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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. diesIovis

    diesIovis Seventh Year

    Jul 13, 2011
    Poetovio. Pannonia~
    I doubt using animagus form would actually do anything regarding an age line. If it would be so easy, then you could just self-transfigure yourself into something and voila age lines don't work anymore. It's an age line, you don't change your age by changing form.
  2. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    True, but Dumbledore makes that age line to prevent for students under 17 years sneak past their parchments into the Goblet of Fire.

    In adittion, Dumbledore thinks that Durmstrang and Beauxbatons don't send students under 17 years (I do not want to lose the impression of all teachers and students of Hogwarts when they see between the candidates of Durmstrang to be their champion, a former partner and his loving girlfriend. I think Dumbledore will not tell Karkaroff on this issue, to feel upset by the decision of Dumbledore.), so he will believe you only have to worry about the students of Hogwarts, and he also believe that there will be no Hogwarts' student that can perform a complete transformation Animagus [He must be trusted as he trusted than any previous student had done so when Peter was discovered as a spy, James, Sirius and Remus informed him about the history of the Marauders and how they came to be all Animagi (except Remus due to its status as a werewolf)].
  3. diesIovis

    diesIovis Seventh Year

    Jul 13, 2011
    Poetovio. Pannonia~
    I doubt that he'd draw an age line with the intent of only Hogwarts students seeing that would be harder to do than a general line (I have no clue what possible tweaks you can apply to an age line), but fine if you think that. But IIRC in canon Dumbledore drew the age line after Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrived and he'd likely notice Harry and knowing his personality he'd probably make a juicy one just for him^^~
  4. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of her realizing that Harry was causing the earth to swallow her, turning back to human form, hoping that he would stop, only it was to late... Would be a huge 'what have I done' moment. Really sudden dark turn, though, not really suitable unless it takes a turn towards horror.
  5. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Actually, a specialized line explains it all. Of course it's going to include Durmstrang students now that Harry and Calypso are coming, but it will be male and female Durmstrang or Hogwarts' students under the age of 17. Calypso, as a dickgirl, doesn't count and will be able to put her name into the Goblet.
  6. Carmine

    Carmine Unspeakable

    Sep 30, 2010
    University of Nottingham
    Wasn't she in Hermione's hair at one point?

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 PM ----------

    You don't keep your mind, memories, etc. when you are Transfigured into something non-human.
  7. Equinox

    Equinox Seventh Year

    Aug 10, 2010
    Did The Santi actually state that, or was it just Harry saying that to his parents? I might [probably] have missed it, but I thought the only time it ever came up was in the story itself, with Harry promising his parents he wouldn't move ahead again.

    The problem is identifying the difference between a 'Dark Lord' and a 'Dark Wizard'. To me, based off the only two Dark Lord's we really have information on, a Dark Lord is a [formidable] practicer of dark magic, with followers, pushing a certain agenda; generally in a violent manner. A Dark Wizard on the other hand, is merely someone who practices dark magic.

    That is what I think The Santi's intention is in the quote you provided. Both Dumbledore and Voldemort are powerful wizards that have followers and push a certain agenda, whereas Harry will just be a powerful wizard, perhaps with a very small circle of confidants (i.e: Calypso). He won't be out to bring down or challenge them politically, so to speak.
  8. ViolentRed

    ViolentRed Professor

    Dec 11, 2010
    I don't think Grindelwald is ever called a Dark Lord in canon though. Doesn't Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog Card, for example, just call him a Dark wizard?

    Dark Lord seems to be a self assigned moniker for Voldemort and is (almost) exclusively used by his followers. I don't think it's actually a real thing though. I doubt he's ever called Dark Lord Voldemort. His followers stick to Dark Lord and people like Dumbledore use Lord Voldemort or just Voldemort.
  9. diesIovis

    diesIovis Seventh Year

    Jul 13, 2011
    Poetovio. Pannonia~
    I wonder about that. That would mean what? You lose everything and when you are transfigured back they return to you? From where would they return if there is nothing there. I understand it's magic, but you can't recreate a human mind like that. That's why I always had problems with animate-inanimate transfiguration, the data (conscience) has to be stored somewhere and if it is stored it can be detected. Magic theory in JKR's world isn't that good anyways, so what do I know.

    I see a similar problem with an age line. Where does it get the information on how old someone is? If we knew that it should give us the options how to circumvent it, besides just tearing the thing down with brute force~
  10. Speakers

    Speakers Backtraced

    Feb 7, 2010
    If I had to guess, I'd say maturity of the magical core (which is fanon I think?). How would you fool that?
  11. Carmine

    Carmine Unspeakable

    Sep 30, 2010
    University of Nottingham
    This is all that's said about it in Beedle the Bard.

    Also, I'd hazard a guess at characteristics of the person's magic being representative of their age.
  12. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Close enough to Dumbledore. The previous post was about him detecting her.

    Any canon source? Malfoy seemed perfectly aware of Crouch Jr. transfiguring him into a ferret.
  13. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Dumbledore's notes on Babbitty Rabbitty in Tales of Beedle the Bard. P.83 in my version.

  14. diesIovis

    diesIovis Seventh Year

    Jul 13, 2011
    Poetovio. Pannonia~
    That doesn't help at all. Obviously you can't change back if you're a chair or something, as you have no mind, wand and arms and w/e to do it, but that doesn't explain how someone else can restore it. Basically you could come up with anything and no one could really refute the method as there is no explanation in canon. Trying to use logic and rationality only brings you so far if there is no data to apply it to. And why am I even trying to do that with Harry Potter, bah, I blame Less Wong and my upbringing~
  15. ViolentRed

    ViolentRed Professor

    Dec 11, 2010
    I think it simply gets the information from the age the person is. Nothing based on souls or magic or auras, just the age itself. Sort of like the Marauder's Map simply knows someone's name, the Magical Quill knows when a new wizard or witch is born and a Boogart knows what your greatest fear is.
  16. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Of course magic makes no sense if you try to fit it into principles that don't account for magic.

    Bah. Muggles.

    (P.S. LessWrong is bad and you should feel bad).
  17. diesIovis

    diesIovis Seventh Year

    Jul 13, 2011
    Poetovio. Pannonia~
    I do, I do, and I will try to apply a less scientific approach, but I like analyzing stuff and even magic has some basic principles or Harry could just snap with his fingers and Voldi would drop dead, hey it's magic, but I guess Rowling did whatever she needed to do to fit her ideas into her world, logic be dammed. (The muggles thing was funny, true, but funny)

    Anyways, I'd say that when something is transfigured it leaves a magic imprint on the item and when it's unraveled in takes the information from there to restore to original form. Makes sense and it includes magic. Maybe I'll become a squib yet~
  18. X Kronos X8

    X Kronos X8 Fifth Year

    Jul 8, 2009
    In canon, and presumably in the Santi's fic, the Trace exists. As we know, the Trace at the very least that we know, is something that tracks magic use in Underage wizards, and that it dissipates once a wizard reaches their maturity (17)

    Dumbledore's age line could be something that simply detects the presence of the Trace, and thus, the presence of underage wizards trying to enter the tournament. If this is how Santi has it set up, Harry's only potential choices may be to either to convince someone else to enter his name, or to break the ward itself.

    As this is only speculation, I could be completely wrong anyways. But, I am seriously interested in seeing how Santi is going to approach how Harry gets around the age line, as well as how the line itself is handled. But, I am pretty confident it is going to be awesome no matter how its done. :awesome
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2011
  19. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Why does the information have to exist either physically or magically? I don't see how a spell that reverts an object to some schema held in a "magical imprint" is any more logical than a spell that reverts an object to what it used to be, just like that.
  20. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    After reading the comment from X Kronos X8, I'm sure he is absolutely right about the base of the age line that conjures Dumbledore. On the same basis, the only way to get around (without resorting to magic to try to break the line of age) would be a person over 17 years placed the parchment written by the student under 17 years (the trick used by Barty Crouch Jr had nothing to do with the age line, but to cast a spell confounding the Goblet of Fire for the object to one quarter believe that it had a fourth school).

    However, I think we're obsessed when Harry will be the Durmstrang champion or be in the Triwizard Tournament as the fourth or fifth champion. I say this because Santi could surprise completely all of us by making all Harry did not enter the Triwizard Tournament, as for the Dumbledore's age line, be selected either because he is achieved but not being an orphan, he would need parental permission to enter the tournament (some kind of legal trickery that would invalidate the contract link would generate the Goblet of Fire, and if this is the case, we already know that James and Lily would never let his son enter the Triwizard tournament), etcetera. A situation of such features probably result in a total rift with his parents and his beloved "grandfather" Dumbledore.
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