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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    I was thinking about a possible HP/DF crossover with Harry Potter as the main character in the DF universe. It's a lot like the bunny posted a while back (I can't find it quickly), but perhaps with variations.

    The basic premise was that Harry, after the murder of his parents by Voldemort, is given to the Dursleys, who are still just as much muggles as they ever were, and who still treat Harry in the standard Dursley fashion (whatever that is). They are kept ignorant of the real reason, and are told it was a car crash (for the lulz). Voldemort is perhaps left grievously injured in some way, but still alive. He makes his connection with Harry, who is protected by his mother's 'death curse,' and escapes wounded but alive, to recuperate and return some decades later.

    After 16-18 years of abuse, and with a basic knowledge of how to work magic (the natural signs that teens experience, but with a Tom Riddle-ish mentality), he snaps, murders the Dursleys in a rage, and is captured by the White Council. The incident would probably at least begin with some form of self-defense, but the Dursleys die and the Council don't play.

    I was thinking he'd enhance his strength and beat Vernon to death (in retaliation for physical abuse), and simply kill Petunia (Blackstaff style). I was thinking he'd leave Dudley catatonic in his rage (either with pain or fright in retaliation for bullying).

    Obviously, for believability, these factors could be toyed with. The Dursleys can be made as evil, or the killing could be as much self-defense as would work towards somewhat justifying Harry's actions (besides locking him in a cupboard for ~13 years (no Hogwarts). He also incinerates the Dursleys house. Just as a throwback to the OG DLP banner.

    Anyways, the White Council, as always, says "slay him!", but Wizard Dumbledore steps in to save his bacon. He'd be about 150-200 years old, relatively young in the council, but as in HP canon, a basically dominant genius/innovator.

    For shits and giggles, I was thinking of having his master be Nicolas Flamel, who would stand as a voucher for Dumbledore and his decision to train Harry. In Dumbledore's defense, Flamel might cite the fact that Dumbledore is a magical prodigy, an alchemical genius, master of the mental arts, the destroyer of Grindelwald, etc. He might also mention that Dumbledore has been successful in turning another warlock, 'Wizard Snape' (lol), as well as having made a fine wizard out of one Minerva McGonagall and/or Filius Flitwick.

    The Senior Council agrees for these reasons. And because Dumbledore is the Blackstaff (and can thusly 'eliminate' Harry if need be). :awesome

    I didn't want to have Tom Riddle be one of Dumbledore's apprentices, so I was thinking I could perhaps manipulate the time-line a bit and have Tom Riddle as Kemmler's foremost disciple, who managed to escape when his master perished against the Council. He has pushed the limits of necromancy even farther than Kemmler, and wields incredible power, but remains hidden from the Council waiting to strike. Did someone say Darkhallow?

    Anyways, I was thinking that if that didn't work, I could have him be Grindelwald's apprentice. Either way, he's going to wave the "muggles suck" flag, but with this option its a more significant point.

    Voldemort's alive, at full power, and plotting away in the background like he should be while Harry studies magic under Dumbledore. The story would follow Harry as he learned from Albus, with of course none other than the infamous Wizard Riddle waiting at the end, the murderer of his parents and bane of the Council.

    Harry will of course have problems with the Council, as Dumbledore's brand of magic is both potent and controversial. He has "radical ideas" about magic and its practice, and Harry will be an eager learner, both because of the Doom and because magic has freed him, more or less, from his prison. Morgan would cause problems, presumably, as would the Merlin, who hates Dumbledore (and Harry on principle of being a warlock).

    Snape would probably still be a douche, and still obsessed with Harry's mom (perhaps even implicit in their murder, unknown to Dumbledore). As for Harry's parents, I think they'd qualify for wizard status. Voldemort's goal would still be immortality, presumably (open to change) and the enslavement/random murder of muggles/weak practitioners based on the dominance principle of who is the most powerful sorcerer. He murdered James and Lily (and others) over their vocal and energetic opposition of this stance, and battled Dumbledore to a standstill (perhaps with grievous injuries) over a similar stance.

    Riddle, depending on the writer's decision, might know about Grindelwald's and Dumbledore's good ol' days, speaking of dominance over muggles for the greater good. Good taunting material to use against Dumbledore, and against Harry, who would remain ignorant of Dumbledore's past because Dumbledore doesn't say shit to anyone about nearly anything.

    Don't know whether or not to include Dresden, or just play around in the universe.

    But that's the gist of it. tl;dr:

    1. Harry slays Dursleys with powerful dark magic.
    2. Becomes Dumbledore's apprentice with DoD
    3. Plot
    4. ???
    5. Profit

    edits inbound.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  2. Phantom of the Library

    Phantom of the Library Unspeakable

    Nov 22, 2009
    One problem with this scenario (aside from there being no Dresden) is that in the Word of God thread, Butcher specifically states that no one Wizard could pose a huge threat to the White Council. He uses Dresden as the example, but the principal is the same: like Harry says in Changes, numbers matter.

    Voldemort couldn't simply start killing other Wizards who disagreed with his opinions, since the WC would just crush him. He needs his own group, his own faction.

    Black Council will serve well here. Whether he be a member or the leader.

    It would also make sense for Voldemort to be a traitor to the WC. As Butcher said, that's the only real way to inflict damage to a group that powerful. Then, when Kemmler gets himself blown up, Voldemort is revealed as a traitor.

    Or something.

    Anyway, basically what I'm saying is that if this were to be done, Voldemort can't be some all powerful, never speak his name he's so bad ass, legendary figure. He'd have to be in the shadows and be remembered for his heinous crimes, with the Wardens constantly grumbling about finding the bastard and chopping his head off.
  3. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    Yeah, he might go into hiding after Kemmler's defeat and strike at some wizards from the dark. I forgot to mention a possible hidden network of DE's, but the Black Council angle is good too. He's also definitely a traitor.

    Good points though, thanks.

    EDIT: Also, if prophecy plays any role, should it have to do with God? Maybe some soulfire as a gift to use against Riddle, from the power of Lily's sacrifice or something? Tom Riddle could be a Denarian Wizard for the lulz (and the respect to Shezza), and only Harry has the power to defeat him via Soulfire. It would also help give Riddle the kind of power he needs to be a serious threat, or as much of one as he can be.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
  4. Anya

    Anya Harley Quinn DLP Supporter

    Feb 26, 2008
    Arkham City
    It could work, but I would change the abusive Dursley part. You could have him actually killing somebody else in self defence, some unknown. He wouldn't actually know who it was. Obviously he would eventually find out who it was, maybe a Death Eater or something.

    This idea has potential.
  5. Phantom of the Library

    Phantom of the Library Unspeakable

    Nov 22, 2009
    Or, I just thought of this, he could go the Molly route and it could be him simply fucking around in their head. I can imagine a neglected orphan wanting to feel a little more welcome in the home of his caregivers. And, if said orphan happened to have magic... :awesome

    Seems a little more believable to me, but I've always hated the Ultra abused Harry fics.

    Anyway, WC shows up, says, "Off with his head!" And Dumbledore comes in with his ROW ROW FIGHT THA POWA! etc.
  6. Memory King

    Memory King Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2007
    Another CoS AU idea: A smarter Dobby chooses a different tactic for getting Harry out of Hogwarts after seeing that he really doesn't belong in the Muggle World. He successfully convinces Harry to transfer into a different school, how far ahead of Hogwarts is up to the author.

    Things get interesting when nobody is around to save Ginny from the Chamber, causing Voldemort's premature return.

    I liked this idea enough to post it here because the reason for the transfer is relatively fresh, and it shows that Hogwarts might have been a lot different if Harry was absent. Would probably just turn into your average Different School fic, though, which is why I'm not bothering with creating an outline.
  7. ParseltonguePhoenix

    ParseltonguePhoenix Unspeakable

    Oct 4, 2007
    South Carolina
    How about a fic where Dobby knows every detail of the diary!plan, sees his short term plans to get Harry to leave Hogwarts fail, and decides to frame Harry in such a way that there's no choice but expulsion?
  8. Rin

    Rin Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    Dobby picks up Harry's wand and AKs eveyrone in the house but Harry, whilst Harry is asleep. Harry goes to Azkaban for life. Oopsies, Dobby went a little TOO far.
  9. ParseltonguePhoenix

    ParseltonguePhoenix Unspeakable

    Oct 4, 2007
    South Carolina
    ^^ Could be one hell of a crack-fic. Especially if he gets sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss instead of life in Azkaban.
  10. Swimdraconian

    Swimdraconian Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 10, 2006
    Aaannnnd, the dementor accidentally sucks out Voldemort's soul fragment instead and Harry becomes the Boy-Who-Lived. Again. With a cockroach animagus form.

    Has potential.
  11. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Another half-baked plot bunny came to mind, when I was reading a few Azkaban!Harry fic's. It'd be a Fleur/Harry pairing, with some possibly one sided Harry/Tonks (with Tonks flirting with Harry) thrown in if the storyline pushes to fifth year.

    back-story wise, it would start at the end of Harry's second year, and start in proper at the start of the fourth year.

    Harry's sent to Azkaban due to fallout from the Chamber of Secrets fiasco, despite saving Ginny and slaying the basilisk, and remains there for what would of been his third year. In Azkaban, he meets Sirius Black, and learns what happened that fateful day. Hermione, Ron and most of the other school population, Dumbledore included, believe that Harry is innocent. However, due to Ministry screw ups (by Death Eaters behind Fudge, influencing him), Dumbledore is battling a mountain of paperwork/political influence (created by as well as, unknown to Fudge and company, the Unspeakables) in order to release Harry.

    As Sirius did not escape, there were no dementors around Hogwarts looking for him. Remus would also probably not be a professor there, also, but it could be written in with Dumbledore wanting to find a competent teacher. Hogwarts has a fairly boring year, and in the meantime, Dumbledore uses this time to prepare for the inevitable events that are to come.

    Whilst in prison, they're approached by a representative from the Department of Mysteries: they're interested in Harry due to him surviving the Killing Curse, as well as his formidable magical power for his young age. Harry -along with Sirius, as his pardon/innocence is what makes Harry agree to their offer- are taken on as Unspeakables, the 'black-op' types.

    Insert cliche "Harry/timeturner" plot device, Harry is in training/active duty with Sirius for three or four years, before events become full circle.

    Harry learns about the prophecy, and he and Sirius become disillusioned with Dumbledore. Dumbledore isn't a 'manipulative' stereotype like most other fic's, however, but just questionable in his ethics as per canon.

    Harry is finally "officially" released from Azkaban, as is Sirius -who officially takes on the role of his godfather- and is welcomed back. Harry is placed on the inactive roster/is 'retired' from his Unspeakable duties, at least for the duration of his schooling. Harry is given a 'wasting' potion that gives him the appearance of emaciation for his cover, and Harry has to get himself back to full health, with Sirius'/his friends' help.

    Unfortunately, after being exposed to the dredges of wizarding society on his missions which involved killing, manipulation, torture, etc, it's an older, more mature and more cynical Harry (that people attribute to Azkaban exposure) that returns to Hogwarts in time for the Tri-wizard tournament. Although he tries to fit back in, he slowly becomes alienated with his best-friends.

    As per the book events, he's entered into the Tri-wizard tournament, but as you can imagine, being an Unspeakable has drastically improved his magical spellcasting/knowledge, especially the darker spells, placing him in the 'gray'/'dark gray' area.

    Dumbledore, as the events of the book go on, becomes more concerned but -like everyone else- thinks that it was Azkaban that caused this change, and resolves to keep a closer eye on him in order to help him re-adjust.

    Since Harry is older, being around 15, and more mature beyond his years (albeit with a slight rebellious streak), his first impression upon Fleur and the other champions is a more positive one than in canon.

    Ginny and her 'hero' crush on Harry becomes overblown, Cho Change takes an interest in Harry before Cedric but due to him not being the same 'wide eyed' boy he was in canon, he basically blows her off, and it becomes basically a one sided thing.

    Although he saves Gabrielle during the second task (and the other hostages to boot, thus showing he's still got a hero complex deep down), this piques Fleur's interest in him (since she seems to go for the 'bad-boy' types, ala Bill) and she sets her eyes on him. Because of him being jaded, however, he basically blows her off in a romantic sense. This rejection only serves to increase her efforts to 'woo him', however.

    Eventually, she attempts to use the 'allure' on Harry like how she did on Cedric in canon in order for them to both go to the Yule Ball together. This backfires, however, but Harry agrees to be her date on the stipulation that it would stop her from trying to pursue him afterwards.

    When he actually has a good time, it cracks the hard shell that he had encased around his personality, and he starts to slowly relax.

    Cue Third Task, Voldemort's return, Cedric surviving, thus speeding up the events of the books dramatically.

    Half-assed, I know. But, still...any potential, here?

    EDIT: shouldn't this thread be a sticky, also? Wasn't it one before, as well?
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010
  12. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Don't like the idea that the Unspeakables can get two high profile prisoners out of Azkaban so easily, especially with a lot of political power pushing to keep them in. In my mind, they're just employees of the Ministry, and Fudge would never sign off on something like that. For Sirius, maybe, if it was spun right, but I doubt he would agree for Harry - Malfoy certainly wouldn't. Just something that's sort of annoying.
  13. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Depends on how the Unspeakables are written: there was this one awesome Harry/Tonks story (Summer of Change) that had others sets of teams aside from the atypical DoM research role. They were essentially black op' commandos.

    If the 'political pressure' was Lucius Malfoy and his DE cronies manipulating Fudge, they might have the charisma to pull it off. If the Unspeakables also had reasoning to keep at least Harry locked up to further their own goals, it'd be ironic that Lucius -who is manipulating Fudge- is in turn being secretly manipulated by this 'black department', especially if his pride was hurt over the ending of the CoS fiasco.

    Remember, Fudge is a bumbling idiot: if the majority of people thought that Harry was dark, he'd lock him up to make himself look good. The only problem I can see here, is -ego issues aside- what situation could there be for him to go to these drastic measures? Fallout from the Chamber incident, perhaps?

    Also, who says that Fudge knew about the 'black' area of the DoM? I daresay that many of the real world governments/leaders wouldn't have a clue about the various black op' units littered around (the US being a prime example).

    As for Harry's cover, it would be tricky, but there are options: simulacrons (sp?), golems, Harry/Sirius themselves playing the role when required via glamor charms, etc.
  14. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Ugh. Horrible idea, Ichor. It's like you rammed every cliché from the past few years together all into one story. Azkaban fics like that have such a stupid, unbelievable premise that I literally cannot stomach nor tolerate them.

    Go read kmfrank's Escape From Darkness if you want to read an example of how an imprisoned!Harry should be pulled off.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2010
  15. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    The idea has more suck than a hooker with a vacuum. I'm not sure if there was a single thing in that idea that I would read, and I read almost anything that is remotely interesting.
  16. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Eh, fair enough. Was worth a shot.
  17. kmfrank

    kmfrank Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2008
    Ann Arbor, MI
    The only thing I thought was decent about that was the idea about the Chamber of Secrets aftermath - I could see Fudge being like, "If he was the only one who knew about the Chamber, then he had to be the one to open it, and only took this girl down there to play the hero!" etc.

    Could work in the hands of a decent author if you wanted to get Harry to prison.

    However, as previous posters have said - from there, abandon your ideas. Run of the mill Azkaban stories have been done to death, and the best of them are mediocre.

    <3 u.

    Also, as I was saying before, if you want an Imprisoned!Harry to be any good, you need to think outside the box. Harry being abnormally magically powerful, recruited by Unspeakables, and returning mad as hell to his friends to compete in the Triwizard tournament...well, those ideas have been in the box for about 5 years now...

    If some of them were used (preferably not the Triwizard part, because quite honestly jbern's done a better!Harry in the Triwizard just about as good as its going to be done, and I don't want to read it again) by a decent author, the cliche's could be turned around and be decent. But if any author uses ALL the cliche's in the book, even great writing can't redeem that.

    I won't say abandon the idea - I'd love to see another great story come out of this. But rethink it. Know exactly what you want to accomplish with the story, why you think it needs to be accomplished (i.e. what hole in the genre is this filling), and start coming up with some awesomely clever ideas to make it work.

    FYI, I think the end of Chamber of Secrets is a fairly good jumping off point, I used it in a story of my own that I've been having a lot of ideas for lately and will probably continue after Escape has some more progress, Harry Potter and the Seminal Vacation.

  18. Swimdraconian

    Swimdraconian Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 10, 2006
    I'd love to see something more done with the Chamber of Secrets incident as well. There was a lot of fuss made over it - enough so that they were going to close down the school, but after book two, we never see anything come of it save for a small mention in book five during the Hog's Head DA meeting.
  19. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Also agreed about the aftermath of the CoS fiasco: it was sort of glazed over by JKR.

    At the moment, I'm pretty busy with the planning out of two major storyline arcs.

    (One where Harry is a male!veela, and the other being a creature!Harry fic'...both are non slash, obviously. Also have a wierd urge to write either a DooM crossover or a storyline where Harry was raised by Predators/Yautja when he was young).

    If anyone decides to use this plot bunny or any other that my half-alive brain comes up with, let me know and I'll help you if you want/need it by being a sounding board.
  20. Sacrosanct

    Sacrosanct Auror

    Nov 29, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hey everyone here's a fairly complicated plot I came up with a little while back.

    So, it's eight years after the events of DH (note: I am completely ignoring the 19 years later bullshit) and Harry is an Auror working in the homicide division and is currently enjoying the good publicity from recently solving a long standing cold case and everyone in the DMLE loves him.

    Then two former Death Eaters are brutally murdered in their cells. The dementors were driven away by a pwoerful patronus. Whoever did this must have gotten specialist training or is just very powerful in their own right. The bodies of the Death Eaters have been sucked dry, they are just empty husks, literally skin and bones there is not one spot of blood anywhere and their intestines, brain, eyes, tongue and bone marrow have been removed. In each cell the song Warrior by Disturbed is playing.

    On the wall of the first cell there is this poem melted into the stone -

    "Release me from my Asylum,
    For I am the lust of your dark'ning soul,
    The terror in your heart.

    I am the darkness in your love,
    The dagger in your back.

    I am the sin within your prayer,
    The cancer in your body.

    I am the fire in your forest,
    The killer in your mind.

    I am the warrior inside you,
    Embrace me and I shall make you whole."

    A couple of spells performed by the forensics wizard Frank Malyus show that the Death Eaters had a necromantic spell cast on them that kept them alive for the entire time.

    Harry and everyone who came with him go back to the ministry and after a quick debreifing Harry goes outside for a cigarette alone in the street outside the visitors entrance. Frank Malyus comes out alone and he and Harry start chatting. Malyus ends up inviting Harry over to the Leaky cauldron for an after-work binge drinking session.

    Harry comes home and thats when you find out that Harry married Fleur four years ago and they have been trying to get pregant for a year now. But Fleur isn't doing so well because a year ago Harry and Fleur went out to muggle london for a date and they were attacked by some former Death Eaters who thought they would take out their revenge for killing their master on Harry. Fleur was almost raped but Harry fought them off before naytihg bad happenned but Fleur has developed a case of agoraphobia and doesn't leave their house in Godric's Hollow anymore.

    Harry and Malyus end up becoming fast friends and working together on the case at Azkaban. by this time the killer has developed a name for himself as "Asylum" (this will probably be the name of the story too) and his killings have started escalating. The ministry tightens security by adding more dementors but the killing actually escalate and they start turning up once a month and the dementors weren't just being driven away anymore they were being killed. Harry finds out from Hermione that only people with necromantic abilities can kill dementors.

    The ministry moves all the Death Eaters to a secure location only known to a few but the killer comes back and kills Draco Malfoy in his own home. The killing of Malfoy is more brutal than the others. Malfoy and his wife were put under the imperius curse and forced to eat their newborn son Scorpius. The wife cooked the baby into a stew and she and Malfoy ate the stew in the dining room. After they were killed their empty bodies were attached to their chairs and smiles were painted on their faces.

    Around this time Harry starts to notice that he has been doing wandless magic. Small thigns like stopping things from hitting the ground when he drops something and summoning things subconciously. He also starts growing taller and getting more muscle. He finds that his skin is getting smoother and he starts to look younger around 18.

    He and Fleur are still trying to have a baby and are doing the dirty almost every night.

    After the war the wizarding economy has plummeted into a depression and there are lots of homeless on the streets, people have to go overseas to get their wands and everyone is generally poorer. Hermione is a prominent member of the wizengamot and is lobbying for reveal of the magical world to the muggles to keep the economy from dropping further and is garnering a lot of votes. After the magical world is revealed, Hermione plans to run for Minister.

    Prejudisim against muggles is at an all time low and muggleborns are turning up more often. Professionals theorise that this is because of the dramatically decreased population and the people who died in the war, also known as the "Lost Generation", it is almost as if magic itself is trying to keep itself alive.

    The Asylum killings have increased dramtically and there is now a new crime (often multiple homicide) every fortnight. Harry starts getting letters in the mail from Asylum but he doesn't tell anyone because he doesn't want to get pulled off the case for personal reasons. The letters are adressed to him and he get's one with every killing. The letters are philosophical, all about the nature vs nurture debate and how the human race is evil at it's roots. With the letters are photos of Asylum's body parts, a finegr here, the tip of an ear here. They are not enough to get an identity but enough to freak Harry out.

    Frank Malyus meets Fleur and the two become good friends and Malyus often comes over for dinner. Harry and Fleur are still trying to have a baby.

    Harry starts to realise that something is definitely up when he finds that he no longer needs glasses anymore. By this time it is obvious that it isn't normal. Harry looks around 18 years old when he is really 24. He's 6'4, well built and has a seemingly permanent golden tan. He has found that wandless magic is the norm for him and finds it easier to do magic wandlessly rather than with a wand.

    Harry goes to St Mungos and they tell him that he most probably has a fae ancestor and that the genes are coming to the fore now as he reaches the end of his mental and magical adolescence.

    Harry starts to notice that there is some kind of funky smell in his bedroom but hasn't been able to find it. He has looked in the roof space above and everyhting but hasn't been able to track it down. He also starts to notice that the radio on his night stand is stuck on a station that plays muggle music and he is always hearing the song "Warrior" by Disturbed, everywhere he goes.

    The Asylum killings are escalating and Death Eaters are no longer being targeted and random people, sometimes entire famlies, are being slaughtered.

    One night while Harry and Fleur are having sex Fleur hears something comign from the closet. It sounds like someone is in there. Harry goes to check it out and some guy with platinum blonde hair and green eyes attacks him. The attacker and Harry get into a fight and the attacker yells out at intervals "She's dead, Harry!" "You gotta trust me!" "He's not real! Don't trust him!".

    Some how the attacker surpasses the anti-apparation wards around the house and gets away.

    The next day Ron comes over and Harry tells him-

    "My gorgeous veela wife has gone to St Mungoes for a check up. Sorry she's not here, Ron."

    Ron says "Ha, yeah right. She's probably hiding in your closet naked with pink fluffy handcuffs on, mate."

    Harry and Ron laugh and make a runnning joke out of it. Harry complains to Ron about the radio station that only plays heavy metal music and always seems to play "Warrior" by Disturbed at the worst times.

    Ron looks at him weird and says there is no radio station on that channel. Harry is confused and passes it off as a joke and later that night checks the radio and sure enough when he turns it on it's just static.

    The next week the magical world reveals itself to the muggle world and Harry does some publicity shit. Nothing changes that much.

    The next week Harry goes to the Burrow for Christmas dinner and he talks to Ginny. He mentions that he and Fleur have been trying to have a baby for a while now and how sorry Fleur was that she couldn't come.

    Ginny stares at Harry likes he's crazy and states bluntly that Fleur has been dead for jjust over a year now after Harry and Fleur were attacked in muggle london by some DEath Eaters. Harry recognised the attackers and told the DMLE who it was but they were never found.

    Harry freaks out and goes back to his house. Malyus is there and so is Fleur.
    On the wall of his living room the poem that has been present at all the Asylum crime scenes is written in blood along with a crude drawing of a smiley face with a lightning bolt scar.

    Malyus tells Harry that he is Asylum. He explains how he likes to get involved in the repurcussions of the murders and that he has been donig this for a while. He also explains how his last name is an anagram of Asylum. Harry freaks out but then Ginny turns up and asks who he's talking to.

    Malyus then taunts him calling him crazzy and it turns out that Malyus isn't real that he is just a figment of his imagination. Then Harry realises that he is ASylum that he was the one who was killing all those people. Ginny tries to calm him down and Harry getts frustrated that she isn't listening to him and his magic acts up and Ginny's soul is sucked out of her body.

    Harry knows that only necromancers and dementors are able to do that. Harry asks Maylus where he hid the bodies and Malyus says "Does a rose by any other name smell as sweet?". Harry gets the hint and rushes to his bedroom and looks underneath the floorboards and finds out what has been making his room smell so bad. Underneath the floorboards are all the internal organs of the victims and books about necromancy.

    Malyus tells him how when Fleur died he went crazy and started looking for ways to bring her back. Harry started to kill people and then use their deaths to make himself more powerful. The extra magic in his body started making him look more "magical". He gained endless youth and heaps of magical power.

    He managed to make Fleur's body look alive. she had a pulse and she bled. Her cheeks were rosy and her hair was the same vibrant blonde. Harry tried to get closer to her and convinced himself that they were trying to get pregnant. It turns out that Harry had kept Fleur's body in his bed the entire year and every time Harry thought he was having sex with Fleur he was actually having sex with her dead body.

    He finds the body and he goes out and buries her once and for all.

    He goes back to his house and meditates using occulemcy to try and find the lost memories of him killing all the death eaters.

    He finds that while Harry had been talking to dumbledore in "heaven" or wherever he was Voldemort had cast a spell on him of his own making that started this whole thing. The poem that was written at every crime scene was Voldemorts and he had put this ticking time bomb, this propensity for murder and violence, in Harry's mind and it was just waiting for the right trigger. That trigger was Fleur's death.

    Harry has to find out if it was true and not just some trick or nasty prank and breaks into Hermiones house and finds the time-turner that she had been using to put extra hours into her campaign.

    He goes back to his house in Godrics Hollow, disguises himself and stands in the closet. He turns the time turner back a long way and goes back two weeks to when the attacker had come out of the closet while he and Fleur were having sex.

    He finds his past self having sex with Fleur's dead body and tries to break it to him gently but doesn't succeed so he apparates out.

    He meditates for two weeks and manages to find all the lost memories.

    Then when he catches up to the time he went back he goes to the ministry and hands himself in.

    So, tell me what you think. The necrophilia and canibalism might freak out some readers, but meh.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2010
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