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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    It's not a bad idea, but you'll get more travel out of it if you don't wed yourself to the details of the original.

    Rather, force the issue with the characters at hand.

    Harry and Hermione escape from Godric's Hollow with only one wand between them. Harry leaves Hermione at camp to go after some food (it could even be an earlier run for the sword of Gryffindor, but without needing Ron to save Harry from his own stupidity). Harry comes back to find the tent shredded and tracks indicating that Hermione was taken, almost certainly by a werewolf. Harry tracks the beast back to his shack over a course of days, only to find that the creature has already used and consumed his friend.

    Cue the mental break.

    Harry tosses the wand to the ground, and uses the sword to take out the werewolf.

    Option A: Rorschach's way; No compromises, even in the face of Armageddon.

    Option B: Chances of Harry being infected: 50%. Can he finish the job before losing his mind to the beast? Does he care anymore?

    Option C: Werewolf with Basilisk venom and Phoenix tears competing in the bloodstream? What emerges could be another kind of horror. Think Wendigo.
  2. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009
    I lolled.

    Aside from that, I'm getting a meh vibe from this idea.
  3. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    Somebody write this. 'Becoming Mad-Eye'.

    Awesome idea between the two of you.

    Love the idea of a fresh-faced Moody slowly becoming more twisted as the story progresses, but it'd certainly have to be a very long one-shot or a multi-chaptered story.

    Bonus points if you reference The Killing Joke.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  4. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Because like I said before, I doubt I will ever write these ideas as fics, the least I can do is try to inspire others like I did with enembee. Long time ago I wrote this idea of Harry lost in time, but since then I had few other ideas and improved it a little so here it is:

    Harry Potter – The Boy Lost In Time

    After events of his third year at Hogwarts, Harry decides to use a Time-Turner he steals from Hermione to save his parents. What he doesn't know is that you can't go back more than 3 days without risking magical backlash.

    The next moment Harry wakes up in the fourteenth century in a body of creator of Time-Turners who was just killed. It's a start of Harry travel through time using bodies of people who were killed by Killing Curse when wearing a Time-Turner.

    In his first stop he meets Elle, a granddaughter of Theodor Tarner (the creator of the Time-Turners), who realizes that something is wrong with her grandpa and sometime later helps Harry with adjusting to this time and finding the way to return to his times. In the end Harry dies by the hands of people who killed Tarner in the first place, but this time they don't escape without punishment.

    The next time Harry lands in about 1500 year. This time in a body of some random young wizard who happened to have the Time-Turner without even realizing what it is. Now when he realizes that the only thing he probably needs to return is be killed as many times as he doesn't land in his own body, he decides to use this once in the lifetime chance and explore the world around him.

    He goes to magical university Alumbrados. There he is taught by Leonardo da Vinci and meets other students like Johann Georg Faust and Paracelsus, who he befriends. More so, he discovers that Elle is still alive and known as Perenelle Flamel, the wife of famous Nicolas Flamel. But his happiness doesn't last long, when Faust become obsessed with possibility of eternal life with use of Philosopher's stone. After unsuccessful attempt to steal it he runs away to find other ways to become immortal.

    They meet again in the beginning of seventeenth century. Harry has a new body and Faust created his own way to eternal life – Horcrux. But instead of celebrating, he is living in fear after hearing from Nostradamus a prophecy about his future death by the hand of the boy lost in time. Using his every resource he tries to find who is this boy and eliminate him, only to discover it's his former best friend.

    From there it's a war between these two across time. Harry with blessing of Queen Elizabeth I and help of her wizard adviser John Dee creates Dark Force Defense League to fight against Faust and other dark wizards (it's before creation of Ministry of Magic). Johann creates his own organization – Black Hand, and is trying to find true identity of Harry, so he can kill him for good once he is back in his body.

    In his journey Harry meets also many ancestors of people who he knows and sees how their families become who they are in his time. Often it's because of his choices.

    In 1913 he become Georgi Krum. He finds Faust and his Black Hand in Austria-Hungary manipulating wizards to start the Great War, using help from others who want to destabilize situation for they own purposes (like Rasputin in Russia).

    Later, Harry lands in 1945 in Grindelwald's castle under a siege as one of his most trusted servants. As always he discovers that Faust has something to do with creation of the Knights of Walpurgis, but this time he is not present. Using the beginning of attack as distraction Harry saves young yewish girl and gives her invisible cloak he found in "his" lab to hide her. When she asks who he is, he jokes that he's just "Töpfer". Next Harry helps Dumbledore's forces to find a way inside the castle, but is killed in a process. After fight Albus finds yewish girl, which name is Minevra. She's adopted by Dumbledore friends form McGonagall clan and many years later she gives cloak as birthdays gift for Jacob Potter father of James Potter, joking that it's from a fellow potter.

    As for Harry his last stop is year 1980, two months before his own birth. First thing which he sees is a concerned face of Sirius Black asking him: "Harry? Are you alright?" For a moment Harry thinks that he came back to his time, but then realizes that Sirius is looking too young, not to mention they are in the middle of battle with Death Eaters. After fight he discovers that he is now Harry Right, one of the Order of Phoenix members. In the end he's killed saving his mother life from Voldemort. For that she names her son after him.

    When Harry ends in his time, he goes to Flamel's Manor only to discover that Faust is already here. He managed to find his true identity and was waiting for Harry to travel back in time, so he can kill him just after his return (he couldn't do it sooner because you can't change the past, unless someone saw it already changed as was a case with Dumbledore and Sirius).

    They have final battle, where Harry reveals he found Faust's Horcrux and managed to destroy it on his way there. But before his death Johann tells Harry that he didn't win, because Nostradamus said to him that he will be a teacher of a dark wizard who will have power to accomplish everything he couldn't and this wizards will be The Boy Lost In Time bane.

    After fight Harry has only a time to say goodbye to Elle before she dies in his arms without Philosopher's Stone to keep her alive.

    The end of the part one. The part two would be about Harry fight with Voldemort, but right now I don't have any interesting ideas for that.
  5. EinStern

    EinStern Seventh Year

    May 25, 2010
    It would appear that Celestin shits Golden Bunnies on a regular basis.

  6. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    A new idea I've been working on during the slow parts at work over the last few days. The basic premise is Harry Potter set in the Dresdenverse, with most of the events of the Dresden Files happening off camera, since it's just too easy to call Dresden-ex-machina and screw things up. Also, there are no horcruxes in this, because death isn't quite as immutable in the Dresdenverse and as such there is no need for them. Plus it would be more than obvious to someone looking upon Tom with the Sight.

    How does that sounds for a rough idea cobbled together while bored as shit?
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  7. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    @ Celestin: Great, great plot. However, as you've kindly spilled the entirety of the story, I no longer need it to be written - I've got the Cliff Notes version right here. :<

    @ Aekiel: Here's your title - "Wizard Potter: Godslayer"
    Also, I like that faced with the choice of (a) 50,000 people die and your son lives, or (b) only 10,000 people die but your son is one of them, Lily gave 40,000 people the finger and chooses for Harry to live. *That's* parenting.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  8. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:

    It's also the common response. Turns out most people would sacrifice many more strangers to protect a loved one. We're wired that way

    And Celestin, that's a fantastic bunny. I mean, seriously.
  9. RJL333

    RJL333 Third Year

    Apr 22, 2008
    Celestin did you post that before? I remember reading it some time ago.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    Dude, Celestin....wow. Fucking stellar plot outline (it feels wrong to call it a "bunny".)
  11. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Yes, about a year ago. Like I said, this is improved version.
  12. Grinning Lizard

    Grinning Lizard Supreme Mugwump

    Sep 25, 2010
    United Kingdom
    Reading through recent plot bunnies on the hunt for inspiration, Taure's idea for a free-to-exist Riddle coming up in polite society and Celestin's idea for an Auror Graduate Moody discovering a potential circle of dark wizards with an unknown, mysterious leader should absolutely be combined into a single 6/7 chapter fic.

    Individually they are fairly interesting, solid ideas, but without the oomph of total brilliance. As a combined story? Seriously, guys, consider it. That's :awesome/5 material.
  13. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    The only problem I see with the Moody idea is that Riddle was known as Lord Voldemort as far back as his school days and Dumbledore was aware of the fact (see Chapter 20 of HBP). So, if a mysterious group appeared with Lord Voldemort as their leader, Riddle would immediately be the number one suspect.

    Celestin's idea is cool, as usual.
  14. Grinning Lizard

    Grinning Lizard Supreme Mugwump

    Sep 25, 2010
    United Kingdom
    By Dumbledore, yes, as was addressed in Taure's bunny;

    The whole point is that Riddle, being a clever chap and all, wouldn't be leaving a shred of evidence anywhere that the Ministry could possibly pick up on it, and would be playing a role as a politically inclined and very charismatic citizen.

    Moody not being a part of the Order in those days - for all intents a vigilante organisation that isn't formally recognised by the Ministry-loyal Aurors and a not-so-disenfranchised younger Moody - would solve the problem of 'Dumbledore tells him its Voldemort'.

    The rogue investigation through the underworld by Moody, the battle through bureaucracy by the early Order, the higher- and lower-tier politicians working with and against Riddle in his ascent, Voldemort's early murders and military movement... it would make for a hell of a story in that era, with blessedly little of the Marauders involved.
  15. Grubdubdub

    Grubdubdub Supreme Mugwump

    Feb 22, 2008
    Which point of view would you follow, though? I tend to avoid mixed POVs myself, though it's an option.
  16. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Two problems: First, the Moody idea was Celestin's, so you'd have to combine the two bunnies (not a big deal, I know) and second, Riddle was willing to freely give his Voldemort name to Dumbledore at the interview. In fact, it seemed as though calling him anything but Voldemort pissed him off. This implies to me that he would be widely known as Lord Voldemort by this point, and yet he was still willing to interview openly for the Defense position. Plus, Moody would know that Voldemort and Dumbledore were close associates during Riddle's school days (I'm pretty sure Riddle and Moody are about the same age), and Dumbledore would probably be one of the first people he questioned about Riddle. The only way I can see this working is if Dumbledore was really big on redemption and thought he could save Tom, and thus, did not revel anything when Moody questioned him. He would know about the Voldemort alias from basically knowing about everything that goes on in the school, even as a regular professor (because he's a nosy old bastard).
  17. Grinning Lizard

    Grinning Lizard Supreme Mugwump

    Sep 25, 2010
    United Kingdom
    Mixed POV's could work. Equally, it'd be an interesting story if it was Moody-centric - all he gets from other people are all the reader gets too. He's hunting for a piece of evidence, because although 'Voldemort' is whispered in the underworld, Voldemort is walking around in daylight. Dumbledore tries to recruit him, he spends a lot of office hours in the Ministry, etc.

    That's exactly what I suggested in the above post.

    Yeah - I know it's confusing but I distinguish between Riddle and Voldemort when I describe the guy, in a sort of Jekyll/Hyde nod. It would all be under the name of 'Lord Voldemort', but as Taure's bunny described, the murders and recruitment would be taking place behind the guise of a charismatic and free individual. The point of combining the bunnies would be to have Moody trying to pin something concrete on the figure while Dumbledore chases paper.

    All other problems mentioned are solvable by thinking just as far in the opposite direction by a creative author. As said, they aren't my idea, it was the combination of two excellent bunnies and should be looked into by those bunnies' authors for possible development, because I think said combination would be all win.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  18. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Perhaps I misunderstood you then, but it wasn't really clear. All you said was "Taure's bunny addresses this." I took that to mean that you thought the Moody idea was Taure's.

    I agree that it would be pretty awesome, but I'm still having trouble seeing how it could be pulled off. I could see it maybe working if Voldemort was simply a well-known person, but as a politician he'd have trouble. Trying to win votes or even just stay in office when your name is associated with murders (even if no one can prove that it's actually you) would be damn near impossible I think. A good politician can survive a scandal, but something like multiple murder would be too much for even the most skilled and charismatic man.

    I'm not saying it can't be done, but it will definitely be a major challenge.
  19. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009
    Voldemort after not getting the job of DADT professor, decides to use his old name (less intimidating then Lord Voldemort and more politically viable), to try to gain power in the ministry. It's not too OC because Voldemort was at that time more intelligent so he should be able to, for the short term, revert back to his old name.

    That would work.
  20. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    He also quoted the part of Taure's idea that addressed the Moody idea's problem.
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