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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    I'm surprised I'm not blind after reading your post. Damn, dude, use the default settings.
  2. Kalypso

    Kalypso Second Year

    Jun 17, 2011
    I don´t think Karkarov is out of character. He promised not to single Harry out as Brother of the BWL and treat him as any other student, but this was a detention that Harry deserved-the teachers think he attacked another student so Harry gets punished. Also I doubt that Dumbledore or the Potters will find out-Harry sure as hell isn´t going to go whinning to them.

    I think Harry´s reaction to the detention was very believable. He hates feeling helpless and in response to that he gets more aggressive, proactive and driven to master Occlumency. The changes were believable after such a traumatic experience and at the same time subtle enough that only his closest friends notice them.

    I liked Harry´s ambition to participate in the Tri-Wizard. And I´m sure Harry will get picked by the Goblet without any foulplay. He is a magical prodigy and will surely study even more for the tournament. Karkarov already said that anyone who gets chosen by the teachers can participate, so no age limit. And I can´t see Krum beeing the champion in this fic. He barely scrapes through his classes.
    If Nathan is entered as fourth champion and Harry is the Durmstrang champion it will escalate the conflict between the brothers and put them in direct competition. Harry will not allow to be overshadowed by his lazy,talentless brother and fight hard.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2011
  3. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    On the punishment ordered by Karkaroff, and quoted what I said earlier:

    On the possibility that Harry is named Durmstrang champion by the Goblet of Fire, I personally doubt it. He can be an exceptional wizard, but he would only have 14 years at the time of launching the parchment with his name written on it in the goblet of fire.

    Therefore I am inclined to believe that if Harry is chosen champion for the Triwizard Tournament, will be elected for a fifth school imaginary (imaginary school as the fourth would be to elect his brother Nathan). Thus, the fake Moody (under the orders of Voldemort) as well try to get the blood of the enemy necessary for its resurrection potion, it would provide further distance the Potter brothers. In that case, poor Beauxbatons. :D

    We should also take into account the relationship between Hermione and Viktor in the fourth book. And considering that Viktor has a girlfriend who is very susceptible to attacks on his magical ability (and given the magical ability in general that his family has had in recent centuries), and very racist about the status of blood magic, while Hermione is a Muggle-born witch with a great magical potential.

    I think we all can imagine the fights that would occur at the sight of Viktor was attracted by Hermione Granger in front of his girlfriend Kira Megara. :devil:
  4. 4arms

    4arms Second Year

    Jan 26, 2011
    Who is to say that"someone wont enter Harry's name as Durmstrang Champion...In Nathan's case we know that I cant be named as Hogwarts champions as he is weaker than Cedric....But in Harry's case anyone can easily put him in Durmstrang cagetory just to see if he deserves it....Like Voldemort would be interested to know the level Harry has reached (this angle would be better played as this tournament will tear the relationship between Harry and his Family), Karkaroff can do this just for the sake of winning....
  5. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    I said it before and I'll say it again, the events leading up to the detention doesn't compute at all, Calypso cursed Müller in full view of everyone and somehow got away with it because Harry took the blame, despite being surrounded by hundreds of students who could refute his claim. I understand why Müller wouldn't say anything, he hates Harry and would gladly see him in tortu.. detention (Seriously? That was a detention? I thought I'd stumbled into a Hellraiser crossover, tearing the flesh off his body with a whip while raping his mind, wtf man?) but why didn't anyone else speak up? They can't all be that afraid of Harry and Calypso, can they? There has to be someone there who hates Calypso more than they hate Harry and would gladly sell her out if given the opportunity. Hell, just someone trying, in a misguided attempt, to worm their way into Harry's good graces would also work.

    I understand why you had Harry go though this experience but the setup doesn't make sense, having the confrontation in an empty hallway somewhere with the only witnesses being Harry, Calypso and Müller and his gang would have made more sense.
  6. Darth Mage

    Darth Mage Second Year

    Sep 30, 2009
    Yeah, I agree, Pirazy. Even if the execution is good, the setup doesn't make sense. Besides, there were other ways to torture Harry if that's what Santi was going for. But to keep the peace, I won't mention and will stick with this version because, like I said, the execution was good.

    Oh, and sorry about the color. I'm having problems with this site at times.

    May the Force be with you.
  7. Carmine

    Carmine Unspeakable

    Sep 30, 2010
    University of Nottingham
    I'll be interested to see Santi's handling of the Krum-Hermione situation during the Triwizard, not to mention the Triwizard itself.
  8. Torak

    Torak Death Eater

    Jul 21, 2008
    Why are folks making assumptions that Canon would be faithfully followed here? Chill with the Krum/Hermonie talk and more Harry/Kira :awesome
  9. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Go back to Hogwarts plzkthx :fire

    This is Durmstrang. So he gets the detention Filch always wanted to dish out (and the one they had there, in DH, for that matter). And why on earth would anyone say something? Everyone couldn't care less. The teachers, and the students. Harry says he did it, so he's the one getting the detention, case closed. It's that easy.

    Edit: Also, I look forward to Kira tearing Hermione to shreds after she so much as glances at Viktor. Don't disappoint now, Santi :D
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2011
  10. Verse of Darkness

    Verse of Darkness Denarii Host

    May 29, 2006
    That's if Kira is even selected by Dumstrang to go to Hogwarts...
  11. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Krum's GF she might get in just by association, unless Krum breaks up with her beforehand.
  12. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    I agree with Sesc. If he was randomly blamed then some good soul may jump in to protect him. Him willingly taking the blame would make most people just ignore it. Kira or someone else who really hated Rosier would be the only one jumping to rat her out. Even then you have to realize that they're in a crowded room. Hundreds of people being there doesn't mean that hundreds of people would have seen.

    I would love to see how Kira would react to being dumped for a mudblood. I doubt Krum would do that though as he really seems to like her.
  13. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Yeah, guys, chill on the detention drama. Karkaroff might have promised Dumbledore that he wouldn't hurt Harry but he ended up stuck between a rock and a hard place here. He couldn't just let Harry off the hook without looking weak, especially given that it was a very public event. It's been years since Harry started at Durmstrang and things are going smoothly in general, Karkaroff surely doesn't regret letting him come, he knows Harry isn't going to jeopardize his place there, etc. So he gives him a detention and takes a risk with the Dumbledore situation. Besides, it's not like he's singling Harry out or picking on him like Albus seemed concerned with at first.

    And keep in mind that this is just a detention. In the minds of the faculty, staff, and students at Durmstrang it is a fairly standard practice. Unpleasant as hell, sure, but standard. Just because the nature of the detention would be met with horror at Hogwarts doesn't mean that it isn't just business as usual at Durmstrang. Granted Ivan took it a bit further than expected, but it's in a similar vein to Umbridge taking her detentions further than she should -- Karkaroff didn't order Ivan to rape Harry's mind with Legilimency while he was handing out the ordered lashes.

    So yeah, the setup or whatever it is that is bugging people makes sense to me at least. But maybe it's mostly just me.

    I think we all expect Harry to compete in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The only other possible option I can really see is Harry competing for Nathan since they're twins. Why that would happen I don't know, and I don't expect it to, but I certainly don't expect Harry to just sit this one out.

    So I'm assuming that Harry will be a champion. I don't really care to speculate on how that's going to happen because the way that Santi has cleverly crafted his story leaves all sorts of avenues available for that to happen. I think the Goblet chooses who the best champion is and I don't think it's based solely on magical power or prowess -- meaning that I wouldn't be too surprised if Harry was capable of coming out of the Goblet for Durmstrang. He could also be entered under a 5th (or 6th) school like what happened in canon. The judges could get pissy about Nathan being selected as a fourth champion and decide to demand that all 3 schools get to have two champions, and Harry is the second one for Durmstrang (maybe the age 17 restriction only officially applies to Hogwarts students as well).

    And so on. Santi can write that in in any number of ways, and I trust it'll read fairly well however he does it, so I'm just looking forward to seeing Harry back at Hogwarts and interacting with the people there. Mwahaha.
  14. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    We're all ignoring the fact that Dumbledore drew an age line in canon and as far as we know it didn't only affect Hogwarts students but others as well. The only reason that effect wasn't mentioned is because Durmstrang and Beauxbatons didn't bring anybody under 17 anyways.
  15. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I'm not ignoring the fact that Dumbledore drew an age line so much as I'm just assuming that it will be a moot point if The Santi wants it to be a moot point. Not using it as a plot device (or using it and coming up with a reason for it to not matter, be it official or sneaky) is trivial if the author wants it to be.
  16. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Harry is a prodigy. Why would an age line pose a problem?
  17. Carmine

    Carmine Unspeakable

    Sep 30, 2010
    University of Nottingham
    I assume that Karkaroff would insist that Dumbledore make an exception for the age line. After all, there are underage students at Durmstrang who have the skill of a seventh year.
  18. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Even being a prodigy Dumbledore is the drawing the age line, but who knows how much effort he will actually put into the age line. Although Potter family reactions to Harry's friends will be :awesome
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2011
  19. pnub

    pnub First Year

    Jan 7, 2008
    That quote from Karkaroff in the last chapter shows that skill and not age is the only concern for Durmstrang. With that taken into account I would assume that Karkaroff could demand the removal of any age line, even if only to allow students under 17 from Damstrang to enter. Then the only obstacles left are for Harry to first be selected by Karkaroff to go to Hogwarts and finally by the Goblet.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2011
  20. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010

    Something like that? Still doesn't make sense to me. Oh well, first time I've found something to bitch about in this story that I can recall, and on the whole it isn't that important.

    Knew someone would jump at that. No I don't expect Harry to be the sole focus of the entire Durmstrang great hall, I do expect the ones sitting near them at the table to look over when they see an argument taking place. And maybe this latest drama will find it's way into the Durmstrang rumor mill, the supposed Dark Lord Potter who curses anyone who bothers him took the fall for his girlfriend, ain't that sweet of him?
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