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Warlock Hunt Evolution | Day 3

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Fiat, Nov 24, 2011.

  1. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Must lrn2refresh.
    Ok , personally, I think the desperado should kill the warlock, he cant be allowed to live.
    I went after Ollie because I trusted Jon, and it payed off. We found, and can now dispose of, the warlock.
    Oliie did say he‘d go after witches though. Tempting.
  2. draconian139

    draconian139 DA Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    Just checking in for the day. Going to reread the thread and see what I may have missed now that I know the truth about Jon. I thought he might be scum and instead turned out to be the martyr so I have almost no faith in my other read atm. Also want to go on record saying that I don't think we should keep Ollie around if I have the desperado has a chance to get rid of him. If we let him stay around he can just hold onto the roles that have already been partially revealed and he'll be that much more dangerous later.
  3. Fishy Justice

    Fishy Justice Fourth Year

    Oct 23, 2011
    The Terrible Dogfish
    Ollie is dangerous. It is tempting for him to go after witches, but the problem is he has a few roles he can eat at this point. Ashaya is a go to, for example. It is probably in our best interest to kill him when he slips up. I highly doubt that will be today, but we should keep an eye out.

    But if he starts figuring too many roles out we're done.
  4. Speakers

    Speakers Backtraced

    Feb 7, 2010
    Deadline Vote Lynch: jwlk

    Taure was obviously pro-town. Easy enough to see.

    Moving on, Eternity_Lost seems rather scummy. I mean, I can counter his arguments in nearly all of his posts, they are obviously misleading. Either that or he's just dumb. I don't have the time right now to quote his posts and point it out but if someone could look through them...that would be dandy.
  5. Eternity Lost

    Eternity Lost Squib

    Jun 29, 2011
    I could say the same thing about you, and your unexplained protection of Ashaya Dhulli.

    Republic21 makes me he think is either a witch or an inforole. His attack on Ollie was suprising,even though he turned out to be the Warlock, considering what was avaliable at the time. I was suspicious of Ollie, but not that much.
  6. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    As I said, I trusted in our demon mayor, and went along with his plan. I wasn‘t that proactive about it.

    Speaking about following our true mayor‘s plan, whats with all the deadline votes? Vote properly.
    Lynch Player‘s Dick: jwlk

    p.s Ollie must die asap, yeah?
  7. Speakers

    Speakers Backtraced

    Feb 7, 2010
    Fine, since I probably won't be online later.
    Lynch Player: jwlk

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------

    *Rescind Vote*
    Lynch Vote: jwlk
  8. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    I think its pretty obvious that tad2103 is the thrall. Just look at his posts and voting history. While I think jwlk is some sort of scum, the thrall is more important to me.

    If my lynch vote doesn't take off, I will vote for jwlk for the sake of speeding today along, but in the meantime...

    Vote Lynch: tad2103
  9. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    Alright, new day.

    Well i'm glad to see we found the Warlock, unfortunately its not possible to kill him without lynching the thrall... which brings me to my next point..

    Why does everyone think i'm thrall? Is it because Jon said so? (Cept in Dhulli's case... thats because Ashaya said so)

    Neither of them gave any reason, however. Not even one. Usually when someone finds me suspicious, they give a reason, and if they don't, then no one listens to them. It seems though, that for no reason what so ever, 4 people have voted me. Because I "feel" like scum? I've always played the same way. I'm just asking you guys to think logically.

    Next, thrall is number one target. Thrall is the type of role that benefits the absolute most in flying under the radar... Namely, lurking. Warlock has 1 or 2 confirmed targets, a few more hypothetical guesses, and if he's smart, he'll just go through the game soul stealing every day. Thrall needs to be found and killed to put pressure on him. If you all want, i'll role claim after the 28 hours he has to soul steal are up.. but I hope it doesn't come to that

    Anyway, lurkers... 3 come to mind. 1and1is3, guljons, and tad2103. Out of those two, i'd say 1and1is3 and tad2103 have the greatest chance of being the thrall, based on what they've been saying.

    TL;DR: Don't vote for me nonsensically, lets find the thrall, put him to rest, get rid of the warlock, and kill the witches.
  10. tad2103

    tad2103 First Year

    Jan 3, 2009
    I wouldn't call what I've been doing flying under the radar. Every time I post, I seem to piss people off.

    May I ask why Fen and Gila get a bye on lurking when I've posted more than they have (also 1&1 and guljons, too)? Did they get replaced or killed and I missed it?
  11. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    I didn't look back at post counts, I just went by what I remembered. That just means you guys lurked, but were bad at it so were noticed... Also wtf you're right. I completely forgot Fen was even in the game. Where is that guy...? Did he get mod killed? He hasn't posted since page 19. Gila hasn't posted today yet either... Who else has been lurking and hasn't been noticed?
  12. draconian139

    draconian139 DA Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    I agree that jwkl sounds a bit scummy with how he words things, I dislike voting people for that reason alone though, particularly when I have other suspicions or am not pressed for time. Same reason I didn't vote for Ollie,. I also agree with Ashaya that its more important to catch the thrall so here's my best attempt.

    Thrall suspicions:
    1.tad:seemed to be trying to avoid suspicions yet voted for Castiel, two don't really seem to fit so that seems off. The survivalist comment could have been trying to cover for Ollie for when he survived and to cast doubt on that issue.
    2.Eternity:He seemed to be rolefishing late day 1.

    Deadline Vote Lynch:tad2103

    @Republic: It will change to a real vote or to Ollie after 28 hours are up.
  13. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    I had not posted much for three reasons really:
    1) My internet went out about thirty minutes after getting home on Monday(which was particularly bad, as I had three papers due on Tuesday... that I had not written yet), and said internet was not restored until Wednesday evening. So regularly access was rather restricted.
    2) Finals time at school.
    3) Unusually long Night Phase.

    ...Well, that's mostly irrelevant to the game though, so whatever.

    As to the identity of the Thrall, I haven't been paying full attention the thread for the last week, for obvious reasons, so I'm not really sure. I did think it amusing that the Warlock happened to get targeted on the second Day/Night Phase for both games.

    As for the proposed candidates(jwlk and tad), at a glance over their posting history, I don't really see anything that was supportive of Ollie to lead into them likely being the Thrall. Maybe it's something else that they said, taken into context of the surrounding posts. As stated, I need to go back an re-read the thread. Or quite simply, perhaps you know something I don't.
  14. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Tad2103 voted for Castiel alongside Ollie. That's reason enough for me.
  15. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    Rescind vote

    Deadline Vote Lynch: tad2103

    Reading back, of the three people who voted for Castiel besides Ollie. Tad was the one who floated the idea that Ollie was the Survivalist, by pointing out that Jon omitted it as a role that survives lynch.

    Seems to me the Gameplan was to claim Survivalist today but Ollie got spooked by the Demon Special kill and needed an easy target for a soulsteal.

    Coincidentally, Ollie thought Jon was the Survivalist, likely because of that omission Tad pointed out.

    Tad is also the only person who stayed on the lynch bandwagon with Ollie.

    So my bad, Tad is the best candidate for Thrall.
  16. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Ah, some development.

    Now I can tell you bitches that, the Priest is NOT a she.

    It was just an attempt to make Warlock try and soulsteal Ashaya, and hence exposing him to us, but since that has happened I do not need to lie anymore, and get berated for it. (Thanks for that, BTW)

    Moving on, did anyone get to mail? I did not, just putting it out there. Remember Warlock can mail too and he might pretend to be someone else, try and check if possible.

    Lynch Vote: tad2103

    My other suspect is Eternity lost, reason:

    Before we succeeded in getting the votes to lynch Ollie he was voting for me and was like,


    but the moment we got enough

    and he voted for him.

    Moreover, I have yet to see any reasoning for his actions whatsoever.
  17. Gila

    Gila Second Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2011
    I hadn't posted yet, because when I left for my evening shift, it was still night and when I got back I pretty much quickly checked that it was day but went to bed since I got morning shift now and not much time to sleep between them. Enough sleep trumps mafia, but I think this is last shift change like this for me during this game.

    So anyway, thrall is pretty much the number one target we need to get rid of right now. Ollie got me pretty spooked during the night, because with little bit of luck he can go very far and we can't do anything if he manages a few successful soulsteals. Seems like people have made a pretty convincing case that tad is the thrall, so going to throw a deadline vote that way and reread a bit when I get back from my shift.

    Deadline Vote Lynch: tad2103
  18. tad2103

    tad2103 First Year

    Jan 3, 2009
    In my defense, I honestly believe Castile was at best, irresponsible in his role as mayor with his claimed usage of powers, and at worst scum. That was my opinion at the time and I readily admit it.

    If I'm the thrall, why the hell would I vote with the warlock at any time? What would I have to gain by doing so?
  19. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Oh, btw, I got to send a message tonight, but I am not revealing who I sent it to in order to keep them safe.

    Also, Castiel, your plan was shit. It was more likely that I'd just get nightkilled and not protected because Kai and Sesc wouldn't have protected me. It all worked out though, somehow, though I have no fucking idea how Ollie thought Jon was the survivalist.
  20. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Why the hell not?

    Help out a member of your faction?

    PS: Please spell my name right.

    No, it was not. Witches knew you were not the Priest, remember?

    On that note, you also knew who the Priest was, at least you could have played along. >_>

    Also, I am leaving for a maths olympiad and will be back in a few hours.