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DF Fanfic Ideas

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by ParseltonguePhoenix, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    Doesn't really jive. The murderdeathkillfucksexwhoredom shit seems to be more for Rosanna and Tessa's bit. Nic seems to be more in with the sophisticated sort of mayhem and evil.

    Not only, but Nick is a lot more competent. Jack nearly got caught mid stab, after all.
  2. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Could be 'Jack' was almost caught by a Knight.
  3. frodrick

    frodrick Slug Club Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    I don't recall anyone nearly catching Jack.

    Also, while the the murderdeathkillfucksexwhoredom idea is pretty Tessa, the...precision, for lack of a better term, the exactness of the cuts and mutilation point more to Nic. I see Tessa as more of a casual "rip, tear and torture" sort of person.

    ...Just had a longer variant, come to think of it. Nic and Deirdre are a) have a father-daughter anatomy lesson, and b) Nic is using the bodies for a ritual curse of some sort. Opposing them is either an OC Knight of the Cross/Warden, and/or possibly a younger version of one of the older wizards that we see.
  4. disposablehead

    disposablehead Seventh Year

    Apr 5, 2011
    Credit to syed for this.

    The white court needs Harry Potter dead. His very touch causes them to burst into flame, and his deer monster has decimated their numbers like nothing in the history of their race. So, <insert coherent plot goal>.
  5. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    Sorry what? It certainly reads like something that idiot would come up with...
  6. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    I think it was intended to mean that because of Lily's sacrifice, Harry's body was doped up on 'love' to such a degree that his touch is several magnitudes more painful to a white vamp than a symbol of love (wedding ring etc) and his Patronus is a ready made weapon against them.

    Except Harry doesn't really have any reason whatsoever to Crusade against the white vamps, isn't likely to be given one granted the White Court's usual style (that of their rulers', at least) and the story has no tangible end goal that could drag it out past a single chapter of miscellaneous fighting--and if you're going to have H.P. vs insertdresdenversegrouphere, there are way better matchups to be had.
  7. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    I have a question for you guys.

    Lately, I've been considering the possibilities of a Percy Jackson/Dresden Files crossover. I don't want to spoil to much yet, but I want some feedback. If I wrote this, would anyone be interested?

    Basic premise:
    At the end of the fifth Percy Jackson book, several things had recently happened.

    One, an enormous powerful storm had just wrecked it's way across the nation. In reality, it was Typhon, the most powerful enemy of the Gods. During it's entire trek, it was battled intensely by pretty much all of the Greek Gods, some of whom had used what had been referred to as the magical equivalent of Nuclear Bombs.

    Meanwhile, in New York City, the Demigods fought for their lives against the forces of the Titans. Several things happened, including the wards on Olympus falling, everyone in NYC being put to sleep by a spell, and time itself being slowed around the entire city. In addition, every statue in NYC was awakened and moved around the city kicking ass, a lot of property damage occurred, and two rivers were magically cleaned.

    As a result, pretty much any attempt to continue hiding the demigods from the many other supernatural beings of the world promptly died. Even the Mist, the enchantment the gods had set up to keep themselves separate from the world and their enemies, wasn't enough to hide the Demigods anymore.

    And suddenly, the demigods were getting a lot of attention and most of it was bad. The backing of the Greek Gods made them an enormously powerful force, but at the same time, the Greek Gods couldn't do much without causing conflicts among the Supernatural Factions--if they went too far and used their power too obviously, they'd be seen as a threat and that could cause a war among the major players of the world that could tear apart the planet.

    Having them on their side meant that the Demigods were a major player--but it also meant they had to play the game.

    Due to his recent victory over the Titans, Percy was quickly elected the Camps political and Martial Leader--but there was a problem with that.

    Namely, Percy was a sixteen year old. He was a badass warrior, to be sure, but he suddenly found himself in the political arena with people with hundreds or thousands of years of experience and he was so far out of his league that it wasn't even funny.

    But in the wake of the recent war, in casualties had been really bad and most of the camps leaders had died, the demigods pretty much had only him to rely on. Percy's fatal flaw is Loyalty, so he naturally accepted, but he wasn't blind to his own weaknesses.

    If he wanted to protect his camp, he'd need help. And help wasn't hard to find.

    But it always had a price. The only question was how much you were willing to pay.

    "To save a friend, you would sacrifice the world." Athena had said.
  8. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    Sounds fairly interesting. Though, remember that Percy would have Chiron at his side to advise him. So he wouldn't be too out of his depth all the time.
  9. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    Hm, yeah. Even if Chiron's hardly a major player when it comes to power, he's a good source of advice on...pretty much everything.

    Ugh, speaking of which, there's an issue that's bogging out my attempts to write the prologue--I want to avoid an infodump.

    Any ideas on how to introduce the Dresden-verse without one?
  10. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    It all depends on how Percy finds out about the Dresdenverse stuff. I'd personally lean towards throwing him off the deep end for the first segment of the fic, with no idea what anything is and no one to explain it. Then you can avoid infodumps simply by having Percy figure out what's going on on his own, one little piece at a time.
  11. syed

    syed Supermod

    Jun 30, 2011
    So the gods would be the powers, but cant activly use them, so they use the half bloods, so acting as there representives, in a similar manor as the court ladies and knights.

    SO percy would be forced to deal with all these factions activly try to convince, force or bind them in to working with them.
    Could they be made to hold denarians, be transformed by the vapmire courts or formor. Currently the half-bloods may simply count as upgraded mortal, if olympus in not part of the accords, then they are a open target.

    Lets guess the titans and other monsters are bonna join the bad guy club known as the circle.

    Any chance of including the kane chronicles to the story.
  12. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    Yeah, that's what I decided to do.

    Basically, yeah. The Greek Gods have always stood apart from the other groups, though--according to Chiron, the Myst goes back to at least the Trojan War and maybe further. They've sort of used it to stand apart from the other Supernatural guys and their politics.

    Until now.


    Nobody knows, but a lot of people want to.

    Olympus is not part of the Accords.

    They kind of just got roundhouse kicked in the Battle of Manhattan.

  13. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    As regards introducing the Dresden-Verse, there are a couple of ways I see it could happen. One would be a delegation from the white council showing up at Camp Halfblood, out the blue and demanding to speak to whoever is in charge.

    Another would be, perhaps if you're wanting Dresden involved, have Percy in Chicago to retrieve a new halfblood. Normally the Mist would protect him from Dresden noticing anything weird going on. What if the Mist is weakened by the Titan uprising, its not strong enough to block out Supernaturals and Wizards anymore.

    Or, you could have Percy summoned to Olympus. When he gets there he finds the Gods, Merlin (and a delegation of WC wizards), Mab, Titania and other signatories all standing around negotiating getting Olympus onto the Accords.

    The way I'm imagining it, the Gods are roughly of equal power to the Fae Queen's (Maybe slightly more powerful, but probably not by much). They have total power over their own dominion, to the extent they can use it almost anywhere in almost any way. The more powerful halfbloods like Percy, they could easily be equivalent to really powerful Wizards, the Fae Knights etc So everything balances out reasonably enough that I can see the signatories of the Accord really wanting the Olympians to sign on, just maintain the balance of power.
  14. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    I don't see why the gods ought to be more powerful, than, say, Odin. The big three might be more powerful, but not an overwhelming amount.
  15. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    From DF I percieved Odin to be hugely powerful, but not at the level of a Fae Queen. The Gods in PJ have total power over their own dominions. Zeus doesn't just throw some lightning around, he a) has the original lightning bolt and b) controls all the skies, everywhere, all the time. Poseidon has total control of the seas, waters and oceans everywhere on Earth, at all times. Anything to do with water, is his to control. Aries has total power over war, warriors and combat. He curses Percy so that in combat his weapon will fail him, he also has power over the bodies and belongings of the losers of every war ever.

    Then you can make the argument that all the PJ Gods have intellectus within their dominion. Zeus knows everything that happens in the sky. Poseidon in water. Aries in battle. Morpheus in dreams. Nemesis would know everything about any act of revenge. Odin is not one of the beings listed as having Intellectus. Indeed, even the fae queens aren't said as having it. Its very restricted.

    Then let us examine the scale of what the Gods can do in PJ. First, they control the Mist, which controls what mortals sense and remember. Second, look at some of the most powerful things we see happen. When Poseidon and Zeus are a bit irked with each other the sea and sky around the world go to war with each other. Hurricanes, typhoons, tropical storms, water spouts etc All over the world. Hades has total power over every person who has ever died (and presumably not gone elsewhere), his realm is overcrowded. If it ever came down to a war of attrition, Hades wins, he has the manpower. Morpheus puts the every mortal in NYC to sleep, a sleep from which they cannot wake naturally.

    Nothing we see in DF matches these things for scale of power, at least not that I can think of. Except perhaps the Archive, who knows everything ever written down.

    Of course, you are left with the question of whether the PJ Gods can enter the Never Never if their powers are rooted in, even derived from, reality. And if they can get into the Never Never, what state are their powers left in whilst their there?

    A few other questions to consider.

    What level of power does Hecate have over the WC? Is she actually the source of their power? Could she stop them from using magic?

    Why did the Gods use the Mist to hide from other supernaturals in the first place?

    However the Gods power is affected in the Never Never, to what extent is the power of the Halfbloods affected there?
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2011
  16. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Ok, all that is true, but for me to believe that such a large number of beings with such massive power went unnoticed for thousands of years by every single other supernatural entity just breaks my suspension of disbelief.
  17. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    You must have missed the bit where I mention the Mist. If they are too powerful to go unnoticed then they are powerful enough to hide themselves. The Mist doesn't just affect the senses, it affects memory just as much.
  18. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    In truth, my point is that wherever there's a conflict between how the Dresden universe is structured and how the PJ universe is structured, the Dresden universe should take precedence - it's a much more encompassing system.
  19. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    See, I dislike that perspective. Simply because I feel that the Percy Jackson series provided plenty of details about powers and skills. They aren't always blatant exposition, but they are there.
  20. Ryuugi Shi

    Ryuugi Shi Hierarch

    Sep 16, 2007
    Glorious Bellerophan
    Wouldn't really work. The Camp isn't part of the Accords and even if it was, the Council would have no reason to speak to it or make demands, technically speaking. The Council has jurisdiction over mortal magic users (that don't belong to other factions, though that's mainly due to politics), so they don't have much to do with the Demigods.

    If you'll remember, we never saw Odin at his height. In fact, Odin flat-out said we were looking at a shadow of his former power, because he wasn't being worshiped anymore, and that his faction was weakened because his children were scattered and they'd forgotten their purpose.

    The PJ Gods sidestepped pretty much all of that. They're children and servants are gathered and educated, but that's just the start.

    In PJ, the Greek Gods aren't bound by worship at all, but to the actual concept of Western Civilization. They somehow were attached to it or attached themselves too it, so as long at it exists, they keep their power. Granted, when Western Civilization changes, they do too, but nothing's perfect.

    Long story short, the PJ Gods aren't really worried about the source of their power.

    Not any more, at least. It was stated he could have tangled with her, once upon a time.

    She's a badass magic user, but she's not the source of it. She's just a Goddess of Magic. And as per Dresden Canon, she's the result of an ascension ritual.

    It'll be explained in depth in the story, but basically:

    The Mist. The Gods have used it since forever, especially to separate themselves (and their children) from the other Supernatural factions. Focusing on the kid part:

    Part of it was, of course, to protect their kids. I mean, in the DV, there are about a bazillion things that can kill your children, and a lot of them would specifically target them: because they are kids (Fae), because they protect mankind (most other things), because their half-human, etc.

    So yeah, it's safer if there's a wall between your kids and the organized factions of monsters.

    However, the main reason was because they didn't want their kids to start a war or something. At the end of the day, the demigods are basically a bunch of teenagers given superpowers and then handed magical weapons and set loose to kill monsters. But they're hormonal, emotional, rash, and all those other things Teenagers are.

    And frankly, does anyone think that if it came down to it, any of the canon characters would hesitate to kill pretty much any monster in the DV that was acting like...well, a DV monster? Even if it might start a war.

    The Greek Demigods, the more peaceful group, compared to the Roman Demigods, still has specific sport that they all enjoy and look forward too. Capture the Flag--played with real weapons. It's a sport that had to have the rule 'no killing each other' added to it to keep people from killing each other.

    Their main response to, well, everything related to protecting innocent people, is to stab monsters in the face. Sometimes with body parts that have been torn off with their bare hands.

    That is not a metaphor. That has actually happened.

    And, well, frankly, the Demigods don't have a very good history at avoid wars--they can't even avoid wars with each other. Nico has two older brothers, named Stalin and Hitler. Percy has a big bro named Churchill. Jason and Thalia are half-siblings of Roosevelt.

    In the Civil War, they broke up into two groups and the Gods had to wipe the memories of both, hide all information, and then set an enchantment up to make both groups avoid each other completely in order to keep them from killing each other.

    In the Second Olympian War, they broke into groups again, and tried to kill each other.

    The Demigods records on avoiding war is pretty much non-existent.

    The Gods quickly decided that letting them out into a world full off creatures they've spent their whole lives hunting and killing, where peace is maintained by a careful balance that could easily be broken by rash action would probably end badly for pretty much everyone.

    Olympus, the Underworld, and a number of other locations are located in the Nevernever.

    Their power depends on the place, though. Sometimes immensely.

    Not at all, which is why they're so useful.