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Naruto Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Feb 17, 2007.

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  1. digital_xtreme2001

    digital_xtreme2001 Muggle

    Jul 27, 2011
    It is also possible that the convenient placement of Madara alongside Muu, with Muu using the splitting technique that Madara had also used splitting. It would explain the 'death' in Hashirama vs Madara fight. It would also explain the decrease in power (as splitting literally splits the life) and it would explain how Tobi is also Madara.

    Furthermore, the Edo-Madara reveals the left sharingan while the Tobi-Madara reveals the right sharingan. Mayhap the Sharingan power was also split?

  2. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    Ignore the kanji. Their names- spelled out in Hiragana- are とび and おびと respectively. It's still possible.

    I think the theory is dumb as fuck, but not impossible.
  3. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Enough with the Obito shit. This was done to death ages ago and as many have pointed out, doesn't coincide with the timeline. On a more basic level, reintroducing Obito would be pointless. The drama that you people seem to think it would create would only exist for Kakashi, who at this point is pretty much a sidelined character compared to Naruto.

    Tobi has some sort of connection to Madara. It's been stated explicitly by many characters (Itachi, Tobi himself) that he is Madara. While this last chapter causes us to question this, I think it's fair to assume that Tobi is at least old enough that he and Madara had a personal relationship given that he knows all about Madara's history, Hashirama, the leaf, Rikudou Sennin, etc, etc.
  4. Chengar Qordath

    Chengar Qordath The Final Pony ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 12, 2008
    High Score:
    Just because it would be a kind of stupid plot twist doesn't mean Kishimoto wouldn't do it. If Kishimoto is going for maximum drama/shock value, then Tobi has to be somebody we already know (like other folks have said, Tobi being some completely new character would be rather underwhelming). Obito would be a fairly standard "shocking" reveal, and has the convenient excuse of not leaving behind a body.

    I guess instead of it being Obito, Tobi could also be somebody really out of left field, like Sasuke's father.
  5. Kurufinwe

    Kurufinwe Groundskeeper

    Nov 6, 2010
    Cracow, Poland
    He can't be Sasuke's father. He isn't somebody who Itachi/Sasuke know personally. You would think they will recognize their father, it's also possible that he showed his face to Sasuke - scene with implanted Amaretsu, and Itachi and Sasuke still thinks of him as Madara.

    It's still can't be Danzo, even if we know that "Madara" can fake death pretty well (Kisame situation). But there is also mistake with time line (Danzo hasn't had Sharingan during Naruto birth).

    What you think about Tobi being Uchiha Kagami (Danzo teammate, he and Danzo were the only one absent from Nidame student's during fight with Kyuubi)?
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
  6. Chengar Qordath

    Chengar Qordath The Final Pony ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 12, 2008
    High Score:
    Sure, he could be any random Uchiha who got a single two-panel appearance in the manga, but that would be a pretty underwhelming revelation. I can't help but think that Kishimoto wants to toss out something a bit more shocking than "Bwhaha! I am not really Madara Uchiha, I'm Bob Uchiha, the third guy from the left in that one background shot on the fourth panel of page five in #132!"
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2011
  7. nath1607

    nath1607 Groundskeeper

    Jul 16, 2010
    Wales, UK
    Not surprised at this chapter, but it still gave of the feeling of epicness when he was finally revealed along side Muu. Is that not just the most bad ass entrance with him kicking the coffin open or what? I think it beats out when Naruto arrived after Pain destroyed Konoha.

    As for Tobi, he is either Izuna or a clone of Madara. I am more inclined to think the latter as Itachi's statement that he is a shell of what he once was could apply considering the vast gap between Hashirama and Tenzo. He would likely not know that the person he was speaking to wasn't the original either so it could be a fair conclusion.

    This chapter did confirm something though, it's that he survived the fight with Hashirama and that he seemed to show some form of endearment to Nagato in his speech, so he could have been a his sensei after Jiraiya, or maybe even his dad? Lol.

    The timeline of everything seems more important now for me, and which one, Madara/Tobi did what along with who exactly is going to be the final villain? I doubt it is going to be Madara now that he is an Edo, but it could very well be considering he was the original mastermind.
  8. ASmallBundleOfToothpicks

    ASmallBundleOfToothpicks Professor

    Aug 24, 2010
    Wait- we have a time line for how old Tobi is? Really? I mean, there is absolutely no way that someone could disguise themselves in a world of ninjas, especially not in a world full of anime ninjas. It's not like Naruto's transformation was good enough to fool Pein, right? And it's totally impossible for another character be good enough at Henge to fool top level ninjas, right?

    Oh, wait...

    Actually, I'm pretty sure you're barking up the wrong tree there. Here's a pretty obvious scenario that could have happened: Madara has been summoned by Edo Tensei before. At a guess, Orochimaru summoned him for Tobi, or Tobi learned the technique (with his crazy, and I do emphasize crazy, ninja skills) and taught it to Orochimaru. It could also be where Orochimaru's Eye-envy (penis envy?) originates. It probably isn't overly far-fetched to believe that your undead summons could retain new information between summonings. It would also explain where he met Nagato (who probably would have been around 15 when this happened).

    Some other possibilities:

    -There is a sappy afterlife where everyone hangs out and parties after dying. :facepalm
    -Madara can see the future thanks to his Super Duper Mangekyo Sharingan. Everything he does is has been foretold since he was achieved his god mode eyes, but he has no control over how he will act- ala Dr. Manhattan.
    -Madara was born with a back-up soul, to resist crazy sealing techniques, just like every other Uchiha. :awesome
    -Madara has been haunting Tobi since he was a small child, and training Tobi to be his heir.
  9. Legacy

    Legacy Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Dec 19, 2010
    Or, the Madara in the coffin was the real one who died fighting Hashirama and the one we have known for a while is actually the Juubi fucking with everyone from inside the moon and attempting to reclaim its power. See, I can toss out random theories as well.

    The point of that was that Kishi will do as Kishi does and pull whatever dramatic crap he wants out of his ass. It will be explained hopefully in the next few weeks in whatever hair brained way he wants and we will most likely either "wtf?" over it or nod our heads in agreement. So lets sit down and wait, no point getting worked up over what basically amounts to a new challenger has appeared.
  10. Cxjenious

    Cxjenious Dark Lord

    Aug 24, 2005
    He's Shisui. His sacrifice was an illusion.
  11. Mishie

    Mishie Fat Dog

    Jul 1, 2009
    Actually, going by the fact that he said that he was supposed to have the rinnengan, and because he has the sharingan, maybe he's the son of the sage that became the first Uchiha?
  12. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Or could it be that Obito would have been all of 15 when Minato was "killed" by Tobi and Kyuubi?

  13. Wizardmon0073

    Wizardmon0073 Second Year

    Aug 17, 2010
    Well, to be fair, being 15 does not hinder Sasuke or Naruto from wtfpwning the older generation of S-Level shinobi.

    But yes, until Kishimoto says otherwise, idea of Tobi=Obito is ridiculous.
  14. Sechrima

    Sechrima Disappeared

    Sep 30, 2010
    NRW, Germany
    They have the advantage of being heavily plot-driven characters who get colossal power boosts every other day. Obito, on the other hand, awakened his Sharingan relatively late and then immediately got bouldered. I think it more likely that his skull caved in excruciatingly slowly before his brain bled out than that he somehow survived the incident and rapidly turned into a megalomaniacal arch-villain with essentially the same skill level as the Yellow Flash (all with no logical motive).
  15. ASmallBundleOfToothpicks

    ASmallBundleOfToothpicks Professor

    Aug 24, 2010
    Fixed for you.

    Seriously, the entire premise of Naruto is ridiculous- fun, but ridiculous none the less.

    The only thing we can even assume is that Tobi probably has Obito's eye, since he seems to have built his style around the same effect that Kakashi's eye possesses. Hell, for all we know this effect actually sends people to the realm of the dead, whatever that may be.
  16. PomMan

    PomMan High Inquisitor

    Jun 1, 2011
    Queensland, Australia.
    My friend came up with a theory that I don't entirely agree with, but it will depart from Obito=Tobi talks at the moment.

    Nawaki is actually Tobi. We never saw his body, and Orochimaru said the only way they identified the body in the first place was due to Shodai's necklace. He also would have had easy access to Shodai's cells and, due to being a Senju, likely has enough physical energy to survive a sharingan implant. His chakra would have continuously grown over time as well. His senju heritage is why he hates Uchiha, and thus wanted to kill all of them off. During his travels, he finds Madara's body and tries to implant sharingan however fails somehow and becomes a Madara/Nawaki mix.

    As I said, I don't believe in all of this, however, knowing Kishimoto, this could very well be the sort of thing he pulls out of his ass at the last moment.
  17. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I doubt that, but then again in recent chapters Dan mentioned him in comparison to Naruto. It would actually be very interesting if the main bad guy was not anti-Naruto like Sasuke, Madara or any Uchiha, but more of MirrorMirror-Naruto like evil-Nawaki could possible be.
  18. ASmallBundleOfToothpicks

    ASmallBundleOfToothpicks Professor

    Aug 24, 2010
    Especially since Kishimoto loves taking a giant dump on Tsunade's giant udders.
  19. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    We had that with Nagato, but apparently the idea wasn't cool enough for Kishimoto to think it was "final villain" material.
  20. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I'm not sure. Nagato may be Uzumaki and he was trained by Jiraiya, but I never saw him as Naruto type of character (not like Yahiko for example).
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