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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Dark Raku

    Dark Raku Second Year

    Oct 2, 2010
    I could not have put it better myself.

    It could also be that people just want to lurk on a site that has better quality writing but the tone and nature of said site may be seen sometimes as somewhat over the top in terms of "put-downs" for a story. Even if they are correct in doing so and give evidence, fixies. But at the same time, you join a hardcore site with a specific view point towards everything, you deal with all the negativity.
  2. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    :mad: I'm going to be a hypocrite here. People needs to stop posting on this page until update comes (especially when not talking about story). Every day I see a new post here and look, knowing that it's not an update, and find more boring posts despite that tiny inkling of hope I still keep. If you agree, don't post after me saying you do. If you don't agree, well, I'll try my hardest to not click on this thread when it says latest post "General Fic [WIP] HP and the BWL ( Like that's going to happen if somebody DOES post o.-)
  3. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    OMG, I agree so much!!!
  4. Kthr

    Kthr Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2008
    São Paulo, Brazil
    I don't really think DLP is 'hardcore' nowadays. Back when it started maybe. The GTFO attitude towards some of the more idiotic newbie is normal in any forum in the internet, and even then it's not that harsh anymore.

    The only thing keeping DLP reputation as a forum full of the more evil and twisted people in hp fandom is the fact that we actually tell writers they story suck, instead of kissing their boots and beg for updates.

    Subscribe to the WIP thread and stop bitching?
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  5. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    What's that? o,o I didn't know you could subscribe.
  6. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Linku. You're welcome.

    And now all you other lazy motherfuckers can stop bitching when someone posts in this thread. Because you have no excuse for expecting an update now. >_<
  7. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Oz, you're too nice to the proles.
  8. Sacrosanct

    Sacrosanct Auror

    Nov 29, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    See, I find my conjecture to be contrary to multitudinous peepz. Personally, I find this particularly particular chronicle to be rather shallow and pedantic. 0.2/5
    Last edited: May 7, 2011
  9. World

    World Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 19, 2006
    Axis of Evil (Original)
    Hm, I agree. Shallow and pedantic.

    In other news, anyone posting below the following line without just cause (as defined by any Mod or Admin upon reading said post) will get bitch-slapped.

  10. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    Hello everyone.

    Although I've been registered on this forum some time, I had not dared to make posts (except in my introduction).

    I am Expelliarmus (Johan Kira Expelliarmus on FF.net) and now I work to translate fics written in English into Spanish, and among them is HP & BWL.

    This story called it a 4.5 / 5, waiting for Harry develops as a dark wizard.

    With respect to the characters, I was pleasantly surprised as Victor Krum (which is usually a rather flat character in the fics) and the Rosier family, especially Calipso.

    I just hope The Santi soon be able to update this great story and everyone can discuss its journey.

    Greetings to all.
  11. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
  12. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Expelliarmus yourself.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  13. Hw597

    Hw597 Seventh Year

    Jun 13, 2008
    a little harsh. A newbie offering to translate a fic into another language is a pretty legitimate post. (I honestly don't understand why you would rely on a thread update to notify you of new chapters.)
  14. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    I kinda do agree on this, otherwise I would have written the "sigh" reply myself :p

    Because most of the people (I at least) use the "New Posts" button on the top to see what is new and unlike other WBA threads, in HPaTBWL the discussion and story thread are separate. So, even if it is updated the story thread can usually shift to the second page due to lack of replies. It is an obvious deduction that an update would lead to discussion on the discussion thread and vice versa.
  15. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    He's not offering to translate it into another language, he's only stated that he is doing so along with other fics apparently.

    The post was little more than an introduction, in absolutely TERRIBLE english, with one line of praise for the story.

    My /sigh was not there because I thought there was an update, it was directed at the bare relevance to the thread and the terrible english. I understand that english is obviously his second language, but if I can't understand what he's trying to say, I don't want to read it.
  16. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    I don't dislike sharp criticism, and less if it's my knowledge of English (I admit to translate from Spanish to English often used a computer translator, and it is normal to make mistakes when translating a text into a language that I don't dominate). As stated Ellisande, English is my second language, and though I have enough knowledge to properly translate a long text from English into Spanish, I find the reverse process much more difficult.

    Therefore I apologize for my lack of knowledge of English language.

    Also, if any forum's member know approximately when we will update this great story. The last thing I know is that the author, The Santi, was absent for a long time, but I've noticed that lately he has appeared in this forum, but he doesn't comment on this discussion or to update your story.

    By the way, if any forum's member wants to take a look at my translation of HP & BWL, it is in the following link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6791454/1/Harry_Potter_y_el_Nino_Que_Vivio

    As you can see, I've translated the third chapter, and begin to translate the following chapters as I finish my final exams (I'll probably translated the entire fic in September).

    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  17. Sauce Bauss

    Sauce Bauss Second Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 4, 2008
    High Score:
    I suppose it would be too much to assume you asked The Santi if you could translate his fic? Authors tend to get antsy when random people they don't know start reposting their work without permission.
  18. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    The reason I "thumbsed-up" Ellisande's post isn't because you're struggling with English. If it was perfect English you still would have been slammed. It's the content (or lack thereof) in your post which was the issue.

    This thread, the HPatBWL review thread has been the focus of numerous inane posts, offtopic discussions, and general stupidity for a long time. That's why a forum moderator said:

    In effect, this thread was closed until someone had something interesting to say. "I like this fic, when's the next chapter?" is about the least interesting thing you could possibly say. It doesn't provide much feedback to the author, is both sycophantic and demanding, and is generally one of the most hated types of posts on DLP.

    World wrote that warning as the last post in this thread before you posted. He hasn't bitch-slapped you, so take from that what you will; the members said their piece anyway. I agreed with Ellisande, but didn't want to add another useless post to this thread, so I just thumbsed-up his post instead. It looks like 30+ other people felt the same way. I'm only posting now because you seem to think that it was your English skills at fault. They didn't help, but they weren't the main problem, either.

    Advising us about the Spanish translation and linking to it in the first instance would have been good. Burying mention of it in a pseudo-intro post and an "I like this fic, when's the next chapter?"; not so much.

    btw. If it's important to you to know when the next chapter is likely to be posted (to coordinate with your translation effort, perhaps?) then try PMing The Santi or preferably one of his many Beta readers for information. I think The Santi's been pretty busy with RL lately, so response time from the Beta readers is likely to be faster. I'd PM one of them if I were you. (Hah! Suck it, beta readers!)

    edit: Let's end this meta-discussion bullshit and go back to radio-silence. Just pretend these last 9 posts had never happened.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  19. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I will state that the english in this post was FAR superior to the english in your previous one. If you can type like this, I have no issue in that respect.

    My criticism of the content of your first post remains however.
  20. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    Of course I asked permission to The Santi to translate into Spanish his story called Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived.

    After reading his fic, I saw his profile and read that The Santi had allowed a French translation of the same story (though the translator only translated the first chapter and the translation has been abandoned two years), and I decided to contact (through a private message) The Santi to ask permission to translate into Spanish language that great fic.

    Soon after, he answered me and authorized me to translate his story, with a specific mention that my only job was to translate the story and he is the true author. A condition that I fulfilled completely, as you can see in my translation.

    I thought the announcement of a translation of the story into another language was important enough to update this thread. I know my first message had few details but I thought appropriate that my first post in this thread was as clear as possible with a short extension, I would develop in subsequent posts (also considering my lack of knowledge of English language).

    As for my question about when would be updated this story, I asked here after trying to contact The Santi by private messages (both Fanfiction.net as this forum), but due to lack of response, I thought was appropriate to engage this issue in this thread to see if any of the beta-readers of this fic I read the question and could answer my question (Being a newbie in this forum, I did not know which members could be the beta-readers of this fic) (By the way, what is RL?).

    With respect to my doubts about the future content of the fic, I'd sooner see the reaction of the Potters as they discover the girlfriend of his son is Calypso Rosier, last descendant of a family long attracted the Dark Arts and daughter of an old enemy they believed to be dead and buried.

    Especially, the reaction of his brother Nathan, he is already suspicious of the ideas of Harry because of the fight they had before the third year of study (not forgetting that Nathan's friends, especially Ron Weasley, will further alienate Nathan against Harry).

    Should also be taken into account the future reaction of the Marauders, Dumbledore and Snape at the situation.

    I am also of the view that it should include a more official character, to help enliven the surroundings of Harry in Durmstrang. What do you think Theodore Nott was transferred from Hogwarts and make friends with Harry and Calypso?

    Personally, I've always seen this character as the best embodiment of the Slytherin house, always trying to get as much knowledge as possible but not with the goal of world domination, but to achieve a good wizard. Besides, that way he would give Harry a new friend, which would be the same age.

    I hope this post is good for everyone's taste.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
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