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Harry Potter Memes

Discussion in 'The Humor Mill' started by Water Mage, Jul 17, 2010.

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  1. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    No, it really isn't. If it can't make sense, by and large, then it can't be accurate, by and large. That we do get a vibe of that in Canon was exactly what I meant by POV bias. We see it from Harry's POV, and his status as the BWL and his rivalry with Malfoy factors. We see it the way it is for him. Not for Seamus, or Michael Corner, or for an unnamed Slytherin. Our POV is extremely narrow, and that is the source of the problem.

    That is the point here. Everyone cares what Harry does or doesn't do. No one cares if Seamus bags Tracey Davis meanwhile. The Tri Wiz is an argument for what Palindrome said, actually -- that once it comes to sports and competition, sure, everyone wants their House to do best. Beyond that though, in everyday school-life, for the average student, it can't possibly matter that much.

    Hell, I can list more example of cross-house groups than those within. I did, even. A Gryffindor in the Gobstone Club will not refuse to play with a Slytherin because they are from Slytherin. For the average student, the house thing isn't a big divide at all. Beyond Hogwarts -- look at Slughorn's club. Students from all Houses, selected because of their abilities and talents. Those are the networks. Not "I won't employ that fellow because he was a slimy Slytherin".

    And for that matter, I never claimed there were no pecking orders. And that's a completely different matter than House questions anyway.
  2. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    The sole reward for doing well in class is house points. The only punishment short of detention is losing them. If people gave as little of a shit as you think, Sesc, then Hogwarts discipline would be a complete and utter fucking shambles, because doing good would be meaningless and minor infractions equally so.

    Hell, in the first fucking book, the house is pissed with Harry solely because of lost points after the whole Norbert incident. According to you, nobody would really care.

    The House determines who you spend damn near all of your time with. You eat with them, you sleep with them, you go to class with them, you spend all your time after curfew with them. It's not like a regular school where it just determines what colour face-paint you wear on sports day. It's not even like regular boarding school, because Wizarding society is so small. According to canon, every wizard in Great Britain goes to Hogwarts. Nearly everyone you ever meet in the British Wizarding World went there, and if they were in the same house as you, then you've most likely got friends in common unless the age gap is huge. The most powerful man in Great Britain is running the place. Houses run in families, too. Weasleys, Longbottoms, and Potters are Gryffindors. Malfoys and Blacks are Slytherins. Pick a random couple from canon and chances are they shared a House.

    Stop thinking that a fucking magical school works the same way as your fucking high school did. You're just being a stubborn idiot about it because you don't like seeing it in fanfic.
  3. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    I feel like I am repeating myself here. Also, I don't think I wrote what you read.

    Yes. And that's fine and all and I agree, but where and how do you make a leap from "caring about your own House and Housepoints" (which I as well as Palindrome said was there) to "I hate everyone that is not my House, and I wouldn't caught dead having a friend outside of it"?

    Because that was all I was saying. When it comes to social interactions, then the House system isn't a border. If you are in Gryffindor and want to have a friend in Slytherin or any other House, you can. That was what I was talking about.

    As opposed to this, which I never said. Of course they care. Partly because it's Harry (again, POV bias), and partly because they want to win the House Cup. But that means just that, and nothing else.

    I don't see how that makes up all of their time. The most important part of their time is neither the time in classes (which are mixed, by the way), nor when they sleep or the short time between curfew and sleep; it's the time after classes, and before curfew, and they spend that anyway they want. Extra-curricular activities are school-wide, not House-wide. If they were friends before Hogwarts or are siblings, and now in different Houses, this is when they meet. It's the largest or second to largest part of the day (depending on classes or no), and it is not determined by the House.

    Which is exactly why it makes no sense to look no further than your own House in later life, because otherwise, you'd have only a handful of people to pick. Sure, there are favours to old House buddies. I never said there weren't, I said what wasn't there was refusing to employ someone because he wasn't in your old House.

    I think of it like rivaling elite Unis, perhaps. Think Oxford and Cambridge or Harvard and Stanford. You feel a certain attachment to where you came from, of course, but the fact that someone wasn't in the place where you were is no reason to hate him guts and refuse to work with him.

    Edit: Also:

    <Sesc|Busy> The point is that we don't know shit about 90% of them all, and I said that it was more likely than not that they have friends elsewhere than just in their own Houses, because it makes no sense for them not have that.
    <Tehan> ...your argument is that this part of canon doesn't make sense?
    * Sesc|Busy rolls eyes
    <Sesc|Busy> I'm not saying it doesn't make sense, I'm saying we don't know anything about it, so it's perfectly valid to assume, from certain infos that we do have, that they have friends in other houses.
    <Tehan> But that's not my argument at all that you're beating with a stick.
    <Tehan> It is, in fact, the argument of a strawman.
    <Tehan> My argument is that there's a strong bias for making friends inside the house.
    <Tehan> They have friends outside it, sure, but they'll make more and easier friends inside it.
    <Sesc|Busy> ... I never was beating your argument, godfuck :|
    <Tehan> No, you weren't.
    <Tehan> You weren't even coming close.
    <Sesc|Busy> I agreed with Palindrome, pointing out why some Fanon shit didn't make sense, and suddenly people disagreed with me.​

    I'd say that counts as a spectacular case of talking past each others.

    Incidentally, to get back at the pecking order, I agree that being on the Quidditch team counts -- it's quite apparent that successful Quidditch players and victories are something. Regardless of how that is or isn't the case in usual English schools.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  4. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    What exactly are you arguing against, Tehan? Our point was that children wouldn't treat each other in the way that much of fanfiction makes them out to simply due to what house they are in.

    Points competition would have some effect in the measure of rivalry, true, but this doesn't equate to extreme stereotyping such as 'Slytherins are evil' which we see as pretty much taken as fact in many fics.
  5. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    I'm saying there's a strong bias to befriend and date within your house, and to a lesser extent, within your level on the pecking order. I do agree that a Ravenclaw dating a Hufflepuff, for instance, would not cause both to hide their torrid love affair for fear of being stoned to death by their respective houses. But there's a definite gap between the houses - in the formerly-stated Triwizard example, the houses sided with different champions as blocs. Damn near all friendships you see during the books are between housemates or were begun in the DA.

    House isn't a border to friendship, but it is an obstacle. Especially between Slytherins and Gryffindors, considering that that particular rivalry has attempted into full-blown violence on many occasions, the Slytherin Head shows blatant favoritism towards his own house, and that the Slytherins were complicit in the hostile takeover of the school by Umbridge, while the rest of the school resisted to one degree or another. No, it may not be as dramatic as in some fanfics, but you could say the same of any other plot point in the series. Just because some writers overdo it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  6. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    Arguing over interpretations of canon is the greatest meme of all.
  7. IdSayWhyNot

    IdSayWhyNot Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jun 10, 2010
  8. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    If there's a better way to kill a slow Tuesday morning than quibbling over the minutiae of one fictional universe or another, I don't know it.
  9. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA

    and now that we're back on track

  10. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:

    I'm too bored to check if this has been posted before.

  11. iLost

    iLost Minister of Magic

    Aug 8, 2009
    I hear sex works fine. Just sayin'.
  12. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    Lolololol. What part of "arguing Harry Potter canon" did you not understand? Sex does not happen to that kind of person. Because the Imperius curse isn't real.
  13. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    Since when is the Amex Centurion card not real?
  14. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Are you high or something, becuase I don't get this.
  15. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:
    Cash moneys get people laid.
  16. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    Oi man, that's fucking low. >_>
    Yes, the Amex Centurion is essentially the Imperius curse. Just saying.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  17. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Now I feel retarded for not getting that.
  18. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
  19. aaltwal

    aaltwal Auror

    Apr 3, 2009

    Not bored, but lazy. And those Memes were :|
  20. IdSayWhyNot

    IdSayWhyNot Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jun 10, 2010
    Mr. Custer...that was :awesome
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