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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009

    How many chapters can we expect before an abandonment?

  2. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Six. I get stuck midway through number seven and stop writing.


    Edit: But at least you know how it ends.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  3. Tehol.Beddict

    Tehol.Beddict First Year

    Jul 30, 2010
    yup. I'm ashamed to say it might be a little over a year before I feel comfortable with it :p. Then again, this IS a plot bunny thread...
  4. Harvest King

    Harvest King Third Year

    Oct 8, 2010
    So, I was watching the Addams family as I've been known to do from time to time, and I had an interesting idea for a little one shot. I was thinking of perhaps a Harry/Mrs. Zabini story where Mrs. Zabini keeps trying to kill Harry. Harry (being Harry) keeps surviving, and having grown up with the Dursley's seems to think it how everyone shows love to one another...kind of a shitty summery, but it could have potential if someone decent were to write it.

    The other idea I've had involves a sort of league of immortals. 7 wizards (Harry, Flamel, Dorian Gray, etc) who successfully beat death. It would be a post DH minus the uncomfortable bits (i.e. Harry/Ginny sappy ending). The essential problem I had was finding a suitable protagonist. The only reasonable way to go would be to turn it into a Lovecraft crossover. The 7 immortal wizards vs. the old gods. It seems like a rather daunting undertaking.

    I'm currently working on something else anyway. Assuming I ever get done with all of these university applications, I'll post the first chapter of it in wba so that dlp can rip it apart and destroy my will to write. It's a DH rewrite that basically asks the question what if Harry was more like Tom than anyone realized. Essentially, Harry Potter decides to take up the legacy of blood (that might actually serve as a tentative title). The heir of Peverell vs the heir of Slytherin. I would go into more detail, but I'm not entirely sure the direction I'm planning on taking it yet.

    Edit: Heh, meant antagonist not protagonist...you get the idea anyway.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2010
  5. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    The middle one is beautiful. I want to see this.
  6. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Agreed. I love it.

    I'd suggest factoring the Deathless Chinamen somewhere in there.
  7. EinStern

    EinStern Seventh Year

    May 25, 2010
    Agreed. The other two bunnies were rather standard DLP stuff, but that middle one... Well, Andromalius said it best; it's beautiful.
  8. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Inspired by this chapter of 'Odd Ideas': http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2565609/54/Odd_Ideas

    It's got me thinking.

    There are no 'Evil!Tonks' storylines out there, and the stories that do have her evil in some way have her in cahoots with either a Manipulative!Dumbledore or Voldemort. (I think one story that I once read had her basically raping Harry when he was asleep whilst looking like Ginny in order to further the goals of a long, complicated plot by Dumbledore. Typical Manipulative!Dumbledore stuff).

    I'd really like to see a story where Tonks/Hermione have a Bellatrix style level of fanaticism when it comes to Harry, and protecting him/helping him.
  9. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    I dunno.
    I have ffnet open with a minimum 60k wordcount and rating M - just going thru fic after fic, one at a time.
    I also listen to my iPod on shuffle.
  10. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    You are a braver man than I.

    Or more insane, either one.
  11. Mutt

    Mutt High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2010
    Wait, there's a difference?
  12. Harvest King

    Harvest King Third Year

    Oct 8, 2010
    I think Hermione might work better for this particular idea. I mean she has potential given her history. The scene in PS where she comes out of nowhere to inform Harry of his dad's ability to fly a broom comes to mind.

    I always found that a bit creepy. Here you are minding your own business talking to a friend then someone that you've rarely spoken to comes up to you telling you things about your father that even you didn't know about....I mean really.
  13. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008

    But I think the plot bunny has potential anyway...
    It doesn't have to be a hueg ass deus ex ward that breaks it..
    Say the person holding it on them dies or something, during the canon battle of hogwarts, and they immediately find themselves under fire from the DA or OotP or about to get pwned by McGonnagal's chariot thing...

    But I digress.

    Something more suited to a decent mystery fic would be coming out of the curse/compulsion or other mind altering spell, during some mundane part of the timeline, giving them breathing room and a chance to 'think' the story up a plot and background. i.e. the last thing they remember and go from there.
  14. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    The plot that hit me for no reason recently is a Pendragon-style HP fic. For those who don't know, The Pendragon series is basically a boy who jumps from world to world trying to stop a genocidal maniac from destroying them all. Or at least that's what I gleaned from the little I read.

    The incident takes place during OotP, Voldemort shows up early while Harry, Sirius and Bellatrix are in the veil room. A major battle takes place which isn't really a good idea when next to a thousands-of-years old structure that has defied human understanding.

    Harry,Voldemort, Sirius and anyone at that battle gets transported to a hellish wasteland where demonic creatures have ruled since the beginning of time. Basically Harry's first goal is to find Sirius and everyone else who survived and lead them out.However that may not be the best option since Voldemort is taking down the demons and learning all the can tell him about their branch of magic.

    So the choice is either leave and let Voldemort have an all you can eat buffet on magical knowledge and try to trap him in that world or team up with the few humans left to try to take him down.

    I thought after that plot was resolved Harry may enter what he thinks is a portal to his world and find himself somewhere else completely. Beginning the journey to hunt for the right portal to take him home.

    On the other hand I thought of setting it in the bleak future, where Harry had been chasing Voldemort through dozens of worlds -always a step behind- to take revenge for everyone he killed. But I felt that it would be a little too much like Wastelands, with both Harry and Voldie picking up various powers from different worlds and becoming uber-powerful bad-asses.
  15. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    not a story line exactly, but it is an idea that has recently sprung into my mind. granted book 7 came out in 2007 so I am probably late on this train of thought...

    Harry looses his ability to speak snaketongue when the horcrux in his scar is destroyed. I think that part is canon? I was thinking to myself, what else would he lose with the absence of his horcrux. There are several dozen stories out there that would have him lose all the memories and knowledge that he gained from tom riddle, but that is not where this is going. Some would argue that the only reason that Harry was even considered for Slytherin is because the sorting hat saw the piece of soul that was attached to him. irrelevant.

    But there is a far more important thing that Harry has because of the horcrux, and that is his wand. I think it is more than a mere coincidence that Harry has the brother wand to Voldemort's, I think that wand worked for him because of the horcrux. Now without the horcrux, the holly wand would stop working properly for him. Now Harry would either have to get a new wand meant for his normal body, or simply use the ambiguous Elder Wand.

    I don't think it is enough of an idea to base a story around, but it could be a strong plot point for the larger picture. Of course, I could be way behind the times here and there are probably a bunch of stories that use something similar, but I either have not read them or the story was unremarkable enough to wheres I don't remember it. I have read fics where Harry simply keeps the elder wand because it is lol!super!wand, but not for the reasons above
  16. Harvest King

    Harvest King Third Year

    Oct 8, 2010
    I agree with this, but I think instead of wand I'd have gone with his entire personality shifting. I mean we know exposure to a horcrux over time changes you and this one even if it isn't a proper horcrux has been with Harry for a very long time. It was pointed out again and again in the series that Tom and Harry have much in common.

    Imagine having that part of your soul ripped away from you...I think that would be an interesting idea to run with in a post DH fanfic because you'd have Harry trying to figure out who he really is, what his purpose in life is, and his friends dealing with the changes in Harry. Plus, whatever the driving force behind the story is.
  17. Harvest King

    Harvest King Third Year

    Oct 8, 2010
    Continuing with this plot bunny, I was wondering if using the act of Voldemort creating so many horcruxes to allow for a break in reality that the Old Ones could take advantage of to slip through would be a good idea. I'm probably not explaining the thought very well so I'll try again.

    The idea that the splitting of the soul is a horrible piece of magic because it requires a cold blooded murder and creates changes (both physical and mental) got me to thinking. What if it has a larger effect that wizards truly feared? What if it effected the areas where such terrible things were created? One is a terrible act no doubt, but not enough to trigger something truly horrible, but so many vile acts concentrated in one country has to have far reaching effects of some sort...I'm honestly surprised no one has used this to create some sort of postDH story yet.

    It wouldn't have to be related to the Old Gods, but many terrible things could be created using such an idea. A weakening between the barriers between life and death could lead to attacks by spirits once trapped in hell, perhaps a weakening between realities allowing for Harry to be transported to another universe due to his former status as a horcrux, or maybe even as a way for part of Tom to slip back through those areas after death to regain a body because his soul is so tied to the areas which would mean Harry could end up needed to defeat him once more and seal all 8 areas so he can't just slip back through from the other side....

    Just some random thoughts....was wondering if it was one of those things that just sounds good in my head or if it is actually an interesting idea?

    Edit: I wish I would have seen the edit button still on my old post. I could have hit that instead of double posting like this.
  18. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I had this idea a long time ago and even started writing a fic (sort of prologue is in the WbA section), but in the end I doubt that I will ever sit down and do it properly so there it is – my take on superhero genre with Harry Potter.

    Much older and more wiser Harry accidentally travels to an alternate world where his counterpart was just killed by Dementor. Because his original body was destroyed, he takes much younger body as his own and starts to pretend he is this world Harry.

    But there is a deal – this world Harry is a Squib, so to avoid suspicions older Harry must stay secret with his ability to do magic. More so, in this world lord Voldemort doesn't exist and Tom Riddle is Minister of Magic with many of DE as his workers (Peter Pettigrew as the Senior Undersecretary, Barty Crouch, Jr. as a Hit-Wizard and Riddle's bodyguard, Bellatrix as his mistress etc.)

    Still, we all know that Harry has “a saving people thing” so he wants to use his skills to help others. Because of that he creates his alter-ego – White Griffin. Of course the Aurors are not too happy that some vigilante is trying to do their job, so freshly promoted head of the Auror Office, James Potter, with his best friend and fellow Auror Sirius Black, are doing everything in his power to catch him (at least James is doing, because Sirius is more than happy to have one more person fighting a good fight against dark wizards, even if it's a vigilante).

    Harry has also problems with the rest of his family. His other self was rather biter and unpleasant for them because of his lack of magical skills (think Petunia), so his unexpected, more civil behavior raises few questions.

    Not to mention, young but tough as nails reporter Nymphadora Tonks who saw debut of White Griffin (he saved her from a gang of wannabe dark wizards when she was discovered as an undercover reporter) and is determined to discover his real identity for a biggest story of her life.

    But all this is merely distraction, when someone begins to gather under one banner different magical beings who were mistreated by wizards and starts to kill magic users. They call themselves Death Eaters and their leader name himself lord Voldermort.

    In this world Tom Riddle created his first Horcrux, but came to his senses before it could finish corrupting him. He sealed it up in the Chamber of Secrets and for the rest of his life tried to forget about it. Unfortunately, after decades of gaining power from around him Horcrux managed to posses Basilisk and later created more humanoid body for himself. Now only thing he really wants is a revenge on Tom Riddle.

    That's a basic premise. Various, more powerful creatures under Voldemort command would be White Griffin rogues gallery (one of them obviously would be Fenrir Greyback). Also, Dark Force Defense League could be organization of vigilantes from other countries who fight dark wizards outside of the system.
  19. EinStern

    EinStern Seventh Year

    May 25, 2010

    I almost stopped reading after the first paragraph.

    I'm glad I didn't.



    Someone needs to do it. Right now, thank you very much.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2010
  20. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Holy shit, let me write this.

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