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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009
    Seriously all the people who insist on making predictions for this fic, why don't you go and write omakes detailing where you think this fic is headed.

    Those would be far more interesting to read then what's being put down in this thread (and would also help partially satisfy our longing for moar updates).
  2. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Minister of Magic

    Jul 17, 2011
    You know a story is epic when they'res fanfiction of a fanfiction. Hell, If The Santi gave his approval, this could be interesting and fun.

    Or atleast until someone writes a slash!fic between Harry and Nathan.
  3. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009
    I'm so desperate for an update, that I'd read THAT.

    I'm pretty sure Santi would love for people to write omakes of his fic. It's hard to imagine an author who would say no to such a thing.
  4. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Minister of Magic

    Jul 17, 2011
    No one should ever be that desperate. I'd be willing to throw my hat in the ring if it weren't for the fact I'm already working on a story.

    Anyone willing to write the second fanfic-fic?
  5. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Vlad already wrote an omake, didn't he?
  6. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Minister of Magic

    Jul 17, 2011
    Yeah, that's why I said second.
  7. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009
    Yea he did.

    It would be quite fun if more omakes were written.
  8. Klackerz

    Klackerz Bridgeburner

    Oct 22, 2009
    Can you give a link then. I don't think I have read it.
  9. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    I completely agree, SPO.
  11. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Challenge motherfuckin' accepted.
  12. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Minister of Magic

    Jul 17, 2011
    Hell, This could be cool. Sign me up.
  13. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.

    The unnecessary opulence into which he'd expanded, charmed, and Transfigured his dorm room only heightened the silence during his studying - and for the better. Tutoring Victor and practicing his dueling with Calypso would always be rewarding, but the most progress would always come from his isolated study sessions.

    He was also, somewhat contradictorily, at his most relaxed and most guarded. There weren't a hundred other students or or professors to pay attention to. It was soothing to let his magic float outward and upward and just be, touching benign or sublime objects that pulsed with their own gentle power. It was a solace that the young wizard treasured, and his awareness would only grow with practice and maturity.

    It was why Kira didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of sneaking up on him.

    Ten inches of Ash and Dragon's heartstring was unconsciously layered with the strongest of Stylus charms, making the now diamond-hard, razor-sharp wand draw blood the moment Harry brought it around to her neck. The part of him that would have grudgingly admired her ability to keep eye-contact without flinching was completely smothered by the anger he felt over his broken peace.

    Her magic, filthy and loud, had shattered his senses the moment she'd crossed the threshold - rendering her stealth and silencing charms completely useless.

    The silent stand-off was interrupted by Harry's near-perfect German. "Why are you here," he all but spat, but not without a little bit of panic.

    "I think," she began, leaning into the wand-blade to bring her face closer, "you know exactly what I came here for." She leaned in further, ignoring the deep cut in her neck, and brought her hand up to reach for his-

    And that's how you do a cliff-hanger.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  14. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    >.> Blaise <.<
  15. Jericho

    Jericho Sixth Year

    Jan 9, 2011
    His sig adds to it. Smug bastard.
  16. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Bitch please.

    Harry checked himself one last time in the mirror.

    He had to give it to Nathan. Talentless as his stupid brother was, he had an eye for formalwear. Unless it was mum who picked it up. It didn't matter. Black and slender with silver lining, Harry liked it.

    He checked his hair again. Perfectly slicked back as always, he'd taken to growing them since the beginning of last year. He had to admit, he looked every bit like a pureblood going to a formal ball.
    All this charade to fool his mum.
    Quickly wiping a bead of sweat from his left temple, Harry asked the mirror "How do I look?"
    "Quite the dashing young man, if I do say so myself, but I think you overdid it with the gel a bit. Also, do tie that shoelace, lover boy"

    Harry flicked his wand to silence the mirror of his bathroom. Much as the outcome wasn't exactly what he expected, he didn't regret enchanting it to give an opinion and a tip or two. It was only one of the many summer projects that littered his room. Ever since the explosive end of the previous year, tension in the Potter household was much higher than normal. Harry had needed something, many things in fact, to keep his mind off of things. Occlumency helped, but it wasn't enough. The twin boys had just reached a tentative truce a few weeks ago, when Nathan bought him the dress robe as a way of trying to fix things between them. Harry suspected his mum had pulled Nathan aside and talked to him.

    Again, he reminded himself of the decision he'd made to forgive his brother, even while at the same time he knew the dress robe was bought from Nathan's Triwizard winnings. The next week he'd given Nathan a set of dummies charmed to ride brooms and perform basic training drills.
    Exiting his room, Harry forced his mind to stop thinking about his brother, and more on the task at hand. He trudged down the stairs, collecting his thoughts and straightening his expression as well as his robe.

    He stuck his head inside the dining room, to see his mother merrily cooking dinner while his father, James, was sitting comfortably in a chair, and talking animatedly with his wife. Harry entered the room and immediately had the attention of both of his parents.

    "Hi mum, dad." His father gave a nod. "Hey son. You look fine" Lily smacked James in the shoulder, saying "He looks more than fine James. He look stunning. And you're wearing the robe your brother got you." Harry could see it his mother's eyes - appreciation. She thought he'd worn the robe as a show of goodwill. Harry had a much better reason for wearing that particular dress robe, but he wasn't about to tell his mum that.

    Trying to avoid a potentially awkward situation, Harry said "Yes mum. I'm glad Victor invited me to his little get-together." Harry had arranged it with Victor. He was supposedly going to a small party Victor and some of his friends had set up, along with some people from the Bulgarian seeker's team. Victor had agreed to help, even going as far as to write a polite letter to Harry's parents asking for Harry to stay for the weekend at his house.

    "Calypso will be there?" Asked his father, a meaningful look on his face. Harry did everything he could to block his passive Legilimency, lest he accidentally got whiff of what his father meant. He still held a grudge against his father for when he had forced him and his brother to sit while he gave them The Talk earlier in the summer. Uncle Sirius had been insufferable.
    "Victor invited her too" Harry said, choosing to remain somewhat cryptic.

    "Alright son, your portkey is waiting at the hall. Let's go see you off" His father and mother stood, and they moved out of the kitchen. Harry, who had left the kitchen first, barely stopped himself from crashing on his brother, who was in the process of entering.

    "Oh, sorry Harry" Nathan said, awkwardness evident in his voice. Then he took notice of Harry's attire, and red tinged his cheeks. "Well, um, I'll see you at Monday, Have fun"

    "Sure, Nathan. Have fun at Weasley's" Harry surveyed his brother. He'd grown taller over the year and, although they were still approximately the same height, the difference in their hairstyle (or lack of one, in Nathan's case) made his brother look taller. His face was slightly more gaunt, his cheekbones more defined. He looked just like their father did, at their age. They had the photographic material to prove it, too. The last year had been hard on him though, and it could be seen. He had lost weight since the end of the year and the Third Task, and he still had hints of bags under his eyes.

    Nathan unnerved Harry as of late. He was used to his brother being chipper and more vibrant, brash and foolish, saying his mind and acting without thinking. Ever since Voldemort's resurrection however, he had become more solemn, more withdrawn and over the summer Harry had to put up a silencing charm many a time so as to sleep, Nathan's nightmare's making him very loud while he trashed about in his room.

    Voldemort. The thought alone of the monster that had been unleashed on the world was enough to make Harry shiver. Harry could not fathom how Nathan could have survived capture by this man. And yet, his brother did survive, escaping by summoning the portkey that took him there at the right time. The Triwizard Cup.

    "This is it Nathan. This is the end of the line, it's just you and me now. Us, and the Cup"
    "I can't just sit back and let you take it after coming this far, Harry. You know that"
    "Then there is nothing further to be said"


    For his part, Harry did not use not one of his Dark Spells. Besides the fact that this task was monitored, or so he was told, this was his brother he was fighting. Still, even without his darker repertoire he had a wide array of offensive hexes, jinxes and curses.

    To give credit to Nathan, he kept his own, being completely on the defensive. He was focused on blocking Harry's spells, never once firing one of his own. That immediately set the alarms in Harry's head off. Nathan was planing something, but what?
    Not ten seconds later, he knew. The massive and hideous form of a blast-ended Skrewt burst through the bushes around them, snarling, pincers clicking dangerously, and made a beeline for Harry.

    All thoughts of dueling his brother cast aside, Harry had done his best to stop the rampaging creature. He'd managed to halt it's momentum with a barrage of curses and banishing charms, and could faintly hear his brother say "Hermione's idea, Compulsion Charm. I'm sorry, Harry"
    Harry immediately spotted the Compulsion Charm Nathan had placed on the single-minded monstrosity, and undone it, replacing it with one of his own which compelled the beast to get as far away from here as possible. He felt the Skrewt's raw hate resist him, but after a very short few seconds the Skrewt gave up it's attack and turned to leave.

    He turned his head just in time to see his brother take the Cup, a sad expression on his face, and be whisked away.

    Harry's portkey dumped him just outside of Victor's house, a beautiful two story building on top of a hill, overlooking a vast area of green, with huge mountain forms visible in the distance.
    The gate opened when he approached, and Victor walked out to meet him. His friend had not grown much taller, but he was getting slightly bulkier, his relentless quiditch training refining him to the peak of fitness.

    They greeted each other, Harry grumbling about international portkeys.
    "So, can I still use your fireplace?" Harry asked, in German. They'd been through this before, but he checked again anyway.

    "Yes" replied Krum's deed voice "Kira's family is living in the country for the summer. I still can't believe you agreed to this deal" Harry shook his head. "Why shouldn't I? I help her with her Animagus training, and she stops treating my like crap for six months. I even got her to be civil to Calypso for two."

    Victor shrugged "As long as you think it's worth it"
    Harry's Occlumency prevented his mad grin from escaping to his face "Believe me Victor, it is very much worth it"

    Thankfully, Victor was good at negotiating with his parents, and had managed to get them to leave for the weekend while " he and a few friends took this opportunity to catch up". So, without further ado, they headed to the living room, and the fireplace. Victor's house was relatively big, with spacey rooms and cozy, stylish furniture.

    "You'll be back by eleven?" Victor asked. "Kira said she'd come once you finished tutoring her. Plus, Calypso should arrive tomorrow morning"

    "I don't know Victor. I'm doing all I can to help her, but you know Kira isn't so good with the Animagus process, this may take a while. I won't stay for more than midnight though"
    Harry felt bad for lying in Victor's face like that. Of course, his Occlumency allowed him to do it perfectly, but Victor was his friend, his only true friend. Calypso was ... Calypso was complicated. Every time he lied to him, he felt like lying to himself. Victor did refuse to attend though, both him and Kira had asked, just for pretense's sake. He'd thankfully refused, saying that he'd done enough Animagus stuff, and his career needed his full attention, and he wasn't good at Transfiguration and look it's getting late I should be going you two have fun.

    Harry shook his head. Victor had made his bed by being ... well, himself. He bid him goodbye, and let the green flames consume him and transport him away. He landed, thankfully on his feet, and coughed out ash, as well as rubbings his eyes to clear them.

    He'd landed in a spacious living room, with long couches, a wooden, low table and a couple of portraits, thankfully asleep.

    "Are you alone, Potter?" Kira's haughty voice barked from outside the room, hostility evident in her voice. Harry gulped.

    "Yes, Victor didn't come" He unconsciously stopped his left hand from shaking slightly.
    "Well, that's good." Said a voice that was clearly not Kira. The door opened and Calypso walked in, dressed only in her underwear, hair ruffled. Following her was the slightly taller Kira, similarly attired. They looked somewhat sweaty and out of breath, the lighting doing interesting things with the sweat beads sliding between their cleavage.

    Both smiled, somewhat frighteningly, at him, and Kira said "Because you were late, and we started off without you"

    A bit wary about format, but what the hell.


    Edit: Organs, you damn ninja.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  17. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009

    Two of her fingers moved into the mouth of a suddenly frozen Harry. Then as he looked at her confused, Kira's appendages expanded into sharp talons, ripping out the inside of Harry's cheek. Harry backpedaled stumbling into his recently created hallway while on instinct, raising his wand.

    Kira was faster.

    "Varlam Expusio" A high powered dark cutter raced towards Harry, hitting the shield he had just barely created, and ricocheting off to the side. Kira not skipping a breath, followed with a series of chain linked verbal bone breakers and bombardment hexes.

    Harry quickly conjured a couch behind him and dove into the wall as jets of light flew by him on his right, one of which Harry duly recognized as an entrail expelling curse.

    What the hell was going on? Why was Kira attacking him?

    "Fumus creare" he whispered, filling the hallway with thick smoke. Kira doubled over coughing, no doubt unable to catch her breath. Thinking quickly, Harry transfigured the now wooden pieces of couch into water while disillusioning and silencing himself.

    Kira stepped into the hallway, and that was all he needed. The puddle of water guided by his wand, transformed into watery tubes that shot through the air and wrapped around Kira's hands, but not before she got off another curse.

    The dark cutter raced toward him, as Harry yelled "Protego!" and poured all of his magic into the spell. Protego, a basic shield charm normally meant to only block minor jinxes, buckled under the strain before managing to deflect the dark curse back at Kira. She didn't manage to cast a shield in time to stop the curse from hitting her neck.

    Kira collapsed to the ground as a puddle of blood began forming.

    "No no no no-" muttered Harry as he fell to his knees beside her. He cancelled his disillusionment and started casting every healing spell he knew of, but to no avail as blood continued seeping onto the floor.

    Kira looked up at him from the ground, a confused expression on her face as her eyes slowly widened. "What's going on?" She whispered.

    Harry continued desperately casting healing spells as the puddle of blood around Kira grew wider. Hearing her question, Harry noticed something horrible. Her eyes which during the duel had been unhinged, were now focused on him. Harry could only stare at her, silently shaking as her life ebbed away.

    She showed a clear sign of having been placed under the Imperius curse.

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  18. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Well, considering that most omakes are written for fun, I don't think it should have such a "serious" cliff hanger. Leave serious stuff for a true story. And I liked the one done by Republic21 the most, because there is no way that something even similar will ever happen in this story. Which is basically what omakes should be used for :) .

    Now, I'm waiting for Santi's reaction to all this fanfiction of his fanfiction. Should be interesting to see how he feels about it. ;)
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    You're just mad that you started to fap to mine, and I pulled away at the last minute :devil:
  20. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    Didn't we have conversation about yelling incantations for no reason already?
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