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Death Eaters Mafia #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by BioPlague, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    I'm going to go ahead and vote for Ratstsurb too. Taure should probably be who we take down after that - he's definitely got some sort of plan; I thought initially that he may have written that first preachy post to try and keep attention away from himself by using the people who would potentially stand up against votes for people who post first like how it happened with Ashaya last time.

    Vote Player: Ratstsurb
  2. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
    ratstsrub: 10
    Fiat Piscis, Vira, Krogan, mishie, CrackedMind, jwlk, KaiDASH, Vesvius, Kensington, Palindrome
    Fenraellis: 1
    Abstaining: 1
    Has Not Voted: 13
    Ashaya, Atomicwalrus, Ayreon, Aziraphale, Fenraellis, Hashasheen, Hero of Stupidity, Lutris, MrINBN, Scrittore, Taure, Xiph0 and Zeitgeist
    13 votes to receive the Dementor's Kiss
  3. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase

    Oh, for Merlin's sake. This and this.

    Don't "white-knight" others. You can accuse as many people as you want, but don't protect/defend anybody unless you have a very good reason to do so. Why? Because the only people who would tend to defend others are Order members (not in this game) and - oh, wait - Death Eaters.

    I'm not defending anybody. However, certain people (Krogan, Fiat Piscis, and Aekiel) are defending HoS for no good reason. Yes, I have no valid reason to lynch HoS; I don't know if he's a DE, and I acknowledge it. My point is, we have to lynch somebody, and I picked HoS because he was the first person to make a semi-fishy comment. Your attempts to protect somebody for no seeming reason is very suspicious, especially since the Auror had no chance to investigate anybody yet.

    Remember Rehio and Ashaya?

    I will stick by my stance against HoS, mainly because ratstsrub has demonstrated that he puts waaaaay too much thought into the game (this, this,this, and this), and he therefore looks like he knows what he's doing. If he's an innocent Wizard, he's attracting attention to himself in order to draw the Death Eaters' sting away from the actual Healers/Aurors/Warlockes.

    Do. Not. Defend. Anybody. Without. An. Incentive.

    Do not "white-knight".

    Kill me if you want, but you won't get anywhere.

    I will vote later, when more people have voted. Why? Because I don't want my vote for HoS to cause a split vote; I am willing to vote for ratstrub if it avoids a stalemate.

    So, I'll vote later.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  4. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    This is the fastest moving thread I think I've ever seen. While I do think that it may be Taure, I really think that we need to lynch someone.

    Vote player: ratstrub
  5. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Zeit: simmer down. I'm not a supporter of HoS and think that he's, at the least, mildly suspicious, but right now we need to lynch someone, and the ball is rolling right the fuck at Rat. You've said it yourself that we need to lynch someone. I am in no way backing HoS and, in the event that our Auror doesn't decide to tell everyone that Taure's a death eater tomorrow, would vote for him.

    But like I said, the ball's rolling.
  6. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    Lets not kill Rat right this minute. We still have some time ( a lot of time actually) to discuss. And although I doubt we could pressure many people with so many votes on Rat, but someone could still slip up. The day is young
  7. ratstsrub

    ratstsrub Guest

    When I realized that the town was going to lynched me, I tried to dumped as much as I know as possible since either way, I was going to die. Death Eaters will definitely kill me if town doesn't lynch, so I might as well.

    Actually, here's an interesting food for thought. In a Mafia game, you don't actually need to lynch at all until a lylo. That is, you have to lynch, or you lose, fitting ain't it?

    A mislynch, like what's going to happen now, is not something preferable but isn't a great detriment to a town either. So I don't mind too much about going out so early, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

    But the thing to watch out for the most, is a mylo. That is, you mislynch, and you lose.

    What's a situation like that? Well, consider we have 4 Death Eaters and 6 Towns, 10 people in total. It's day and you're voting to lynch.

    If you don't lynch, then the Death Eaters will kill one off and the next day it would be 4 Death Eaters and 5 Towns, 9 people in total.

    But if you do lynch, and you mislynch, and then the Death Eaters kill one more off, the tally for the next day is 4 Death Eaters and 4 Towns.

    Meaning, the Death Eaters have won.

    So watch your math, and make sure if it's a mylo, you do not fucking lynch unless you are definitively certain that the person is a Death Eater. Basically, do not do what you guys are doing now, you cannot afford it.

    On a mylo without proof, wait until it's a lylo, the next day, to lynch, because then it will increase your chance of getting a Death Eater. You will not lose if you do not lynch, nl, on a mylo, but you will if you mislynch.

    Oh and whoever suggested the Auror investigate Taure, kudos for you. If the Auror do that and says nothing the next day, do not lynch Taure. Chances are good that he's innocent. And if he's a Dark Lord, you can kill him later, try for somebody who has a better chance of being a Death Eater than him (if it's not guilty).
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2011
  8. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Yeah you get every time you post like this you go up another ten notches on the suspect list right?
  9. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Why would death eaters kill you, exactly? I doubt they'd bother - you're either one of them or you've revealed that you're a vanilla wizard. Either way, there's no reason to kill you from a DE's perspective.
  10. ratstsrub

    ratstsrub Guest

    Fuck off, I'm already pretty sure I'll be lynched :D

    Might as well post what I can while I still can. Who knows, maybe it will help the town if they bother to read it.

    Well they will string me for awhile as bait I'm sure, but the Auror will investigate me and that'll either point me as Dark Lord or really am innocent.

    The only thing is, if they keep me alive too long, I'm sure I can figure out who at least one of the Death Eaters are, and the longer I'm alive, the more valid my line of reasoning might be. So I was expecting to die 3rd or 4th round if I won't be lynched today.

    See, while a power-role might lead the game, often at the end it's a blue who'll be the hammer for a vote, since PR will vote for Mafia, Mafia will vote for PR (unless they're stupid and vote for blue, in which case blue votes for Mafia and game over), so the only one left is the blue who'll have to choose. Mafias tend to kill off blues who aren't buying what they're selling to influence that eventual moment.

    That or Dark Wizard gets me for lulz.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2011
  11. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase

    ...didn't you yourself vote for ratstsrub?

    All I will say is that ratstsrub puts too much thought into this. If he's an actual DE, then he is behaving incredibly stupidly, which is a little uncharacteristic in light of his previous posts.

    Taure doesn't look that suspicious. Is eccentricity/trolling a sign of guilt? Vira, who is certain to have a role, and the "Defenders of HoS" (Krogan, HoS, Aekiel, Fiat Piscis) seem the most suspicious to me.

    Lutris is just sleep-deprived from watching anime. xD
  12. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Wait what? I'm not defending HoS in the least. He's third on my kill list, I just think there are better targets go for at the moment who seem more suspicious.
  13. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Still wondering exactly how we're defending HoS by deciding to go after someone else. I mean, for fuck's sake, Aekiel's only posts were him voting for a random guy then explaining why he did so.

    You didn't seem that suspicious a minute ago, but you just beat the fuck out of Taure with a shovel and took his place on my list.
  14. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    You're right. And I want him to die this day too. But if we just really quickly lynch him, we're wasting the potential for the day. The game is only 3-4 hour's in. We have 24 hours. We have 20 hours left to investigate other possible leads. It'd be a waste to kill him now :p

    (As a random aside..) If we don't kill rat today, it would ruin the whole game for the town. We must kill him today, but the last vote should come sometime tomorrow afternoon.
  15. ratstsrub

    ratstsrub Guest

    Night and day cycle I thought?

    We have less time than that.

    (Ah I see, night lasts shorter.)
  16. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    I might be wrong, but I think it is 24 hour's for each day, and 24 hours for each night.

    (In my other post, when i said it should end tomorrow afternoon, I meant real time)
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  17. BioPlague

    BioPlague The Senate DLP Supporter

    Jun 22, 2006
    United States
    Day is 24 hours; Night is 24 hours.
  18. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Chief Warlock

    Jul 17, 2011
    Rat, It goes from 10:00 PM EST (yesterday) to 10:00 PM EST today.
  19. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Hm, why I'm inclined to be suspicious of you:

    Firstly, you said this. You agreed with me that 1) bandwagon is good and 2) we shouldn't vote until the accused as a chance to defend himself/herself. Prima facie, you appeared to be supporting my bandwagon against HoS.

    However, then you did this, even though Fenraellis hadn't had a chance to defend. Why give HoS the opportunity to do something that Fen didn't? Why Fen? Because he's not HoS? Because Aekiel voted for him, and Fen was the only alternative available at the time who wasn't HoS?

    The fact that you then latched onto Ratstsrub when he became an acceptable target implies that your vote is mainly to divert attention away from HoS, at least in my opinion.

    You also said something similar to somebody who also voted for HoS and not against the Red Herring: link.

    Of course, Kensington rescinded the vote. =/

    Something is very fishy here, I'll say that much.
  20. ratstsrub

    ratstsrub Guest

    I thought I read that the host changed the night to be a bit shorter so it's not so boring, but maybe not considering the prodding he had to do on certain somebody.

    But yeah, you're right, 24 hours. Go scum-hunt around, and if nobody slips, then I'm fine with being lynched.

    Better a blue than a PR.

    (Death Eaters, lurking is usually a sign of scum :D )
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2011