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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. DarkAizen

    DarkAizen Professor DLP Supporter

    Dec 5, 2007
    So, I got this idea of a Harry Potter/Percy Jackson crossover :

    After the battle with the Titans and Percy's choice, the gods settle the punishment of the three lesser gods that fought against them : Morpheus , Hecate and another one I cant remember.

    Anyway, Morpheus and the other God blame Kronos, saying they were bewitched in fighting against Olympus, that sorcery was used against them, and that Hecate used this 'charmspeak' against them.

    As a result Morpheus and Whats-His-Name escape grave punishment and after a vote of the Gods, Hecate is stripped of her godhood and sent to Tartarus.

    With Hecate gone, and no other god of magic, the magical world disappears in a cloud of golden sparks(Like the monsters when killed).

    Only one wizard remains : Harry Potter, Master of Death.

    Harry after 1 chapter of angst and "Was it all a dream? " stage starts having dreams about a cave. There he finds Prometheus who tells him what happened. Prometheus tries to steer Harry towards revenge against the gods, but Harry being Harry just want everything to be back to normal. Prometheus tells him that the only way is to become a God and get them back from Tartarus .

    To do so (Here I'm just guessing ) , one must have a majority vote from the Gods and to prove himself a hero.

    Prometheus then says that the only way to that is through trickery and deceit. That Harry's goal should be to have as only 3 gods present at the winter/summer solstice and be in the favor of two of them.

    To do so he must capture the other 8 gods: with the use of Hephaistos's chair(Hera) , Medusa's Head(Aprodite), ( I was thinking in to tricking Ares and Hephaistos into a fight over Afrodite) and helping a Titan(Calypso or Atlas) eat a god or two.

    So, Is it plausible? Would anyone be interested in reading such a story?
  2. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    I tried writing this but couldn't, so if anyone wants give it a try...

    Opening Scene
    Ministry Court Room, Harry in a chair tied with magical resistors or something. Charges: Cruciatus on Malfoy (I would have killed him but would be too OOC for now).

    When asked "How do you plead?"
    Reply "Guilty"

    Sent to Azkaban (for x years or life? Your choice.)

    This is the prologue. Obviously more content needs to be added but that is the crux.

    Chapter 1: Flashback
    End of third year. Harry wakes up in hospital wing. The time turner trip never happened. When he asks Dumbledore what will happen now, he is told that he was taken back to Azkaban and is scheduled to be kissed in a month.

    Harry tries to make people believe he is innocent but fails. Only option is to break him out. He tries to form a plan but it is impossible to do from outside. So he has to get caught.

    Create an elaborate break out plan or something. My idea was that Azkaban anti-Portkey wards, if taken down will reform in 5 seconds. Cue in, a mechanism to attack the said wards at some specific time. Portkeys of a second after the said time to be smuggled inside the prison and one given to Sirius. Just giving the portkey to Sirius would be difficult since he is under guard all the time now.

    Once break out successful, cue in a countrywide manhunt while Triwizard tournament starts in Hogwarts.


    And yeah, I ripped of the TV series Prison Break.
  3. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Plot bunny for one-shot.

    Basic premise: The power He Knows Not is indeed Love.

    Must end with "And Harry hugged the Dark Lord to death". (can be paraphrased)
  4. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    It has been done, sort of. The story probably has been read by most people here, even though the author isn't the best, and neither is the story. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5835213/2/The_Marriage_Contracts_Redux

    This passage is halfway through the 'new' chapter 2.

    Neville opened his mouth to speak, but paused and closed it again. "I suppose I can. It goes with the whole story, though, so be sure you keep it to yourself."

    Dumbledore happily agreed.

    "The power was, as you had guessed, love."

    The headmaster hid his shock. "Ah," he said, stroking his long white beard.

    "After Harry and I fought our way through Voldemort's inner circle, we came upon him in a kind of throne room. Voldemort was totally enraged, like the trapped animal he was. I actually felt pity for him, but I wasn't sure what to do. I was fairly messed up from my fight with Bellatrix. I couldn't believe it when Harry put away his wand. As Voldemort threw curse after curse at us, Harry walked towards him with his arms out stretched. All of Voldemort's magic dissipated around Harry, even killing curses. When Harry finally reached Voldemort, he actually pulled the snake faced bastard into a hug. I couldn't believe it. Then Voldemort broke down crying. As he sobbed for all he had given up, all he had lost for no reason, his dark magic that sustained him fled, and Harry was left with a dying Tom Riddle in his arms. Voldemort didn't last long, but he was finally at peace."

    Dumbledore stared in shock. "Neville my boy, that's quite astonishing. I have long believed in the power of forgiveness, but I believe only Harry, once Voldemort's intended victim, could have done such a thing."

    Now it was Neville's eyes that widened. "You mean you really bought that shit? Merlin's massive member, Headmaster, you've been listening to your own press for so long you've really rotted your brain if you believe Harry hugged a dark lord to death."

    Neville walked away shaking his head and muttering about delusional old men as Dumbledore stared after him gobsmacked.
  5. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    And here I thought this would be original ...
    However, I'd love to see this tackled by one of the writers here who channel the awesome(phrase not mine). It would be epic.
  6. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    A little idea, that I'm pretty sure someone already wrote.

    Take every cliche from Independent and Dark Harry fics - manipulating!Dumbledore, stolen Potter's money, a random mentor who trains Harry and explains to him that Dark Arts are not dark, Weasleys are evil and so on, only to reveal in the end that everything was a lie prepared by Voldemort to control Harry and use him to take down Albus.
  7. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Or even better by Dumbledore in a last ditch attempt to get Harry to pull his finger out.

    What's better than Dumbledore's manipulations? Dumbledore's meta-manipulations.
  8. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Rumbleroar's. AND they're on Mars.
  9. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    And they are manipulated by Malfoy who in turn is manipulated by Ron who is manipulated by Ginny who is manipulated by Malfoy jr. who is manipulated by Voldemort who works for Dumbledore who is manipulated by Underpants Gnome who are controlled by the Crab People who are dressed as Marklars. :awesome
  10. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    Yeah... no.

    In other news for some reason I was inspired by Taure's ficlet to explore the consequences of the breaking of the Statute of Secrecy during WW2, by Grindelwald to further his own ends.

    I'm very fuzzy on WW2, it's never been my favorite area of study so I might move most of the action to after the fall of Germany.

    Anyway in this hypothetical situation, Grindelwald started integrating wizards into his fighting force completely fucking over traditional ideas of warfare. Unfortunately he miscalculated; now that he's opened the door anyone can come out of the closet. Paris never falls because French wizards wreak havoc on any attempt to take the city through traditional means so Grindelwald destroys (am I the only one who thinks this came from an enembee fic?) most of the french countryside and tries to force a surrender, only to find that most of the city has been put under some variation of the Fidelius charm.

    Thus begins a war of attrition, wizards leading battalions of Muggles fighting all over the globe, cities destroyed, the world on the brink of total collapse. Then suddenly, Grindelwald withdraws. It's believed that the constant battles were eroding his power base with wiard kind, the only thing keeping him in power since the majority of Muggles were feeling oppressed and used.

    This is the point the story takes place in; a few years after a sort of cold war settles in. There are flare-ups but it's widely accepted that both sides are looking for a more efficient war to kill the other. I thought it would be a more political story. The magical states demanded sovereignty in exchange for their help against Grindelwald and despite all the misgivings the fear of the time allows them to form their own states on government soil. (It also brings up an interesting question; would a Soviet Union with no limitations in terms of economy or bad standard of life have fallen?)

    Wizards discover a charm that can successfully neutralize nuclear weapons and demand for curse-breakers is high, so high that they charge exorbitant prices. The government tries to reign them in with laws that force them to trade at extremely low prices, alleging that the prices of production are non-existent. The curse-breakers and enchanters go on strike, lead by one man (whose name I'm too fucked to make up right now) and form their own union. The Union refuses to create any enchantments until any law controlling the price tag of magical items and services is removed and placed into the hands of the Wizengamot. It's very helpful to their cause that all previously enchanted items suddenly stop working. They get their wish and the Union is cemented as a political power in it's own right; although in a few years they begin to decline in influence after shield charms become wide spread. They still manage to use their financial wealth to manipulate things.I picture them kinda like the Spacing Guild, but far less powerful since they no longer provide vital resources.

    Purebloods carve out their own fiefdoms after they're allowed to keep their land. Many keep "servants" (payed, to avoid messy political issues). But seeing as these houses were only visitable to those the Purebloods wished to see, combined with their increasing skill at mind wipes, no one ever figured out what the hell happened to the people who chose to work for them for a specific period of time.

    So the Anti-Human Rights Abuse Commission is formed, a joint venture, designed to sniff out wrong-doing and punish it. However it was abused, many political enemies of the rich and powerful ended up being branded slavers and were then thrown at the mercy of the Wizengamot, a group populated by those same rich and powerful enemies.

    Shrugging off pressure to adopt a more democratic system of government. The British ministry helps fuel a western-wide push for suffrage for Muggleborns. The House of Lord suffers in the stead of the Wizengamot. Being almost totally disbanded. Muggle rights activists band together and form Coalition for the Proliferation of Muggle Rights (I suck at these acronyms). And realising that between the Union and the Purebloods who run the Wizengamot and those too afraid to stand up lest them be implicated as slavers their goals can only get through the thick heads of the elite by being hammered in. Terrorist activities begin taking place in all Wizard-run or magic-integrated buildings in Britain, like magical power plants or the jet-building facilities or the animal breeding grounds.

    All the while Grindelwald has remained silent, shoring up his power base and weeding out the spies and operatives of the other side.

    Yeah,basically a political story in the vein of Of Blacks and Malfoys with commies and Grindelwald. A study of how things would have turned out.

    I basically wanted to get it down and see how it looked to other eyes. If it seems good I might go through with it and expand on it.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010
  11. Tenages

    Tenages Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 19, 2010
    Philadelphia, USA
    Wasn't this already done pretty well by someone? I swear I've read this and liked it. Anyone have a clue as to the name of the story?


    Thanks Celestin. Neglected to favorite it at the time.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010
  12. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Dumbledore's Final Trick by Jarem.
  13. b0b3rt

    b0b3rt Backtraced

    Sep 28, 2010
    Idea for oneshot:
    Dumbledore having a discussion with somebody (doesn't have to be Harry) about how he overlooks certain things in the school (or elsewhere) because people assume that he already knows everything. Probably during HBP if he's talking to Harry, but otherwise it can be in any time frame.
  14. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Not really a plot bunny, but an idle thought; we've all seen manipulative!Dumbledore fic's where he's set up a marriage contract to the Weasleys for Harry/Ginny or/and Hermione/Ron due to some odd and usually cliche reason (money, inheritance, Ron being a git, wanting Hermione so 'Harry couldn't have her', etc) and the 'love potion' angle with Harry/Ginny and/or Hermione/Ron, but I don't think I've seen one where that -seeing as Hermione is one of Harry's greatest support bases/sources of aid as canon!Dumbledore admitted in Deathly Hallows- he sets up a contract/potion plot for an unwitting Hermione and Harry, or for another woman that he feels would aid/support Harry in his -ultimately concluded to be sacrificial- quest (ranging from Tonks, to Fleur, to even Hestia).

    On a side note, if anyone knows of any decent stories that have that sort of plot angle/plot element, would you please let me know?

    (I remember reading one on AFF where Tonks and Harry are forced to marry in order to keep the Black family fortune out of the Malfoy family's -and by proxy, Death-Eater/Voldemort's- hands, and it sort of struck me as being a bit of fresh air in this sort of cliched plot angle corner).

    A rough, plot shaped blob line of thought:

    Something causes Harry and Hermione's evolution to change from baseline humanity, causing mutations in their bodies/magic.

    Humans have had a shit ton of things that have been gradually phased out of our current incarnation through either simple evolution or natural selection: tails, masses of body hair, second eyelids, an extra pair of ribs, controllable tissue around the ears that allow directional ear control, the mysterious appendix, etc.

    What if these changes started happening to Harry/Hermione, causing them to 'evolve/mutate' in tandem? Obviously it'd end up as Harry/Hermione in the end, but initially -and gradually the 'relationships'/seeds for the pairings die over the course of the plot due to factors such as the characters questions their very own humanity etc- it's based towards Hermione/Ron (since, apparently and rather bizarrely, she's had feelings for him since second year and the years following) and Harry/Ginny (the latter crushing/obsessing over Harry for years, the former -for some odd reason- finding himself attracted to her in the sixth year time-frame (due to poor planning on JKR's part).

    Time-frame? Hell knows, but the Second Wizarding War with them at Hogwarts would be the best one, in my humble opinion. Fourth year with the Tri-wizard tournament, thickening the plot by salvaging/meshing it with the book's plotline?

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  15. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    Wait, I'm confused; are these two seperate plot bunnies or one long one?

    Also, for the first part of your post: no. They're cliches for a reason. Dumbledore doesn't need a love potion to weave a web of trust and support around Harry and his friends. Also the problem with using fanon cliches is that they're based on fanon assumptions. It just doesn't seem like Dumbledore's style and can in fact backfire terribly. We see how irrational Harry can be when it comes to his friends do you really want him walking around lovestruck? At the first sign of trouble he's rushing out, wand drawn.

    You want a relationship? Build one, I can see Dumbledore subtly pushing Harry and Girl X together there's no need to resort to potions, which can't even create love in the first place.

    On the second part of your post: Wut? That sounds like the creepiest thing to read ever, and there's not really anything behind it it just seems to be:" Hey guys, wouldn't it be cool if Harry's jap's eye could actually blink?". There seems to be no way for that to improve or add to any plot.

    That said, I really do want controllable ears; it would really add a whole new dimension to communication.
  16. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    I mentioned this once before, here (or somewhere), in response to some comment or other, but there was a challenge posted on Potter's Place 3 back in the day, that very tangentially resembles this (in one way).

    The challenge was called "Revolution;" in it, Hermione is permanently changed into some form of catgirl by the Polyjuice Potion mishap in second year.

    It's specifically mentioned that this isn't supposed to be an excuse to turn Hermione into an anime catgirl. Instead, it's an opportunity to give her some benefits of being a partial feline (hearing, night vision, agility, and so on) while plaguing her with problems like relearning how to speak properly or handle her wand with her altered anatomy, or avoid being killed because she has no rights anymore, et cetera.

    Her already abysmal social situation takes a nose dive, the Ministry declares her a Magical Creature, and not only tries to confiscate her "magical assets" and remove her from school, but also attempts to cart her off to the DOM for study.

    For the unimaginative, "study" probably means being probed, molested, subjected to perfectly sane "stress tests" (which, if you've watched Elfin Lied, include being chained to a wall and having cannon balls fired at your head), before being crossbred with a nundu the size of a lorry... and whatever is left after that gets dissected.

    Dumbledore, being a real peach, blows most of his political clout in order to keep Hermione in school and out of the Unspeakables' specimen jars, instead of the usual fanfic plot of drugging her into a relationship with Ron (far-fetched, I know).

    The sole part that is reminiscent of your bunny is that, during third year, Hermione is informed that she is so far removed from normal humans now, that she can no longer reproduce with them. Harry gets wind of this, decides he can't let Hermione go through all of this alone, and recreates the Polyjuice accident, more or less turning himself into the same thing Hermione is (doubtless, Molly and Ginny have kittens upon hearing the news, and the world implodes in a fit of catastrophic irony).

    Of course, bearing in mind the Wizarding World's treatment of non-human sentient beings, you can imagine how they both get treated. Fudge, specifically, uses this as an opportunity to try and dump on Harry in as many ways as he possibly can, even stripping his family fortune from him.

    However, the challenge stipulates that, while Harry is a big enough martyr to deform himself for friendship (and so he can help Hermione have even bushier Granger babies than previously thought possible), he's not a big enough putz to think he'll be treated well after he drinks the magical Kool-Aid (much tastier than Crabbe and Goyle?), so he cleverly moves his wealth to the muggle world before embarking on the next great "furry little problem."

    Dumbledore is pretty much all out of political favors after helping Hermione, so by the time Harry follows in her paw prints, the old man's of about as much use as tits on a boar hog (in other words, he's of as much real use against the Ministry as canon Dumbledore).

    The end result of this is that Harry and Hermione are both reclassified as Magical Creatures and no longer have any rights under the law. Malfoy could use the Killing Curse on them in the great hall and would only get in trouble if the bodies ended up with their elbows in a butter dish. In the event that they were accused of a crime, they'd get no trial, and could be sentenced to "destruction" by a sensitive bloke like Macnair (a man for whom "axe deodorant" means, "something that keeps your bloody axe from stinking like dead critters").

    On the bright side, this means they are no longer bound by any laws that normally apply to wizards and witches (until the Ministry wises up and rewrites the laws). This means they can ignore underage magic laws, apparate without registering or waiting until they're of age, and don't have to report abilities like animagus forms (and you've gotta figure, as cat people, they're at least halfway to a feline animagus form without even trying).

    It is mentioned that their physical changes would make the other magical beings more receptive to Harry and Hermione, in terms of cooperation and forming alliances, so we can assume that explains the reason the challenge was titled "Revolution," but other than that there is no explanation of the title.

    Of course, it doesn't take a veteran fic reader to see that, in terms of revolution, this could end in any number of ways, from Harry and Hermione turning other nations against the racist pricks in Wizarding Britain's government, to Harry and Hermione sitting on skull thrones in the former Ministry building, while deposed minister, Cornelius, is convinced by angry centaurs to pack in his Fudge surname, in exchange for being dubbed Mr. Pink-Sock.

    Ultimately, the challenge was meant to explore themes of friendship and discrimination, but (as far as I know) no one even took up the challenge (ignoring the 'no anime' clause) to use it as an excuse to turn Hermione into a stereotypical nekomimi.

    They didn't list my particular favorite: Milk Lines.

    The explanation for these, if you consider the theory of evolution to be an idea with some degree of merit, is that they're from the days when we, as a species, had rows of nipples (like many other mammals).

    If you're a hard core creationist, I guess the explanation is that whatever entity Intelligently Designed us, got embarrassed that it gave humans multiple rows of nipples, since it had already used that tired old gimmick on shitloads of other mammals. So, it decided to only give us two nipples, but left the milk lines in out of sheer laziness. :awesome
    I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a mammalian species would exhibit this trait, but I find it weird nonetheless.

    Ripley's Believe It or Not style weird.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  17. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    The former is not really a plot bunny; just 'food for thought', and the latter is just a rough idea that might not have any merit at all.

    I pretty much suck at articulating my posts and my points - that's what I was trying to sum up about fanon assumptions and cliches, and I was merely using the 'potion cliche' that plagues many Harry/Ginny storylines as an example. We see so many potion storylines with H/G and Hr/R (with the latter parties sometimes being unaware) being used as pawns for 'The Greater Good' or for some plot to gain the fanon "Potter Inheritence", but rarely one where Harry is forced together with Hermione and vice versa for different reasons. It's always Ginny/Harry and/or Ron/Hermione.

    For storyline plots such as those, there are hardly any variations upon the basic cliches used by many authors.

    Storylines like that are just about as rare as Dumbledore being controlled like a puppet by a certain evil Divinations Professor, or by an evil Professor Flitwick.

    Rough shaped plot bunny for a reason, and as for creepy, I was trying to go for something a little "offbase" and intriguing compared to conventional storylines/story structures.

    Evolution has basically stripped us of many, possibly advantageous traits and abilities such as tails and directional hearing. I was thinking that as the storyline went on, something -sentient or not- is causing those traits to redevelop in Harry and Hermione, in reverse, whilst skipping/ignoring the traits which would be a hinderence, eg, taking the best of the discarded evolutionary traits as the evolutionary highway is traversed backwards, and adapt them onto the characters' bodies. As the highway is continiously traversed backwards and as the genetic line passes that of primates and into our more distant ancestors (such as reptiles), other abilities/traits such as extra ribs and scales and such start coming into play gradually, until Harry and Hermione don't even resemble anything basically human anymore.

    I actually think I read a story based upon that somewhere on ff.net, but it veered close to "anime clone"/cheese territory.

    Also, the main theme of that idea/plot challenge is seemingly restricted to felines, like a hybrid: I was thinking more of them traversing the evolutionary highway in reverse, taking useful traits from each leap in evolution, from initially primates to all the way back up to humanities more distant ancestors, like reptiles.

    Could those be considered useful or detrimental traits, though? If there was an intelligence/sentience behind Harry and Hermione's sudden 'evolution', would they include them if they're not advantageous in some way to their ultimate goal? (Of which, I have no idea).
  18. b0b3rt

    b0b3rt Backtraced

    Sep 28, 2010
    An idea for a plot bunny I'm surprised I haven't seen yet:
    HP/His Dark Materials crossover.
    This is easy given that HDM is a multiverse.
    Tweak the way Spectres work a little bit and you have Dementors.
    Daemons can be the equivalent of souls, which seems to be true even in canon.
    I would ignore both Horcruxes and Deathly Hallows, as they don't really do much for either world.
  19. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    A little idea I had: In the first book they talked about that unicorn blood keeps the drinker alive no matter how close they are to dead, but in exchange gave them a cursed life. Thats logical, but what is the Curse? How is the drinker life cursed? Eternal bad luck? He doesn't get the 70 virgins only 13?
  20. Grubdubdub

    Grubdubdub Supreme Mugwump

    Feb 22, 2008
    What's your point?
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