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Doctor Who

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Heleor, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    Never thought of the Tesselector.

    Question was what we thought it would be, But I guess no one thought they would use it as it was so obvious. It was an ok send off. Amy was bad ass though So yay.

    I laughed realizing that Amy was the doctors Mother in law.
  2. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Called it.:sherlock:

    I admit I did think of the Tesselector but had no idea whether something like that could work.
  3. Dark Raku

    Dark Raku Second Year

    Oct 2, 2010
    I still don't understand why The Silence wouldn't think that he might of done that though.

    My favorite part of the episode was definately the Light Chess.

    Everything considered this was probably the best Episode Moffat has writen for this Series. That is not however to say that I don't hold major issue with the episode. I have to wonder what the point of brainwashing River was if they were just going to force her to kill The Doctor anyway. Not to mention all the questions that didn't get answered and the plot threads that seemed to get completely abandoned.
  4. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    This was an "aborted timeline" so even though people died in it like eye patch lady, doesn't mean we won't see them again.

    idrive should be patented by apple. Guarantee somone at a con will wear one with an apple logo.
  5. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Great episode. I think one moment in time for all historical figures is actually a great idea for a whole new series, not just one story in Doctor Who. It's nice that Moffat managed to resolve most of this season plots in a satisfying manner in just 45 minutes.

    Huh, I can't believe that I didn't think of the Tesselector earlier. So obvious. Though they shouldn't show it so much in the preview, because this was the moment when I realized that it's the Doctor's way out of this situation. Otherwise it would be completely surprise for me.

    And Doctor who, indeed? Now, what will be the answer? :)
  6. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    Doctor Who?
  7. Inquisition

    Inquisition Canadian Ambassador to Japan DLP Supporter

    Oct 9, 2006
    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why Polandball cannot into television. If you're a fan of a good story, ANY good story, you cannot just sit there and watch this drivel.

    Once again, it was an Amy and Rory-centric episode. The Doctor was a prisoner, the Doctor was rescued by Amy, Amy-Amy-Amy, some Rory, Amy-Amy, the problem is solved and the Doctor's cunning plan is revealed at the very last second to the sound of the mentally handicapped applauding while a thousand chimps excrete putrid fountains.

    It was as if six episodes worth of plot was hyper-condensed and shoved into the final half-an-hour of programme. I always suspected it would be the fleshy Doctor biting the bullet, because that way they wouldn't have needlessly introduced an intriguing plot device for the sake of 2 minutes worth of drama. Alas, it wasn't to be.

    After promises of a darker Doctor, scarier monsters and captivating stories, we came across a largely phoned-in performance by Matt Smith because of an underlying theme of human superiority. Who were the heroes? Rose. Jack. Martha. Astrid. Donna. But especially recently: Amy. Rory. River. Craig. George's dad. Humans, every last one of them, doing things that the Doctor had never seen before. Not so much deus ex machina as deus ex hominem (the major exception to this being today's episode). And it's become tedious.

    And then they toy with you, by waiting yet another year to show you more episodes of poor quality. They had split this season up so that you wouldn't have to wait as long in between stoppages.

    Well, guess what: each and every one of you are the boys and the girls who waited. And an inordinate number of you are feeling proud at that when there is no reason to feel pride.

    You waited a year for seven episodes. You waited half a year for the other six so you wouldn't have to wait another year. And now you'll wait yet another year for another seven. And your waiting is rewarded with mostly bad fan fiction; a half-baked hodge podge of poor writing, feeble conflicts and diluted plot ideas.

    Yet you lap it up.

    We've already had some more ridiculously revelatory foreshadowing: who is the Doctor? Will you wait to find out in the hopes of some expansive and creative mythos to be revealed only to be rewarded with a lame copout and a cheap grin?

    I can't - I won't. I refuse to be led along like a man whose wife promises to stop cheating on him one day.

    Needless to say, I won't be following televised Doctor Who as regularly. I really hope that your faith will be rewarded, but I am impatient. My nature is not one to be blindly follow empty promises and faith.
  8. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    It was an okay episode.

    Mostly focused on the Doctor.

    My only.. quabble, was that the show has kind of went into a 'tell the doctor' 'don't tell the audience' mode of story telling to build drama and shit. :\

    I do not fucking approve.
  9. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    A bit bitter there aint ya?


    I didn't really like that aspect.

    I think the River reveals the sky is full of people pledging to help would have worked better if there was the sound of those voices.

    I mean it would have made more impact to both the Doctor and the viewer that yes people do care and want the Doctor to live.

    But the mention of the Brigadier's death was nice. ( The actor died in February)
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2011
  10. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    The sky full of voices actually bugged me. As a feel good moment for the doctor it was great, served its purpose.

    But, it also did nothing to forward the plot. Amy River and Rory fought through hell and high water, acquired a pyramid with the purpose of setting up a distress call using Rivers understanding of timey whyme stuff, Rory was willing to die to get the doctor up there, and only to pointlessly tell him people like him.

    Then have that mean absolutely nothing as the doctor already figured out how to escape his death and this entire scenario was pointless, all because River had to intervene some how.

    The entire episode was pointless other than setting up the punch line, Amy is a mother in law to the doctor.

    That makes me Inq Angry.
  11. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    I have to disagree, I loved that episode, its been one of my favorite Smith episodes so far. OK it had bits that could have been done better, but it wrapped up enough plot points to make you feel satisfied and left enough to make you wish for the next season.

    now spoiler-ishness

    Props to them for making it an actual wedding of River Song to the Doctor.

    Amy bit of ruthlessness and River dropping by made their relationship feel a bit more real, as opposed to 'oh I had a baby and then forgot about it.' (though the' mum' 'dad' thing was a little jarring)

    I really hope they take the whole 'Doctor stepping back into the shadows' and run with it, they completely changed the dynamic of the show when they destroyed Gallifrey, hopefully they will do something different. A Doctor who hides who he is and pretends to be dead for a bit instead of going 'I'm the Doctor!' in every episode? It could be interesting.

    So for all its sins I really did love it and I look forward to seeing where they take it next series.
  12. Joe

    Joe The Reminiscent Exile ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter ⭐⭐⭐

    Jan 24, 2008
    Canberra, ACT
    High Score:
    "Imagine you were dying. Imagine you were afraid and a long way from home and in terrible pain. Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, you looked up and saw the face of the Devil himself... Hello, Dalek."

    ^This alone made it an awesome episode.

    Overall, despite some flaws that I can forgive, a satisfying conclusion to the season.
  13. Atomicwalrus

    Atomicwalrus Fourth Year

    Mar 20, 2011
    That combined with them even mentioning the brigadier made the episode awesome, I had a mate who had never watched classic who have a WT moment when he was mentioned but a nice nod to the old fans.
  14. Innomine

    Innomine Alchemist ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    While it definitely wasn't one of the worst, I don't think it was one of the best episodes either.

    Overall it was satisfying enough to watch, a decent conclusion to the series. Did have higher hopes for the second part of the season though. :(
  15. Covil

    Covil Fourth Year

    Jun 26, 2008
    Surrey BC
    Rather disappointing for me really.

    Showed us how the Doctor lived, using a completely asinine method. What was the point of the Flesh Doctor if the only purpose the Flesh served was for Amy to get pregnant off-screen?

    And told us what the Question was, a very corny riddle.

    Then there was a bunch of filler. There was the occasional entertaining scene but all in all they didn't mesh well into an entertaining story for me. Basically everything that happened during the "time bubble" was retconned away as soon as the episode ended except for whatever emotional aftereffects may come after.

    River and the Doctor going all true wuv is getting a little old. Same reason I disliked Rose and Martha is starting to bug me about River. Before she was badass but now she's being defined by her relationship with the Doctor.

    I should stop here before I start sounding like Inq- a whiny bitch.
  16. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    I loved the concept of all of history existing at once, and there were a whole host of neat ideas and scenes (the carnivorous skulls, the Live Chess, the Dalek scene, and Dorium's head in a box), but I'm left slightly underwhelmed. "Doctor Who?" is a nice joke, but as a plot point I'm unconvinced, and it seems to make the Doctor the closest thing to God in the show, slightly at odds with the 'Doctor in the shadows' they seem to be heading for in future series.

    I would have liked to see more resolution, but so long as the plot threads are picked up later, I'm ok with that. There are some things that I suspect aren't going to be answered though, mainly from The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon regarding River's childhood. In a way, I'm glad - I like her, and I'd be happy to have her back for random adventures, but I think her plot has run its course - but it hasn't been wrapped up wholly satisfactorily for me.

    Basically, if Moffat wants to do complex arc plots then he should go for it, but actually do the arc plot. Don't do a couple of episodes, then drop it for a few episodes with a few background references. If you break it down, this year's plot covered four, maybe five full episodes, with perhaps another half episode in random segments. Others contributed thematically, arguably, but most of the action took place off screen.

    TL;DR: I love Moffat, and I love Matt Smith. Overall though, I'm a little disappointed with this series now it's over.
  17. Dark Raku

    Dark Raku Second Year

    Oct 2, 2010
    About the Doctor's name being a plot point this has been hinted at being something important since The Girl in the Fireplace where it was mentioned that "it's more than just a secret" and it "burns in the cascade/fire of medusa herself" and it was later mentioned I believe in I think The Stolen Earth that sealing a rift at The Medusa Cascade was the very first thing he did, or at least alluded to, once he ran away and never stopped. It was also mentioned that Time Lords choose their names after looking into the vortex. It's possible The Doctor choose the name The Doctor because what ever he saw he didn't want to happen so he's devoted his entire life to running away from that problem.
  18. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    It would be awesome to find out, but it would also be the end of the series IMO.

    The Show is Called doctor Who for a reason. Its a Mystery.

    I doubt there ever was an answer to the question. Moffat is the closest person to even have the stones to attempt to answer the question, but I think even he knows the name would never be as fantastic as the question.
  19. Dark Raku

    Dark Raku Second Year

    Oct 2, 2010
    Oh the question will most definately be asked knowing Moffat and The Doctor will most definately supply an answer. However I doubt if it is a name that it will be told to us and if it is told it will not be a name at all but an explanation of who The Doctor is.

    Undoubtedly when the question is asked, The Doctor will die before he can respond.

    I like to think that The Silence are playing a long game with River and she does in fact still kill The Doctor when he has to answer.

    Besides, it isn't really a mystery if what it could be or why it's hidden is never really addressed. That, I think, is what Moffat is planning to do. Not adress the answer to the question, but the reason the question is hidden.
  20. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    It could be that Moffat has plans along the lines of the Cartmel Masterplan (which I only heard about last night, via a friend), which could be interesting - especially since if he is, that would seem to imply the return of the Time Lords, maybe properly this time.