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Naruto Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Feb 17, 2007.

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  1. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    It's pictures like that that make me a NaruSaku fan.

    Just so long as it involves Naruto stepping up and stopping that abusive, bossy shit she does, at least to a degree.

    This, we've been building up to this point for a real long ass time. I want satisfaction, dammit. It had best be appropriately epic and awesome.

    I'm pretty sure he micro-managed it. I think the gold-dust thing will probably be something Gaara picks up later, or may just be messing with now. Since it was his father's schtick and all.
  2. Chengar Qordath

    Chengar Qordath The Final Pony ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 12, 2008
    High Score:
    To be fair, Sakura's whole abusive/bossy thing tends to get ridiculously exaggerated in some corners of the fandom. In the manga I think she's hit him a grand total of three times since the timeskip, and that's counting the time at the end of the Pein fight and the time she wanted to hit Sai and he just got in the way. The way some folks go on, you'd think she spends several hours every day beating the crap out of Naruto.

    Of course, it doesn't help that the Anime tends to make a lot of Naruto characters close to exaggerated parodies of their manga-counterparts, especially whenever it gets into filler.

    That said, I think my "how crazy is that tsundere?" meter might have been permanently broken by Evangelion.
  3. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
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    Oh jaysus, Asuka. Don't get me started on Asuka (especially original-series Asuka, the movie version isn't quite as bad.)

    Also, Write more Soul's Light, you bastard.

    Oh, it definitely does. And honestly a lot of the attitude comes from pre-timeskip Naruto. Where, well, as much as I like her now. I absolutely despised Sakura before the Timeskip, she was weak, loud, one dimensional, abusive, useless, and ughly. Hell, it took a filler episode series to give me any glimmer of appreciation for her.

    But she gets more Character bashing than Sasuke, I'm pretty sure. Which is unfair considering she's grown as a person and a character. And Sasuke has just become more and more of a bastard.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2011
  4. PomMan

    PomMan High Inquisitor

    Jun 1, 2011
    Queensland, Australia.
    Most Sakura bashing starts the fic in pre timeskip. During that time, Sasuke was an alright character until he left. As it is easier to start a fic before the timeskip, she gets more bashing.

    I like the fact that he's not going to just tell them how to beat him, I thought they'd all get fucked over in the fight against Kabuto if he did. Also, this helps make the characters seem stronger, as he won't be guiding them step by step to the perfect way to beat him.
  5. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    Look, no offense, but that statement is the ruination of many fics, and completely stupid. It inevitably leads to bashing, and bashing any character in your fic, regardless of whether they 'deserved it' or not is a sure sign that the fic is bad. Aside from the fact that fanfiction is the place where you can alter the series to become better, sidestepping the issue entirely, isn't it just a little idiotic to hold a grudge against a fictional character in the first place?

    I know Chengar already said something, but I've read too many shit fics involving basically exactly that line to not rant a little. Also, WalkingDisaster, why watch the anime at all? From what I saw, its just a more cringe worthy, slower version of the mange with many many unrelated side-stories.

    Oh, and yeah, this chapter was pretty fun. The Mizukage is probably my favourite of the resurrected Kages.
  6. The Deadman

    The Deadman Slug Club Member DLP Supporter

    Mar 30, 2008
    I too must profess that the Second Mizukage has quickly become one of my favorite characters, simply because his personality seems to be more fleshed out than the others. Of all the resurrected people seen, he by far has the most charisma. And he has the greatest line I've seen so far.
  7. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Eh, I'm not a fan of bashing either. And I can understand that some folks take it over the top. Mainly my sentiment is based on the fact that I've got a dislike for most Tsundere characters, but I like Sakura except in the case of the, as said, violent bossy shit. So I'm torn.

    Also, I'd have to disagree with the 'inevitably' part of that statement. Though I would agree that it does often enough and that's not ever something we like to see.

    Honestly, if I could write worth shit I'd probably write it myself.

    Mostly I only watch the Anime during the fight scenes. Most of the side-stories and the exposition.. I just skip. There are some things I've watched though. Sakura's 'confession', the Yondaime appearing to Naruto before he released the Kyuubi (Could they have chose a crappier, more eye-hurting background color for that? Augh) Etc etc.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2011
  8. Chengar Qordath

    Chengar Qordath The Final Pony ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 12, 2008
    High Score:
    I think the problem that crops up with writing tsundere characters is that its the sort of character who seems really easy to write, but is actually tricky to pull off properly. It's way too easy to turn a tsundere into a very bad one joke character, where the "joke" is that she smacks her love interest around whenever he annoys her (needless to say, not many people would find that funny if the sexes of the participants were reversed).

    Not to over-cite Eva, but the series does point out that a girl who spends 90% of her time being nastily abusive to her love interest probably has some serious psychological problems.

    When it comes to Sakura, I think a lot of the problem stems from the fact that Naruto really doesn't make the best match thematically for a tsundere. Tsunderes generally work best when they're dealing with a male character who snipes right back at them, creating a back-and-forth dynamic and lots of belligerent sexual tension, but Naruto pretty much never acts anything but nice Sakura. It's probably one of the reasons Sakura's tsundere-ness got seriously downplayed in the manga after the timeskip.
  9. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Really didn't like it. Hinata and Sakura had to be saved again. Great.
  10. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    So? Naruto's pretty much saving everyone at the moment.
  11. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Naruto is now almost impossibly powerful. It's confirmed he just gibbed the Sandaime Raikage with a clone. I sort of think that Sasuke's power-ups are there so that he can keep up with Naruto rather than the other way around.
  12. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    To be fair, clone!Naruto had help and would have died (or went poof anyway) if not for the guy with the eyepatch, and possibly the others too. That being said, when you think about it, the only real difference between Naruto and his clones is their durability. Being able to move fast in the kyuubi!mode(RM) and avoid being hit(and therefore dispersed) at all is a huge boost to clones. Far better for them than for the original Naruto even.

    Ofcourse, even then, the fact that we have now seen clones fight at this level and even seen that clones can use SM like this is pretty powerfull. Even if Naruto is limited to 12 RM clones or so, thats still a huge boost. And we also saw a clone enter SM almost instantly last chapter. What would stop Naruto from creating a hundred clones and having all go to SM for an insane boost in power, if he has become this skilled in SM?

    Sasuke must have gained a huge boost from his eyes indeed, to be able to keep up with say 10 RM clones, 10 SM clones and the real Naruto in RM, all at once. And how powerfull has Madara become, since presumably he is going to be the final villain and therefore even stronger than Sasuke is.
  13. Trooper

    Trooper Death Eater

    Jan 8, 2009
    Bangalore, India
    My guess on Kabuto's final ...err...coffin/trump-card-dead-guy....Its Mito Uzumaki.
    Seeing that apparently she was the one who sealed the kyuubi in herself and enabled the Shodai to win, Madara could possibly be afraid of her. And recent powerups of Naruto show that a person who had complete control of the kyuubi, more so than Naruto even, would be really powerfull. So Yeah. \(o.o)/
  14. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Kushina is also a possibility, since I am pretty sure she was not absorbed by the Death God and she would make a greater impact on Naruto.

    Or the final coffin is Madara's brother.

    Anyway, I don't think much will come from it
  15. Starwind

    Starwind Headmaster

    Nov 21, 2010
    It's someone Madara was shocked to see, so I think someone he knew in life or was in awe of, Mito seems more likely than Kushina.

    I liked the Dan bits and the continuatin of Naruto looking like Nawaki.

    Naruto saving everyone is kind of cool, as before he was the one who only won by guts, so this is an improvement.

    Naruto beat the Raikage with a clone? Awesome.

    Lastly, although Sasuke's got a power up, I think this is going to be where Sasuke is about equal to Naruto, and Naruto wins, then fights Madara and Sasuke helps him near the end of the fight and makes a declaration about how he's changed, etc, etc...
  16. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    I doubt the 6th coffin is Mito Uzumaki, mainly because I doubt Madara would have reacted to her the way he did when he saw who was in the last coffin. I mean yes, she was indirectly responsible for Madaras defeat by taking the Kyuubi away, but as I said that was indirect and only made it possible for her husband to win. A fight of Madara vs Mito would likely end in her defeat. Especially since she no longer has the Kyuubi in her.

    However, I don't think it has explicitly been mentioned anywhere that whatever is now being summoned necessarily has to be the 6th coffin? I mean for all we know its that big snake Manda2 thats being summoned. Or another Edo that is not the 6th coffin but still something powerfull. The latter would allow Mito or Kushina or any Uzumaki. And against Naruto, those would indeed be effective. Kushina especially.

    There is also the fact that we have yet to see a single Uzumaki brought back. Which is kind of strange when we consider how much they were feared for their sealing techniques. I mean what is the only way to defeat an Edo, besides the whole giving then peace approach? Sealing, the one thing the old Uzumakis were complete masters at. I could see some old Uzumaki clanhead being able to counter/block the seals the alliance is using to bind the edos for instance. What would they do then?

    Another more remote possibility is that its one of the hokages. I mean I know Kabuto said its not possible to summon them, since their souls are in the stomach of the Death God rather than in the "pure world". But what if Kabuto has found some way of solving that problem? Modified his technique so it can be used to summon souls from elsewhere too, including from the Death God. Naruto vs Minato would be a powerfull fight, and it would also bring the other half of the Kyuubi (the Yin half that Minato took with him to DG) back into play, with unknown consequences. There is also the fact that its a bit sad that all of the hokages are now stuck in DG's stomach, being digested for the rest of eternity and unable to go to heaven of Narutoworld. A depressing fate for the good guys. Would be ironic if Kabuto was the one who freed them from DG, only for them to be defeated/find peace and disperse and then going to heaven proper to be with their loved ones, all thanks to Kabuto. :)
  17. Lamora

    Lamora Definitely Not Batman ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 10, 2009
    New York
    High Score:

    The truth.

    Or, you know, Jiraiya's dick. That shit would shock anyone.
  18. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    You sure? We didn't see how exactly this fight went and for all we know she could be as much responsible for Madara's defeat as her husband. More so, he supposedly lost most of his power in that battle. Mito was Uzumaki and as you mentioned they were geniuses in making seals. Maybe she sealed Madara's power (his EMS) away? That would definitely make him very afraid of her.

    Anyway, I doubt Muu is summoning 6th coffin. Probably something else. Maybe even Kushina, because she would be very dangerous against Naruto who is right now the main person that Kabuto needs to take down in order to win this war.

    Lastly, I agree that eternity in the stomach of the Death God is rather sad fate for the good guys, so I think there will be something done with it before this manga ends.
  19. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Absolutely sure? No. As you say, we have not been shown the fight yet so we don't really know. We can try to deduce the probability though. History all gives credit to Hashirama for winning that fight. We have also learned quite a bit of the guys personality, and by all accounts he was a good and honorable man. It seems to me, that if Mito had had a really significant role to play in addition to removing the Kyuubi, Hashirama would have made sure that credit would be given to her for that. Instead, history makes it Hashiramas victory, with her barely mentioned beyond the Kyuubi.

    So maybe Mito had a huge role and basically beat Madara on her own, and Hashirama only stole all the glory for himself because contrary to everything we know of him, he was in reality a total bastard. And ofcourse his wife never bothered to reveal the truth to anyone. I don't think thats all that likely though. Infact I would say its very unlikely.

    Kushina is certainly an option, and since her death is far more recent than many we have seen, it should not have been too difficult for Kabuto to acquire some of her dna. There are only two problems with this idea that I can see.

    1) Would it actually have an effect on Naruto (from Kabutos POV). Remember when Naruto first saw the "ghost" of her mother while fighting Kyuubi? He actually believed at first that she was a human version of Kyuubi. Now we know that the truth came out, and Naruto has seen his mother and interacted with her and so on, so there is an emotional connection. But what about from the POV of Kabuto who has no idea that Minato put a part of her chakra in Naruto during the sealing. Would he go to all the trouble of acquiring her dna, when as far as he knows, Naruto knows nothing of his mother and infact as far as Kabuto knows, would not even recognize her on sight. If the point is to mess with Narutos head, Jiraiya is far more likely to be brought back. There was some foreshadowing of this when Kabuto mentioned that there might be enough of his blood on the blades the pains used on him.

    2) This is a bit more unclear. Kabuto observed the fight with Naruto, Bee, Itachi and Nagato in real time. Therefore, he should know that the Naruto who is with Gaara is nothing but a clone, and therefore uncapturable by definition. Why bother summoning someone like Kushina, or even Jiraiya against a clone. The only thing about this is that I think he actually said something about having the raikage capture Naruto, implying that he actually believes that Naruto with Gaara is real. But I don't understand why he would think that when he just saw the real Naruto fight Itachi&Nagato somewhere else. Kabuto SHOULD know this is a clone so what the heck?

    Yeah. And as I said, there is a potential plot reason for it too. Right now, Naruto has only 50% of Kyuubis chakra, the Yang side. Minato sealed the other 50% (Yin) to himself before he was eaten by the Death God. I could see this other 50% playing some role yet. Maybe if Minato could be summoned near the end, it could be a final boost to Naruto by having him somehow absorb the Yin aspect, doubling his Kyuubi-powers in the process.

    On the other hand, it could also be a way for Madara to restore the Juubi without needing to capture Naruto, by somehow summoning Minato and then using the Kyuubis Yin-chakra in Minato to bring the Juubi back. That way we could potentially get Kyuubi!Naruto vs Juubi!Madara as the final battle or something without Naruto being captured and losing any of his powers.
  20. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    They could have a different reasons for it or it's just how people tended to tell this story and Mito didn't really wanted any attention to herself so Hashirama didn't correct anyone. There are few ways it could be done without making the First Hokage a total bastard. ;)

    I'm pretty sure we will get this fight anyway. Madara will probably use a bit of Kyuubi's chakra from Gold and Silver brothers as he did with a bit from the Eight-Tails (though I'm still not sure that Killer Bee will survive without getting his Beast extracted, but it's an option now). That way Madara will still have all parts needed to bring Juubi, but it will be weakened enough for Naruto to have a chance when fighting it.
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