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Almost Recommendable Volume the Third

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Antivash, Aug 11, 2010.

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  1. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    It sounds a bit like Partially Kissed Hero, to be honest. That doesn't exactly engender confidence.
  2. Heleor

    Heleor EsperJones DLP Supporter

    Mar 3, 2006
    Seattle, WA
    Well, in this case he's actually driving it to a conclusion, and has less pointless bashing. I think there's only two chapters left to go.
  3. Rhys

    Rhys High Inquisitor

    Sep 6, 2009
    I agree here, while the form may appear similar, the spirit is entirely different. This is a story where everybody gets to be cool in their own special way (even the villains). It's pretty much the opposite of a bash fic. Certain characters might be adversarial towards certain other characters for valid and invalid reasons, but there isn't really a feel of prejudice to the goings on.

    It may be crazy action porn, but its lighthearted, happy, crazy action porn that continues to try to top itself up to the very end. The fights don't really feel repetitive at all, as there's usually a cool gimmick to liven up each one differently.
  4. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Ok, so... I made it to like chapter 5 or something. Maybe 4, wasn't keeping track. Frankly, it's not much better than his other story, which I now remember reading a while back. Really, so far it's just a cheap rip-off of TLIL with Harry doing random things for the sake of it.
  5. Arrowjoe

    Arrowjoe Auror

    Jan 27, 2011
    Vancouver, Canada
    I saw this and now all I can think of is "If Harry Potter was the star of Shoot 'Em Up"
  6. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    Heh. It's homage to more than just TLIL: Dagger and Rose, A Black Comedy, Bungle in the Jungle, apple and grassy tones, lightly oaked, aromatic, a somewhat coarse wine with middling complexity and passable finish. Drinkable.

    I find the author to be entertaining in smaller doses, but taken in large blocks, I become mentally punch-drunk, like when trying to slog through a Pynchon novel. Events in his stories seem conjured, not carefully placed and foreshadowed, and they don't always have the same kind of internal logic or discipline as some of the better stories out there, which is why I think the Perfect Lionheart comparisons come up on occasion. (PL is the worst offender in memory). Unlike PL, however, the author doesn't write as if it's therapy for his long list of violent mental disorders and, though I won't share details of private messages, I will say that in the times we've communicated, the author comes off like a reasonable guy (which is more than I can say for PL). I don't feel ashamed of myself for liking his story, like I might a story by PL or JoeHundredaire (if said authors ever wrote anything good enough to like, that is).

    It's a good guilty pleasure read, like his other story, the time-travel one.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  7. knuckz

    knuckz Seventh Year

    Mar 23, 2011
    Well, I wrote this a while ago, and I know it's not library worthy, but it's at least almost recommendable.

    Listful Summer

  8. Johnny Farrar

    Johnny Farrar High Inquisitor

    Mar 14, 2009
    In front of a Computer.
    I found it boring. I thought you were going to make this a comedy from the summary or even a parody of all those get-independent-during-the-summer fics.

    Instead, all I did find was a recap of what has happened to him during the past few years in the fast few paragraphs that we already knew from canon.

    The writing feels tiresome and tedious as if you're trying too hard to be deliberately funny, which nonetheless fails.

    The ending however completely ruins the story. So, Harry makes a list, decides what he has to do, and in the very next sentence, he gets tired of the idea and gives it up. You could have at least attempted humour by actually having him try to follow his plan and creatively create the hilarity that ensues.

    What I simply felt was that you attempted to write the story, got bored out of it and finished it just as soon as you can.
  9. knuckz

    knuckz Seventh Year

    Mar 23, 2011

    Actually, that's exactly what happened.

    I wrote this some time ago, not for the express purpose of parodying that premise, but rather to test what I could or couldn't do with my writing.

    And actually, rather than parodying independent Harry fics, it was actually meant to parody stories where writers use lists to depict what the story would consist of, which is more of a specific event usually found in independence fics.

    Still, I suppose there's no excuse for a crappy story, though I thought it'd be worth at least a chuckle.
  10. Lens of Sanity

    Lens of Sanity Backtraced

    Sep 17, 2011
    An Old and New World


    That Alexeey guy msged me and I found this thread

    I’ve gone through the whole thing and made some minor changes, re-posted every chapter with improvements, but as the story was a self beta the grammar and tense issues are kind of game breaking. Nevertheless as of the 17th the thing is finished…

    It’s funny, I quite enjoyed re-reading my own story, which is a lot like jacking off to a picture of yourself you downloaded from the internet (something we have all done at one point or another by the way) and I found some of the places the story went pretty interesting. There are loads of bits I don’t remember writing at all...

    Hedwig kidnaps Lucius and he finds himself in Luna’s bedroom where she is singing ‘Hey Ya’ into a hairbrush? ... WTF?

    ...Oh and Harry’s main fighting style was weird. I took Perspicacity’s peanut transfiguration from Dagger and Rose, and then paired it with that joke from BWP where Al Potter accidently turns his brother into an Ass… The upshot being the story could probably be marketed as 200k words of wall to wall gorilla stabbing.

    Overall I’m pretty satisfied with how it came out. It is what it is, and the problems it has all come down to the fact it WASN’T plotted it in advance. Instead I spent the whole thing asking myself what the characters would do in each situation, maybe that method of writing has a fancy title, but as I never took Literature I don’t even know.

    I suppose I was being kind of a cock-tease with the Fleur pairing. I never intended them to get together during the Tri-Wizard Tournament, because for the most part authors who try that screw it up. (Two glaring exceptions spring to mind!) … So yeah, I accept that might piss a bunch of people off.

    Erm, well there you go, final chapter is done. I love the phrase 'Crazy Action Porn' that totally made me smile! Oh, and thanks to whoever posted this as ‘Almost Recommendable’ for this site it counts as high praise.

    While I have a DLP handle I don’t spend too much time on the Forum, so if you want me to reply you might want to PM my ff.net account instead.

    Also, I am aware this is an Almost Recommendable thread so yeah, I agree! I’m not saying this damn Fic is the greatest thing ever written. ALMOST is exactly what it is 3/5 maybe … hell it was 2/5 before I scrubbed it!

    Anyway, my 1st arguably LAST ever post, due to the number of gunshot wounds a Newbie like me will undoubtedly suffer.

    Oh, Shit! Yeah! Warning: there is no bashing whatsoever in this Fic, sorry!

  11. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    Heh. Welcome to DLP, Lens of Sanity.

    I raise my glass and toast your posting here with the hope that it isn't your last. I enjoyed both of the stories of yours that I've read (or at least partially read) and hope you stick around a bit.

    Incidentally, dirty martinis are God's golden shower. Drink and be blessed (in a pissy sort of way).
  12. iLost

    iLost Minister of Magic

    Aug 8, 2009

    Haven't done the second part, but have done the first. It's interesting going back over older stuff and either shaking your head or nodding. I second Pers' recommendation that you stay.

    If you want help with future projects, since you seem done with the latest, try the WBA. I'd be interested in picking up your next idea and helping it out. You definitely have some interesting take on things, that's for sure.
  13. Arrowjoe

    Arrowjoe Auror

    Jan 27, 2011
    Vancouver, Canada

    Here's hoping you stick around a bit.
  14. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    I Love Quidditch and You Too » by Youmightdietrying
    Running into an old teammate in Diagon Alley inspires Professional Quiddtich star Harry Potter to rethink what he wants to do with his life. Together they realize that they share more than just a love for the wizarding world's favorite sport. HP/KB
    Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 10,675 - Reviews: 41 - Updated: 6-14-11 - Published: 4-26-11 - Harry P. & Katie B.

    The start of a nice, fluffy Quidditch Fic. Needs moar updates, though, we're barely past the setting-up stage.
  15. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Been following that.

    Expected some more Harry/Ginny interaction, especially on the Quidditch pitch/match, but it was very satisfying to see her eat dirt like that.
  16. psihary

    psihary Groundskeeper

    Feb 24, 2008
    ... I've got a polar bear for a neighbour...
    Harry Potter Magnificent Bastard
    An aged Harry reveals the scandalous truth about his youthful exploits. Read how a lying, womanising coward became the hero of the magical world.

    I'm quite surprised that this one hasn't been mentioned here yet... well beside in the search section under a thread for fics where the education in Hogwarts starts at later age.

    Shinysavage admitted to
    The fic is very good, from what I can remember. I just read the latest update, which I had missed at the time it was posted.
    The only reason I'm not posting this in the For Review section is that I'd like to see year 2 completed, so I can see if the fic won't go downhill from where it is now.
    As it is though, a solid 4/5, with a potential to rise.

    Read and review, hopefully that will push the authors to update more often.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2011
  17. Vir

    Vir Centauri Ambassador ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    May 21, 2006
    High Score:
    He's too incompetent. Stories like that just don't sit well with me.
  18. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    You can blame the current competition (and real life, to an extent) for putting other fics on the backburner, but I'll be working on a new update in the next few days.

    @Vir: sorry you didn't like it, but thanks for reading.
  19. Vir

    Vir Centauri Ambassador ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    May 21, 2006
    High Score:
    Shinysavage: It's well written, I just wish Harry wasn't so much of a pussy. That's all.
  20. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    The Apprentice by Cassiel of Silence

    I enjoyed this as a way to kill some time. It's still fairly short, only 3 chapters of not great length, so it's too early to tell if it's going to be a great story or simply something to almost recommend. But so far I liked it reasonably well and I intend to follow it for a few more chapters to see if it hits its stride.

    Some info:
    I'm always a sucker for Mentor/Master/Whatever type stories, and Flitwick is one of my favorite choices to fill that role. He's not an OC but we only know enough about him to fill in the basics -- plenty of room for personalization. This particular story begins during CoS after the incident with the dueling club but before Justin is petrified.

    It's too early for a solid rating, but I could see it being a 3/5 if it continues as it has been so far. Harry "rambles" at one point, which I didn't think was much like him, and Flitwick agreed far too easily to teach Harry duelling. If those things are smoothed over then suspension of disbelief makes it easy to accept for the story, but I'm not sure if similar things are going to keep happening. The writing itself is pretty good and the author does a decent job with imagery and detail but I feel like a bit too much of it is contrived or something.

    At any rate -- definitely almost recommended. For now.

    Edit: Found this using the Filtered Fanfiction search -- thanks moatra
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2011
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