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Death Eaters Mafia #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by BioPlague, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Cool story, bro. I think I'll just sit over here and be innocent while you die for being death eater scum, if that's alright with you.

    I'll admit, though, it takes some damn fine spin-control to try to get me lynched when the Hit Wizard is so suspicious of you.
  2. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Yeah, I could have chosen better words than that, now that I look back on it. It's just a regular turn of phrase that remarks on how Fiat is not exactly looking squeaky clean to everyone out there.

    Actually, I haven't mentioned today at all for that exact reason. I was citing past events that occurred before Hash was lynched. Your points on the maths are good, though I'm obviously reluctant to put myself on the firing line: I'm enjoying this game and want to continue it to the end, if possible.

    The point of accusing you is to show the others how suspicious you are to me, because I honestly believe that you are a Death Eater, and a damn good one if your taking control of the game is any indication.

    Besides which, how the hell would KaiDASH conclude anything when he has (supposedly, come out and say it if you haven't) been spying on Fenraellis for the last few nights? If the Death Eaters/Sorceror had touched him before that he'd have likely voiced his accusations then (again, say if you didn't) and as such it can be suggested that he has about as much idea of who the Death Eaters are as any of the pro-towners. In other words, he can be swayed by your arguments too.

    Take from this what you will, but I don't trust your word any farther than I can throw it, so, Death Eater.
  3. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Which is why he's vocally agreed with me on everything so far, right?

    Oh, what's that? He voted for you yesterday when I was convinced that it was Aziraphale? And that his arguments convinced me on IRC into changing my vote to you? and that I changed back to prevent myself from obstructing a vote, even when he was convinced that Aziraphale was the healer? Funny, that. It almost seems like the facts disagree with your bullshit.
  4. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    Wow. So because I happen to suspect people who aren't on your list, I'm guilty. Is it just me or are you trying to peer pressure your way into getting the three of us lynched? Way to be heavy handed.

    I simply don't see much going against walrus. Aekiel, way more suspicious then walrus but less then my top three. And the third is me. I aint accusing me.

    Apologies If there are any problems with this post. I'm sending it from work with my phone.
  5. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    You could at least manage to be consistent in what you say in two posts. It's not like you have to remember much between a post 2 hours ago and now.

    Ok, so now let's look at your last post

    Ok, reasonable.

    Seems fine.

    Sure, after last game.

    So you've got no idea on Ayreon.

    Ok, now how about your DE top listing.

    Oh. I thought you couldn't recall much at all about Ayreon, so it seems weird that you'd put him in the list over Ashaya (who you say seems suspicious) or Atomicwalrus, when you don't disagree with my analysis of him. It's even weirder when you consider that my view on Atomicwalrus's guilt is completely dependent on Aekiel being guilty as well. And it gets super weird when you just now say you think Aekiel is more scummy than Atomicwalrus, which is completely different from what you were saying 2 hours ago.
  6. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Isn't the point of posting in this thread so that everyone can see the arguments both for and against the other players? I wasn't aware that KaiDASH had convinced you over IRC, so I used the posts in this thread to form my hypothesis. Aside from which, it was your arguments in the first place that put you in the innocent column in his mind (in which case you've played well, Death Eater). He can't confirm if you're a Death Eater or not if you haven't been sent out to kill someone, and he couldn't confirm whether you're the Sorceror or not if since no Sorceror in his right mind would investigate Fenraellis after he'd declared himself.

    What I'm saying is simply that KaiDASH is wrong since he doesn't seem to have any concrete evidence for either my or your guilt. He's relying on his own conclusions drawn from the posts in this thread and IRC, which (as was well proven in the last game) are not always correct. After all, charisma and the right words can be used to convince people of anything; just look at US politics for a damned good example.

    Again I say, if KaiDASH has taken any action that invalidates this, please speak up.
  7. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010

    I've looked at the posts in this thread and found you wanting.
  8. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Fair enough, you think I'm a Death Eater. What I'm asking is do you have concrete evidence to back my guilt or Fiat's innocence up?
  9. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    If the auror didn't check you there is no 100% (or concrete, as you put it) proof. And there isn't going to be anymore concrete proof in this game anyway. Auror dead, I'm going to get roleblocked or dead and there are no other investigative roles.

    However, I've been given no reason to doubt my analysis of you or atomicwalrus. Hell, atomicwalrus even tried to imply that the two of you could be order members in response.
  10. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    It would seem to me that if AtomicWalrus was a Death Eater he'd know that there are no Order Members. Death Eaters can talk to each other in PM, so if any one of them actually looked at the list of roles, all of them would soon be aware of the fact.
  11. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    You've also given me no reason to doubt, so yeah.

    That the first thing you tried to do was to redirect into a bandwagon on Fiat is pretty telling as well.
  12. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I've been trying to see Fiat lynched for days now. I know you're the Hit Wizard, and Fiat is the one who I believe is a Death Eater. Every time I've posted today has been to prove his guilt, so my poking holes in your theory is in order to convince people that Fiat is the real threat. It's not misdirection if I bring everything back into my main point; it's forming a good argument.
  13. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    You aren't poking holes in my theory. You've asked me to provide evidence that is mechanically impossible to produce at this point in the game.

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:44 AM ----------

    And it is misdirection if you go straight into pointing fingers at fiat and don't even acknowledge the fact that I have you on the chopping block.
  14. Ayreon

    Ayreon Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 18, 2006
    This his been an interesting couple of hours. I went to bed before someone was lynched the day before yesterday (wanted to post more, but was tired from traveling and forgot), and came back to a bloodbath of lynched Healer, killed Auror and dead Dark Lord.

    Probably also a dead Hit-Wizard on the next night.

    I've held back until now with voicing my suspicions and posted more on general tactics and strategies instead, but now that we've lost the Healer and Auror and are down to a couple of people there's not much use for that. I also didn't want to become an unnecessary target.

    I agree with some of your suspicions, but I would still include Fiat in the list of suspects.
    Fiat, if you're innocent too, then that had to be one of the most useless and counterproductive feuds I've seen, what you had with Zeitgeist.
  15. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    A few words about playing your cards close to your chest.


    The goal isn't to stay alive until the end of the game, the goal is to have innocents win. The best way to achieve this is to have everybody make suspect lists so that DE's will slip up in an obvious way (like vesvius did with his).

    Anybody who wants to not post their suspect list because it'll "make them a target" is automatically a suspect.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 AM ----------

    Also, you wouldn't be a target anyway at least in the coming few nights (if you are innocent ) due to reasons I'll get into after the game, because it'd be negative expectation for the town if I talked about it now.
  16. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    So, looking at this thread, people seem suspicious of Aekiel the most. He didn't stand out to me at first, but I do kind of see it now. I think that Vesvius is suspicious as well. I do still think that Palindrome MAY be guilty...I've pinpointed my suspicion to the fact that she reminds me of my posts in the previous thread, where I was a DE.

    Anyway, we'll see what happens tonight. :S
  17. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007

    Kai, it seems to me that you're reaching.

    Your entire problem with me before my list was... something. It was never explained. Your reason for assuming my guilt after my list was because I ranked Ayreon above the other two A's. My reasoning for my ranking is simple. Ayreon is above the other two for the face that I know little about him. If you can reach this point in the game with me knowing that little about you, it sets off a flag in my head.

    Your problem seems to be that you've developed tunnel vision on myself, Aekiel, and Atomicwalrus and are dicarding anything that doesn't support that suspicion. You're not listening to the fact that Fiat tries to lynch anything that moves as long as he supports you. You're ignoring the fact that Ayreon is in fact suspicious. And you haven't paid any attention to any of the rest of them. Pity, because it seems you're smart. But I can tell you that you're focusing on at least one wrong person, and that makes you a bigger hinderance then the DEs could ever be.
  18. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    My problem with your list is that it is inconsistent both internally and with your later post on the subject.

    Sure, Ayreon is suspicious, but saying he is a DE when you have no read on him is a leap of faith that seems odd.

    Especially since you 1. Don't disagree with my view on Walrus and 2. View Aekiel as both more scummy than walrus and not scum at all, depending on which post we're looking at.

    Anyway, even if you're the warlock , you still have 2 night phases before you're lynched so you could use your power on those nights. The main and most obvious reason for you to be so adamant about not being killed (or not getting aekiel killed, for that matter) is that you're scum.
  19. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007

    Tunnel vision.

    Want to do a reread? In one post I said that it's possible that walrus is a DE and that I had no proof one way or the other, and that while Aekile could be if you looked at it right I didn't feel it. In the other post, I said Aekiel is indeed more suspcious then walrus. Just like I said in the first place.

    Way to interpert dude.

    As to why I'm so adamant about not being killed: I apparently have a very different interpertation of winning this game then you do. To me, you win if you're still alive at the end of it. Not if your team wins. If the town wins, rats lost in my opinion. If the DEs win, Taure lost in my opinion. I don't like losing.
  20. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    I'm not sure that voting in the same way is particularly indicative of being a death eater - surely they'd try to avoid voting in the same way? Anyway, I think it's a good train of thought. Aekiel seems to be the obvious one to go for tonight, especially considering the way he attempted to deflect suspicion onto Fiat just now.

    I'm still iffy on Fiat. At the start of the game I suspected Zeit and him - Zeit moreso - and before he got killed I was fairly convinced that he was a death eater. Since then I don't know what to think - but the death eaters kill of his loudest rival looked like it was an attempt to draw suspicion to him. Which is also why I still suspect him - that could just as easily have been a ploy to draw suspicion off him by exploiting that. Mostly he makes me suspicious because he is, like you said, a zealot; but just suspecting the loudest voice seems unfair.

    I was actually somewhat suspicious that she went for Hash right away like she did. I could see that being a way to deflect suspicion off her, especially considering that the bandwagon was turning towards him a lot before he died. Still though, I don't think she is a death eater just from her general attitude towards the game so far - nothing she's said has made me particularly suspicious aside from being so certain about Hash.

    I've no clue what to think about these four. INBN is suspicious because of extreme lurkery, Vesvius has seemed pro-town to me in the past but hasn't stood out much, and I barely remember Scrittore and Ayreon. Bah, I ran out of time again.