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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. wolf550e

    wolf550e High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Nov 9, 2006
    Because we don't know anything about the physics of JKR's universe, we can't guess about the tactics. We know nothing about whether the advantage resides greatly on the side of the defender or the attacker or about non humint intelligence sources (e.g. scrying and communication interception and crypto), making and taking prepared fortified positions, mining under fortifications (ward breaking), transportation limiting wards and area effect spells (area denial, e.g. portable swamps), effectiveness of invisibility and camouflage (and fidelius and notice-me-not charms, etc), maneuver (portkeys, apparition, phoenix, etc.), rapidity and effectiveness of fire at distance (seems wands are worse than derringers), suppression fire (appears to not exist), cover and overwatch (from brooms, for example), personal armor and its effect on mobility, etc, etc. All these tactics have costs in money, latency, man-hours, etc. but because there are no reliable quantities of anything in the canon...

    All aspects of D&D style games and military reenactment and sandbox analysis are impossible because JKR just doesn't think this way: she only has feelings, not facts. That's why all analysis of what someone could have done is kinda pointless. I just assume all characters hold the idiot ball all the time and every piece of magic is a deus ex machina that is unused because otherwise there wouldn't be a story, and go on. I just find it personally unsatisfying and hard to do.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
  2. Tharkun

    Tharkun Second Year

    Dec 26, 2007
    Regarding the discussion on what Dumbledore could or should have done after the first war against Voldemort had ended: even if he had the ability to make a greater impact, it is doubtful that he would have used it.

    As far as I know, it is more or less implied in canon that Dumbledore is very reluctant to use the full extent of his (political) power. He already tried once to reform the wizarding world for the better, together with Grindelwald, and it wasn't such a smashing success. Power is addictive, and Dumbledore shrinks away from using his, knowing that years ago he lacked either the morality or the wisdom to handle the greater responsibility that comes with greater power.

    We can guess, but we cannot really know if Dumbledore should have acted more decisively, provided that he could. Maybe the fact that he doubted himself shows that he could have grabbed more power without being corrupted, yet it is also possible that the wizarding world would have ended up under the banner of Dictator and Light Lord Dumbledore :)
  3. ViolentRed

    ViolentRed Professor

    Dec 11, 2010
    Wolf, most of those Death Eathers that evaded prison never claimed they didn't commit those crimes. They were let off, because they claimed to be under the Imperius and no one could prove they weren't. How do you think it would look if Dumbledore suddenly started to hunt down those victims of You-Know-Who? And how could he prove they weren't under the Imperius? Sure, he might use Legilimency. And then what? Oh, look, the guy that hunted down Malfoy, because he believes he's a Death Eather, just accused him of being a Death Eather. Well that's a surprise. And how very convenient that he can't actually prove what he saw in Malfoy's mind.

    Then there's also the fact, that Dumbledore didn't even know all the Death Eathers. He confessed to not being sure of Barty Crouch Jr.'s guilt. Or hell, Peter Pettigrew. So what about McNair? Or the Carrows? Maybe he didn't know about them either. Karkarov never pointed them out and Snape didn't know about Pettigrew. So there clearly was some secrecy among the ranks.
  4. elflorddobby

    elflorddobby Second Year

    Jul 23, 2011
    Veritserum. Nuff said.
  5. ViolentRed

    ViolentRed Professor

    Dec 11, 2010
    That doesn't always work. There's canon proof for that too. Dumbledore says so in HBP when they talk about Slughorn.
  6. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
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    Veritaserum has very clear limitations.

    JKR has said it can be fooled with Occlumency or through having the antidote (in the case of Slughorn, he probably had both). Further, it clearly can only force a person to say what they know. It doesn't force objective truth out of people, only their subjective knowledge (if it did force objective truth out of people, you could dose up some random person and ask them the secrets of the universe). As such, self-obliviation, confundus charms and other similar magic (whatever Hermione used on her parents) would be able to fool Veritaserum.
  7. Boo

    Boo Auror

    May 29, 2007
    Dumbledore may not have hunted down every Deatheater and all of the spies/supporters that Voldemort had in the Ministry because it would make people lose faith in the government.
    The ID were also kept secret in the 1st war.
    Years of war with no hope of it ending and when it does you find out that the government was full of the people you were fighting/ the people who were killing your family.
    Malfoy and the others that were caught were given a trial. A trial that wouldn’t have been fair. People who were directly affected by the war were standing judge. The same Ministry that threw people in prison just to make it look like they were doing something or without evidence.

    Granted this is trying to rationalize J.K.
  8. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    No, they don't. Karkaroff explicitly says this.

    What is the evidence for it being as perfect as you claim? Seriously -_-

    And what if they don't? Which is the real one then? You know, you say this:

    and the impression I get is the other way round: You search for excuses why it must be shoddy. And on your excurse into despotism complete with killing the legal system and raping its mangled corpse (which apparently where you're at, governments do all the time) I won't even comment here. If you are serious, you have issues.

    The really funny thing is that what you advocate even was done. There was overwhelming evidence that Sirius was Voldemort's right hand-man, and so they said fuck it and chucked him into prison without a trial. That is what happens if you forego usual procedure. Looking at it from your reader's perspective in hindsight and with all the information is simply lazy and dishonest arguing.

    The entire thing hinges on one assumption you make: that people care. Care enough, even, to resort to violate means.

    I'll flat out deny that they do. It's a mix of general apathy and naïveté where Lucius Malfoy getting off is met with a shrug and the reasoning that well, he was probably innocent, then.

    Or in other words, shockingly like real life.

    I don't know which world you live in ("that is when citizens take up arms" makes me laugh, really, it does); in mine, when the Nazi trials (yeah, I finally do it too) happened after WWII, people wanted exactly one thing: to have them be over already and pretend the entire period between 1930 and 1945 never happened. That is how people react after a period such as this, and you'll find that reaction anywhere, anytime. As such, it's not a stretch at all to assume that the general population didn't care about Malfoy and others getting off, especially if it couldn't be proved that he was a Death Eater.

    Furthermore, you assume that most/all people even disagreed with Voldemort in the first place. Are you so sure about that? What happens in DH? Voldemort takes over. And life goes on. That was one of the parts I liked most about DH. The general darkness of that world, but people had arranged themselves. Voldemort has taken over. Oh, the weathercharms in the Ministry are off. Harry Potter is the Undesirable Number One. Yeah, I'll give you a call when I see him. Cauldron prices have risen again, that's the real problem.

    Those that get the short end of the stick are Muggleborns, obviously, but that's by far the minority. So conversely, yeah, I bet they were angry about so many supposed Death Eaters getting off in the trials after the first war. And what, exactly, could they do against it?

    TL;DR: I think you misread the political situation and wildly overestimate the ability of people to give two shits. I'll posit that this wizarding world isn't unbelievable at all, and instead an excellent reflection of (an imperfect) reality.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
  9. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    This. My country went through a multiple-decade civil war, complete with ethnic cleansing and other generally disgusting things. We've got people suspected of ordering said ethnic cleanses and political parties whose former militias were involved in them in Parliament and politics today. People just want to forgot this sort of shit ever happened and try and move on.
  10. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    Can we please discuss the story instead?

    If the task remains the same, what cool magic does Harry know that can help?

    Wards, aqua eructo, illusions, transfiguration.
    IN the maze, his dueling experience will come to the forefront dealing with monsters and obstacles.
    DO we actually think HArry will challenge the dragon or trick it.

    THe egg, if he uses the language charm to listern to it over and over, would he learn mermish.
  11. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    I'm going to have to side with wolf. You can't make accurate comparisons to the real world when you have magical means of extracting information.

    Taure: self-obliviation has to be both possible to detect and easy to remove. Malfoy senior clearly either didn't utilize it or removed it after the fact. If it's easy to detect and remove, then in a situation like a criminal trial, it should be done. There's nothing in canon indication a confundus charm can't be lifted either.

    Occlumency is harder (though I think that JKR pulled that out of her ass), but the number of people who even know about it is negligible. Bellatrix is the only DE with a solid grasp on it (that we know of), and she's probably only decent. Given a little bit of time with the interrogation team, her barriers would break down and then you could apply veritaserum.

    I think JKR's depiction of the magical world is what you get when you use magic exclusively as a plot device and don't think about the consequences of what you're inventing.

    So yes, there is a canon antidote to veritaserum. Are you telling me it's impossible to detect and lasts forever in the body?

    If you think hard enough, there's a way around all these self-imposed limitations. The fact that canon doesn't do it isn't an indicator that it couldn't be done or, god forbid, shouldn't be done.
  12. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    The point is that there's nothing wrong with it not being done, in terms of world-building. It's just not the huge problem you want it to be.
  13. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    I think it kinda is, honestly. Veritaserum isn't the only magical plot-device that JKR fucked up with.

    The Goblet of Fire - "Hey, I didn't put my name in!"
    "Don't matter, sonny, compete or else!"

    Exceptions to Gamp's law, implicitly contradicted earlier in the series multiple times.

  14. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    They didn't say that you must compete. They said it was in the rule book that you had to compete not that it was some binding magical contract. That's fanon bro. Gamp's law wasn't ever contradicted iirc. I don't have access to my books so I can't verify any of this, but I'm pretty sure you can create food out of nothing it just won't be good food i.e. you can eat it but it won't keep you alive/give you energy. If someone has the books I'm sure they can verify it for you.

    Now, how about getting back on topic? You have other threads for discussing JKR's magic. If you want to discuss magic trying discussing Santi's magic theory. Trying to find a use for Harry's magical discovery would be nice as I don't think anyone has come up with a reason for why everyone would be so excited about his discovery.
  15. Carmine

    Carmine Unspeakable

    Sep 30, 2010
    University of Nottingham
    Regarding the Goblet, T3t's point still stands (to an extent). Also, I'm pretty sure Molly conjures sauce from the tip of her wand.

    I reckon it's because it disproves laws of Transfiguration that had been in place since their conception in Ancient Greece.
  16. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Considering that Voldemort had difficulty in breaking through Berka Jorkin and she wound up as a vegetable, I'd have to say it's both difficult to detect and remove safely.

    I like how you go from saying she's probably decent at best (with no factual basis of her skill) and then use that statement to claim that she's break down after only a little time under interrogation, making a complete assumption that that Legilimency is far better known than Occlumency and that there would be an interrogator with the unknown level of skill needed available to break her.

    Because if you're seriously suggesting normal torture/interrogation tactics are going to break the woman who braved Azkaban and the Dementors for over a decade and didn't turn into a vegetable, then I may just laugh.
  17. ViolentRed

    ViolentRed Professor

    Dec 11, 2010
    I still think the idea that anyone could have just put any other name in the Goblet is stupid. It would make much more sense if Crouch's Confundus Charm was needed to make that possible as well. Either way, his charm rigged the Goblet, making it faulty evidence. Saying Rowling fucked up based on faulty evidence fails from the start.

    You can't conjure food. Period. You can, however, summon it. Dumbledore summoned a bottle from the kitchens or something straight into the Great Hall. Molly has been cooking and using charms on food for years. It really isn't much of a stretch for her to be able to summon it if she knows where it is and made it herself in the first place.
  18. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    So.. the reason Harry competed is because he wanted to affirm Snape's accusations of him being a gloryseeking retard, not because he was magically bullied into it?

    I already knew he was pretty damn stupid, but that stupid? Wow.
  19. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    If it's fanon, it's the most logical fanon I've ever read. Why else would Dumbledore force him to compete? It sure as hell makes more sense than the Manipulative!Dumbledore retardedness.
  20. Sageun

    Sageun Fourth Year

    Oct 25, 2008
    IIRC, canon only ever says that "the rules say" anyone whose name comes out of the Goblet has to compete.

    I always thought it was kind of odd that Harry never asked why they didn't just say, "Fuck the rules." Especially since Dumbledore clearly added new rules regarding age restrictions.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of GoF handy, so I'm basing this off of half a decade old memories.
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