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Incest: Lily/Harry and Co.

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Zeitgeist, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. Kaz Hirai

    Kaz Hirai Squib

    Jun 19, 2008
    While I grant the first part, since I only responded to him because doing so provided an opportunity to introduce another weird thing into this thread, I think you may be mistaken when you assert that nullification is mainly, or primarily, popular among femdom circles. Sites like eunuch.org (which totally used to have a story on it about gay wizards getting their dicks removed to increase their power, I am not even joking), the BMEzine wiki, etc have left me with the impression that most participants are gay males. This isn't to say that there isn't a straight, femdomm-y presence, especially among the castration and penectomy fiction community, just that they're not the norm.

    Also, it's not quite fair to say that penectomies preclude later torture. Some nullos have their sexual urges restored through HRT despite (or specifically because of) the fact that they lack the ability to achieve release in the traditional manner. Anecdotal evidence exists of nullos being able to dry orgasm through prostate stimulation, but some seem definitely into the whole "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" angle.

    Finally, I never meant to imply anything like that or conflate CBT people and cutters in any way. That said, why are they "rightly" reviled? Is it because of safety concerns re: lack of training or ability to maintain sanitary conditions, or is "cutting off some dude's dick" for reasons not involving sexual reassignment inherently wrong?
  2. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    So, nerding out an arguement/politically correct douchebags aside, I've seen a few Lily/Harry fics, but very few sibling fics (eg, Harry and his sister).

    Woulda thought that in a fandom that is as fucked up as Harry Potters', it'd be seen regularly.
  3. ViolentRed

    ViolentRed Professor

    Dec 11, 2010
    Probably because he doesn't have a sister. Ron/Ginny is fairly common.
  4. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Yeah, guess writing an OC that isn't a self-insert is too difficult a task for most writers on ff.net. :facepalm

    And...Ron/Ginny? That's a level of fucked up that even I wouldn't walk through.
  5. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Less of an impact as an original character, perhaps? I know I usually dodge stories that utilize them.

    Really? Curious. I can't say I've ever found one that was well written, but I've seen quite a few over the years crop up.
  6. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Giving Harry a sibling also requires a re-imagining of canon. Unless the sister was mysteriously lost or somesuch, you can't just write canon - people treat girls and guys differently, and I find it hard to imagine that it would be easy to write Harry and sister both living under the stairs. With such a change, the Harry we know is obviously going to be different from canon - maybe growing up in a different room or whatever, but he will also have an extreme confidant (unless you want to twist it into utter sibling rivalry), and as such will be less likely to make real friends at Hogwarts.

    Also, with a sister, the story tends to be set where his parents aren't dead. Again, this changes canon (dramatically). You need to change all sorts of little details around to make it work.

    Harry/Lily works because there's so many ways to bring her back, and at an age where she isn't classed as jailbait.

    With having to change so many details and characterizations, basically everyone is an OC. Unless you write a PWP.

    I do remember a slightly interesting (although unfinished) Harry/Sister one from someone who writes on here - the incest is never stated, but severely hinted. Also something about vampires.
  7. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    For having to ask that question you are awarded the first ever Tehan's Official Seal of Definitely Female. Wear it proudly.

    And yes, people that not only fetishize but actually practice castration are rightly reviled in the femdom/CBT communities, because they endanger those communities. It is a permanent non-reversible amputation (unless you're quick with ice and ambulance, but even then it should be left to rot for wasting medical resources) and in this context it is done for fleeting sexual pleasure. It's good for a front page story that has concerned parents calling up their congressman about how that completely unrelated BDSM club should be shut down For The Children, and next thing you know the community's taken a heavy blow. And that's assuming you do it right - botch it and the poor bloke bleeds out through the hole where his dick was, which is going to make national papers at least, Lorena.

    And even if you do it exactly right and sew him back up and connect up a pissing tube and dispose of all evidence nicely and nobody outside the act knows it ever happened - all big ifs - you've got a guy that can never, ever pee, fuck, or reproduce in anything like a normal fashion. And this was done for the sake of a single sexual act - the majority of which are now impossible for the fellow now minus one wedding tackle.

    And then there's the widely-agreed-upon BDSM community credo - safe, sane, consensual - and the act of chopping off a guy's John Thomas is against the first and very easily arguably the second (and if a particular case is against the third as well the firing squad is called for), so it would be automatically frowned upon and decried.

    I was talking specifically about CBT. Chopping off the C and B means you can no longer T the C and B. QED, etc.

    As for the male communities built around it, there's definitely a support-group vibe to it (accidents happen), but I'll admit there's fetishistic nooks and crannies to them. I've got a funny feeling that apotemnophilia and body integrity identity disorder, or cousins thereof, play into this, but I also saw a lot of musings about the reactions of women (not men) to their conditions, and fantasies of some World Of The Future where you could lop off your trouser snake and watch it regrow again, presumably to be lopped off again. At least it'd solve world hunger. And the 'amazon' forums with resident male eunuchs or wannabe-eunuchs seemed comparable in size to the solely male eunuch forums. So I can't really get behind any position that the norm is homosexuals motivated by a desire for permanent asexuality. But at this point we're pitting my impressions of various communities vs your impressions of various communities, so there's not really much point in belaboring that facet of the argument any further. Unless you're an active member of one of these communities, in which case your argument is not strengthened - it is demolished because you've got an incredible bias to side with the my-fetish-is-not-immoral argument.

    So, to break it down. Motivations for the removal of the purple-headed yoghurt thrower:

    Sexual identity issue causes them to hate their cock? Waste of the materials for a vaginoplasty (and no sexual reassignment surgery involves just lopping the whole thing off). Should be reviled.
    Desire to be rid of the penis for non-gender related issues? Surgeons don't treat apotemnophiles with amputation because it's a disorder that can be treated in other ways that don't leave them less able than when they started. Should be reviled.
    Wants to be a eunuch? It's likely this is down to some sort of psychological condition. Unless they've actually sat down with a decent shrink and talked it out and said expert on the workings of the human mind agrees that, yes, the only way for them to live a full and happy life is to permanently ruin part of their body, as above, Should be reviled.
    Because they or their partner have a fetish for it? No matter how good the fap-fodder the scene might produce, it only lasts for one scene and then they can't fap at all, ever again. Or fuck. Or be the subject of CBT. Or write their name in the snow. Or pee at a urinal. Should be reviled.
    To please their domme? Mutilating yourself for the pleasure of another. Needless to say, Should be reviled.

    So yeah. A lot of horrible reasons and one very narrow, possibly non-existent 'good' reason. Rightly reviled.
  8. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    This thread creeps me out to some extent anyway (though not as much as it should, tbh), but after reading the more recent posts (Tehan's in particular) I feel even more conflicted.

    For one, my enjoyment of stories like Oedipus Flower, Parting the Continents, and Equal and Opposite still seems like proof positive of some distinctly unhealthy mental issues.

    But on the other hand, after reading a laundry list of fetishes that, frankly, scream masochism and self-loathing, I can't help but think that my personal quasi-kinks are laughably pedestrian in comparison.

    Castration? Nullification? Cock-and-ball torture?? "Penectomy," for fuck's sake?!? WTF is this shit? My chubby from reading Vash's Harry/Lily seems positively yawn-inducing in light of that.

    I don't really care what people do to get off, but when it involves severe and permanent changes to your body... All I'm saying is that maybe these folks need some counseling.

    Maybe I'm naive or sheltered or whatever, but of all these fetishes, the only one I've ever heard of before is castration, and even that was only in the context of bulls and steers.

    DLP: Teaching me all the far-out shit of which I had been blissfully unaware.

    I've read one story that involved Ron/Ginny, but it was about Ginny being a cruel puppet-master, using the whole scenario as a way to feel the way she had when she was sharing everything with Diary!Tom. Very well-written and Ginny was believably done as a manipulator, pushing Ron's buttons with ease and skill. Not a lot of mention of Harry, iirc, but it was chilling. I'll try to find the link and edit this post.
  9. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    I'm glad I've made you more comfortable with yourself, Portus.
  10. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    If you ever want to realise just how vanilla you are, head to 420chan's /Kinky/ board. There was someone on it yesterday asking for help on (what amounted to) raping their autistic brother.

    Also, beastiality. Of all different flavours.

    But you might consider yourself more normal after popping in there...
  11. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    No, I... I think I'm good, thanks.
  12. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    The weirdest fetish I've ever heard of is bug chasing:

    I mean, seriously, could you pick a worse fetish to have than one that involves contracting a potentially fatal disease.
  13. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Bugchasing doesn't sound like a fetish. It sounds like a psychosis.
  14. Böhser Onkel

    Böhser Onkel Second Year DLP Supporter

    Sep 21, 2010
    Germany, Dortmund
    You know, before I found DLP, I thought that I was a bit insane... Now I think I'm pretty sane. Especially after reading this thread. :nyan:
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2011
  15. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    What's worse is those folks with HIV that make plans to go out and infect as many people as possible. Poke holes in their own condoms, assure their partners that they're clean, all sorts of stuff.

    Freaks me the hell out.
  16. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Bite a ticket-inspector when they don't have a ticket. And yes, I'm serious, it really happened few days ago in my country. Poor guy still doesn't know if he's clean or not.
  17. Tehan

    Tehan Avatar of Khorne DLP Supporter

    May 22, 2007
    Just to set the record straight, there's a very solid line between safe-sane-consensual kinks like even the hardest of BDSM and the sort of folks like goddamn monsters that are 'gift-givers', the Münchausen fuckwit bugchasers, and the rapists of animals and the disabled. It's easy to look at the people that do permanent harm to themselves or others and feel good about your fetishes, but I'm of the opinion that any fetish can be explored in a controlled environment with a consenting partner without permanent harm being done to anyone. Those into castration have castration-play. Bestiality, furries. Rape, roleplay - it's a more common kink than you'd think, and as long as you have a safe word, it can be explored in safety. Raping the disabled? I've never encountered it personally, but it's probably a niche within ageplay. Unfortunate folks that find arousal in giving or receiving AIDS for whatever reason can do what everyone else with a dangerous or criminal fetish does and pretend. Those that desire it can have themselves and their partner tested, and assuming they're both clean, then have their partner engage in AIDS-related dirty talk while they have unprotected sex. Those that desire to share it can find one of the websites out there that cater to people that share an STD and, again, roleplay - unprotected sex with a fellow HIV-positive individual and pretend he's not.

    So please don't conflate criminal and immoral acts with the extremes of fetishism. Any fetish can be expressed in almost complete safety with a consenting partner/s. You can engage in knifeplay without stabbing someone to death. You don't have to traumatize an animal to satisfy your longing for fur on your dick. If chopping off dicks gets you hard or moist, you don't have to permanently deprive someone of their tallywhacker to get your kicks. It can all be expressed safely with a little research and a little communication, and using the people that fail to take these basic precautions as examples of fetishism does a severe disservice to everyone into anything beyond lights-out missionary between a married couple for the purpose of procreation.
  18. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    This is an easy one.

    With the "Derp" you almost always have the accompanying "Herp".

    As anyone with even a fraction of sex ed can tell you, there is (as of yet) no cure for The Herp.

    In short, once you've contracted it, the "Herp" is forever and, thus, so is the "Derp".

    Anyone deliberately seeking to contract HIV, or infect someone else with it, should be executed immediately as a public health risk.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011
  19. Arrowjoe

    Arrowjoe Auror

    Jan 27, 2011
    Vancouver, Canada

    Couldn't remember where it was right away but it finally came to me this morning:


    And after a quick re-read I remember just how creepy/boner inducing this story is.

    Edit:Appologies for mild necro, but not remembering where to find this was bugging the shit outa me
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011
  20. Blazzano

    Blazzano Unspeakable

    Aug 6, 2009
    Ah yes, I remember that. Thanks for the link - it's still creepy and interesting.