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Elder Scrolls V

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Seratin, Nov 24, 2010.

  1. Richard

    Richard Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 5, 2006
    It shouldn't be ported over in the first place. I want it to be computer created specifically for computers, not some downgraded version from a Console. PC's have always had Superior games than Consoles in terms of gameplay AND graphics. For instance: GTA3, it had a few affects on the PC that the Console did not have.

    Computer games should be created by computers, not consoles and ported over. I really do find that shit annoying. To me, that's just lazy fuckers that don't want to spend the money on it. 1: They have the money to do it, and they would seriously gain any money lost on this game being sold. WoW was the same way, they gain millions a year just from their $15 a month per person. 2: They have the ability to create the game specifically for PC's.
  2. w1lliam

    w1lliam Groundskeeper

    Mar 29, 2010
    If the game is going to be a port from the current consoles why bother buying the PC version. I have a ps3 and a x360 and like some people have mentioned it looks amazing on these consoles. But it's the replay factor that's the problem for me as I will play the hell out the game, explore everywhere, find all the dragon shouts and just role fucking play. That'll be over a 100 hours, did 50 hours in fallout 3 and 130ish in oblivion, so will not be playing it again for awhile and the stable mods will start appearing at least a month after release. So buy it for the consoles on release or wait till mods come out for the PC and buy it for that.
  3. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I'd wait for the PC version. There's replay factor in the console versions, sure, but the PC version has practically infinite playability solely because of mods.
  4. Richard

    Richard Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 5, 2006
    This is why I don't own a console. You can't mod games on consoles. I think that just sucks. I love modding my games.
  5. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    I don't remember the exact time frame, but more then a hundred 'stable' mods, that while basic, did some pretty great things showed up within the first couple weeks of Oblivion's release. Never underestimate the prowess of gamers with access to the development kit and an itch for modding. Helps a bit that playing god is kinda addictive. I expect to make at least two mods myself within the first day or so.

    It's true that it'll take a while for the really epic stuff to start coming out, but you're usually better off playing through a vanilla copy of the game once anyway.
  6. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    This, totally. The modding community for Elder Scrolls is tryly awesome, plus it's incredibly easy (and fun) to set up your own mods. Also, Styx, vanilla playthrough is fine, but there are plenty of mods for bugfixes, etc. and not content that really improve gameplay even for a vanilla run. Although you're right, many of those will be out very, very soon after the release anyway.
  7. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    Yeah, I know. I generally consider anything that doesn't add content to the game as 'vanilla', since a lot of those fix stuff Bethsoft never got around to. I was suggesting vanilla as opposed to starting off using whatever equivalent to MMM or things like Deadly Reflexes Skyrim will have.
  8. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    Auto-aim for melee and ranged combat.
    Waiting regenerates full health.
    Randomly-generated quests.
    Only three factions - thieves, fighters, and mages.
    Level scaling is back.
    Dungeon and exterior areas lock on the level you first visited them at.
    No attributes.
    No pauldrons.
    No greaves.
    No spellcrafting.
    No levitating.
    No classes.
    No alcohol.
    No vampires.
    No diseases.
    Fox only.
    Final Destination.

    "We're making it tons more accessible" -Todd Howard, Executive Producer of Bethesda.

  9. Psychotic Cat

    Psychotic Cat Chief Warlock

    Jan 3, 2009
    Translation: "We feel that current fans are already hooked well enough, so we instead focused on removing all the things people who hate our previous games didn't like."

    I fucking knew it.

    I fucking knew they'd do this, but I still let them get my hopes up because Skyrim has always been my favorite.
  10. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    The boner I get whenever I click on this thread disappeared with ridiculous speed. No spellcrafting.

    I take small consolation in the fact that in a week or two of release a whole group of modders will make it their personal quest to fix this shit.

    Yeah, I shoulda' known better, my own fucking fault. What I don't get is why they have to lose shit like spellcrafting, why not just keep the stuff in but not make it essential?
  11. sotti

    sotti Guest

    Skyrim is continuing in the same vein as Oblivion, what a shame. Though I'm curious how exactly will the game last 300 hours?
  12. Jericho

    Jericho Sixth Year

    Jan 9, 2011
    Did Howard confirm that in the source or is it just the quote (I can't see the link for whatever reason.)

    I say that because the three factions thing came from him saying there were 'three main factions' in the game, implying that there would be a few more at least.
    Also, the character got a disease from a wolf in one of the E3 demos.

    If all of this was confirmed in the source ignore me but if not don't worry so much.

    EDIT: Also, calling it auto-aim is a bit misleading as the feature implimented is more of a prevention from hitting allies that happened all the fucking time in oblivion. In no way is there an auto-aim system.
    With regards to the leveling they have said how it is based off of the fallout 3 system. Think Old Olney type areas where you will be fucking mauled if you go there low level.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2011
  13. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    lulwut? I just listened tot he entire podcast (before realizing it was from February 3rd, towards the end of the interview it was mentioned that there were nine months left to wait, sorta tipped me off) and pretty much none of that was mentioned. Did you link to the wrong page, or are you trolling?

    Here's what I got from it (written down in notepad at it went):

    no spears

    perks include 'swords/axes/etc' in a skilltree format

    they're currently working with shapshifting stuff (warewolf), but no promises

    currently working with mounts

    working on implementing spellcrafting, but no promises because they don't like the spreadsheet aspect of it

    less face customization ability then oblivion

    more people to be companions, so they have no depth, personality, or individual stories. Some still have those, but not many. Still no concrete number of companions, but they're hoping for 'a big number'.

    randomly generated quests

    'why should people who didn't like oblivion or morrowind, but did like fallout 3, like skyrim?' 'skyrim has a unique style to it that oblivion didn't.'

    The PC version has a lot higher resolution then the console version, by default.

    'I have been promised 7000 steps, and I am going to count them.'


    I don't even.... :facepalm
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2011
  14. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    That's where most of those points came from, but the rest came from hither and thon throughout the tubes. As for the three faction thing, the way I heard it, those three factions were the only ones separate from the main quest - for instance, even though you became a member of the Blades in Morrowind, you wouldn't count it as a separate faction because it's part of the main quest.

    Naturally, very little of those dot points are confirmed, but they've all been hinted at by the admittedly schizophrenic Bethesda marketing machine, and as far as I know none of it's been debunked from on high. I'd love it if you could prove me wrong, though - it'd be great it if they were swinging back towards Morrowind instead of continuing the trend Oblivion started.
  15. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    In the IGN (I think) article, the dark brotherhood was mentioned, and disease was mentioned at some point. I haven't heard anything against vampires, and no greaves sounds retarded since it's a standard piece of armor. No alcohol sounds pretty ridiculous, too.

    The rest, unfortunately, sounds sad but true. Although I hope the regenerating health and auto-aim at the very least are complete bullshit. If all of those changes are true, I'm not sure I'll buy it.

    EDIT: According to the bethesda forums, the Dark Brotherhood was the first faction confirmed.

    EDIT3: Figured it would be easier to make a thread and just ask, so I did. With any luck, they haven't all turned into useless jackasses since I've been there last.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2011
  16. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    Dark Brotherhood was confirmed yonks ago. One of the earliest interviews about Skyrim had Howard mention it.

    Can anyone be more specific on the regenerating health? I only ask because if you 'waited' in Oblivion you'd regenerate your health, so unless something was specifically said to say that if you stood still for a short time your health would regenerate I don't believe it will be any different from Oblivion.
  17. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    That's been one of the things pretty consistently shot down on the thread I started. No regenerating health. Aside from that and a couple others, though, the responses have been all over the place.
  18. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    From what I've heard, they'll be part of the main quest, not their own questline. But you'd be hard-pressed to find any factoid that hasn't been contradicted somewhere, so there's still hope.
  19. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    My understanding was that the others will be factions and have a role in the main questline, where the dark brotherhood is a pretty much irrelevant side faction. Contradicting facts indeed... Any day now I'm expecting to hear that the wood elves were ruled worthless and replaced with the Chuck Norris race.
  20. Legacy

    Legacy Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Dec 19, 2010
    Who will have the racial ability to perform a roundhouse kick to the face that does high damage and stun?