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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Wizardmon0073

    Wizardmon0073 Second Year

    Aug 17, 2010
    Do you think that Nathan could be protected while in Gryffindor Tower by variation of barrier used (in the end) that blocks passage of those without Dark Mark ? I would think that if it is impossible to ward area against Animagi like Harry said in the newest chapter that this method could be one who kept Peter in Azkaban and now it could keep him out.
  2. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
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    Eh. I consider them about morally equal, at least when the act of helping someone out comes at no personal cost.
  3. World

    World Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 19, 2006
    Axis of Evil (Original)
    Not helping someone in need, aka letting someone die, is pretty fucked up itself. If you are responsible for taking care of that person (which Kira was at that moment), reassure them that if something goes wrong you'll make sure nothing bad/worse happens, and then go on to laugh at their misfortune, that's pretty rotten.

    In terms of German law, willful failure to render assistance from a "guarantor" position yields the same punishment as willfully inflicting the act upon the person.

    Regarding Harry's lack of anger, I agree with the rest. The cruciatus lecture should keep the "it's only purpose is pain" part, but it can lose the fanon references.
  4. Tenages

    Tenages Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 19, 2010
    Philadelphia, USA
    Point taken. And I understood this as I was reading. My real issue with it is how fast Harry calms down and says Krum is right. Harry was seriously pissed off. He just threw a girl into a wall, and then was attacked from behind by his friend. Yet he calms down almost immediately and agrees Krum right away? It just struck me as an change of opinion that occurred far too quickly.

    Kira just left Calypso (who Harry has feelings for) in unbearable agony, laughed at her and taunted her about it. Harry then threw Kira, (Krum's girlfriend) into the wall. Krum then attacks Harry (albeit with a disarming spell). There is a huge amount of hostility, hormones and all around dislike flying around here. And the characters are all teenagers. It's unrealistic (IMHO) for Harry and Krum to resolve their issue within 5 minutes. That's all.

    No. They are working together specifically because the transformation is too dangerous to attempt alone. Kira's purpose in being there is to turn Calypso back if something like the forced transformation occurred. It's not a fault of Calypso's arrogance that Kira chose to laugh at her troubles rather than assist her like she was there to do. Not helping someone who could die, when half their reason you are there is to help them in such a situation, is unforgivable.
  5. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
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    I'm out of thumbs up, but so much this. Though I don't think he'd start a fight, even a worded one, he would sure as hell argue back. He'd tell Victor that his girlfriend is a sadistic bitch, consequences be damned. Or tell him that his girlfriend made no move to help while Calypso was dying, or at least getting damaged beyond reparation. I agree with tenages on that one.
    On the other hand, it's The Santi's story, and he decided what Harry would or wouldn't do.
  6. Random Shinobi

    Random Shinobi Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    I'm not really defending Kira here - she is one crazy bitch for doing what she did, but I would like you to explain how using potentially lethal magic on your classmate is any less unforgivable. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    Of course not, Kira should have helped her. This, however, in no way changes the fact that it was stupid of her to even try.
  7. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I, for one, liked Kira's reaction. She's like a second Bellatrix in making, which is cool in my books as long as in the end Harry will tame her for his own personal use. ;)
  8. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
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    She reminds me a lot more of Sirius Black, actually, with Calypso being an analogue of Snape.
  9. Parac

    Parac First Year

    Aug 3, 2008
    Quidditch would be a death sentence if magical people weren't.. magical. Getting hit in the head with a bludger at top speed shouldn't even allow to the "awesome magical healing" to come into effect as death should be nearly instant.

    That said, taking into account the sheer damage people in HP can take the odds of Kira even getting injured are very very low. About the same as people in the DA/Lockhhart's (as well as the Lockhart vs. Snape fight) dueling club dying. So about zero.

    Kira is to blame for her actions, as she did nothing. Nothing being opposed to what they even learned how to reverse animagus transformations for. Opposed to what she was supposed to do.

    Harry's teachers respectfully disagree, considering he got the book on his 12th birthday.

    What happened was that Calypso set off her transformation, just like Kira was trying to do. The logical part is that someone might run into previously mentioned issues, such as fucked up transformations. But that only stretches to the point where Calypso fucked up. The rest was not logical in the slightest.

    I suppose cultural differences cannot be overstated.

    Taure said it pretty well, imo, especially if you take into consideration that it was Kira's damn duty to do something. Sort of like paramedics appearing at a sports event at school for safety reasons only to turn around and laugh at the poor bastard who broke his leg.

    Though I suppose there is no point arguing. I simply cannot comprehend anyone civilized doing this out of petty little spite. Like I said earlier with the examples in regards to Draco, what happened doesn't ring any bell for me except "psychopath". Judging by the outrage of some people it's the same for some others, at least.

    On the other hand there are people arguing that it's Calypso's fault, and/or all cool. (Which I cannot comprehend in the slightest, either. The only bell that rings would be "whiteknighting".)

    If comprehension is impossible despite repeated attempts then there is no point in talking about it anymore. It will just end up being TFF, and I figure we have all given ample feedback about this specific subject to Santi.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2010
  10. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    You mean in this situation or all together? Because I can see some parallels with the whole werewolf event (doing something without thinking about repercussion), but aside of that I can't see any more analogues.
  11. Tenages

    Tenages Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 19, 2010
    Philadelphia, USA
    I don't grant your premise. Nobody in the room seemed concerned the Kira would die. Be injured maybe but not die. He threw her into a bookcase. That's hardly using potentially lethal magic on her.

    And to address Harry's 'fear of losing his friends'. I think everyone's overstating this. He was willing to fight with his brother when thought was in the right. He was willing to end his friendship with Calypso when he thought she was spying. Harry appreciates and likes his friends, sure. But I see no indication that he's willing to defer to them just because of this.

    I just re-read the scene. Harry comes off as a dog being scolded by his owner in the conversation with Viktor. He hangs his head, appears ashamed of himself for disappointing Viktor, etc. Then his 'eyes widen' and he seems afraid when Viktor threatens him. I just don't buy it. Viktor has been shown to be by and large a duffer at magic, while Harry is a prodigy. I've seen no indication anywhere else that Harry should fear Viktor's abilities. The whole scene with Viktor just irks me.

    But we've all beaten this to death so let's agree to disagree.
  12. greywizard-dumblemort

    greywizard-dumblemort Fourth Year

    Apr 4, 2009
    I agree that Harry conceded a bit too easily to Krum but it also isn't entirely unrealistic. I like it.

    Harry's got values and overall is a pretty moral guy. Unfortunately, just like in real life, there are times when that can work against you.

    In the same way Harry's values tell him Kira should have helped someone in pain and in desperate need, they also tell him 'at the end of the day I was wrong to magically assault her considering she didn't hurt me and she wasn't the one that hurt Calypso'. Krum compounds on any guilt Harry might have been feeling by making the point that without his cushioning charm Harry could have seriously hurt or killed his girl. I don't think Santii has to change the scene.

    With respect to Kira, I'm not sure what she's done is unrealistic either (I'm not going to debate the ethics).

    Like Blaise, I don't believe she would have allowed Calypso to die- I think she was just being a cruel bitch, making the most of the opportunity for lulz with a (mostly) clear conscience.

    See, her worst enemy isn't really great at transfiguration but she's trying to force the transformation anyway (in Kira's head:rolleyes:- clearly an attempt to show off). An attempt that ends in disaster and a considerable amount of pain and humiliation (she's transforming into a hideous beast, lulz) for said enemy and best of all Kira didn't have to lift a finger. Considering the antagonism between them I can't imagine Calypso would have been quick to lend a hand either. Someone made the point about how quickly the process was reversed without even any lingering pain and I think this is a key point though Kira was still undoubtedly cruel in her actions.

    Its funny how realistically Santi manages to make these characters, even unintentionally. The feelings, the emotional bias, its all there. Calypso was the cause of her own pain in her haste, but it wasn't nearly as fun for Harry as a hated classmate enduring the Cruciatus- it was his own fault afterall.

    Anyways, keep it up Santi. This fic is easily an all time favourite.

    Oh... there was one more thing (though I feel its a bit nitpicky)

    This makes Harry seem more concerned with being right than the well being of his brother. Maybe its intentional, he's not perfect, ne?
  13. Rin

    Rin Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that The Santi is setting up the beginning of the end of Viktor's and Kira's relationship. Although this is an AU, Harry's presence had nothing to do with whether Viktor and Kira getting together in the first place, so it stands to reason that they will eventually break up and then 4th-year will feature Viktor courting Hermione with a clear conscience.
  14. wolve

    wolve First Year

    Jul 11, 2009
    On the other hand this huge bitch fest about the latest chapter might be over nothing, as the author pointed out that he wrote this in a Hurry and had it betaed in a day, which means that in a month when he gets back here we'll probably see the cliche bashing removed and the Kira-Calypso shit either toned to a lower level or Harry's reaction toned up a bit with regard to Krum's bitching.

    Well as long as the fic is completed someday with the quality not dipping too much I'll be a happy camper.
  15. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    @Santi: Finished now, and yeah, the same I said regarding the Animagi-potion applies here. The sentence that stands out is the one about shocks and coma patients, the rest is fine; but you probably knew that yourself.

    @thread: Regarding Kira: Yes, she is a bitch. We knew that already. I like it. Moral event horizon theses in this case are nonsense.

    @Santi: Kira worked in fact very well in terms of in-character-ness. Harry sending her flying made sense, as did Viktor's reaction. On the other hand, the talk worked as well, only not for this set-up :p

    IMHO, I don't think you can keep both. If you want the talk to play out the way it does, you have to tone down Kira, to make Harry's reaction actually appear over the top, since it isn't now. Or if you want to keep the set-up with Kira, you have to make Harry stick to his reaction, because it was appropriate. And the matter wasn't so much that she insulted Calypso, as Viktor says, but that she did so after not resp. instead of helping her, and that was when Harry snapped. As of right now, Viktor's missing that point in their argument entirely.

    If this plays out the way it did here, Harry needs to point that out to him, and defend his action.

    @wolve: This thread is WBA. Thus, the obvious rules apply and your attitude doesn't.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2010
  16. justbrowsing

    justbrowsing Seventh Year

    May 17, 2009
    I have to say, I've never seen anyone completely miss the point of WBA as wolve has.

    This chapter will definitely be improved thanks to the comments and suggestions of previous posters, whether or not all of them are listened to and/or followed.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2010
  17. Blazzano

    Blazzano Unspeakable

    Aug 6, 2009
    Putting minor changes aside, I'm hoping that the basic tone of the scene doesn't change too much. Santi might not have consciously thought it through this way, but as greywizard said, somehow these moments of softness at Harry's core do lend a bit of an organic feel to the character.

    Please don't yield too much to the consensus in this specific instance, Santi. The consensus is basically laying out a smooth path to forge Harry into a tremendous badass, but IMO, it shouldn't be smooth. He's a guy with few friends who isn't even high school age yet. At this stage in his development, it's all right for him to act a certain way and then second guess himself, and I think that's the way to go here. I say keep him apologetic in the conversation with Krum, and then after Krum leaves, you can have him run through it again, and (maybe) make a vow not to take shit like that again.
  18. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:
    This thread has me fascinated. I always find it funny when people get upset/personally angry at characters in a story (for instance, Jigo, you were really yelling at your screen? REALLY?).

    In regards to the chapter itself - good, not great. I think the fic's going in an interesting direction, but to honest I've been a bit, well, not hugely interested in the animagus section. I'm sure it's going somewhere and I'm pretty sure there's an intended payoff, but right now it feels like a large portion of what we've gotten recently has been filler.

    Sesc hit it on the head regarding Kira, so there's not much left to cover there.
  19. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    If you really want to change the scene, Viktor being just a few seconds behind Harry, enough for Harry to fix Calypso, but still seeing him attacking Kira should work.

    @thread: I don't see what the Cruciatus fuss is about. Rosier is a fucking teacher. He's bound to have heard the most ridiculous things from his students.

    I completely agree with you.
  20. silverlasso

    silverlasso Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Dec 7, 2007
    San Francisco
    I thought it was a decent update overall, though it felt more like filler than some of the other updates. Personally, I'm not bothered by Rosier's Cruciatus speech...I'm not sure why so many people find it jarring.

    Sesc wins regarding Kira.

    I wonder what Calypso's Animagus form is (I can't help but think of a hyena for some reason), and whether it was specifically influenced at that moment by her emotions at the time. Probably not, but it seems like it could be interpreted like that.
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