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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    Does no one take the piss out of the Irish anymore?

    I want to see a Daily Prophet article about a family of pureblood irish magic folk, who's magic carpet mysteriously gave out and crashed into a cemetery; and how police have so far recovered 658 bodies...
  2. EinStern

    EinStern Seventh Year

    May 25, 2010
    ... Oh dear.

    Notice-me-Not charms gone hilariously totally-not-hilariously wrong? :)
  3. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    I read two quotes today that just inspired me, not in the sense of an actual plot bunny, but just that I want to see stories with that particular plot be written. Only one should be in this thread so...

    I wonder what a future with Voldemort would be like. Instead of mechano-deathbots you would get crazy magical creature like Dementors running crazy- where Voldemort wanted them to.

    Granted there would be none of the constant fights with Voldemort, but I think a Voldemort who's been in charge for a few decades would be far more cautious if Harry all of a sudden showed up in his utopia.

    EDIT: I would love to see Voldemort having an arrangement with the heavy-hitting supernaturals -who I'd probably have to make up) where they can have entire swaths of land if they keep to it and don't cause trouble, kinda like Sauron's unspoken agreement with Shelob. He could throw them scraps and loose them on the people and places he hated most.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
  4. Verse of Darkness

    Verse of Darkness Denarii Host

    May 29, 2006
    Not necessarily a plot bunny, but why does Slytherin have to house ALL the Blood Purist? Shouldn't you have your share of Blood Purist in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff too? Albeit they won't be dark sympathizers, but still.

    A well done Hufflepuff!Harry. Not a pussified Harry either just because of the House, but at the same time not some I-Don't-Wanna-Be-In-Slytherin-Because-Of-Etc. Still could have House Politics, but the Puffs are underrated! >O May be bit of a contradiction though. =X
  5. Tenages

    Tenages Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 19, 2010
    Philadelphia, USA
    I fail to comprehend why these blood purists outside of Slytherin necessarily wouldn't be dark sympathizers. There is absolutely no reason that all of those who sympathize with Voldemort and his aims have to be restricted to Slytherin. None. (see Pettigrew, Peter). I feel like I'm paraphrasing a thousand shitty fics right now, but Slytherin doesn't mean evil blood purists.

    tl;dr Of course Slytherin doesn't have to house all the Blood Purists. Likewise not all Voldemort supporters need to be in Slytherin. I thought in better fics that was well established these days.
  6. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    This. It is incredibly frustrating that a ton of fics don't even recognize that this movement which is supposed to encompass all of high society only takes place in one house. Stupid.

    Also, heres one plot bunny that I am planning on writing, but please tell me if its been done (probably) or how you think it could be improved.

    Two years before the start of the canon books, The Burrow collapses. The old house's magics unexpectedly crumble, and the violent decompressing and crash that follows kills half of the Weasley family. Arthur and Bill are working, and so survive, and by pure chance Ron and George were outside when it happened. Molly, Percy, Charlie (who hasn't left for Romania yet), Fred and Ginny (Yes!) all die.

    The broken family left behind has to continue on, but radically changed. Arthur focuses on the Muggle world, becoming head of his department and losing himself in work. Bill takes on the role of surrogate protector, trying to hold the family together. George acts out, his pranking becoming more and more malicious. Ron however, actually comes out a more stable person. His loss pushes home the need to enjoy his life before its all taken away. His two goals in life are to protect his family and not waste his life.

    Enter Harry Potter, a sly, intelligent child unable to trust after years of neglect (not abuse. No cliches here - no beatings or starving, just neglect). He and Ron are paired in every class, and so begins Harry's introduction to the family he never had - a screwed up, codependent, small family that will eventually come to accept him as their own.

    I really hate how the Weasleys have been screwed by JKR - they are annoying wastes with a few cool moments. Ron in particular could have been so much more and I intend to give him that. This is the Weasleys as they should have been - cautious, insular, ruthless to their enemies and protective to their own.

    So what do you think?

    Edit: Also, link to other fics like this? a little research never goes astray.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
  7. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    Blood purity eh?
    Harry gets sorted in to Slytherin and due to his horrible upbringing, introduces the purebloods to the joys of sharing needles and giving them all Hep C.
    Could HIV be the power the dark lord knows not?

    I like the premise, and have read a few fics that attempt it.
    Few succeed though, and I wish you luck.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011
  8. Tomatta

    Tomatta Seventh Year

    Jun 10, 2010
    I fucking love it. Be incredible if it showed Voldemorts POV aswell. Harry would be the bad guy (even though he's good) which is a nice twist. I assume society would be happy under Voldemort in that time.
  9. Bikiluf

    Bikiluf Seventh Year

    Jan 12, 2009
    LoL, no matter how bad your upbringing is you're not going to be sharing needles by the time you're eleven. Other drugs are fair game though, weed, mushrooms, lsd, MDMA... It would be cool to see a fic that explained their effects on wizards.
  10. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    Some of them will be. I'll probably have to set it Pre- Battle of Hogwarts because, quite frankly, I don't see myself writing a story like that with everyone interesting on Voldemort's side dead or neutered.

    So yeah, blood supremacists will be very happy.
  11. Tomatta

    Tomatta Seventh Year

    Jun 10, 2010
    You shouldn't have wasted time replying, go write now :awesome
  12. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Hmm, after reading 'Ruinous' by Gabriel Blessing (whose characterizations of the Chaos Gods is pretty accurate/spot on, despite their 'redesigned' origins), I really have the urge to write a Harry Potter story with the same, redesigned origins for the Chaos Gods.

    Premise is simple: Harry is contacted by Tzeetch, who has taken an interest in him, and makes him an offer to kill Voldemort. The price? He wants the soul-fragments as they'd make good 'trinkets', plus putting Riddle into an eternity of torment. He takes the fragment in Harry's scar as a 'down payment'.

    End result? Harry comes back from post-fifth year completely cold, uncaring and a little unstable, and as the school year goes on, his body slowly decays/transforms into a fuckin' Lich, soul jar and all, so he can study/train more.

    Ol' Dumbles is still dying due to the curse of the ring horcrux, and when he finally realizes what Harry has become around half-way into the school year, he shits himself, especially when the reasoning behind it (read: his failures on Harry) become known to him. Dumbledore's 'grand plan' falls apart.

    In the end, Harry becomes something worse than the Dark Lord, and while he does help bring the wizarding world into a new age of prosperity/advancement, it's also a very dark age. Religion surrounding Tzeetch/the Chaos Gods in general springs up, which was what the end result of the plan was (manipulating Harry into doing this).
  13. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    I'd be more interested in a more...traditional view of the chaos gods than that story's interpretation (which, by the way, I am now going to read because of you.)

    I've only got a vague idea, but Harry ends up unwittingly serving the Lord of Change in one of his thousand faces, then suddenly, he starts to change. I don't mean mentally or magically, but physically. Something like the Brother-Commander of the Soul Drinkers.
  14. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    I really like a lot of the idea, though I had a change to suggest yesterday that I can't recall now. Maybe it was about not killing Charlie or Ginny, although my reasoning for keeping Ginny would not be for a love interest unless it happened to work out that way. I'm not opposed to H/G on principle, I'm merely opposed to badly-written H/G.

    Anyway, in this plot bunny you run the risk of having the surviving Weasleys be a bunch of Gary Stu characters, especially this edition of Ron. Like so many of the posts in this thread, this is less a plot bunny than a point of divergence or premise for an AU. What's needed is a story arc or the actual path of this story.

    I suppose it could be a character piece, but with the AU premise, the characters are newly minted from whole cloth and unrecognizable, so a character piece is a stretch and kind of pointless.

    So anyway, "I like the change" is what I should say. Now where does it go?
  15. PinstripedPajamas

    PinstripedPajamas Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Jul 27, 2010
    I have an idea for a short oneshot that I will never actually get around to writing. I got it after watching Sherlock Holmes (you know, the crappy Robert Downey Jr. one).

    Sherlock is sitting in a teashop in the early 1900's watching the people walk by when he realizes that whenever someone passes by a shop on the other side of the road they seem to avert their eyes and walk by as if it doesn't exist. This is of course the muggle repelling charm on the Leaky Cauldron and Sherlock is just far enough away from it to be unaffected or only slightly.

    Genius that he is, he deduces the existence of magic.

    Of course, it's not that great an idea (and it's not much to go on), but if anyone ever wants to use this in any fashion, go ahead, because I never will.
  16. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    http://forums.darklordpotter.net/showthread.php?t=18049 - mythology help thread.

    Got me thinking, what would be the effect on the potterverse, if the Forgotten Realms pantheon were tasked by Ao, to overseeing it?... and not just the magical world.
    I'd go so far as to say that's even somewhat challenge-worthy of a good author - which naturally counts me out.
  17. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Din't really find it crappy.

    And this plot most likely wouldn't work.

    Holmes is all about "logic". Magic system of Harry Potter defies all logic.

    That was the point of the movie. There is no such thing as magic.
  18. b0b3rt

    b0b3rt Backtraced

    Sep 28, 2010
    Ok, idea.
    In third year, Sirius Black escapes - and he actually was the traitor. Except he's finally repented and escapes to go find Harry.

    Enter the scene in the Shrieking Shack - he drags Ron in as a hostage to get Harry to follow him. Harry and Hermione go in and confront him, and Sirius forces them to listen what he has to say, repenting his sins, etc. Walks in Lupin, having heard most of it, telling him to leave - he doesn't want Ron or anybody else to get hurt, so he doesn't strike the first blow. They argue for a bit, and walks in Snape, who of course attacks Sirius immediately. Sirius escapes on Buckbeak. Earlier during the conversation, Harry decided to continue to correspond with Sirius. He doesn't trust him at all, but he can't just ignore that he was at his mercy for a long period of time and remained alive and unharmed.

    Optional plot element: Peter is alive and is still Ron's rat. He attempts to make a break for it near the beginning of the conversation before he realizes that Sirius probably won't kill him, and Sirius catches him. He doesn't kill him, but can't convince him at all that he feels sorry for what he's done. I'm not sure if this would work because there'd be no rationale for Peter to stay as a rat once Sirius is incarcerated, so it's easier just to have him really dead.

    Sirius goes to Grimmauld Place and puts every protection on it short of the Fidelius Charm, as he can't trust anybody. From there he engages in written correspondence with Harry over the summer and into 4th year. Harry slowly begins to trust him, though it takes a while. Neither Hermione nor Ron trust Sirius at all, but he gives Harry a lot of useful advice for the Tournament (which can be modified, if one wants). At the end, he's at Voldemort's resurrection party, which causes Harry to lose all faith in him, until Sirius engineers a meeting between them (either during the summer after or during fifth year) and swears an Unbreakable Vow to be loyal to Harry over Voldemort. Assume he knows Occlumency for the sake of plot continuity. He also makes Harry the Secret Keeper for his house after this.

    Enter stage left: The Order of the Phoenix. Sirius hears word that they've reformed and after much debate with himself and Harry offers his house and services to them. They figure out how to safely broach the topic with Dumbledore and do so. After some consideration (and Legilimency on Harry), he agrees, secure in the knowledge of the Vow and Harry being the Secret Keeper. Cue meeting with Snape: insta-hatred, and much much worse than in canon. Both believe that the other's true allegiance lies with Voldemort, despite both being double agents..

    Holy shit that's a long plot bunny, and yeah I haven't gotten any further than that. The one thing I haven't figured out completely is why Sirius would have betrayed James and Lily - I obviously can't change the Marauders' back story too much, or he wouldn't have been Secret Keeper in the first place. An idea I had was to use Regulus. Say, Voldemort discovers Regulus' treachery and threatens to kill him if Sirius doesn't join him? It's got to be something morally ambiguous for Harry to even consider forgiving him. The Regulus idea also gives us a chance to keep Regulus alive (and presumably still living in his house), and gives Dumbledore an early start on the Horcruxes with the locket..

    So yeah, thoughts?
  19. Tenages

    Tenages Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 19, 2010
    Philadelphia, USA
    Well you identified this an issue, but its very accurate. There's no reason for Peter to stay as a rat if Sirius is guilty. So he could be dead, or just alive and distant like Remus. If Sirius did betray the Potter's he wouldn't necessarily have still confronted Peter and blown up the street.

    If you're gonna go that way with it, I think it would be better to have Voldemort threaten a love interest, or maybe Andromeda and her family. As portrayed in canon Sirius really didn't like (maybe even loathed) Regulus, and was much closer to James and Lily than to him. I don't find it believable that he would betray James for a family member he didn't like who had willingly joined Voldemort.

    Also, the idea of Sirius being blackmailed into joining Voldemort really doesn't jibe with Sirius rejoining Voldemort later. If he truly had been blackmailed, there's no way that Voldemort would have trusted him enough later to allow him back or give him access to any real information. That's a prime situation to be stabbed in the back and Voldemort would know it. Thus Sirius would be relatively useless as a double agent.
  20. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    Sirius going through two personality shifts- first against the Potters, then against Voldemort. This to me says 'magical influence'. Perhaps Walburga pounced on Sirius right before the end, hitting him with a Black family whammy to force his loyalty. I've seen it done with the Black Family signet in all sorts of bad Harry-Narcissa-Bellatrix fics; why not let the bad guys use it this time?

    If that were the case, Sirius would be torturing himself throughout his incarceration, but the other imprisoned Death Eaters would see him as a hero of sorts. Once he escapes, his former allies might be twice as ruthless in rejecting him due to the betrayal.

    If you're looking for inspiration on this, check out the subplot about Michael Garibaldi in the fourth season of Babylon 5. Brainwashing with magic should be easier and therefore quicker. It all hinges on what he was 'programmed' to do and how long the influence would control his behavior.
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