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Are You A Werewolf: The Beginner's Cup

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vesvius, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. disposablehead

    disposablehead Seventh Year

    Apr 5, 2011
    You thumbed up Yeagan's death. You monster.

    Vote: Xantam
  2. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Any guesses as to why Yeagen was NK'ed? He wasn't trying to be influential - in fact, he wasn't saying much at all. At any rate, scratch one lurker off the scumdar.
  3. Jas

    Jas Fourth Year

    May 30, 2010
    Maybe the wolves are just killing indiscriminately. Since there are no more pro-town power roles there is no real danger to them and by eliminating lurkers and random townies, it reduces the chance of us picking up possible wolves via NK targets.

    And right now, I got no idea who to lynch after my not so great idea that EL was scum.
  4. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    But why not take out someone like Kalas, who doesn't seem to be giving anyone scum vibes and is sort of setting up in a leadership role?

    As for who to lynch, I'm still getting a scum read on Schrodinger, and The Great Pandemonium is the biggest lurker. I still find Xantam to be mildly suspicious, but nothing incriminating.
  5. Xantam

    Xantam Denarii Host

    Jan 8, 2006
    I thumbed up Vesvius's response to my question. Which he later edited to include the death. You douche.
  6. Duke of Rothwood

    Duke of Rothwood Professor

    Oct 27, 2005
    Rothwood Castle
    Well as I stated previously, I find Schrodinger to be suspicious. At the same time, Xantam has been appearing on the scumlist for a while and there are things which had made me leary of him as well. Considering the closeness of the vote last time, and the fact that the general thought seemed to be that if Eternity Lost wasn't a werewolf, the next logical target would be Xantam, I'm going with that.

    vote player: Xantam
  7. disposablehead

    disposablehead Seventh Year

    Apr 5, 2011
    Whoops. You are right.

    Rescind Vote
  8. Xantam

    Xantam Denarii Host

    Jan 8, 2006
    Haha sorry for my overreaction as well. Being targeted for the last several days can get you on edge.
  9. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Okaaaay after a very long delay I am out of the car and on a genuine computer. Let the long ass posts recommence.

    State of the Game

    Town is in a bad situation. We have zero power roles and not a scum lynched to our name. If we don't hit at least one in the next three days that's game over.

    That said scum have been leaving us quite a few clues that we just have to pick up on. Those clues all originate from one simple statement:

    Scum are playing conservatively.

    How do I know this? Its been obvious since the first NK. If iLost hadn't died can you imagine how that would have shifted the game? ALL of the Day 2 discussion would have been focused entirely on him and nothing I or EL could have said would have persuaded you guys not to lynch him. Wolves had to know that, it was pretty much spelled out for them.

    Yet they NK'd him anyways. They weren't willing to take the slight risk of being discovered/give town the benefit of knowing one role.

    Now onto Day 2. EL was bandwagon'd, but just barely. This was very much a controversial call but despite me TELLING you that EL was a Villager other voices prevailed. Now he was a dominant voice in this thread and more experienced then the majority of us at this. Most importantly the man could think. So scum lynched him.

    That bandwagon was started by scum and considering how close it was I'm sure the scum didn't risk a split vote, ie they both put their weight behind getting rid of EL.

    And then the second NK. The action that solidified my above theories into something more. I mean why Yeagan? Not trying to be arrogant here but why not me, I'm a far more dominant voice in this thread and I tend to think along the same lines as EL who they obviously wanted gone. So once again.. why Yeagan?

    Its actually pretty obvious when you sit down and think about it. They aren't going to hit one of the more active posters. So many of them are semi-scummy they make excellent decoys. They weren't going to off ME as that would lend weight to my suspicions and have everyone rereading my posts. So they kill a lurker. Of these Yeagan is the obvious choice. His posts are well reasoned, but he hasn't really voiced any new opinions. He's that right level of lurker to get a 'WTF' reaction and, most importantly, he listened.

    Listened to me and EL over the wolves. That made him a threat and a prime NK target.

    Player Analysis:

    Kalas - Town

    Myself. Town and everyone knows it.

    Rubicon - Doubting Thomas Town/Slight Scum vibe

    I've had a town vibe from you most of the game. The only real strike against you is throwing silver in my face just as I was trying to head off the EL bandwagon. I still think your town but COME ON man, this is not how we're going to win.

    Xantam - Scum Candidate #1

    Focus of EL's suspicions and almost lynchie. Someone I've considered to be midly suspicious throughout the game. Post 120 gave me pause though. Preemptively apologizing and mentioning how this makes him look bad. Dumb for a WW as that opens the conversation focused on him. But then again he could be trying something clever and EL was fixated on him so suspicions remain.

    disposablehead - Scum Candidate #2

    Honestly you're too flippant. Your vote for Xantam today reads like textbook scum, put in a small joke so no one notices you're really posting zero reasoning. Additionally

    Your reasoning here is just off. Pushing a lynch through is in the best interests of the town? Lets work through the list of decoys because one of them must be a wolf? No. This is dumb and not how town should be thinking.

    coleam - Town

    Now coleam is someone who shows how opinions can change throughout the game. I wasn't alone in suspecting him as scum early on but as this game has progressed and more info has become available coleam's posts have become more and more reasoned with more and more of a town vibe. I'm confident he is town.

    Duke of Rothwood - Lurker

    He's not really around. When he posts its well reasoned but he's pretty much a non factor. I'm under the assumption that everyone wanted to play this game so going by his posting habits and tone I feel like he just got a boring role and he lost a lot of interest. Of course, in this game, there is only one boring role.

    The Great Pandemonium - Lurker

    He posts like a scummier version of Duke. However he has listened to me and EL before and hasn't went along with either of the scum wagons. Most likely town.

    - The Great Unknown/Scum Candidate #3

    I don't know what to say about you. A case for scum and a case for Villager are both convincing in their own way. You've made scummy posts and you've made town posts. At the end of the day though you were the EL lynch decider which is a role scum do try and avoid.

    Jas - Scum

    I saved the best for last. The one player in this game my gut is actively telling me to watch out for. He's tried to play defensively, stick his neck out just enough to get the ball rolling but he's let just a little too much slip.

    As can be seen in this post..

    A) Jas started the EL bandwagon.

    B) Jas did so not on solid reasoning, but by posting this block of text trying to sway our remembrance of mine and EL's plan. He tries to make out our observations and logical conclusion that iLost was the Seer to be some contrived WW plot.

    C) He pointedly did not mention me in the above post, despite me really being the driving force behind stopping iLost's lynch. He didn't want to remind us that an obvious Villager was supporting the other party.

    D) That last line. Pro-Town credibility. That is not the way the a Villager thinks.

    E) Jas realizing his bandwagon of Villager might not go through.

    A very well reasoned post on the benefits of scum killing randoms. I'd be impressed. If I hadn't already reached the same conclusion.

    Q: So tell me Jas why ARE the wolves killing indiscriminately? Its a valid stratregy if the dominant voices were gone but they're not. I'm still here. Why wasn't I killed?

    A: I already fingered you as scum and you knew that was painting a target on your back if I died right after posting that.

    tl;dr We have no power roles. If we don't hit at least one wolf in the next 3 lynches that is game over. Villagers need to stop posting like scum and we need to be organized.

    Everything in me is saying Jas IS scum. Only 5 votes are needed for a majority and I don't want the day cut short.

    If I have convinced you VOTE JAS. But let me be the deciding vote. We're at a critical point here and scum could pull something clever. So let the vote get to and sit at four. Near the end of the day I will make it 5.


    Wolves are not pulling anything clever. Town IS winning this.

    'Deadline' Lynch Vote: Jas
  10. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    All right, sorry for not posting till now, I've been sleeping and Christmas shopping.

    I want to see jas's defense before I jump to any conclusions about him. That said, you make some excellent points kalas. I've been mulling this game over the last couple days and it occured to me we may be missing the obvious by going after Xantam / EL / Schrodinger and ignoring some of the less active players.

    For now, I'll just point out that jas was the first to post in this thread. This is what he said:
    ...which did make me wonder. Innocent joke, or attempt to deflect suspicion?


    Heh. Well, we probably won't agree on this, but I stand by what I said about not trusting intuition when we're all so new. You being right about EL has not changed my mind, because yeah, you've been wrong once too. (Though it does make me trust you a little more). So just saying "I'm as confident about EL as I was about iLost" and not elaborating is no way to convince me of anything.

    Your argument against jas is much better. You used facts. :sherlock:
  11. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    I was typing on a mobile in the middle of the Rockies :p

    Still fair call. Still annoyed but I can understand why you did what you did.
  12. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    I agree with most of your reads, though in my eyes, Schrodinger is more suspicious than Jas (not to say that Jas isn't suspicious at all) and Xantam is pretty near the bottom of the scumdar.

    On Jas:

    The vote for Eternity Lost itself wasn't terribly scummy. I had similar thoughts about how he was trying to put himself in a leadership position, though I agree that the suggestion of the ploy on iLost was pretty flimsy. He ignores the fact that iLost was innocent and that scum would have known that already (so switching the bandwagon would be more dangerous than sticking with iLost since EL didn't suggest the new target).

    His later posts are a bit more incriminating though. First he says that he likes EL's reasoning, but won't change his vote, then screams at everyone to get the last vote in on EL.


    His scummy posts are scummier than Jas's, but he also has a few more villager-esque posts (plus the fact that he was the deciding vote on EL, which wouldn't be the smartest thing for a wolf to do). It could be inexperience, since he was lynched in day 1 of his only previous mafia game, or he could be a wolf trying to hide as a townie.


    His main suspicious actions are his rapid vote switch on Day 1 (inexperience?) and his relatively weak defense when accused. And that's all I've got.

    Posts from Jas, Schrodinger, and The Great Pandemonium would be helpful. disposablehead as well, maybe.
  13. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    Uh, okay? I'm kinda puzzled why everyone seems to suspect me as scum. I'm sorry about the EL thing, I feel like shit: I thought, reading over the thread, that he was scummy.
    As for tonight, well, the reasoning on jas seems pretty solid and I feel it's right, but since it looks like my gut isn't worth shit, I dunno what to do.
  14. Xantam

    Xantam Denarii Host

    Jan 8, 2006
    Glancing over the thread, Kalas's reasoning for suspecting Jas as scum seems sound. On the other hand, I'm not sure that anyone (including Kalas) can be ruled out as scum yet. That being said, he does seem to be solidly pro-town.

    Disposablehead is another one who I get a large scum read on. His posts are never long, and he is always quick to vote for a lynch (plus he often seems to vote against me lol).

    But I'm going to have to agree with Kalas and Colearm in this instance, Jas does seem like the most likely candidate. If he's not scum, I'll have to take a serious look at some of the older posts again.

    Vote Player: Jas
  15. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Heads-up to all: 3 hours until the day is over.

    I'm still waiting for a post from Jas at least. Posts from TGP and disposablehead would be very helpful as well.
  16. The Great Pandemonium

    The Great Pandemonium Fourth Year

    Sep 7, 2010
    I'm gonna vote for Jas. I've found him suspicious since yesterday when he started the bandwagon on EL yesterday.

    Vote Player: jas

  17. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    We're an hour away from the end of the day and this thread is dead. My Immortal has more of a pulse then this mafia game right now.

    To try and get this moving:

    Vote Player: jas

    Disregard my previous statement on voting, I feel getting this lynch today outweighs the insight we'd get from who voted when.
  18. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    Alright, looks like voting for anyone other than Jas would be counterproductive, not to mention that Kalas's analysis seems pretty solid.
    Vote Player: Jas
  19. disposablehead

    disposablehead Seventh Year

    Apr 5, 2011
    Yeah, the vote against Xantam was stupid, and comes across as very scummy in retrospect. It was late, I was tired, and EL just was lynched. I took it back because it was a stupid vote.

    But we do need lynches. They are the only shot we have at hitting the wolves. No power roles means that we only have luck and hunches to go on. Passing up the chance to hit a wolf means that we are waiting for something obvious to fall into our laps. Considering the way the wolves have been playing this game, I find that unlikely.

    I want to hear from Jas. There is a big bandwagon going against him, and the points are valid. But I want to hear his defense first.
  20. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    I'd like to hear from him as wel but the fact is the day is almost done and a no lynch is possible simply from Jas saying nothing. No defense, just simply not posting.
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