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Fanfiction you wish would Update

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by madeyemoody, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Demon's Feign, Merlin's Pain. /glowers at nuhuh.

    Also Ruskbyte's Culture Shock.

    Edit: Also, Three Wizards by ellyanah/pouf.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
  2. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    Proof of Existence by Niger Aquila
    In the Clockface, Weighted and Weary by Nuhuh
    The Song of the Trees by Tinn Tann
    Contemplating Clouds by Tehan
    HP and the Nightmares of Futures' Past (it's a classic xD)
    Vincet by nos tres reges

    And many others which you guys have already said.
  3. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    I don't understand all the love for Silver Memories. I tried it, and closed out just a few chapters in, because it was essentially a case of condescending-Dumbledore-in-Harry's-body. I couldn't take it seriously.

    Yeah, DLM was very active for a while, then just gone. Nice guy who's missed.

    Uh, I hate to break it to you, but DF/MP *is* finished. There might be a chance of a sequel, but that story was concluded.

    VINCET is complete; I assume you mean VULTUS SERPENTIS. That series has the potential to be the one of greatest in the history of fanfics, but I imagine it's all but dead. One of the three authors is now writing The General on his/her own.

    The last installment of Clockface was sub-par, IMO, but nuhuh has gobs of talent, so maybe it'll work out, *if* it's ever continued.

    For those saying Forging the Sword is abandoned, I don't think so. Yes, the updates are few and far between, but I'm trying to stay optimistic. Optimistic, dammmit!!

    Another slow-to-update fic is On the Way to Greatness by mira mirth - the greatest Slytherin!Harry fic ever written. It's what Rowling would have written if she'd had the talent and the balls. Note that I did not slight Rowling's creativity; that, she has in spades.

    I truly wish Full Pensieve had been able to complete his epic HP and the Years of Rebellion, before his illness came back in force. Sure, we got a lot of the plot points and such from FP's nephew's postings on FFA and FFnet, but that's not the same as reading actual chapters. For me, it was/is the quintessential post-OotP fic, especially since it was Harry/Hermione and not in a "one true love" kind of way. Yes, it would be terribly dated at this point, but it was just so *good*. Anyone who's read the Interludes chapters will know what I mean.

    If we're talking about *sequels* we want desperately to materialize, I'd agree that The Truth I'd Die For is a fingers-crossed candidate, as is enembee's third installment of By the Divining Light/Conladh's Song. BTDL is a masterpiece, really.

    I'd be giddy at a sequel to either of Master Slytherin's Ruin or What Lies Beneath, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Right now though, if nuhuh will finish The Stalking Blood Sack and continue Catharsis, I'll be one happy motherfucker.
  4. Voice of the Nephilim

    Voice of the Nephilim Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Feb 10, 2008
  5. Trent

    Trent Squib

    Aug 7, 2009
    Rustlings in the Dark by Neisseria
    Sixth Year: The Steps Toward the End by scaryisnit
    The Redemption of the Black Sisters by jon3776
  6. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Right, the sequel is what I meant. Been so long since I read it that I got mixed up. If someone posts "stories that are technically complete but you really want moar of" I'll post that again, along with a few dozen others. :)

    Another one that just occurred to me:

    Paradigm of Uncertainty. It was one of the first fics I read, years ago, so it probably isn't as good as I remember - but it always bugged the fuck out of me that Lori dropped it so close to the end.
  7. Dilla

    Dilla Seventh Year

    Jan 28, 2010
    Raleigh, NC
    Some of these I don't know have been truly abandoned, but my hopes of updates for these are currently ranging from flimsy to almost non-existent. In the Harry Potter fandom:

    The Song of the Trees & Marie Antoinette by Tinn Tam
    Antithesis by Wind Whisperer
    Right or Easy by razzle-dazzle-me
    Queens of Darkness, Ladies of Light by Thalarian
    Child of Mercy by Fayr Warning
    The Unbearable Lightness of Fleur Delacour by Heather Sinclair
    Lost Time by Amerision
    VULTUS SERPENTIS by nos reges
    Cosa Nostra by Nightfox
    Culture Shock by Rustbyte
    Joindre by Mehetabalo
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
  8. Carmine

    Carmine Unspeakable

    Sep 30, 2010
    University of Nottingham
    Possibly my favourite story. Despite being a WBWL story, and thus fraught with potential issues, it pulled the story off particularly well up to where it left off. Really want this updated.
  9. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Hmm... a bunch of them have been mentioned. How about some more obscure ones?

    Family values by Ishtar (Because there's not enough Harry/Wednesday Addams out there.)

    Family Inseparable by Musings of Apathy (It was one of the first of the few H/Ginny stories I could actually enjoy.)

    The Spoils of War by Aerie22 (Because it was, if I recall correctly, the first H/Black Sister story I read. Then again, it also has the rather dubious distinctions of introducing the concept of the Praedia Bellica spell to the fandom, and featured pathetic-victim!Bellatrix.

    It's just annoying that it never finished.)

    Not exactly stuff I could see DLP clamoring over.

    Lessons by (our very own) K_writer [A.K.A. danfankendra, k-rock22, and IBidYouAdieu, who we apparently lost to Doctor Who, then real life 'stuff'.] (Because it's one of vanishingly few H/Angelina stories out there.)

    A Veela Involved Series of Unfortunate Events by Surarrin and Shezza88 (Do I need a fuckin' reason?) :awesome

    And pretty much anything Ruskbyte has (partially) written.

    Of course, there are a lot more I wish would be picked back up, but some have been listed already and, well, I read so many that I've lost track of which ones are updating and which aren't... That's why the ones I mentioned are, for the most part, old stories.
  10. Jarik

    Jarik Chief Warlock

    Feb 13, 2008
    Here's some more from other fandoms that haven't been mentioned.

    I tend to yearn for them more because with HP or Naruto fandom, as much as I might love a fic, after a year or two, I have read enough other fics to fill in the void. With other fandoms, sometimes there's only very few good fics there and nothing to quench that need:

    Altered Destiny by Shezza (Wheel of time) - Seriously, best WoT fic (not that it says much)? I've reread it twice.

    To Finish the Revolution by sagebrush-soap-opera (Rurouni Kenshin) - Sometimes I get in this mood for a Kenshin fic. There's a lack of decent ones, so I tend to just end up rereading ones. This is the one I wanted finished the most.

    After the Fairytale Ends by Frozen Shattered Roses (Bleach) - only good Bleach fic I've read.

    Sainin no Kekka - Tragedy's Consequence by Gerald Tarrant and Quicksilver (Gundam Wing) - A Gundam Wing epic. And epically long too (almost 600k words). Probably the only really standout fic in this fandom (despite being such a big one).

    Heart of Darkness by Cka3ka (Star Wars) - Probably the most standout fic in the "Darth Vader adopts Leia" plot. Enjoyed it and wanted moar. But moar never came. =(
  11. Socialist

    Socialist Professor

    Feb 13, 2006
    The root of mt. Olympus
    All of Mehetabelo's (Equasarus) stuff. That dude could write.

    All of Master Eldryn's stuff. Prissy little egomaniac cunt that he was, his stuff was addictive.

    Well, not really. His newer stories aren't that appealing to me -- I'll read them (cause Ruskbyte) but I really, really, really wanted to see Backwards Compatible, Flying without a Broom & From the Abyss complete. I read all of them on the day they were posted & almost jizzed, thinking about the awesomeness to come. Unfortunately, after a point, updates never came. Neither did I.
  12. Nargles

    Nargles Seventh Year

    Apr 2, 2011
    East Coast, USA
  13. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    Wasn't there a fic with a Norse mythology crossover on ff.net a long time ago? I can't remember the name of it, but I thought it had the potential to be mind numbingly epic.
  14. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I remember that one. It was written by an early DLP writer by the name of Bloodlust or someone, it was no good though.
  15. Nargles

    Nargles Seventh Year

    Apr 2, 2011
    East Coast, USA
    Methinks it's this.

    Now, I have a question: Does anybody know if Big D is ever going to update Baby Mama Drama?
  16. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    Why would you do that? You should have left me to my memories of this fan fic which were much kinder than the reality. This is why I'm glad some fan fiction was deleted so I can remember it fondly without being faced with the reality of how it compares to modern fan fiction...or at least my current standards for it.

    At least with Master Eldryn, I can still pretend he is the greatest author to ever grace the internets, and I won't click on any links that may prove to the contrary.

    I already had enough of my dreams shattered when I found out the author that wrote the first fan fic I ever read ended up becoming a Harry/Draco writer.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  17. Nargles

    Nargles Seventh Year

    Apr 2, 2011
    East Coast, USA
    Now, now Rakkety, you and I both know that Miranda Flairgold is the best of the bestest out there. ;)

    How can we ever have anything that will compare to A Second Chance at Life, Changes in a Time of War, and of course, the one story that we're waiting on... A Magical World?! :rolleyes:

    Although, the little spin-off someone wrote was pretty good. It's from Malfoy's point of view and I believe it still needs to be completed.

    At least that's what the author wrote on the last chapter.
  18. The-Hyphenated-One

    The-Hyphenated-One Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Sep 5, 2006
  19. Nukular Winter

    Nukular Winter The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2006
    Pariah by Maegunn Batt

    (This is not a fic that would likely suit the majority DLP taste--it's Ron/Pansy, which was my OTP for a while when I got bored with the same old-same old H/G & H/Hr fics. Abandoned like whoa in 2007. R.I.P.).
  20. The Arid Legion

    The Arid Legion Professor

    Oct 6, 2010
    A few more that that I just remembered and, for some reason, haven't been mentioned yet.

    Harry Potter and the Path of Fate by Scubahiker

    The only good HP/SW crossover out there, and also the only one I've seen that looks like it doesn't plan on turning him into a Jedi.

    Harry Potter and the Breath of Life by Shujin1

    I can barely remember any of this, but what I do remember of it was pretty damn awesome. I think the author might be dead though...

    Erised Burnings fics. HP and the Dark Lord is still awesome. And we do need more HP/Resident Evil crossover.

    Actually, just having more fics where Harry kills zombies would be awesome.

    EDIT: Just like Jesse James by megadeth425 and Thirty H's could also do with some updates.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011