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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. ViolentRed

    ViolentRed Professor

    Dec 11, 2010
    Depending on the extend of the damage Rosier Sr. suffered, Voldemort might simply want him to stay at Durmstrang and make him slowly bring Harry into his power. If he can't do anything more important anymore, that is.

    The thing is, as long as The Santi doesn't tell and nothing happens to make this seem unlikely, you'll never know for sure. And if Rosier is at some point running the show at Durmstrang, everyone could be in on it.

    Cue suspicion.
  2. gullibleoats

    gullibleoats Seventh Year

    Dec 12, 2010
    I don't know about Durmstrang or anything but I think Karkaroff was only affected because he was in England at the time. Voldemort's return to power after the 4th book seemed to me to be contained in England. Durmstrang's a bit far off from there, so I don't think it'll be an issue unless Voldemort expands.

    And as for Rosier, I think his views are reflected in Calypso, and she doesn't seem to be a radical or a pureblood fanatic. Chances are Rosier isn't one either. As for Rosier slowly bringing Harry into the darkside, I think it's pretty unlikely. However gifted he may be, Harry shouldn't really register in Voldemort's mind as he's got bigger plans. And even if that does happen, I think Harry's still pretty loyal to his family.
  3. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    It can't be too hard for a grown wizard to leave the country.
  4. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    He took the time to tutor him in his first year Gullibleoats, but yeah the whole not having a body thing is his main priority.
  5. goblin

    goblin Backtraced

    Apr 26, 2011
    Yes and for how long will he stay loyal to his family hmmm?. Espicially if there is growing tensions within the family about harry learning the dark-arts, and i think it will be worse when they realise he is actively persueing them to learn. I for one, can't wait to see who will snap and be the first one to accuse him off bing a dark wizard
  6. Spunika

    Spunika First Year

    Nov 30, 2009
    Ron.... it will be his first words when Harry arrivals at Hogwarts, and sits at the Slytherin table with the rest of Dumstrung students
  7. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    On the topic of Rosier returning to Voldemort's side once he's been resurrected..

    Rosier's allegiance might not be as certain as some people believe..

    Also, here's to hoping Harry does a little bonding with James and Sirius over the summer with some animagus training, they've probably got all sorts of awesome hints and tips.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2011
  8. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    I don't see why Harry would sit at Slytherin table. He's something of an outcast of Durmstrang so has no reason to sit with them. He could sit with his brother if he could put up with Ron. He could sit with the older Ravenclaws as he has Krum with him. Being judged by seating arrangement seems like something Harry would see coming.

    I wonder if they have to create a spell for their exam every year in spell creation and what Harry's spell was this year.
  9. Docker

    Docker Third Year

    Jun 6, 2010
    Western Australia

    I’m hesitant to say Harry might not end up at the Slytherin table. Even though it’s true Harry does not get along with a lot of the students at Durmstrang, does his dislike for them rival his dislike for quite a few of the students at Hogwarts?

    Harry might want to prove to his old house mates that he is not the anti-social outcast that they thought he was, he could do this by appearing to be at one with his new school mates. Which could lead to him gritting his teeth and sitting at the Slytherin table with the rest of them.
    Plus the Durmstrang staff might not be too happy if Harry decided to sit without the rest of his school peers- they might have a thing going where they want Durmstrang students to sit together to show school unity to the other two schools or something along those lines.

    It’s been a while since I’ve read the fourth book, but I’m pretty sure it was Krum who led them to sit with Slytherin in the first place. I don’t think Harry would want to sit with the Ravenclaws, he might want to prove he's better than them but that does not mean he wants to be in their company. And if tensions are high with Nathan and Ron from the holidays their table might be out as well, which would leave only two options.

    Plus I’m pretty sure a lot of Slythrins would have family ties with Durmstrang students which could also lead them to end up sitting with that house.

    If Harry did decide to sit with the Slytherins, I doubt Nathan and Ron would pick up on the fact he might have reasons to sit at that table other than being a ‘dark and evil wizard.’

    The seating and reactions to the seating could be quite interesting if handled the right way.
  10. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Harry only really got bothered by his year mates in Ravenclaw. That's why I said he could sit with the older 6th and 7th years and completely blow off the 4th years. Being the friend of an international star is showing them up quite a bit already and sitting at the table but ignoring them completely would probably sting more than appearing to be part of a crowd.

    I don't see Krum leading them with Harry having actually been to the school. Krum knows Harry's brother is there as well. He'd probably ask where he wanted to sit. Then Krum's fanclub would follow them.

    Anyway seating arrangement drama isn't really interesting to talk about so this is my last post on the subject.
  11. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    If Harry sits with his brother:
    Ron: Stay away from Nathan and us, Dark Wizard!
    If Harry sits with the Slytherins and his Durmstrang cohorts:
    Ron: See! He's socializing with them! He's a Dark Wizard!
    Sad but true :facepalm
  12. FreakLord

    FreakLord Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 13, 2011
    It's so cliche that it's not even funny.
  13. goblin

    goblin Backtraced

    Apr 26, 2011
    it may be so very cliche but it is actually very true, ron has shown to be extremely judgemental and a bigget, even ithin the canon universe, until he grows out if it somewhat near the middle of book seven, but even then his temperment and temper tantrums seem to cloud his rational judgement. Again sad but true.
  14. Starwind

    Starwind Headmaster

    Nov 21, 2010
    It depends on the Santi and the direction he wants to take his fic. Character wise though, James apparently always hated the Dark Arts- but may have matured in the years he never had a chance to live before- and Sirius would want to be away from them after his childhood with the Blacks, so I say either of them will be the most worried out of the adults.

    Ron with the Dark Wizard stuff, I'm curious as I don't recall him mentioning anything like that about any Durmstrang students in the books other than maybe like, once?

    I'm thinking it may happen where Harry gets to be a champion, and feels betrayed by Nathan when he's pushed into the tournament aswell as it was Harry's chance to get out of his shadow or something like that.
  15. goblin

    goblin Backtraced

    Apr 26, 2011
    Yes but if you read the first book he says that everyone in slytherin is evil and there is always predjudice against the slytherins, for example when hagrid mentions them he says and i quote not a wizard or witch that ain't gone bad in that house and ron seems to hold that same atitude
  16. ViolentRed

    ViolentRed Professor

    Dec 11, 2010
    You're quoting it wrong :facepalm

    He said every bad wizard came from Slytherin, not that everyone from Slytherin is bad.

    I wonder, did Ron ever call anyone a Dark Wizard, when it wasn't actually completely obvious said wizard was in fact Dark? I mean, sure, he doesn't like most Slytherins. But his prejudice is blow way out of proportions in fanon and this seems to have replaced canon.
  17. goblin

    goblin Backtraced

    Apr 26, 2011
    no what hagrid said was that there wasnt a wizard who went bad who wasnt in slytherin.

    so he meant: all bad witches and wizards are slytherins, but not all slytherins are bad.

    check it yourself but maybe i am worng but im cetain im right
  18. oephyx

    oephyx Headmaster DLP Supporter

    May 17, 2008
    Not Europe
    And that's the most mind-numbingly stupid post I've seen today (which is saying something as I've been reading up on this thread).

    You should try proper spelling, punctuation and capitalisation, think a second on your what you've written and spell check for good measure before you hit 'submit'. Then perhaps your posts will simply be ignorant, instead of this pile of shit.

    /missing the intro forum

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2011
  19. goblin

    goblin Backtraced

    Apr 26, 2011
    hahaha fuck off you stupid piece of shit did you ever think maybe i couldn't be bothered to put in porper punctuation, spelling and capitalisation you overgrown piece of crap, go fuck your mama you disgraceful ugly cocksucker
  20. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Wow, someone must be having their time of the month.

    Be sure to put down towels, so you don't bleed all over the place.
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