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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Hw597

    Hw597 Seventh Year

    Jun 13, 2008
    I think that he actually did. I thought Nathan refused Harry's spell list and help more out of jelousy than laziness. Though if that is the case Santi could have made it clearer. Maybe having Harry suspect it in hindsight.

    Yeah, I have a minor gripe with the amount of hype with Harry beating grindlewald. In my opinion grindlewald's achievement is still superior. M's in 5th, 6th, and 7th year are obviously harder to achieve than in 3rd and 4th. the material is significantly harder and the competition will undoubtedly be tougher (more of your classmates will be taking their studies seriously when approaching the external exams).

    Oh and that just got me thinking will you be making the OWL's and Newts an international testing standard, because honestly I don;t think it would work with Durmstrang ethos at all.
  2. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    In my mind I think that the wizarding world at large would welcome any reason to diminish Grindelwald - so Harry "beating his record" would be made a big deal since Grindelwald is probably more of a villain on the collective wizarding consciousness than even Voldemort is. Grindelwald had a much wider spread of influence than Voldemort after all - at least according to this story.
  3. oephyx

    oephyx Headmaster DLP Supporter

    May 17, 2008
    Not Europe
    Good update. I like everything except the part with Dumbledore.

    I just don't see what you're trying to do with him... why would Dumbledore, the character who shows the most poise in canon, be calling frantically?
    I also didn't like the casual legilimency, although the technicalities of the magic are, as always, brilliantly handled.

    I enjoyed the article, though I agree with Juggler that the style and construction are a bit rough. I don't encourage you to re-work this one, but for future reference, proper journalistic style is more fact intensive. The article would have answered the important questions (who, what, when, where) in the first paragraph, and then gone more in depth. It depends on what kind of article it is though, but I think Transfiguration Today would be of a pretty high standard.

    A few mistakes (that I didn't see mentioned, my fault if the have been):

    Are both plurals, the apostrophe needs to go.



    And a few quibbles, not very important:
    I'm probably the only one who read that twice to make sure of the meaning, but I would suggest "detect that Snape was using", just to make it clear Harry isn't the one using legilimency.

    I would go with "disenchanted", but maybe that would be ambiguous too.

    What, because she sent him a book? I'm missing something...
  4. Roma

    Roma Fourth Year

    Feb 17, 2010
    Took the words from my mouth man. Plus, you have to consider that it is a bit of an embarrassment, for Durmstrang, that one of the darkest wizards in history, and more importantly one who lost, holds what is probably the highest honor the school can give.

    My interpretation was that it was a prelude for the next chapter, but it is a bit unclear regardless.

    the Fact that a 12 year old was able to motivate themselves enough to create six such intensive projects is pretty impressive as well. It also sounds like his transfiguration project would have topped any year.
  5. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Yeah, I think it depends on whether or not Santi meant that they'd never been enchanted in the first place, or if the enchantments had been there before and have since been removed.

    Or were you talking about something completely different, and I'm just herp-derping right now?
  6. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    I can't help but notice Nathan wasn't given a mention after Harry received the letter. :S
  7. Azeld

    Azeld First Year

    May 18, 2009
    One thing to remember is that even though Harry is the better wizard and would win a duel Nathan is the hero of the two and has proved it each year at Hogwarts. Its one thing to be a better wizard and get amazing grades but its another to fight evil wizards and save lives. So I can see Nathan not being to jealous of Harry yet.

    If anything drives a wedge between them I see it being the animagus transformation (is that going to finish next year so he surpasses his father?) or the triwizard tournament if he gets embarrassed in direct competition with his bother.

    If it wont spoil to much can you say if it will be the standard triwizard tasks or are you revamping it?
  8. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Why would Harry be in the Triwizard?
  9. White Rabbit

    White Rabbit Hippity Hoppity DLP Supporter

    Mar 26, 2008
    He's among the elite at Durmstrang. He's smart, powerful, and most/all teachers like him. He's Krum from canon. Which is more likely a candidate for the Triwizard Cup? A phenom 4th year wizard, or a phenom quidditch player?
  10. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    You have to be a seventh year to participate in the Triwizard. Krum will be a seventh year. Harry will not.
  11. Sigurd

    Sigurd DA Member

    Aug 6, 2010
    I actually think that the eventual wedge will be caused by the secrets the brothers are keeping from each other. Dumbledore has asked Nathan to keep the truth of Quirrell from Harry, and Harry has kept the truth of Calypso's heritage from Nathan. Harry in particular has shown that the idea of his brother drawing away upsets him. However, I could easily see Harry blaming Dumbledore for the Quirrell bit, as Nathan hid the truth reluctantly, and only under advisement.
  12. fantasyfreak

    fantasyfreak Fifth Year

    Aug 8, 2006
    In cannon you have to be a seventh year to participate in the Triwizard but Santi has shown that he has no issue deviating from cannon when he sees fit. There is no way with that Karkaroff will not want Harry to put his name in the cup, he is the prodigy of the school after all.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2010
  13. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Yeah, there's always the possibility. Five champions is a lot though, and you still have to consider the age line. And I think it would fit better if Harry just kind of sat behind the scenes and tried to assist his brother without giving him an unfair advantage over Krum.
  14. CaffeineAddict

    CaffeineAddict Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Nov 25, 2008
    This may be a fairly obvious question, and Santi may have answered it earlier in this thread (I am NOT reading 33 pages of posts to find it however), but does there actually need to be a permanent wedge between the two? While this Harry may be going Dark, that doesn't necessitate him being evil, or breaking with his family completely. Strain is likely, even necessary given the plot, but families tend to be fairly resilient units.

    If we're going off of Voldemort's little scheme at the beginning of the story, well the man has no inkling of what a family is, so we can hardly expect him to have an accurate picture of things.

    Again, things being all sunshine and rainbows would be completely ridiculous, but families fight, especially siblings, but that doesn't mean reconciliation is impossible. That, and Harry being misunderstood and abandoning/being abandoned by everyone he cares about irritates the hell out of me when I read it.

    Sorry, that just been bugging me lately. I may be completely out to lunch.

    Oh, and I really liked the update.
  15. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    The age line was something that was done for that particular tournament, in previous tournaments anyone could submit themselves to the Goblet of Fire. I don't see Durmstrang agreeing to the age line if their best chance at winning the tournament cannot cross it.

    Five champions? At most we are talking about four champions; however, I am thinking only three, Fleur, Cedric, and Harry.

    It is my hunch that Voldemort's resurrection is happening a year earlier from canon.

    My reason? Like with Sirius, I don't think Peter meant Nathan when he said "He is in Hogwarts."
  16. Roma

    Roma Fourth Year

    Feb 17, 2010
    I completely agree with you. In fact, considering the relationship we see between Harry and Nathan, them becoming actual enemies is more illogical than logical. Unless, of course, Santi decides to make Harry go bat-shit insane, start killing, maiming, raping, pillaging, etc. Given the quality and tone of this fic so far I sincerely hope and believe that this is not the case.

    Also, on an unrelated note, one thing I want to compliment Santi on is that his Harry is still unmistakably Harry. Yes, he is harder working in regards to his studies, he is showing interest in dark Magic, but he is not an Oc wearing a Harry suit, which you see all the time in these au from the beginning fics.
  17. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I suspects this was misdirection and Peter instead of going after Nathan (who will be more protected) will try to kill Harry, if only to have some revenge on Potter's family.

    This way Harry would also have his own adventure this year.
  18. CleanRag

    CleanRag Professor

    Dec 26, 2009
    --> ? <--
    Um... How would Peter even get close to Harry? He is either at Durmstrang or at Godric's Hollow. Peter doesn't know the location to the former, and the latter is under a Fidelius. The only window of opportunity Peter would have is when Harry is at the Portkey Arrivals. Harry is much better protected from Peter than Nathan.

    My interpretation is that Peter is doing exactly what everyone thought Sirius was doing in canon. Trying to get revenge for his master.
  19. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    For one everyone think that Peter will go after Nathan, so James, Sirius, Remus, Lily and even Ministry will try to make him safe at Hogwarts. And Harry? His only protection (aside from normal stuff that magic schools are doing to protect their students) is that Peter doesn't know where Durmstrang is. But let's not forget that Wormtail is a spy and probably good one, if he managed to fool Albus for so long, so finding location of school shouldn't be impossible for him, if he wants to.
  20. Anme

    Anme Professor

    Apr 17, 2008
    Either he goes after Nathan or there is some reason still unknown. Right now, nothing indicates him going after Harry.
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