dumbledore use it, which would be odd in general and especially odd for this Harry who is so eager to learn magic.
  12. jpdt19

    jpdt19 Fourth Year DLP Supporter

    Mar 23, 2009
    Inflation? :D
  13. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    All Dumbledore was doing - and probably can do without the aid of a wand - was reading Harry's surface emotions. Santi was very clear on this. He wasn't mind-raping Harry or trying to learn his inner-most secrets.

    Why is this an invasion of privacy at all? How is it different from, say, reading a person's body language to assess their state of mind? In my opinion, any information that can be gleaned by a quick glance is fair game, even if you are using a relatively obscure ability like legilimency.
  14. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    It was passive Legilimency people..

    The Grandfatherly figure was checking up on his surrogate grandson. 'Peter just escaped, he's probably frightened but he'll be offended if I suggest that.' A quick surface peek to help him handle whatever emotional issues Harry had. End of story.
  15. Torak

    Torak Death Eater

    Jul 21, 2008

    Make it happen
  16. fuubar

    fuubar Headmaster

    Nov 17, 2007
    Well said, this isn't the fanon evil!manipulative!Dumbledore, who goes around and steals from trust funds and whatever other bullshit has been come up with over the years. This is an extended family member trying to ensure that a teenager (barely that even, no matter how precocious) is not about to lose it.
  17. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    I did not consider it a mind-rape and infact said that reaction that extreme would not have made sense. But to not care at all that Dumbledore was rummaging through his mind without permission, even if just the surface of it was strange to me. I would not want others to be able to know even my surface thoughts/emotions.

    I am not saying that Dumbledore is EEEVIL, or even that Dumbledore meant bad by it, but I would still have some choice words to say for assuming that he had any right to look into anyones head without permission, no matter how noble the intent. But I guess others don't share that view so maybe Harry does not either.

    Hmm, if that is the case then if he does learn legilimency we can probably expect him to snoop into the heads of others regularly like Dumbledore does.

    Well, if it was no different from reading facial expression/body language then surely there would have been no need for Dumbledore to use legilimency in the first place? Obviously even surface legilimency allows far greater clarity in sensing the subjects exact surface emotions/thoughts.

    I don't know, I just find the idea of someone literally magically entering my mind and carefully observing my emotions to be quite creepy. We might simply have different degrees of privacy or something, but I consider my mind to be, well, mine and would not want even a close family friend to read it without consent.
  18. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Also keep in mind that Dumbledore has expressed concerns (internally) about Harry's exceptional talents. He's drawn parallels between himself and Harry and Voldemort and Harry, and now with breaking Grindelwald's record a parallel between Harry and Grindelwald is apparent.

    The concern is well-founded, if you ask me, since two of those three exceptional wizards were ultimately corrupted by their power and Dumbledore himself narrowly escaped the same fate.

    So while I have no doubt that Dumbledore has purely good intentions and feelings towards Harry, he has cause for some concern and is well-founded in those concerns if his experiences are to act as a guide.
  19. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    You are probably right.

    I doubt that would change Harry's POV though. If anything, somehow learning that Dumbledore is worried that he will go evil would not make Harry happy at all.

    You know, I wonder why Dumbledore did not offer to teach Harry occlumency himself? That would have given him an actual reason to snoop into Harry's head with permission to look for any dark intentions. We know he taught Snape so he does teach occlumency, and apparently it only took an hour or so every now and then for Snape to do it so it cannot be a lack of time.
  20. Equinox

    Equinox Seventh Year

    Aug 10, 2010
    That could be because Dumbledore was unwilling to inflict the pain that accompanies learning Occulmency on Harry. Snape on the other hand isn't emotionally attached and I doubt he'd balk at the knowledge that teaching Harry would hurt him. Besides, if I remember correctly Lily asked Snape to teach Harry, it didn't appear to me that Dumbledore himself made the decision.

    Anyway, great work Santi. It will be interesting to see how you do the reactions of everyone.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2010
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